Maintenance Thread



  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Hey Gang:flowerforyou:

    For those just joining up on this thread that reached their goals or those just peeking in to have a look at this thread I was doing some thinking and was going to share a bit.

    I think sometimes ppl feel once they lose the weight life is gonna be one big party! Here to tell you maintenance can be scary. I've found it far easier to have a goal of weightloss than be feeling like I'm living on a high wire on maintenance. I'm balancing but as I look back I had little rewards of lbs. lost and cheers of support along the way, those meant everything to me to give me that push. Maintenance? It's all about the balancing act now! :wink:

    Enjoy exactly where you are and you'll get where you need to be at exactly the right moment! :drinker:

    Congrats to all who have reached their goal, it's an exciting place to be to realize we've reached that first milestone!:heart:

    You know, for me, it's not really hard to maintain. Once I came around to the new way of eating, maintenance was relatively straight forward. The hard part for me has been gaining muscle mass (I guess that's the hard part for everyone, or body building would be far more popular and wide spread). Gaining muscle mass without fat is really difficult and slow going, you need to be just about perfect every day, with NO cheat days (that's the rough part). But maintaining for me is the normal daily process now, so I don't feel it's hard any more (you can cheat every once in a while and still be fine long term, as long as you're within reason). When I first went from loss, and specific goals to maintaining with it's less measurable goals, it was harder, but now, it's just my normal day. You'll get there too, just stick with it.

    Partly why I was bringing that up was I've seen so many ppl recently when viewing B & A's photo threads saying 'wow! I can't wait to reach maintenance then I can eat anything I want AGAIN!' That's what I meant when I said it feels like ppl get the idea it's a party over here. LOL I'm not feeling it's difficult (though I'm pretty new to reaching my goal and ..well truth be told, too scared to actually eat more cals yet:blushing: :laugh: so I'm a girl on maintenance not eating maintance..yes yes, I'm a work in progress. lol) but more that it seems those still on the losing (weight) side of the fence feel once they reach maintenance it's a free for all.

    Since being over here I've learned differently, well frankly I never had that thought mode looking to maintenance mode. I guess it just concerns me that some feel after getting to goal weight the work is over when actually keeping the weight off is the long term goal and often the harder part when you've taken off a lot of weight.

    Just some recent observations...:drinker:
  • RaeN81
    RaeN81 Posts: 534 Member
    I wondered if anyone else struggled with people saying "No more".

    Recently, I decided that I woulld like to lose the extra inches around my belly (not lose more weight and I clearly said this) and my friends told me I was in danger of developing an eating disorder. I think that's ridiculous because my waist is clearly out of synch with the rest of my measurements (I checked on this!)

    On a side note--has anyone on this thread had success in losing inches while maintaining, particularly for women who have had children and want to be rid of "mommy tummy"?

    Then, at Christmas my grandmother told me "You look good, but don't lose anymore". To be honest this seemed very odd to me because my aunts (her daughters) are like 20 or 30 pounds lighter than I am--where is the disconnect? Have any of you had similar experiences and comments from people?
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Oh yeah. They can't deal with the change any more than we can! :laugh:

    I had one skinny chick at work tell me when I was still about 30 pounds overweight "don't get too skinny!" It took everything in my power not to say "you mean like you?" because I know she thought she was complementing me. But irony of someone with minimal body fat and sticks for legs tell me not to get too skinny was a bit much.

    I have a friend who once she lost 100 pounds had people telling her she had lost too much weight and looked like a crack *kitten*. Her BMI was 30! (I.E., she was obese).

    I avoided a lot of flack when people told me not to lose any more by just smiling and nodding... it's not really their business and no one likes the gal with the better than average figure who complains about being 5-10 lb. overweight when they are 25+ even if our issues are as real for us as theirs are to them. I remember how much I hated it and wished they'd just be satisfied with their bodies. So I don't go into it even if I do have a goal to lose another 5 lb. of fat that I seem to have put on in just the past month.

