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The official nightshift thread....



  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    Another night, another dollar.

    Got stuck talking to a coworker on my way out the door this morning. 2 hours of my life I will never get back...and a hour and a half of sleep that I missed out on... I wouldn't feel so badly about the conversation, but I brought up my losses and how I was doing it and she just kept throwing out "I could NEVER eat fish" or "I don't have an HOUR to go workout" and "I couldn't count calories." Her self defeatist attitude was quite bothersome.

    I used to think some of those things. Then I just did them. I started setting aside a half hour for exercise, then it turned into an hour. Eventually, it will be longer. I didn't think I would EVER count calories, but with MFP it's too easy to NOT count calories.

    It frustrates me that she wants to lose weight but doesn't think she can do it. She CAN she just can't admit to herself that she doesn't want to. She's content to sit and eat high calorie fast food meals and blame her medication rather than to take accountability for her actions and do something about it.

    Anyway, rant over. How's everyone's night?
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member

    It frustrates me that she wants to lose weight but doesn't think she can do it. She CAN she just can't admit to herself that she doesn't want to.

    Well said.

    Another night. This one is a real bummer. An extremely nice couple came in. Their cat has something causing a lot of blood in the urine. We finally went to surgery and it turned out to be cancer with a large ulcer in the center. Ended up putting the cat down. Not a good start to the night.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    @sufferlandrian That SUCKS. How old was the cat? Would there have been any other warning signs?

    Man, I hate cancer.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    The regular vet thought it was a bladder infection. No other signs present. The cat was 15 years but still in really good shape. I agree. I hate cancer.
  • belimawr
    belimawr Posts: 1,155 Member
    @sufferlandrian that sucks dude, I'd hate to start my night that way.

    @lilaclovebird that sucks, I'd hate to finish my day that way ;) The benefit of being pretty much antisocial is that people don't want to talk to me so that when the end of the day comes, I'm out of there.

    Here I am, it's my day off, I haven't slept since Friday afternoon (it's now Sunday almost 3am)... guess not much going to happen today. ;)
  • belimawr
    belimawr Posts: 1,155 Member
    edited April 2015
    Stupid double post. *grumble*
  • SubZeroDude
    SubZeroDude Posts: 1,519 Member
    Been doing weekend night shift since August. get $9.50/hour. go to school during the week. I need a vacation from this lol
  • fatjon73
    fatjon73 Posts: 379 Member
    belimawr wrote: »
    The benefit of being pretty much antisocial is that people don't want to talk to me so that when the end of the day comes, I'm out of there.

    I hope I am right in saying this....but you say this like it is a badge of honour........if that is true....you and me are going to be good friend.......people really piss me off....and unfortunately I am one of the people that in life just cannot help myself and I must tell them when they are being and *kitten*...lazy....or just a complete knob........

    @lilbird........Your convo is a prime example....I would be saying.....how often do you watch TV on a night?? how long do you sleep in a morning....how much time do you spend on your PC playing *kitten* angry birds......what is in your life to keep you so busy for 16 hrs a day......

    Pure laziness is fine.....as long as you know that's the issue...and stop blaming everything else in life for your laziness.......(to me there are not many in life that cannot spare 30 minutes 4 times a week to do something....maybe a single mum with 5 kids.....or a carer for a disabled family member etc......if you work 16 hr days...then exercise is not your problem....food is...lol) I would shame that person into admitting its there issue.....I do it in a jokey way...not nasty....but I get my point in...lol.....I think we need more of this in life....no *kitten* footing around things.......people are too sensitive about *kitten* for me.......if its true....get over it.....lol

    @Sufferman...........No words......cats, dogs, people anything.....worst disease in the world......muchos respect for having to deal with that on a day to day basis.......think you deserve some of our groups hidden stash for after work tonight......(when you getting some more in by the way....we are starting to run low now...)
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    @belimawr I wish I could be anti-social. Being customer service oriented is how I got this job anyway. Without customer service how ELSE could I have talked that guy off of our south gate while waiting for the cops to show up? Shout out to the Bastrop County Sheriff's Dept for swift response time!

    So much for my 'quiet Saturday night'. Stupid drunks need to stay in their own homes :grumble:
  • belimawr
    belimawr Posts: 1,155 Member
    @fatjon73 That I do... And usually get called a d*** for it because you know it's hour their fault they're lazy... just new getting a d*** for pointing it out. I do my job, and others' do because ny bits wants the job done any cost and well... politics and other issues I won't go into here.
  • fatjon73
    fatjon73 Posts: 379 Member
    belimawr wrote: »
    @fatjon73 That I do... And usually get called a d*** for it because you know it's hour their fault they're lazy... just new getting a d*** for pointing it out. I do my job, and others' do because ny bits wants the job done any cost and well... politics and other issues I won't go into here.

