Over 200 New year New Me Part 33



  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Hello gals...got my workout at lunch in...feel good..

    these new things i am eating for lunch are soo good i could eat like 4 of them, pretty much some cream cheese and lunch meat mixed together on a tortilla rolled up and sliced...little high on sodium due to the ham, but yummy.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Julie: I agree on using exercise as a way to be healthier, but using it to make up for an overage in calories is extra motivation. I just love how I feel when my muscles are a bit sore because it means I accomplished something and most likely I pushed myself hard if my muscles are sore at all.

    Yup. I just brought it up since Cris was saying she's feeling like exercise is pointless.

    Trust that if I want to drink beer or eat something ridiculous, knowing I need to burn those extra cals is awesome motivation for me to exercise. :tongue: If I didn't want to worry about eating more, though, I might see exercising (and having to eat more as a result) as a burden so it would make me want to not exercise. Enter explanation of how exercise is way more beneficial in ways other than being a calorie burner. :smile: Of course we all already know exercise is good for us. :laugh: I've previously found myself in some narrow minded "calories in/calories out" mode about exercise instead of focusing on the bigger picture which is my overall health.
  • Danielle_81
    Hey everyone....work sucks today :grumble: I am stuck thinking about everything I have to do tomorrow to get my daughter ready for school and for moving and my new job. I'd like to be home and getting some of the stuff done so I don't have to do so much running tomorrow. Plus I hurt. I had an awful back pain yesterday and it's just as bad today and my hips are hurting. Stupid rain :grumble:

    I am frustrated this week. I am up 1.2 lbs today still from last friday. Other than that 1 day over the weekend I have been at a deficit every day. There is no reason for me to be showing an increase. :cry: My hubby just said, be patient and wait for tomorrow when it counts, and maybe it's cuz you are in pain. And who knows maybe he's right.

    I was over my calories yesterday by 250, but they were all good calories so it's not too bad. I am going to guzzle a bunch of water tonight and hope that poundage is just sodium or stupidity on behalf of my scale.....

    Jess-you look awesome in that dress! Keep going and you're going to be a knock out next month :drinker:

    Cris-I second Julie's suggestion of trying new things. There is no reason why you can't eat "junk" food only in moderation, but maybe you'll discover some new stuff you actually like! I tend to stay away from "diet" food like Julie and end up having no problem hitting my 1600 cals each day.

    Deb-I am happy you got some rest. I cannot WAIT until my little boy decides to start sleeping in his bed all night again. I miss having uninterrupted sleep. Even if he would for 1 night I'd be so happy.

    Laila-can't wait to have you back with us! Enjoy the rest of your fasting.

    Julie-just wanted to say that you seem to be such a "together" person. Like you've done a lot of soul searching and have it all worked out for yourself. And if you're not really that way good job on faking it! :laugh:
  • Danielle_81
    Oh my I am so hungry today! No clue why. All I want to do is EAT!!!! I have my supper with me and nothing else except access to a vending machine which is EVIL!!! oh no clue what I'm gonna do.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Danielle step away from the bending machine. Don't let that 1.2 pounds of being up get to you. If your doing all the right things you will see progress. Takes time, I know it sucks! Your in it for the long haul!
  • Danielle_81
    No vending machine for me :happy: that's all that is available for me though. I am really hungry though. I ate a granola bar and like 20 mins later my stomach was rumbling again. Now I drank my protein drink and 6 saltine crackers that were in my cubby here at work. And I am still hungry. I am so confused as to WHY I am so hungry. I am eating my food I brought with me in hopes that it'll fill me up but so far nada...:grumble:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Hi sisters,

    I miss you all. I have some stressful issues rearing their ugly heads at work, so I am really busy for a bit. All I can say at this time is to please pray for me that things work out OK. Stay focused girls.

    Jess - HUGE diff between the two pics - you look great!
    Laila - hang in there - it's almost over.
    I love peanut butter and pizza.
    Heather - I stayed strong and did not tell my husband I loved him for a long time, wanting him to say it first. Dammit he was waiting for me so we both hit stalemate.

    Love you all!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    I am soo angry, i just want to cry.

