Maintenance Thread



  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Hello all, doing pretty good at trying to get back at it. On day three of logging in and trying hard to detox from carbs! Still need to up my water a little. I am actually doing well with the exercise. Switching things up by running. Actually went for a run this morning and got caught in pouring wonderful new husband got out of his warm bed and came looking for me in the truck. (he knows my route.) He rescued me about a 1/2 mile from home... I wa already soaked!!! But I still managed 2 and 1/2 miles. I am feeling a little better on some days - other days are still hard but I am managing better.
    So, pretty soon I will be set daily goals and reaching them - rather than just trying to get through the day without eating everything I see. LOL!!!! Man that Carb sugar addition is bad!!!
    So, hope everyone is doing good and having a happy healthy day!!!
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Ooh, I can wait until Friday to weigh in! In the meantime, I'm trying to really push the fluids as I've fallen off on those.
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Good Morning All. I have been doing better. I have gotten up 4 days in a row on time and exercised. I have also planned out my meals and had all my recommended water intake. I have felt better ... funny how doing those things help you feel better but when you are depressed or down you don't feel like doing those things???? Anyway I am doing better ... although it still difficult if that makes any sense...

    So I hope I can keep this up... I am trying not to be too hard on myself or expect too much but at the same time push myself a little.

    Hope everyone is having a happy healthy day.

    Thanks again for all the support
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Good Morning - I made it to day five of getting up early and exercising!!! I did my run this morning - a little cold but a good run. Also my running partner hasn't been going all week - but I still did it myself. I have had a least my recommended water intake, trying to do a little more. My eating has been much better - no procesed foods. (except my hot chocolate ???) I also have been taking my vitamins and supplements - and my protein shake. So I am off to a good start.

    Still haven't weighed -in but my skinny jeans fit - but just a little too tight. So, I am judging from that - that I am outside my range... :(
    but that's ok - I will just keep working at it. My main thing is my eating.... So, next week I will set daily goals with eating - portion control, more vegies and salads, and less snacking. I think I will be ready next week for that....

    Hope everyone is doing good.

    Have a happy healthy day!!
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Hey lobster you are doing great.....running even when your partner didn't, thats fantastic!!! I'd have used it as an excuse to stay in bed and not to go lol. Your skinny jeans are going to be baggy in no time :laugh:
    I have nearly got back to my maintenance weight of 119 pounds the scales read 120 this morning so very happy with that :bigsmile:
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Today's the big day and I'm still up those 2 pounds I couldn't get rid of. Interestingly, my clothes are fitting better. So I am losing some fat; it's just not showing up on the scale.
  • vickiele1
    vickiele1 Posts: 394 Member
    Hi to everyone. I have just attained my weight loss goal yesterday, so I guess that means I am beginning maintenance phase. I do plan on reducing by a few more pounds because I would really like to have a little bit of a cushion as I work towards learning how to maintain. I feel like I have definitely learned how to reduce my weight, but the maintenance part might be a little trickier. Anyway, just wanted to check in with all and say I've finally attained my goal.


  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 712 Member
    It has been a bad month for me. I hit my goal and something snapped! So now I need to lose another few pounds. For the amount that I ate I am surprised I did not gain more! I think that more of those good habits are in place than I realized.

    december was difficult for me also...put on a couple extra lbs that need to come off and also decided that i want to lose a few more beyond that...i'm looking forward to the new year to get back on track :) good luck! :)

    Same thing happened to me. The last two weeks have been really out of whack with exercising and overeating. Back on track now though and weighed in down a pound from last week but still up about 3 pounds from where I want to be.

    Good job lobster with sticking with exercise and water too. Water is always a struggle for me because do not really like it.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    So I did the weigh in and I was 2 pounds over. Sigh. No fabo prizes for me! But I think I'm actually the same size was I was when I started. My pants are starting to fit better anyway. I expect to be back to normal by the end of the month assuming I can keep exercising.
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    Congratulations Vickie!! 65# is amazing!! Welcome to the thread.

    MadMadame, you are still doing wonderfully! Those two pounds will find there way out soon!

    Kath, we can do this! We are bigger than our cravings and impulses.

    Barty! WTG! One pound?? excellent!

    Lobster: I am so proud of you!! You are really doing an amazing job pushing yourself just enough! It is a catch 22 isn't it. We feel bad so we eat bad and then we feel worse so we eat worse... Breaking the cycle is the hardest part and you are doing a great job! We've got your back on this one, so keep going!!

