Maintenance Thread



  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    Options will fit right in here. I for one struggle immensely with the obsession. I don't know what a good weight even is anymore. Everyone tells me I look great but maybe I just don't look "fat" anymore. I want to be really fit and I know that I am not where I want to be yet. I am way better than when I started years ago but there is still more to do to be truly healthy.

    Bravo to you for tossing the scales. I am still too addicted to them. They do not dictate what I do but they are sort of my friend and enemy...always watching and monitoring me...making me accountable.

    121 sounds really thin for 5' 6", but then only you can really judge that. If you are basically saying that being in the 120 somethings is a comfortable weight that you were able to maintain for 7-8 months I would say that is probably a really great weight for you. Are you exercising? I imagine so...and probably exercising a lot. Do you feel toned and fit?


  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    DeeDee, thanks for the welcome! It's funny to hear you say that--you don't really know what a good weight is anymore. I originally joined thinking I needed to lose 8 lbs and just kept readjusting my goals down as I kept losing....I guess I had no idea I could be this low. But then I just stopped--I didn't change a thing with eating or exercising, my body just didn't want to lose anymore (although I secretly was curious if I'd see a number in the high didn't happen). Because of this, I still struggle with how many calories to eat and how much exercise I really need.

    I do cardio about 6 hours a week. I know i need to mix it up more, but I have been using my trusty elliptical for most of it. Some walks and some yoga/stretching exercises. During this weight loss and maintenance journey I have realized my perception of how I look and feel (whether I look thin, or toned, etc....) is totally warped. I still look in the mirror and see places that need lots of toning. I still wonder why when my pants bag out I have those annoying love handles. I think that's why using clothing to judge my weight helps. I have one pair of jeans in particular with absolutely no give--so if I put those on and they are tight, it's time for some clean eating. I'd highly recommend putting the scale in the closet and trying it if you are sick of the yo-yo answers you get from the scale. Within just a few days the anxiety over those numbers just went away......until I saw that extra 4 lbs on the scale a few weeks ago. Back in the closet that scale went!

    Anyway, look forward to getting to know you and the other regulars!
  • RaeN81
    RaeN81 Posts: 534 Member
    It's nice to have a zone and not a specific weight if you can. A 5-10 pound range makes those eventual fluctuations easier to take. I've been weighing myself everyday and I think this might need to change in the near future to once a week to avoid the scale obsession. I don't think I want to go much longer because I no longer log my foods and would like to stop gains before I have to go back to actively seeking to lose weight.
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Funnily I'm more the other way, I'm still obsessive about logging my food but not so worried about weighing although I do weigh roughly every week at the moment, I think I might change to fortnightly though.

    Kadetr I can relate to what you say about body image and those places that need toning. What really bugs me is that I can clearly see my ribs yet I have a bulge of flab by my armpit. Grrrrr.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    What really bugs me is that I can clearly see my ribs yet I have a bulge of flab by my armpit. Grrrrr.
    Mine is loose skin. So no matter what I do, it won't go away.

    So are other people finding that once you get down to a normal weight, that the number on the scale doesn't necessarily tell you what's going on? I am finding my body composition changing constantly while my weight stays fairly steady and I'm not sure if that's normal or not.

    Kadetr- I wouldn't worry about the scale if your pants still fit! I have been 118 and my pants were tight and 120 and my pants were loose. (Of course, I've been 120 and had tight pants too. :laugh:). I figure the scale number isn't tattooed on my forehead so, if I still take up the same volume in space, that's what's everyone sees.
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Hi everyone :flowerforyou:

    I'm not new to MFP, or to maintenance, but I just stumbled upon this thread...nice to find a group that I can relate to a little better. I've met some great people along the way, but it gets tough with all the talk of losing when I'm trying to be happy where I am.

    Well, some about me...I've been on MFP for over 2 years -lost most of my weight before coming here. I have maintained my 105 pound weight loss for 19 months...I've given myself a happy range of 145-150, which is where I am most comfortable and happy. Being 5'8", I don't know that I'd really ever want to go lower than 140. Just trying to focus on improving my body composition and getting stronger at this point. That, and wanting to stay at my happy point while I start looking at wedding dresses. A little bit of vanity never hurt anyone, right?

    Looking forward to getting to know some of you!
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member

    So are other people finding that once you get down to a normal weight, that the number on the scale doesn't necessarily tell you what's going on? I am finding my body composition changing constantly while my weight stays fairly steady and I'm not sure if that's normal or not.

    I weigh exactly the same thing now as I did this time last year, but am at least 1 size smaller. Seems like it is changing all the time.
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Hey all,
    kinda slipped a little these past two days. Didn't go to spin last night and didn't run this morning. :( . I did walk though... Kinda sad again... some days it just hits me - had a bad day at work on Monday and kinda not feeling well today. Not sure whats up other than I am still really sad/depressed some days. I keep trying...

    So my goal for today is:
    1). to eat my healthy salad I made for lunch
    2.) drink my water
    3.) have my healthy apple with peanut butter snack this afternoon.
    4.) try to get in an extra walk tonight.

