Senior Golden Sneakers - September 2010



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,071 Member
    Good Evening, Thursdays are so busy for me that I didn't get a chance to post this morning. I DID NOT win at bingo nor on any of the pull tabs I bought. I just haven't had any luck lately but hope that changes when I go for an overnight trip with my two friends to a casino in East Chicago. We aren't going until October 4th so maybe my luck will change by then. :blushing:

    Marilyn, I am sorry about your mother and understand how you feel. My sister and I took care of my mother for six weeks before she died since she wanted to die at home. It was the hardest thing I ever had to do, but am happy I was there for her. It sounds like you and your family had some problems but persevered. I hope it was with the help of a program, since that is what helps me deal with life. :heart: :heart:

    Marie, glad you are feeling good and grumpy is permitted. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Gayla, too bad about the cell phone if it weren't for that Neil is doing great. Too bad about the seizures, I pray the new medicine will work. :smile:

    Gigi, have a safe drive to Indiana and enjoy the game. :drinker:

    Barbie, I know you will be checking in soon and are still kicking up your heels. :glasses:

    Good night,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,071 Member
    It's Friday!!!! Have a great weekend!!

    Why do people who do not need to diet or those who don't diet get mad when we say something they suggest to eat has too many calories?? We are going to Buona for a school fundraiser tonight for dinner but I told my DIL that I won't know what to eat since we don't eat meat on Friday and their little pizza has about 700 calories. I will probably end up with soup and salad or perhaps a veggie sandwich but I would much prefer to eat at home. :tongue:

    Just venting, have a good day.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I am so please with our bunch here. So kind and so suportive od everyone.

    Gigi While you are in Indiana see if you can find Jeffrey. he has been missing long enought. Have a good time with the family. and the game. I will be watching Texas Longhorns.Got to fi nd out when they play.

    Marilyn My prayers are with you.
    have a great day:flowerforyou:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Your Longhorn game starts at 7p Central time, on Saturday, 9/18, and according to the school's website, ABC is supposed to be carrying the game. BTW, they are playing Texas Tech

    Hope everyone is doing well today.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Thanks Barbs. How are you doing? Still on that HGG diet? I am still struggling along
  • gigi46
    gigi46 Posts: 196
    Hello everyone,

    Its Friday WOOHOO!!! so glad the week is over, went out to dinner and got to see lots of our friends at the restaurant, I think everyone had the same idea, this week is Pumpkin Festival, Morton is the Pumpkin Capital, the festival stars on wednesday thru saturday the parade is on saturday at 10:30, The Food tent is so busy you can't get dinner for hours, when the girls were little, we went and had a great time but now everyone is gone :cry: :cry: :cry: so we are going out of town, the kids love the rides and special event, they have crafts booths and a merchant tent. Pumpkin Ice cream, pumpkin chili, pumpkin pancakes for tomorrow morning, Its a great way to see everyone you know in town.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Marie I'll keep a lookout for Jeffery, good luck with the game, I just found out Notre Dame play at 8:00PM tomorrow night, so now we will be celebrating earlier.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Hope everyone has a great weekend and have lots of fun:drinker: :drinker: :drinker

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone! Well I puttered the day away and got a little accomplished. I got all our bedding washed and put away the light blankets for a few months. I now have my electric blanket on my side of the bed. It is the best thing about winter!! Speaking of, I do need to remember to cover my garden again tonight. I don't think it actually got cold enough to freeze anything last night but just in case I will keep them warm.
    Neil has been calling more frequently, I think. Dave says it isn't any different and I didn't notice because I was out. Hope so! He sounded a bit down tonight but I don't want to borrow trouble so am hopeful that it is just that it is Friday night and he is tired. He was excited to watch the football game tonight. They were having a bit of a party. He called me a few minutes ago (around 9) to say that he was tired and going to bed. The game is on here and I see they likely have another hour of play. Our team is up a few points. I think he is tired with his new medication. He is booked for a massage tomorrow so I will pick him up in the morning and then he will spend the night with us.

    Gigi -- Sounds like pumpkin crazy!! I like pumpkin pie and my son makes a great pumpkin cheesecake for the restaurant. He usually brings one for Thanksgiving, will have to get a hint out to him!. But. . . . your area could open up a whole new world of pumpkin goodies to me! Have fun!

    Marie -- Are you getting up and down ok?

