Senior Golden Sneakers - September 2010



  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Good morning all.

    I am up early today and posting in spite of a Pepper in my lap, and Bradley in his customary spot next to me. Mai Li is snoring in the bedroom. I bought a new doggie bed and apparently it meets with her majesty's approval. Pepper and Bradley tried it out together yesterday afternoon.

    Irene, Happy Birthday. I am glad you had a good time with your family. I think as we get older, intangible things become more important than material gifts. Maybe the good report on your medical treatments is the best gift of all.:flowerforyou:

    I am trying to complete the removal of all the clothing in my place that is now too big. Yesterday, I went through dresser drawers, and several boxes of clothing that used to be the "smaller sizes" and are now all too big!! That is a problem I never thought I would have!!! The women's shelter in our town is going to benefit from my efforts. I am planning to make a delivery there today or tomorrow.

    Have a good day, all.

  • marlouise
    :flowerforyou: IRENE, Good to hear the medicals are going well, soon you will look back on this and wonder. God's speed in healing:heart:

    Hello everyone, good day today , I've been adding raw oats to my soups and cereals, and it has really boosted my energy, upped the fibre too. Very quiet in the house, I'm sure the kitties are up to something! Good time to do some comp. , work, no feet or tails to interrupt.:laugh:

    Hope everyone's day went well, and smiles were abundant around you all.

    Take care,

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,134 Member
    BINGO...... night. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Took Daisy to groomer this morning, ran a couple of errands, leaving soon to pick Bryanna up for dance and then on to bingo.

    Haven't been a good girl as far as exercise or counting calories the last few days, but still maintaining my weight. :bigsmile: I will get back on track tomorrow after my meeting. ( I hope)

    Nothing exciting here today which is a good thing, hope your day is going wonderful.

  • gigi46
    gigi46 Posts: 196
    Hello Ladies,

    Today after work I took lesson for "PICKLE BALL" well few years back I played tennis almost everyweek and play in tournaments, like the USA TA, was fun and the ladies were so great. But with working and being so busy tennis was not in my plans. So for the past few months one of my friends wanted me to try Pickle Ball so we did. Is very different from tennis speciallly the rules, and serve, well with more pratice will come naturallly now we need to get the guys to go along with us. I'll keep you updated on the progress. I love it. :happy::happy: :happy:

    So no gym today and the diet still ok, no problems keeping up the calories count.:ohwell: :ohwell: :ohwell:

    Tomorrow is BUNCO night really looking foward to see everyone and talk about our Block Party.:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Have a great evening and have fun.:heart::heart: :heart:

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :drinker: Sandy, your gourmet dinner sounds wonderful and healthy....I hope your family appreciated your efforts

    :drinker: Marilyn, that is a great story about your mother's recovery for your my mother's last months, I just took it one day at a time and enjoyed all the moments when she was well and participating in life.......whenever I think the kitties are busy and i get out any paperwork, they hear me and come running and lie down on it.:laugh: :laugh:

    :drinker: Gigi, I'm glad the birthday celebration went are so right about is the greatest....glad you're getting to the gym even with your busy schedule...pickle ball sounds interesting.....tell us more about it.

    :drinker: Irene, it's good to hear from you again and that your chemo is going good and getting good results......I know what you mean about birthday presents and not wanting things any more although it sounds like your new bed and recliner might qualify as the gifts of the, 50th anniversary, that is amazing, congratulations.

    :drinker: Barb, what a great idea to take all your "too big" clothes to the women's shelter....I know they will appreciate your contribution......we have two beautiful dog beds but Sasha seems to like sleeping with us the best......when we go out, she'll take the treat we give her and run to her bed to eat it......the dogs also like the couch----they like to lie at either end and "allow' the people to sit in the middle.

    :drinker: today was line dance where we danced two of the dances from the workshop along with many old the afternoon I walked for over an hour with my friend on the Discovery Trail, then went to the dog park, then worked in the yard for awhile......i am going out more often even if the weather isn't perfect and working for 30 minutes at a time instead of waiting to have an entire afternoon.....I want to keep doing that through the fall and winter.

    Now it's relaxing TV time (I never get the remote unless I'm home alone :laugh: )
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :flowerforyou: Marie, I looked on the Scooter Store website and saw power chairs and mobility scooters.......which one do you have?
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,134 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: HIP HIP HOORAY!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    I WON $500 AT BINGO!!!!

    Just in time for my overnight casino trip in a couple of weeks!! How exciting is that????

    Marie, I too looked at the website and wondered if you got the power chair or the scooter.:tongue:

    Gigi, you have aroused my curiosity with "Pickle Ball". I have never heard of it, how do you play? Sounds interesting. :wink:

    Marilyn, when it is too quiet that usually means trouble unless Daisy is sleeping. :laugh: Good job on the oats, we all need some boosted energy. :tongue:

    Irene, so happy things are improving and will continue with prayers for a speedy recovery. :heart: :heart:

    Barb, does this mean you are buying a whole new wardrobe? How much fun is that???? :happy:

    Barbie, it sounds like you have the most wonderful places to walk and great dog parks. Do you have to worry about burrs in your dog park? We have a really nice big dog park that I don't go to because Daisy gets full of burrs. They also have little ponds and she would jump in them and really get matted, so I take her to a smaller one that is just basically a fenced in area that is not that big. :ohwell:

    Gayla, where are you?? Jeffrey, hope the job is good. Beth, keep in touch. Phoebe are you trucking? Who else am I missing?
    Love to all of you!!!!!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Barbie, I got the chair, I just got a call from them and they are shipping the lift to here and will called me when to set up an appt to installed it,

    HAPPY FIRST FULL DAY OF FALL EVERYBODY. time to get the soup pots out.
    What is everybody faverite soup mine is just old fashion vegetables soup with corn bread
    anther faverite is brocolli heese soup.

    Have a great day everybody!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    hey Sandy
    I WON $500 AT BINGO!!!! Thats really is nice.
  • jeffrey71
    Happy Thursday Everyone!

    I have been very busy with the new job. I am engaging in a business start up for them on the web. I will keep you all posted. It is my project and I believe that it will be successful. I so much want for those we serve to have a meaningful place to work and contribute. More will be forth coming later on!

    Day's mom is really sliding downhill now. Pretty rough. We will be going down on Sunday. I have been training as best I can with everything else going on. Doing pretty well. Day and I have the big race on Saturday that we are really looking forward to.

    I will catch up with everyone soon. I am writing this post from a Chix-fil-A while I work! LOL

    Take care everyone!

  • marlouise
    Hello everyone, another day down and a quarter for the change purse. Good day today stayed out of bad foods mostly, this weekend it is think tank time, me and my sis have things to get done.

    Hope everyone has a great Friday, and a super weekend, I will be around, need to get my stats organized here and at WW, and BB. Take care, keep safe...

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,134 Member
    Jeffrey!! Your pictures are great, you are hot dude!!!!
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    A quick hi to you all. I had a work day today and then taking care of financial stuff. I won't complain as having to take care of it means there is a little bit there, hopefully enough to keep us going for a few years!! Got home and made an easy supper of soup from a can and bisquits. Dave said 'I thought you were making soup' in his most disappointed voice. Tomorrow I am driving my sister for her cononoscopy because she won't be able to drive afterwards. I am happy to do it as she has driven me to so many appointments over the years. Dave was a teacher which never allowed time off to drive me 'the queen' around.

    All continues to go well at the Group Home. He did call tonight and asked if he could come home tomorrow. I told him it wasn't a good day to pick him up due to his Aunt's tests. Neil was fine with that and will come home Saturday. I just don't have the heart to say no, you can't come home. I understand the reasoning but still can't do it. The reasoning is that if we decide to go away for a weekend he should be comfortable with staying there. I will get my head around it, just need a little time. I did talk to the director about the remote control and it seems to be working fine. Glad I did and thanks for your input.

    Way to go on the win, Sandy!!

    I will try to post tomorrow evening but otherwise will be back Saturday. Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :heart:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :flowerforyou: I'm going away for the weekend to a spiritual retreat with a group of women.....I'm not too keen on sharing a cabin with others so I'm trying to go with an open mind and a willing spirit.......

    :flowerforyou: Marie, my favorite soups are the ones I make from scratch......turkey or chicken with vegetables is my favorite followed by butternut squash (or pumpkin) with apple and onions.

    :flowerforyou: Sandy our dog park is a large fenced in grassy area with a few trees.....they mow the grassy every week or two depending on the season.....there's no problem with burrs or the winter it can be a bit muddy after the rains but there are some sections that drain better so you can stay out of the mud

    :flowerforyou: Jeffrey, I'm glad you're feeling useful and competent in your new job.......good luck on the next race.

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, I'm glad you're finding balance in helping Neil get comfortable with his new living place.

    Have a great weekend.....I probably won't get back to the computer until Sunday.
    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Mamasota
    TGIF everyone! I am also going away for the weekend to visit my daughter and granddaughter in Little Rock. I will be working hard to stay on track - I'm almost to my first goal - 10 pounds. I love all your welcome messages. Thank you for sharing with me.

    I am not a big Cowboys fan so don't worry about me putting a sack on my head if they lose. I used to be a big fan when Troy Aikman was still playing but the current group just doesn't excite me as much.

    I have a cat named Alex. Actually, he is my husband's cat but he tolerates me, especially when my husband is gone and I have the can opener. This is a rare occurence however since my husband is rarely gone. He is always home. I'm starting to envy my friends who are golf widows. I do enjoy a little privacy now and then. I'm married to a drop out. After he got laid off for the third time, he gave up on the world and just stayed home. I alone support us and I'm not very happy about that. Unfortunately, I eat when I am unhappy so I am wearing unhappiness but doing my best to find the bright side and slim down.

    I hope to get and give encouragement. So glad to have found you Golden gals!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,134 Member
    Happy Friday!! Have fun in Little Rock Mamasot, always great to visit family. Just think about what you are eating, I am sure you will get exercise with the granddaughter. :laugh:

    I am having game night again tonight, so I exercised in anticipation of some "treats". :drinker: :drinker: I will picking up Bryanna and making her dinner, I love when she can spend the night here. :heart: :heart: :heart: My son's girl who is watching Cruzer wanted to bring a second dog which would make three but my husband suffers from anxiety and that would be too much for him.
    So I am not sure if she is coming for game night or not. :indifferent:

    Barbie, enjoy your spiritual weekend, sharing a room will be tough for you since you like to do your yoga but maybe they will join in with you. :love:

    Marie, my favorite soups are the cream soups but I make none from scratch. :laugh: :laugh:

    Gayla, saying no is my most difficult situation, even when I want to I have a hard time saying no. I am a people pleaser and hate hurting anyone's feelings. You did need to be able to do what you want to do on weekends, I am sure Neil will understand and he can come another time. :heart:

    Marilyn, have a great time with your sister, I love being with my sister. :love:

    Have a good day!

  • gigi46
    gigi46 Posts: 196
    Hello everyone,

    Just a note my computer was down, someone got into my E-mail and was at the computer place for two days.

    We are leaving for St Louis to visit our grandkids and celebrate birthdays, so I'll keep in touch when I get back,

    Sandy I'll tell you all about "Pickle Ball" on monday.

    Everyone have a great weekend, I'll miss all.

    Have fun and God Bless you all.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

  • marlouise
    Hello everyone, good day again today, got through without splurging on too much. Glad the weekend is here got a lot to do on the comp, weather is rain for the weekend so I should get lots done.

    Hope all is well, <<<hugs>>> and <<<<strength>>> to everyone, stay on track!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Gigi, My son live in St. Louis. in fat my grand daghter is gettin marrried tomomrrow in Springfield , We were suepose to go but after my ffelled on my Butte I did not I could ride that far. My daughter and her husband left today to go up there Along with some of my grandkids brother ............ BOO HOO...... } everybody but me. hAVE A GOOD TIME IN sT. lOUIS..
  • LuckySue333
    I would like to join the Golden sneaker site. If anyone is not already my friend please email me and I will accept it... I like this site very much and it is real helpful in trying to lose. I have a long way to go but with your help and subjestions , I am sure it will be easier for me.... Good luck to all and have a lovely weekend....