    THe old 1st grade things are coming back, i thought 2nd grade was going to be better, had such a good start ...but not this week...3 days in a row with getting in trouble, today 2 marks for not doing her work...i told her cause she didn't do her work i was going to make her do work, now she is crying in her room cause she refuses to do the work.
  • Danielle_81
    Oh Deb I am so sorry. Maybe it was just this week. Stay firm with her and keep reinforcing the good behavior, hopefully she'll respond soon.

    Well I blew it today! Well not really I guess. But I did go over my calories. :sad: We shall see what tomorrow brings....
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Thanks Danielle. I try to be real with myself and other people. I hate that a lot of times I come across as having a smarty pants attitude. I promise I don't think I know everything. :laugh: I'm just trying to explain stuff in a way that makes sense to me because it certainly didn't always make sense to me in the way it does now. Stuff about being healthier had never been explained to me before in a way that I understood so by trial and error kind of figured out what worked for me as far as a way of thinking about it goes. Of course what works for me may not work for everyone, but I like to offer suggestions anyway. :tongue: My coworkers get on me constantly because I'm always trying to make everything make sense. :laugh: I'm like Meokk that way. :wink:

    I'm so happy for you and your new job!! About your supervisor saying you have to give 4 weeks notice -- that's hilarious to me. Like... um... does she not realize you actually have the option to quit with no notice at all? :laugh:

    Blue -- Thinking of you! :flowerforyou:
    Deb -- Thinking of you, too. :flowerforyou:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    ugg...after hours of fighting with both girls they are sleeping...I am really hoping serena was just tired and hopefully she will be better tommorrow, abby obsession with not going to bed is driving me nuts...I really don't get it...she is soo tired and wouldn't go to bed...oh how i hope tomorrow is better with both of them, especially serena.

    Did okay on my cals, only ate about 1/2 of my exerice cals, mainly to do that DH made a recipe for dinner, it called for 1 tbs of onion soup mix (very high sodium btw) , well he put the hole dang pack, one taste of that i could feel my self bloat up it was soooo salty. i hate like 2 bites and didn't eat the rest.
  • Danielle_81
    Thanks Danielle. I try to be real with myself and other people. I hate that a lot of times I come across as having a smarty pants attitude. I promise I don't think I know everything. :laugh: I'm just trying to explain stuff in a way that makes sense to me because it certainly didn't always make sense to me in the way it does now. Stuff about being healthier had never been explained to me before in a way that I understood so by trial and error kind of figured out what worked for me as far as a way of thinking about it goes. Of course what works for me may not work for everyone, but I like to offer suggestions anyway. :tongue: My coworkers get on me constantly because I'm always trying to make everything make sense. :laugh: I'm like Meokk that way. :wink:

    I'm very much like this too. Always trying to explain things. It drives DH nuts but it's just "me" It works well with the nurse in me :bigsmile: I am always trying to figure out new ways to explain the same thing to patients in a way they will finally "get it"
  • purpleprose
    Another insane day at school and I am SO READY for this weekend.

    I'm currently hunkered down waiting for Earl to hit (we shouldn't get much more than some wind) and then am leaving for home for the weekend in the morning. Today's presentation went really really well, though, and that's great.

    ALSO - I rocked week 4, day 1 of Couch to 5K! I was so worried because there are 2 3-minute segments and 2 5-minute segments and that's a huge increase from the other day, and I can't believe I did the whole damn thing without stopping!

    Cals - about 500 under
    Water- over 8 cups
    Exercise - 16 minutes jogging (!!!!!!!) and 16ish minutes walking
    Sodium - 1100 under
    Proud - our presentation was amazing and I designed the whole damn thing!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    First to weigh in this morning...not a pretty site..2.6 lbs up from last week so no loss for me.

  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Blue-I'm praying that things calm down for you and everything is okay! :flowerforyou:

    Deb-Sorry you had such a rough night with your girls. Hopefully it's just a bad week for Serena.

    I'll go ahead and weigh in. Seems like the 209 was short lived. I know I'm still retaining water but I went ahead and changed my ticker back to reflect todays weight. Still maintaing. Seeing as I only hit the gym 1 time this week and ate out several times, I'll take it. At least it's not 212!!!