    I was absent for a couple of days as my husband was in the hospital. I bring it up because of how he ended up there. He has been struggling with weight gain over the past three years when he took a new job which takes him out of town for 6 days per week. He brings food from home but he also eats out a lot. In addition, his old job was consistently active and he built muscle. This job is sporadic activity. He sits and then needs to work really hard. At first he didn't think it was a problem because the scales said he basically weighed the same but over time I started seeing that the muscle tone in his chest was vanishing at the same time his abdominal girth was increasing. In fact, he really has only gained about 15 pounds...they are just very different pounds! As his body continued to lose muscle and gain fat his levels of other things changed as well and he found himself on blood pressure meds, then cholesterol meds, then the doctor telling him he is very close to developing diabetes as well.

    So, this past Tuesday a group of the guys decided to hit a higher end restaurant and he orders their cheeseburger supreme with steak fries and eats the entire thing.

    By about 1 in the morning is having crushing chest pain. Upon arrival at the ER they gave him aspirin and nitroglycerin and it relieved the pain.

    Thank God it was not a full blown heart attack. His discharge diagnosis was "Angina" or chest pain. (no duh) The doctor basically concluded that that meal was just too much for him.

    If you do a google search you can find all kinds of references and video clips that show what blood looks like before a fatty meal and after a fatty meal. (If you are interested copy, paste, and watch... )

    One bad meal can make a difference.

    We are doing the right thing here!! Not just reducing calories but choosing wisely the foods we put in our bodies and the exercise that we do.

    The small seemingly insignificant changes make a difference and can either build up our health or tear it down.

    We can do this!

    Hopefully my husband will make a few more changes. To be honest, I am not overly optimistic. I have been trying to get him healthy for 25 years and I find snickers wrappers and the evidence of fast foods all the time in his car and cooler. The healthy foods that I send with him come back sour and wilted.

    You really can't change another person. They have to find it themselves.

    Here's to a great day for all of us!! :drinker: (today it is water in that cup instead of tequila!)

  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Thanks DeeDee that video was a bit of a shock! :noway: wish I could get my hubbie to watch what he eats as well but like you its an uphill battle lol,
    Vickie welcome to maintenance, you have done brilliantly! :drinker: I also like to try and keep a few pounds below my maintenance goal weight so I have some to play with but at the moment I am a pound over goal..... but thats not so bad considering all the Christmas and Birthday celebrations, this is the worst time of year for me :bigsmile:
  • RaeN81
    RaeN81 Posts: 534 Member
    Hi to everyone. I have just attained my weight loss goal yesterday, so I guess that means I am beginning maintenance phase. I do plan on reducing by a few more pounds because I would really like to have a little bit of a cushion as I work towards learning how to maintain. I feel like I have definitely learned how to reduce my weight, but the maintenance part might be a little trickier. Anyway, just wanted to check in with all and say I've finally attained my goal.



    Congrats on getting to goal weight. Maintenance is an entirely new challenge that you will surely meet! Welcome.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    MadMadame, you are still doing wonderfully! Those two pounds will find there way out soon!
    I think the fat is already gone. But the scale is being stubborn!

    (Did you mean to type MaD instead of MaC? That's a very funny typo. And somewhat appropriate.)
    You really can't change another person. They have to find it themselves.

    So true. My husband frustrates me as well. He gets bigger and bigger and more out-of-shape and actively resists any efforts on anyone's part to eat healthier and move more. He's a heart attack waiting to happen.
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    YES! A typo...sorry about that!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 712 Member
    DeeDee, that is so scary! I am glad he is feeling better. I try to get mine to exercise more, he has a sit down computer job and travels a lot as well. It is hard to get into a routine when you are constantly changing scheduling, time zones, etc but I am afraid it is going to catch up with him as well. He eats good and bad foods so I try to bring home more of the good stuff but if I dont buy some bad food he'll buy it and get the really bad stuff :)

    Unfortunately, I think they have to really want to do it on their own and I hate to nag him. I just try to keep doing what I can to give healthy meals and every once in a while i will ask if he wants to run with me or go to the gym. He does play soccer once a week with me. Love it!
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    If you do a google search you can find all kinds of references and video clips that show what blood looks like before a fatty meal and after a fatty meal. (If you are interested copy, paste, and watch... )

    One bad meal can make a difference.

    The small seemingly insignificant changes make a difference and can either build up our health or tear it down.

    We can do this!

    You really can't change another person. They have to find it themselves.

    Here's to a great day for all of us!! :drinker: (today it is water in that cup instead of tequila!)

    Dee, I can't thank you enough for sharing this link (and the links it shows you can click on after), it's always such a good reminder to see something like this to help me realize healthy is ALWAYS the best choice and if I chose to make a not so healthy food for a meal, the consequences that occur.

    This video really spoke to me and I can think of so many it would help. But as some of you have shared, a person has to be ready and we can't 'make them ready' except perhaps by our example. :wink: :drinker:

    So glad to have this thread to jump in and know I'm not alone in working on maintenance, always great to see you all when I pop in:flowerforyou: which I'm looking forward to doing more of. The thought of adding more cals in after reaching goal is still a bit scary for me but I've upped my workouts and really can't do this to my body without adding more healthy fuel, it's simply not fair to my body. As has been often shared comparing it to a car, we need to keep it fueled to keep it moving well.:heart:
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Hey DeeDee, hope your husband is doing better...maybe this will scare will help him get on track. Sadly sometimes it takes something like this to wake people up. Good luck to him.

    Thanks for the support - I am trying... the support and encoragement helps.

    Just logging in from over the weekend. Was real busy - didn't get to actively exercise but... we re-did our bedroom. Painting, moving furniture, cleaning etc. Took ALL day - didn't eat much so went ou to eat at Red Lobster - split the meal and eat the other half for lunch on Sunday. Not too bad that way. Went to the store and loaded up on healthy foods for the week. So I have some homemade cauliflower soup for lunch.

    I did get up this morning and ran on my treadmill - I bit too cold outside this morning. (30 mins.)

    So I am starting my mini goals today.

    1,) No snacking
    2.) All my water plus another 8oz.
    3.) Nothing after 9:00 (should be 8:00 but I am work in progress this week.
    4.) Get my walk in tonight.

    So there it is... my mini goal for today.

    Hope everyone has a happy healthy day!!!!
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Been a bit naughty this weekend, to be honest haven't really quite got back on track since Christmas. I'm at my goal weight (I'd dropped too far below before christmas but now gained it back) but feeling bloated and flabby and I'm finding it hard to get back to eating healthily. Although it's much easier now I'm back to work and in my exercise routine, just need a return of the will power too.
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    If you do a google search you can find all kinds of references and video clips that show what blood looks like before a fatty meal and after a fatty meal. (If you are interested copy, paste, and watch... )

    One bad meal can make a difference.

    The small seemingly insignificant changes make a difference and can either build up our health or tear it down.

    We can do this!

    You really can't change another person. They have to find it themselves.

    Here's to a great day for all of us!! :drinker: (today it is water in that cup instead of tequila!)

    Dee, I can't thank you enough for sharing this link (and the links it shows you can click on after), it's always such a good reminder to see something like this to help me realize healthy is ALWAYS the best choice and if I chose to make a not so healthy food for a meal, the consequences that occur.

    This video really spoke to me and I can think of so many it would help. But as some of you have shared, a person has to be ready and we can't 'make them ready' except perhaps by our example. :wink: :drinker:

    So glad to have this thread to jump in and know I'm not alone in working on maintenance, always great to see you all when I pop in:flowerforyou: which I'm looking forward to doing more of. The thought of adding more cals in after reaching goal is still a bit scary for me but I've upped my workouts and really can't do this to my body without adding more healthy fuel, it's simply not fair to my body. As has been often shared comparing it to a car, we need to keep it fueled to keep it moving well.:heart:

    I just watched that video and whilst I wouldn't in anyway claim that eating fat is not harmful the example used was pretty extreme, The twin eating the 'healthy' meal ate 37g of fat, which I would actually view as a pretty bad choice, I would rarely eat a meal that had that much fat even as a treat and I'm not super good. The twin whose blood showed the difference ate 208g of fat, that is an insane amount but I guess it is possible if you eat as much junk food in one go as she did, that was more like three meals rolled into one.

    Umm and the only links that I could've clicked on after were (not wanting to offend anyone) how to make homemade sex toys and how to achieve the female orgasm!!! :blushing: I hasten to add that I did not click on them :laugh:
  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Hi there! I have been on MFP for about a year and a half, but just found this maintenance thread. I find maintenance so hard--more frustrating than losing the weight in the first place! But have been pretty steady for about 7 or 8 months. I haven't read through everything here on the thread but it looks like all of you are in the same place? I'm 41, a mom to a 6 year old. I chose to stay at home a few years ago, but now that my son is in kindergarten I'm on a quiet quest for reinvention..but don't know what to do, where to start, etc..... This summer I was down to about 121 lbs, at 5"6'--super happy, but feeling a little obsessive about keeping myself there. I took some advice a few months ago from some other MFP'ers and stopped weighing myself, so have been just judging how I fit into my clothes. Well, I was not smart a few weeks ago, thought I looked thin and safe to get on the scale, so I did. I found my weight crept up a few. Right now I'm kind of questioning whether this really matters--since I'm still fitting nicely into my clothing--should I care? Or, do I start obsessing again? Right now I switch back and forth based on my mood of the day. Anyway, look forward to keeping up with you folks!