    Also, I already have healthy turkey chili w/veg. made for supper tonight. Top it with a little low fat cheddar cheese and I am good to go.

    Hope everyone is having a happy healthy day!!!
  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    I like the zone/range Idea Rae, that's a good idea. I guess when I weighed myself I was still in the right zone, just hate to see any increase. You just have this feeling if it's 4 lbs now, what if another few creep up, then suddenly your are close to 10! UGH...paranoid!

    Yvonne--you sound just like me. If I didn't see that size on my jeans, I wouldn't actually believe I was a size 4. It's almost like your eyes readjust to making you think you have body issues no matter what size you are....

    MacMadame -very good to know what you said about the weight not necessarily telling you the whole story regarding body composition. That wasn't really on the radar screen. Maybe I need to use the measurement route a little more to see how those are changing..

    Satellite---when is the wedding? Congratulations--wow, 105 lbs. I'm sure you have the determination to look fantastic today and on your wedding day! What an achievement.

    You are all great---this should be a fun thread to track... have a great day!
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    lobster888 Sorry to hear your feeling sad today :(:flowerforyou: thinking of you x
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member

    So are other people finding that once you get down to a normal weight, that the number on the scale doesn't necessarily tell you what's going on? I am finding my body composition changing constantly while my weight stays fairly steady and I'm not sure if that's normal or not.

    Yep I find this a lot and I'm sure it's not just my perception of how I look. My weight is still the same this week but there's definitely a hint over flab bulging out the waistband of my tracksuit bottoms today which wasn't there last week. I guess that's where I notice it most, sometimes my tummy is nice and flat and other times more bloated and there's no obvious link with what I eat.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    For me, I get "fluffy" in the winter. I don't do much exercising in Dec. It's my month off from serious training. But my appetite is still there so I'm eating like I'm training for a marathon or ironman or something. :laugh: At first the scale doesn't budge. But I start getting the muffin top. I figure it didn't move because I lost muscle while I gained fat. Then, come Jan., the weather gets better and I get motivated again and I start up on the training. By March I'm heavy into it and have a lot of lean muscles and the flab is all gone.

    At least that's what happened last year. I can only hope it happens this year. I'm definitely eating more than I ate last year and working out less. But the doctor today said I need to work through the scar tissue in my calves and not be afraid of the pain so it looks like I'm cleared to get back into training. That should help a lot.
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    I'm definitely eating more than I ate last year and working out less. But the doctor today said I need to work through the scar tissue in my calves and not be afraid of the pain so it looks like I'm cleared to get back into training. That should help a lot.

    I am eating more but still exercising the way I always do. HOWEVER I DO find that maintaining the weight is harder than losing it. :embarassed: I've introduced some foods that I normally don't eat while trying to lose.:tongue: Eg: I love having my wine at night but lately I've been getting sloppy and gained 2 pounds back. It's a delicate matter trying to find a lifestyle of eating and exercising that keeps your weight where you want it.:ohwell: But then, I try to be honest and weigh myself every week no matter how bad I think it may be. Our bodies must be saying...."What the heck is going on????":laugh:
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    I'm definitely eating more than I ate last year and working out less. But the doctor today said I need to work through the scar tissue in my calves and not be afraid of the pain so it looks like I'm cleared to get back into training. That should help a lot.

    I am eating more but still exercising the way I always do. HOWEVER I DO find that maintaining the weight is harder than losing it. :embarassed: I've introduced some foods that I normally don't eat while trying to lose.:tongue: Eg: I love having my wine at night but lately I've been getting sloppy and gained 2 pounds back. It's a delicate matter trying to find a lifestyle of eating and exercising that keeps your weight where you want it.:ohwell: But then, I try to be honest and weigh myself every week no matter how bad I think it may be. Our bodies must be saying...."What the heck is going on????":laugh:


    I now what you mean about finding the balance. Personally though I never worry about a 2lb gain, as it's likely to just be a natural fluctuation. If I find my weight goes up 2 weeks in a row or is close to the top of my goal range I just clean up my eating habits for a while and find I lose the weight by next time I weigh in.
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    One of the problems I have that will probably keep me logging for ever, is that I tend to be about 10 days to 2 weeks behind my behavior; good or bad. So, I can know that I am eating poorly, like I did over Christmas, but get on the scales and not see a big change...and even if I change to good behavior it is about 2 weeks later that I see a ballooning of my weight.

    So, the scales are definitely not a good way for me to really measure day to day, rather I look for trends.

    I wish I had an accurate way of measuring body fat percentages. My gym has a hand held one but I have heard they are not that accurate and that you are supposed to do it on an empty stomach, which is impossible if I am planning on working out. What are your thoughts?

    A range is the best plan, for sure.

    One of the body image issues is also loose skin! I thought that when I reached this weight I would look like I did years ago at the same weight. Well, WRONG! 25 years and 5 kids and hormones have a way of doing really bad things to your skin! So, my legs, even though have a weird sort of droopiness to the sort of sags down in tiny ripples. (gross) No amount of toning is going to change my skin.