    Oh and I definitely continued to lose fat even as my weight was stable. I was doing a lot of swimming, running and biking and it was burning the fat off me and building muscle at the same time.
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    I was at 118.6 pre-Holiday fun, now I'm at 119.8...definitely think part of it is water retention, but I'm in my range of 118-123 (I did slide it down). I'm logging whatever I see on the scale on the 30th as I want to see my "end of year" number. Either way I'm down about 30 pounds since this time last year, so no complaints here:happy: My main focus has definitely become toning and I would love to stabilize my clothing size. No control over that though!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,717 Member
    I've stumbled across this thread a time or two, and I think it's time for me to join. I've found maintenance to have its own special set of challenges. Reading the posts in here makes me realize I'm not alone, so that right there helps! I had three days of ridiculous eating over the holiday, and the scale shot right up past my goal range for the first time in a long time. I blew it last Christmas too, but I wasn't at maintenance yet back then, so for whatever reason, that seemed more acceptable to me. Anyway, I need to get my head straight and keep doing what I need to do to be healthy and fit, so here I am. Thanks!
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Hi PJilly and a very warm welcome :flowerforyou: Yes maintaining has been more of a challenge to me than losing the weight :grumble: but I have been good today after 5 days of overeating and over drinking lol so hope I can continue over New Years Eve and beyond.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,717 Member
    Hi PJilly and a very warm welcome :flowerforyou: Yes maintaining has been more of a challenge to me than losing the weight :grumble: but I have been good today after 5 days of overeating and over drinking lol so hope I can continue over New Years Eve and beyond.
    Thank you, barty. I don't know if I'd say maintaining is harder, but I certainly think it's more complicated. Congrats on being good today. I was surprised how hard it was to get back on track after the Christmas splurging. Still, I don't think I regret it. I REALLY enjoyed all the wine and cookies! :tongue:
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Well I was doing well the last two days until..... a party last night ....bagels today and out to a New Years Dinner Party tomorrow night Guess what my New Years Resolution will be?
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Ugh up to 120.8 today. Final log-in of 2010 and I went up 1 pound from Monday?! I was trying to get some sort of gauge of my Christmas damage but I think (HOPE!) that the gain is from water retention in my muscles. They've been worked pretty hard this week - more intense Turbo Fire and loads of shoveling. Not to mention I've had 3 Charley Horses since Monday - damn!

    Happy New Year everyone!!
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Did my last bike ride for 2010. This month was pitiful for exercise. I did as much all month as I normally do in a week!

    I really want to step my exercise back up but I'm trying to heal my calf injury once and for all. I'm torn.
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    It has been a bad month for me. I hit my goal and something snapped! So now I need to lose another few pounds. For the amount that I ate I am surprised I did not gain more! I think that more of those good habits are in place than I realized.

    I am seriously thinking of setting a new goal of 115.

    The reason I loathe even saying that is for the reasons posted above. Everyone around me is overweight and they all think I should stop. They are afraid I am developing an eating disorder, well the only disorder that I see is that I still crave chocolate and dislike exercise!

    2011 will be my year to solidify the exercise part as being just who I am. ****I am Donna, the family member who is really active and slim!*****

    thanks for this thread!!

    I need to hear that the other side of the goal does not equal party. Early on I thought it did and it took some time to accept that it wasn't.

    Here's to a great new year!!:drinker:
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Hello all, Been away for awhile. But I am back to logging in and keeping track. I haven't been too slacked with exercise - in fact I have started training for a 10 k but i have had way too many treats. But... I am working my way out of my depression for the death of my mom. Its a long story with many issue that hit me all at once. So I may need some extra encouragement and support. So please check on me ... I need to get back on track with my eating... too much sugar just enhances my depression....

    I haven't weighed-in since before Thanksgiving. (my mom died Nov. 28th) I am not going to until two weeks of eating right. I know that I have gained some... from the fit of my clothes but a really high number would make me feel worse... so I am assuming the worse and working from there. Some may not agree with this...but I know how fragel I am right now. But ... I need to be accountable and I need help from all my fitness pals. So I asking for some help from my friends ... maintenance is harder than we first think....

    Hope everyone is doing good and hope everyone has a happy healthy day!
  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member
    Hello all, Been away for awhile. But I am back to logging in and keeping track. I haven't been too slacked with exercise - in fact I have started training for a 10 k but i have had way too many treats. But... I am working my way out of my depression for the death of my mom. Its a long story with many issue that hit me all at once. So I may need some extra encouragement and support. So please check on me ... I need to get back on track with my eating... too much sugar just enhances my depression....