    Sandy -- Sounds like a fun casino trip coming up. Even if you don't win it will be a good time with friends and you know I will never wish you luck!! Hope you found something good to eat.

    Irene -- Thinking about you and hoping all is going well.

    Jeffrey -- I hope you and Day are ok and that your absence means you have found a job. Look forward to hearing from you.

    Take care everyone and keep smiling. Gayla :heart: :heart:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello Everyone.

    Hearing about the pumpkin festival makes it seem "official" that summer is on the wane--especially here tonight, where it rained very enthusiastically. I took my parents to the barbecue that the yacht club they belong to has every other Friday. The club supplies everything, except whatever you want to grill, so when I saw fresh wild coho salmon for $7.99/lb. at Costco, I decided no steak this time.

    When I grill salmon, I put a little butter on it, shake some dill weed over that, and then top it off with a generous squeeze of lemon juice. It was yummy, and best of all, because my parents are light eaters, I have enough leftover grilled salmon for another meal--although I came close to losing it after I walked in the door. :huh:

    I was talking on my cellphone when I arrived home, so I put the tote bag down that held my fish grilling pan, oven mitt, etc. AND the foil-wrapped salmon leftovers, and went to sit down so I could write down a phone number. I soon heard some suspicious rustling, snuffling coming from the kitchen. I looked in the doorway to see Mai Li, head first in my totebag!!!:noway: :laugh: I quickly jumped up and rescued my salmon, and received a very disappointed look from her.:ohwell:

    She and her com padres didn't lose out. They got a late doggie dinner after I was finished with my phone call.

    Marie, to answer your question, yes I am. I took about a week and a half of eating on maintenance calories, and didn't gain anything during that time. I decided I wanted to drop some more weight before a trip I have planned later in the month, so last weekend, I resumed the limited calorie protocol again, along with taking HCG. As of this morning, I am down 5.5 lbs. from last Saturday. The losses during the first two weeks are usually higher than in subsequent weeks, so I might make my goal by the end of September, but if not, I should be very close.

    Gayla, I am glad to hear that Neil is getting along pretty well in his new home. How are you and Dave adjusting?

    Well, it is late, and I am tired, so bye for now.

  • jeffrey71
    Good Morning!

    I am alive and well! Got a lot to bring you all up to speed on!
    I have a new job. I am business development manager for Passages Inc. We serve those with special needs. I am very happy
    to be there and I have a lot to do! is the web site
    The cruise was great! Good time! As always!
    Got Amanad's wedding dresss bought and the reception handled.
    Sam is student teaching and has had a couple of job offers but the time frame is not so good for her right now.
    Day's mom has mentally pretty well checked out.
    My mom is having walking issues now.
    My sister has left her husband.
    I am having some issues with a couple of teeth and I have been bitten by a bug that has caused my face to swell severly on the
    right side. It is some better today.
    I am now distance running and still training as well as time allows. I usually run 4 times a week with distances of 5 to 8 miles.
    Day is running with me pretty regular now. We have a very big race next Saturday. There will be 7,500 runners from several
    different countries. Should be a lot of fun. It is on the web at Fort4fitness.
    I still have the moles in the yard and they are winning the battle!
    I have canned quite a bit of tomatos and green beans and frozen a bushel of peaches. Last week I made 5 gallons of salsa
    and froze that. I think that my garden has played out now. It is so dry here, drought conditions.
    The cats are good and life is fine!

    I will try to catch up with everyone soon! I apologize for my delay in writing but I will do better. It is just hectic right now. I am going to start moving Passages into the 21st century with a couple of web businesses soon. Stay tuned for more on that. Gayla I may have a couple of questions for you on some ideas that I am kicking around for them. Marie you pic looks great! Sandy I won about $1100 playing blackjack on the ship! Pretty good cruise! LOL

    That is the highlights for now. I have to go take care of Day. She has what appears to be the sumer flu and is down for the count right now. I am going to make her some soup to eat.