    Well, I probably have more to say but I am tired and fear that I may just start rambling.

    You should each be so proud of yourselves for the amazing accomplishments that you have achieved!

    Here is to our better health! :drinker:
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Good Morning all, so this week hasn't been the best - but too bad either. I didn't go to class - and I skipped a run on wed. But I did walk instead. This morning I got up and ran on the treadmill and did really well. I keep logging in and being accountable - so it is helping. My food choices have been healthy too. So, i am getting there.

    Hope everyone is havng a great day!!!
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member

    One of the body image issues is also loose skin! I thought that when I reached this weight I would look like I did years ago at the same weight. Well, WRONG! 25 years and 5 kids and hormones have a way of doing really bad things to your skin! So, my legs, even though have a weird sort of droopiness to the sort of sags down in tiny ripples. (gross) No amount of toning is going to change my skin.


    I know what you mean!:embarassed: I'm 62 and although my legs have real muscle form to them, there's the droopy, wrinkled part that isn't going anywhere:angry: My upper arms are saggy too, so sleeveless clothes are not very flattering:grumble: But it's better than what I had before.:wink: There was fat that filled each my heart knows I'm better off. It just puts a limit on style, which when I was younger wasn't an issue But I still look much better in my clothes than before and have MORE options than when I was overweight.:flowerforyou:
  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 712 Member
    Checking in for the week. Good discussions this week, been too busy to read this until today. I finally got some of my holiday weight off and now back within maintenance range. Dee Dee, you might be right about the delayed weight gain. It seemed to hit me a week after the New Year and that was discouraging!

    Welcome Kadetr and SatelliteCrush80!

    Kadetr, we are about the same with weight and height (5'6" and right now I am 126) I dont think I want to go quite as low as you but I was shooting for a low of 123. Got to 125 over the summer but crept up a few over the holidays. I have 3 boys including a 7 year old so about the same as your son. Cute pics of apple picking!
  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Hi Gals, happy Friday!

    DeeDee, interesting about your 2 week delay. It does make sense. I'm finally starting to feel like myself again after the holiday. I ate poorly then, then went right into the TOM, then for the last few weeks have been working like crazy to normalize my eating. Clothing is finally fitting better. I'm still not going to make the mistake of weighing myself for awhile thanks! Love your after 5 kids description of the body.....too funny.

    Kath, great to know our stats are similar. And glad you are back on track too after the holidays. Once on maintenance it is kind of depressing to go back into loss mode.

    Just some food for thought to compare since I think we are all so similar....I have 2 questions: What do you all use for maintenance calories? And, how much do you exercise now that you are on maintenance?

    I'm always playing around with my maintenance base and think mine seems low but when I eat more I do seem to gain weight. I had been using 1410, and my goals were set at activity level "lightly active" and "lose 1/2 lb a week". I was using this because I was too nervous to move my goals to maintenance and eat the 1500-1600 or so they suggested. Then I just moved it down this week to 1290 temporarily to clean up my act w/eating. Are you all safely using a base of 1500 or so??

    As for exercise, I have my HRM set for "maximize fitness" and it spits out this 6 hr number for me to work towards. Sometimes I wonder if this is overkill for maintenance too. It's hard to get in an hour a day, with only 1 rest day. What are your routines?? Are any of you maintaining on less, or about the same exercise? I think it would be an interesting discussion to hear comparisons.

    hope you all have a great weekend!!
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Not sure how similar I am to you weight/size wise but I'm 5'4 around 118lbs and eating 1600 calories and have my activity level set to lightly active too. I can remember feeling nervous about increasing my calories and stayed at the losing 0.5lb a week setting for a few weeks after I reached my goal weight before going for it and increasing to maintenance. I currently cycle to work everyday and go to the gym 3 times a week. Sometimes I eat all my calories including my exercise ones and sometimes I don't. Like you this week I have been eating fewer calories but didn't bother changing my goal. I find my exercise level/food/calorie allowance seems pretty balanced. Think I have gained this week though, not sure if it is to do with my body being 2 weeks behind too as I have found that in the past or (apologise if TMI) coming off hormone contraception, have read some horror stories about side effects and people putting on weight soon after stopping. :frown:

    More on the exercise question- I was at times doing more cardio whilst losing. My 3 sessions in the gym are predominantly weight training for about an hour and anything between 5-20 mins on the cardio machines. The weight training helps as the muscle gained helps to speed up your metabolism and some studies say you have an increased calorie burn for upto 36 hours after you finish exercising as opposed to cardio which stops pretty much as soon as you stop the activity. My personal trainer subscribes to the theory that if you have limited time do strength training because of the benefits, plus I get my cardio in by cycling. Also the rest days in between are important for recovery, continued muscle growth and to let the levels of cortisol which are released as a stress response when you exercise return to normal before the next session otherwise they keep getting higher and higher.