    Oh if I had a pound every time I was called a *kitten* for telling it like it is.....my usualy response is......I am a *kitten* for pointing out to you the fking obvious am I....or are you a *kitten* for being a lazy moaning whinging miserable *kitten*......lol..........

    I have a mantra at work....everyone I work with knows it.....it has taken me 5 years to get the message out to anyone that works with me....but they all know it.......

    I come to work to make money to live life....not to make friends.....if you making my life difficult at work with your attitude, laziness stupidness or any reason I can come up with that day....then I will tell you about it.......not offensively.....but I will say it to your face......so you know where I stand....

    Now when I get people working with me...they know they have to work.....they cannot slack on my shift.....if that happens then the night will be great........if not...then your getting abuse....lol
  • wolfruhn
    wolfruhn Posts: 3,025 Member
    fatjon73 wrote: »
    wolfruhn wrote: »
    Is this the official vampire thread?

    No twilight shite in here Wolfie boy.....

    Oh okay... I was just looking for some food, and hoped it might be ;)
  • belimawr
    belimawr Posts: 1,155 Member
    @lilaclovebird no you don't... It really does suck to be such.

    @fatjon73 yep we share the same philosophies on that one... gotta find sine way to share a beer some time we'd get along good I'm sure
  • fatjon73
    fatjon73 Posts: 379 Member
    wolfruhn wrote: »
    fatjon73 wrote: »
    wolfruhn wrote: »
    Is this the official vampire thread?

    No twilight shite in here Wolfie boy.....

    Oh okay... I was just looking for some food, and hoped it might be ;)

    food we have......you seen the burger we have in our locker???? although he has not come back with it yet.......

    Its the bloodsucking bit were not into.......well I aint........cant speak for @cindytw (I Think she may like the odd bite from time to time myself)..................

    Speaking of Cindytw.........where is she lately.......has she found a new group...or did I say something to upset her....which knowing me is very possible.......lol.....
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    @lilaclovebird My mom was like that for awhile. She'd ask how I lost weight then tell me she wasn't going to do any of that lol. Her doc finally sent her to a nutritionist and she ended up on MFP after all, but it's frustrating when people as for help then refuse to listen!
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    @WildcatMom82 I honestly don't have time for people who won't take accountability for their own actions. She tried to blame a local cycling event for her being over an hour late. It happens the SAME time EVERY year and she has been working here for over 10 years so she SHOULD be able to plan for it and give herself more time to get to work. But she didn't and when she was written up she didn't hold herself accountable.

    I DO have time for my sister who is approaching 400lbs and has just been diagnosed as diabetic. She has insurance now and my mother is almost 100% POSITIVE that she has a thyroid problem. We were fed the same things growing up but my sister got big and I didn't. Moving was always easier for me and I was always outside and active. My mother and her both did Weight Watchers and my mother coached and helped her weigh and measure everything and she did REALLY well but my mother lost 68lbs and my sister lost 15 in the same span of time.

    I will spend time EVERY DAY trying to get her to a doctor and get her help and try to help her hold herself accountable and realize that she's not a failure and she doesn't have to suffer like this for the rest of her life.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    Break time. Guess I'll try to get in about 12 miles on the bike and then take a shower and head in to my last 24 hours for the weekend.
  • Jsilva814
    Jsilva814 Posts: 35 Member
    Hey all. I dispatch and work 2 days (10 hrs each) and 2 nights (14 hrs each) Then we get 4 days off. The first 3 years I worked here we did 4 nights on, 2 off (11p-7a) so this schedule is much better but still tough to always eat well.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    @Jsilva814 - That flipping schedules killed me. I like being on straight nights. I don't know how you do it. More power to you and welcome to the night crew. :smile:
  • Jsilva814
    Jsilva814 Posts: 35 Member
    @Jsilva814 - That flipping schedules killed me. I like being on straight nights. I don't know how you do it. More power to you and welcome to the night crew. :smile:

    I love this schedule. The tough part is my husband works the same schedule and we're opposite. We only end up with 1 day off together which is usually spent running errands. Its tough to meal plan! (or do anything basically!)