    I haven't weighed-in since before Thanksgiving. (my mom died Nov. 28th) I am not going to until two weeks of eating right. I know that I have gained some... from the fit of my clothes but a really high number would make me feel worse... so I am assuming the worse and working from there. Some may not agree with this...but I know how fragel I am right now. But ... I need to be accountable and I need help from all my fitness pals. So I asking for some help from my friends ... maintenance is harder than we first think....

    Hope everyone is doing good and hope everyone has a happy healthy day!

    i am sending lots of good thoughts and prayers your way!!! i can't even imagine going through what you are right now...sounds like you have a good plan going though...hopefully exercise will help you work through things and ease the pain a little bit :) lots of love sent your way!!!
  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member
    It has been a bad month for me. I hit my goal and something snapped! So now I need to lose another few pounds. For the amount that I ate I am surprised I did not gain more! I think that more of those good habits are in place than I realized.

    december was difficult for me also...put on a couple extra lbs that need to come off and also decided that i want to lose a few more beyond that...i'm looking forward to the new year to get back on track :) good luck! :)
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Hi :flowerforyou:

    I'm new to the thread, but not to maintenance or to MFP...Love the boards and such, but it's nice to find some other people who can relate to my struggle. I feel kind of out of place at times since I am really not trying to lose anymore.

    Hope to get to know some of you. :happy:
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    Hello all, Been away for awhile. But I am back to logging in and keeping track. I haven't been too slacked with exercise - in fact I have started training for a 10 k but i have had way too many treats. But... I am working my way out of my depression for the death of my mom. Its a long story with many issue that hit me all at once. So I may need some extra encouragement and support. So please check on me ... I need to get back on track with my eating... too much sugar just enhances my depression....

    I haven't weighed-in since before Thanksgiving. (my mom died Nov. 28th) I am not going to until two weeks of eating right. I know that I have gained some... from the fit of my clothes but a really high number would make me feel worse... so I am assuming the worse and working from there. Some may not agree with this...but I know how fragel I am right now. But ... I need to be accountable and I need help from all my fitness pals. So I asking for some help from my friends ... maintenance is harder than we first think....

    Hope everyone is doing good and hope everyone has a happy healthy day!

    i am sending lots of good thoughts and prayers your way!!! i can't even imagine going through what you are right now...sounds like you have a good plan going though...hopefully exercise will help you work through things and ease the pain a little bit :) lots of love sent your way!!!

    So very sorry to hear this! We are here for you!! Good plan and amazing that you are back! Your mom would be proud of you!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Thanks for all of the support ! I did well yesterday - trying to get the carb cravings under control. Need to up my water a little and I think that will help. I got up and did the eliptical this morning. Trying to get back into waking up and exercising first thing. I had a very hard time and didn't get up in the mornings until the last possible moment then ran around like a crazy person to get to work. Of course that didn't help me...

    But on a positive note - I have a new walking partner at night. A lady from my church likes to walk and together we can go at night. So we have been walking about four miles. It has helped me alot - it gets me out the house in fresh air and we just walk and talk. This isin addition to my regualr exercise - it is just an extra. More like therapy right now than exercise but it works!!!!

    Again thanks for all lthe support.
    Hope everyone has a happy healthy day!!!
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    Thanks for all of the support ! I did well yesterday - trying to get the carb cravings under control. Need to up my water a little and I think that will help. I got up and did the eliptical this morning. Trying to get back into waking up and exercising first thing. I had a very hard time and didn't get up in the mornings until the last possible moment then ran around like a crazy person to get to work. Of course that didn't help me...

    But on a positive note - I have a new walking partner at night. A lady from my church likes to walk and together we can go at night. So we have been walking about four miles. It has helped me alot - it gets me out the house in fresh air and we just walk and talk. This isin addition to my regualr exercise - it is just an extra. More like therapy right now than exercise but it works!!!!

    Again thanks for all lthe support.
    Hope everyone has a happy healthy day!!!

    So happy to hear that you are doing things to take care of yourself! No guilt. Take the time you need. Heal. Find the new normal.

  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    A Very Happy New Year to all.

    lobster888 so good to have you back again x :flowerforyou:

    I have gained a few pounds over the festive period but to be honest I thought it would have been a lot more :laugh: so now back to trying to shift it AGAIN Lol.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Tomorrow is our weigh in for "Maintain Don't Gain" at work and I, um, gained. Think I can lose 2 lbs in one day? :laugh: