Over 200 New year New Me Part 33



  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Cris: If you were to look at my food diary, you'll see the 1800 calories I eat a day are NOT necessarily healthy. I'm focusing on trying to limit sodium more than anything and I'm also watching my sugar intake now thanks to Meokk. I agree with Ann; just do what you know works for you. Just be as healthy about all if it as you can. It all takes time and as you now know, it has to be something relatively easy to stick to for the long-term. Working out constantly and eating things you don't like as well will not stick with you. Yep, I still eat fast food and all of the foods I love...just in moderation and if I overdo it, I try to work out to make up for it. I haven't been stressed about any of it because that just makes the weight stick around. I know you've heard all of this before, but make your weight loss program work for you!!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Well sai Heather!!!:happy:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Cris-I agree with Heather and Ann. Just try to do things in moderation and think portions. I've only made changes I plan to stick with. Like wheat bread..things like that. But these are things I know that I will continue to keep doing. And obviously beer drinking. We know I cant handle not having beer. You just have to tailor it to what works for you. You will find something that works for you. I know you will. You've come this far and done so well! :flowerforyou:

    It's rainy and yucky here. I was late for work, yet again and it put me in a foul mood. Not to mention I forgot they are here working on the kitchen so I don't have anything to heat my food up in. I really want some soup. Why does soup have to be so high in sodium!?
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    cris - i am sorry you are having a hard time with it...but like the other girls said do what you feel is right for you and what works for you.

    Jess - I am sorry that your kitchen is out of commission, if you worked near me i would bring you some soup :smile:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I caved. I suck. I ordered pizza cause I'm too lazy to go out. I made it light sauce and light cheese with only veggies and chicken. Don't know what kind of calories that is or how to find out. There goes tomorrow weigh in. :noway: I've been craving pizza for so long and caved. :laugh:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Jess - sounds like you made a good choice though with the lite sauce and cheese and chicken and veggie...where did you order it form.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member

    Ok here is my whine for the day- I really dont like eating around 1500 cals, its really impossible for me to eat that much and make them healthy calories...seriously I cant do it. I can find a bunch of crap to eat that will get me to 1500 but what good is it if its all junk? AND besides that, I supposedly burned 766 during spin class, since I ate about 1500 cals that still nets me at 734...so WTF is the point of excercising it just makes my goal of netting 1200 cals even harder for me. Im confused, and frustrated and I just want to go back to my 1200 calories....and work out moderatly ...someone talk me off the ledge please

    Cris -- IMO, the point of exercise has very little to do with my diet and how many calories I can and can't eat. The point of exercising is improving my physical health. I want to make my heart and lungs stronger and more efficient. I want my other muscles to be stronger. I want to look better. That's the point of exercise in my book.

    A handful of nuts and a 12 ounce glass of milk can add probably 400 calories to your day. You said you like both. Sooo... yeah, you really have no good excuses about that whole thing. :wink: Cheese is pretty good for you. Couple ounces of cheese = 200 cals. Have cheese & grapes (or some other fruit that you can convince yourself to try :tongue:) as a snack. I love cheddar with grapes. Parmesan with apples. Gorgonzola or feta with pears. Now I'm drooling. It's an easy 250 cals. Anyway, I'm going to keep pounding my point that there are plenty of high calorie healthy foods out there. Low calorie does not equal healthy and high calorie does not equal unhealthy. :smile: Dark chocolate has health benefits. Have an ounce. Enjoy some butter on your bread -- research shows saturated fats aren't really the devil they've mistakenly been made out to be. Don't use so much "light" or "fat-free" stuff. Those things are usually full of ingredients that are far worse for you than calories and fat. :wink: It's this whole other way of eating against the way ignorant American society has taught us to eat.

    The "light," "low-calorie," "fat-free," and "sugar free" processed foods being marketed as "healthy" is one of my biggest pet peeves. It actually disgusts me. Mainly because I've been the person trying to lose weight and be "healthy" who didn't know any better.

    I lived on 100 calorie packs of bs, rice cakes, frozen dinners, and cucumbers for about 5 months in college thinking I was eating "healthy." What an idiot. Of course that's not sustainable. There's pretty much zero nutrition in any of that. One day I caved & ate a slice of pizza at work and I decided that one slice of pizza had completely ruined my diet and that there was no point now because that one slice of pizza erased the 35-40 pounds I had lost and there was no point to any of it because I had been "stuck" (lol) around 210 for 3 weeks and that was the end of that. I proceeded to balloon up to 275+ pounds. Total dummy thing to do, but my point is I really didn't know any better. I didn't know it's so easy to eat healthier. I say "healthier" instead of "healthy" because I'm not going to sit here and claim I eat all healthy all the time. Like Heather said, look at my food diary and you'll see I definitely dont. But I do eat way healthier than ever before in my life so that's a huge win. That's all it really is. Just eat healthIER.

    Sorry so long. I just... I hate to see you get so down about it because I want you to feel like it's as easy as it has become for me. :smile: Of course I'm not easily losing quickly anymore. But I guess I just feel pretty successful because I'm honestly very easily maintaining (I'm losing like 2 pounds a month on average now) a pretty decent (IMO) loss.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Lauren brought up a few days ago that we've all started talking about our maintenance cals a lot. I think it's really good we all know right about where we should be eating to maintain & that we know when we want to splurge, we can do it without much fear of gaining any real weight as long as we keep cals at maintenance. And while I'm super happy to maintain (hey, it's WAY better than gaining!!), I do feel like I'm using the idea of "maintenance calories" as a crutch to overindulge a little too often.