    Edit: Deb and I posted at the same time.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Good Morning!!!!!


    should not count all towards BL though as I was 173.8 2 weeks ago (and 3 weeks ago :grumble: ) if it comes down to it my real % would be 0.57%

    Hi Everyone I miss you all !!!!!
    Well so far this experiment seems to be working which is such a relief. Most days this weeks I ate NET calories of between 1300 and 1500 and last Sunday I netted 2050 so the whole eating more thing seems to be working. We'll see what this week brings. I'm going to continue eating more until the scale stops being my friend. I did eat mostly healthy this week but I still got in some ice cream, chocolate and a really yummy scone.

    After this morning I'll have a normal afternoon so I'll stop back and read and catch up with everyone
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Meokk................-2.2.........0.57% (1.25% from last week)

    Down 0.6 from last week, which means 49.6 total. MFP is rounding that to 50 on my ticker, but I'm being a stickler and not going to say I've lost 50 until I get rid of the 0.4 lbs still there!

    Check-in from yesterday:
    Cals - Over. 1462 = Jonathan made some pasta that was a little heavy on the calorific olive oil....and I might have had some ice cream for dessert. :bigsmile:
    Water - 96 oz
    Exercise - Walked about a mile, nothing big
    Proud - Down again, even after my big drop last week. It might sound silly, but I think a 0.6 loss is a good and "normal" loss for someone in a week. Sure, I dig it when I have larger losses, but this kind of loss is good too!
  • purpleprose
    Meokk................-2.2.........0.57% (1.25% from last week)

    Holy ****. That was a total surprise! I'd lost and gained this week, so a 3 pound drop overnight seems too good to be true, but I've decided to make Fridays count for the ticker, regardless of whether the weight goes up or down.
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Morning ladies! Being back on track feels pretty good, I have to tell you :)

    I decided against the sushi last night... I just wasn't feeling it. So I ended up getting a frozen spinach and feta pizza. 20 pounds ago, I would have eaten the whole thing without thinking about it... and last night I had a serving size and felt satisfied. Woo!

    Weighing in - not too bad! I need to get back on the exercise track here, too...

    Meokk................-2.2.........0.57% (1.25% from last week)
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    I am soo angry, i just want to cry.

    THe old 1st grade things are coming back, i thought 2nd grade was going to be better, had such a good start ...but not this week...3 days in a row with getting in trouble, today 2 marks for not doing her work...i told her cause she didn't do her work i was going to make her do work, now she is crying in her room cause she refuses to do the work.
    Deb- I know you have had many issues with Serena have the doctors come up with what could be why she has these problems? I know my son when he was 10 used to have outburst really bad especially when you told him he couldn't do something or he needed to do something but he didn't want to.He would start throwing a fit.Especially if you told him to bath or go to bed that was a big one.I think I had posted earlier on another thread of ours that he had ODD!! Do you think its a possiblity she may be suffering from that or even ADHD or ADD? Not saying she does and I pray I don't offend you by saying that but if any of those are a possiblity I know what worked best for me and my son (because he suffered from both ADHD and ODD) was a system I had created.When he came home from school he ate supper,did his homework,cleaned his room (chores were a must),had 1 hour of television,took a bath (without complaining) and went to bed at 8:30pm .If he did these things all week he got a reward.But he had to perform them all week without outburst or complaints about them.Sure the first few weeks he didn't do so well so we started small.But at the end of each week he would get Yu-gi-Oh cards which were his favorite so he knew if he misbehaved during the week he wouldn't get them.But eventually he knew what he had to do to get his reward.Maybe you could try something like that with Serena and promoting good behaviors.For example if she is good all week at school ( remind her daily before she goes to school) she can do something she likes to do.You can find things that don't even cost anything.Like a favorite game she likes to play or a tv show she likes to watch.I know you have struggled with this for awhile and I thought I would try to help with some suggestions.She may not have either or those issues (ADD,ADHD,or ODD) she may just need positive reinforcements.I hope this helps