    May God bless you all! He has me!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Jeffrey so sweet to hear from you. Sorry Day is not feeling well, take good care of her.Sorry to hear about the Moms's
    Your girls seems to be fine. Wow on that big win.Sandy will be Jealouse
    you have been one busy guy.And hurray on the job.

    gayla I can get uo nd down without pain nown. Jerry has my ramp done from the house . now just waiting on them to call about installin g the lift for the Trail blazer and i will be ready to go to the
    mall. Be nice to take it to Walmart and npt have to used one of theirs. for the are unrelveable It is still hot and humid here.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,071 Member
    Happy Saturday!!! Jeffrey, CONGRATULATIONS on the new job. :drinker: :drinker: If anyone deserves it is you!!!! What a rewarding job it is, we are all so proud of you!!!! Well, color me red, I completely forgot that you were going on a cruise and was worrying about you for nothing. :laugh: The father of the bride, I bet she will be so proud of you and for those who haven't seen you in your new body, won't they be shocked???? :laugh: :laugh: Lot's of personal stuff going on in your life, I will say a prayer that all works out for everyone. :heart: :heart:

    Barb, your critters are so funny, I bet they brighten your day everyday!!! :love: :love:

    Gayla, I am sensing a little separation anxiety but that is normal. It is so hard to let go of our kids especially those that need us so much. :heart: :heart:

    Gigi, you are one busy lady and that is what keeps you young and thin!!! Keep up the good work!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Time to hit the shower!!!

    Have a great weekend everyone!!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,071 Member
    Sorry Marie, I didn't mean to exclude you. :blushing: I am so happy you are doing so well but I am still confused on whether you got the chair and/or walker you wanted. Can you help an old lady out and explain???? :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Sandy I got the electric wheele chair. .I am not using it in the house. but will used it to go shopping,
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Jeffrey, it's so good to hear from you.:flowerforyou: Congratulations on the job:flowerforyou: That's wonderful! Glad Day is running with you and the wedding plans are coming together. Sorry about the areas in your life that you are struggling with. It does seem like the blessings outweigh the difficulties! Praise God!
  • marlouise
    Hello everyone, just back from visiting my mom, she is up and eating a bit today, her mind was clear. I think it is a brief spell but it sure was nice to catch her in it. She is not breathing well, 60% out of 100% is actually been absorbed by her lungs. She had good colour and spirits too.
    Well I'm a tired camper, driving for most of the day. and tonight was stressfull coming back in the night with rain and blackness that seems like a blanket on the windshield. Fog in the air, must have been cold rain. I give thanks to God for getting me home and safely.

    Catch you all tomorrow

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Marilyn, Glad you were able to see your mom and that you got home safely in the lousy weather.

    Jeffrey. Congrats on the job!!

    Sandy and Birdie, Hope all is well with both you!!

    Marie, Judging from the score of the Texas vs. Texas Tech game, with about 2 minutes remaining, I predict you will be doing the happy dance in front of your TV in the next few minutes!! :wink: :laugh: :laugh:

    The doggies got groomed today, and Mai Li ended up with much shorter length on her ears, due to them being tangled from her recent ear infection treatment. Although they all had dinner when we got home from the groomer, she is now letting me know that she still wants more. I am kind of waiting to see if she will go have a drink of water and mellow out.....

    Have a good night all.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: There's no place like home......everybody was glad to see me and I was glad to see them. the workshop ended at noon on Friday after three hours of practicing our favorite dances of the week......on the way to the ferry my two friends and I stopped for lunch at an authentic Korean restaurants (one of my friends is Korean) and had tofu soup, kimchee, fish, vegetables, rice, and many things I've never had before.....then we shopped at a Chinese grocery store with great veggies and interesting things like octopus and jelly fish...I bought bok choy, snow peas, and tea....I had a nice walk on the ferry and then I got to drive the Lexus Hybrid the last 50 miles.....we got home in time for supper.....Jake had fixed baked chicken with tomatoes, mushrooms, bell peppers, and onion and steamed green beans that he got from a friend's garden. the day was so busy that I didn't even try to log my calories ( how can you log calories for food you can't identify?) :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Jeffrey, your cruise came just in time before you had to go back to work and didn't have time for more vacations.....congratulations......sorry to hear about the bumps on your family road....glad you're still finding time for running

    :flowerforyou: Marie, I'm glad you have the electric wheelchair so you can get around better

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, you do so many fun things with your friends......I was staying at the hotel at the casino but only went down to play the slot machines once....I'm not much of a gambler....I agree with you about eating at home....I got roped into eating pizza a few weeks ago...