    Just throwing that out there while I'm being honest. :laugh:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member

    Is it really wrong that I just want to punch someone in the face right now?

    Im having a really hard time focusing...on ANYTHING. I've made two HUGE errors at work this past week that cost a lot of money for my father's business. I cant focus on weight loss, I cant focus on my daily task...I think I seriously just lost my f-ing mind.

  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Deb-I got it from Pizza Hut. I have no way of trying to figure out how many calories it was. Maybe juse log a cheese pizza?

    Cris-I have the same problem. Weight loss and healthy eating is ALWAYS in the back of my mind except I feel like I can't concentrate on anything else. I was sitting in the extra office on my lunch sitting there thinking that losing weight is all I think about. It really is quite pathetic. I know I don't want to give up but the slow rate of losing is really bringing me down too. We'll get through it together. :flowerforyou:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Apparently the gym is having another 8-week biggest loser competition.

    I really should enroll to defend my title...It could give me the much needed motivation to get back on track , we all know how much I hate losing. But on the other hand competition hasnt even been inspiring to me....
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    I have to agree with Julie about high calories not being bad for you as long as the are nutritious.I know I can't eat an entire pizza and expect to lose weight but I do know that I can eat almonds ,fruit,veggies,and many more other foods and I can still lose weight efficiently.Its all about finding what works for you.If you feel 1200 calories and moderate exercise works for you then do it.If not keep working at a plan until you find the one thats right for you.I am not saying I eat 1200 cals all the time and nothing more but I do know that when I zig zag back and forth between 1200-1400 and exercise moderately and don't eat my exercise cals I lose weight.All of our bodies are different and need different things to lose/gain weight.I am trying to eat more nutritious foods instead of junk so if I don't go over 1200 calories and I know I ate food that was going to be a benefit to my body I don't stress over it anymore as long as I know I am not eating 1200 calories of pure junk food.I hope this helps and I know some may disagree with me and thats ok too.We all are learning and we all have our own opinions.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Cris-I think you should totally do it. It was great motivation for you. You don't feel motivated right now but I bet you will when you see other people beating you. That'll push you to work harder I think. I know how you hate to lose.

    I feel better about my pizza decision. I looked on Pizza Hut's webiste and they have these Delicious N Fit pizzas or something now I guess. They had the nutrition for chicken, red onions and green pepers..was 180 calories a slice. I had tomatoes instead of onions. And light sauce and cheese. So I think I did okay! :bigsmile: Maybe not with the cheese bread though. Oh well! Gotta indulge sometimes.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Cris, you should absolutely re-enter the BL contest at the gym. You know how much you love to win. :wink: Also, it could be that focus you were needing. Sorry it's been a mistake-heavy week. I HATE those and if you're anything like me, they eat me up inside. Deep breath and focus on what you can change.

    Danielle, forgot to mention this earlier, but CONGRATS on the big decision to take the job and move back with your family. A big BOOO to your snotty manager.

    Jess, how great to know that you can now order the Delicious N Fit pizza when you have the craving!!

    Julie, I'm glad you were "honest" and mentioned using the maintenace as a crutch. That's one of the reasons I brought it up...I think it's definitely a crutch, but also provides a daily goal if we know that losing cals aren't going to happen. I'd much prefer to say, well, I went over that, but I can still accomplish this. That attitude you talked about having when you were living on 100 cal packs and seeing a slice of pizza as the end of the world and therefore the end of the "diet" is what I think the maintenance can combat against. Ugh...so hard to know what's quite right!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Julie-I agree that we do use it as a crutch a lot.


    You know you are retaining some serious water when you haven't gone to the bathroom in 7 hours and have had 40oz of water.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Yikes, Jess! Sounds like you need to drink and entire bathtub full of water to get things flowing again.

    Julie: I agree on using exercise as a way to be healthier, but using it to make up for an overage in calories is extra motivation. I just love how I feel when my muscles are a bit sore because it means I accomplished something and most likely I pushed myself hard if my muscles are sore at all.

    Wow, I'm so bored at work today, which is making me tired.
  • capemim
    Hooray for you! I am so psyched. I woke up with 1200 calories and now after swimming 2x I still have mostly that amount left. Walking will take the place of swimming come the cold weather but this is great. I LOVE the visuals and motivation that you get by logging in.
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Today by the numbers:

    600 - calories I ate on one tiny pack of organic honey almond cluster thingies (grateful I haven't eaten much today)
    189 - dollars I spent on books for class
    48 - minutes I spent driving around looking for a parking spot
    11 - minutes it took me to walk from my parking spot, to the bookstore, buy my books, and walk back to my car
    3 - number of books I bought

    Ugh... I don't even have any energy left to be frustrated by the IDIOCY that is happening at work.

    Magically, I still have some 600 calories left over for dinner tonight... and since it's study while the boyfriend is out night, I think it's sushi night! So it'll be just like college: Buckeye football on the TV and studying.

    .... that's a lie... I didn't do that much studying then. hahaha

    Jess - LOVE the dress! It looks beautiful :)
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member

    8 more days until Ramadan is OVER:sad: :sad:

    BTW, I made donuts today because my older son begged for them and they were easy to make. I am fasting so not sure how they taste, but I am not much of a donut person, unless it is chocolate cake donut...but they are no so I am good

    Miss ya alll...can't wait until *things* are back to normal

  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    jess, you look hot in that dress..are you sure you weigh 209:noway:??? You look much less