    :flowerforyou: Marilyn, I'm glad you were able to have a good visit with your mother and glad you got home safely...driving at night is so stressful

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, I'm glad things are going as well as they are with Neil...he'll enjoy his massage and his visit with you

    :flowerforyou: Barb, how great that your weight loss program is still working for you and that you have the willingness to stick with it.....we don't have any tempting food here for the dogs to steal so they steal the cat food off the kitchen counter when no one is looking :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: after eating Korean food yesterday and then going out for Thai chicken curry today, I don't trust what the scale says.....I'll need a few days of my normal eating before I know that my weight isn't fluid retention.

    :flowerforyou: I love pumpkin.....I bake it, then puree it and freeze it and eat it as a vegetable or use it to make soup with apples, onions, and chicken broth and spices

    :flowerforyou: I'm almost done with the laundry and then I can go to bed
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone! I thought I would get a quick note off before my clothes are ready to hang up. It is cool but the nice breeze should dry them. It is mostly t-shirts and hanging them makes them dry so nice and smell so good! Neil had a busy day at home yesterday and today he is sitting quietly watching TV. He tells me that one of the guys at 'his' house always holds the channel changer and flips constantly. When he asks them to stop him they say 'Neil, relax". It is hard to go from being the King Bee to being just another in the hive. However, that would drive me crazy. I would hate it if it is the channel changer that breaks him! He says that if he is watching something he just goes to his room to finish watching it. I think the staff should intervene or have them take turns with the channel changer. Am I being too overprotective? Be honest with me, I can take it!! I am debating if I should even mention it to them but it does seem important to Neil. Enough said.

    Jeffrey -- So glad to hear from you. Tell us more about your cruise. What were the highlights? Who did you cruise with and would you recommend it? So snoopy!! Sorry that Day isn't feeling good. I hope she didn't pick up something on the boat. Also sorry to hear that the Moms' aren't doing well. But. . . . awesome news about the job. It sounds like a great job. If there is anything I can help you with I would be happy to. Happy to get wedding updates!

    Marie -- I hope the chair will give you so much more freedom with your shopping. No more falls will be awesome!

    Barbie -- What a great experience you have had but I do agree that it is always nice to get home.

    Sandy -- You are such a busy girl! I need to find myself some card playing friends!!

    Barb -- Nice clean doggies!

    Marilyn -- So glad you had a nice visit with your Mom.

    Everyone else, have a wonderful Sunday. Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :smile: :heart:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,071 Member
    Welcome Dorothy, I mean Barbie. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Sounds like you had a great time with lots of line dancing. You are going to melt away to nothing, it is a good thing you ate some new things to maintain your current weight. :drinker: :drinker: I too drive a Lexus SUV but not a hybrid but I am getting a new SUV when the 2011's come out. I love my Lexus and it drives like a car but I am also going to look at the Acura MDX and the Nissan Murano. Phil, my step son sells and leases cars so he gets us a really good deal which he gets most of his customers.

    Jeffrey, did I tell you how jealous I am of your cruise? I loved the cruise I went on with my family and wish we could do it again. :love: :love:

    Marie, what happened with the scooter?? :huh:

    Marilyn, I too am glad you visit with your mother was a good one. Mother's are so special and until they are gone we don't realize how much. :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Barb, your little doggies are as spoiled as my Daisy, but isn't it fun? :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Did my stationary bike in anticipation of whatever we might have for dinner at Phil and Cheryl's. :drinker: :drinker: I not only have been doing the bike but started walking with my husband and Daisy after dinner. :blushing: :blushing: Another pound has come off but it has not been a steady three days to record it. :ohwell:

    Have a great Sunday.

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello All,
    Marie, Hope you are not too worn out from all that happy dancing after the Longhorn game!!:noway: :laugh: :laugh:

    Sandy, Yes, my little piggies are VERY spoiled. This morning, two of them laid in bed with me and watched tv, taking turns getting belly scratches. Mai Li snored away on the floor.:smile:

    Gayla, My take on the channel changer issue is that you need to ask the staff what the expectations are for use of common areas. If this one person seems to have the channel changer all the time, it might be that the other residents don't feel comfortable challenging him. If Neil has picked up on this, he may hesitate to bring it to anyone's attention. If you make them aware of the problem by asking the right questions, if the staff has any skills at all in diffusing tensions, they should be able to observe for themselves what is going on and take appropriate action.

    Hope all are having a good Sunday. At the moment, I am watching the Vikings getting pushed around by Miami--not a happy circumstance for Mr. Favre--but it appears that Minnesota still has some life in them, so now they are only down by 7.
