Maintenance Thread



  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I did a swim race this weekend. I was the only one in my age group so I won! :laugh: I had a good time too. I also did my first bike-run "brick" of the season. I can't believe my Ironman is only 9 weeks away and I'm just getting to doing those. Stupid calf injury.
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Happy Monday everyone, up and at bootcamp this morning @5:30. It was tough to day..... these things called mountain climbing - then push ups - then mountain climbing - then push ups I was dying!!!!!!! Made me wonder why I do these things to myself LOL . But... feel really good to get my exercise out of the way for today. Ready to eat my healthy packed lunch.

    Weekend was pretty good too. I did my power 90 on Saturday morning and then walked the Zoo for a couple hours (in myshape -ups shoes) . My eating was in check excet for a little spurge on Sunday - a few hot wings - but I skipped my usual Sunday frozen yogurt run.

    Hope everyone is having a happy healthy day!!!!!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Hi to all! It looks like you're all doing wonderfully....:flowerforyou:

    I noticed on Lobster's original post, she mentioned that she'd like tips and suggestions to be shared here. Although I'm new to the maintenance phase, I wanted to share something that encourages me and might be useful to some of you.

    A while back, it suddenly "clicked" in my brain that I'm actually now the way I'm SUPPOSED to be. My whole life I thought I was supposed to be out of shape, because I was. (How silly, and how sad!) But when that clicked - I adopted a mantra - "I'm tiny, toned and fit." I repeat it mentally - OFTEN. It's not work to do so, because it feels right. I finally feel right in my skin.

    The timing varies - sometimes it's the push I need to finish a hard workout, sometimes it's what I need to say even when I'm filching and having Doritos. It reminds me of who I am, what I've done to get here, and how natural it will be to stay at this happy place. .

    The stories we tell ourselves matter. "I'm tiny, toned and fit" is a much kinder and more productive story to tell than "I'm so lazy, I can't do it".

    What's YOUR mantra? Or are you willing to claim one and share it with the rest of us?
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Sorry, double post! I guess I REALLY meant it! :wink:
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    Hi all, I have one pound to go so would like to jump in here. It is late so I don't have time to read all of this thread but I want to mark it so that I can come back to it tomorrow.

    I am pretty psyched that after a 5+ year long journey, I have finally arrived.

    I DON"T want to blow it now! No celebrating! Just plowing ahead with healthy living.

  • twinmom_112002
    twinmom_112002 Posts: 739 Member
    Just weighed in at I managed to maintain at 120.4 despite a great date day on Sunday that involved on work-out and a ton of food. Not to mention TOM decided to come today.

    Yesterday I tried to squeeze my work-out in between work, kid pick-up and soccer practice and it sucked any relaxation that I get from work-out right out of it. Still trying to find a routine. Tonight I think I will do it during my youngest soccer practice since my dh is coaching. I will leave all the kids with him and go for a run.

    Thankfully I have a ton of motivation. Not only am I going to Cabo again in April (the reason I started getting in shape last year and lost 12lbs between January and April) but I think I am getting new "girls" (aka boobs) if I maintain my weight for a year. So if I can stay 120 from now until June.....boobies for me!
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Hello, I am pleased to report that i'm back to 119 pounds this week YEHHHH (Goal Weight) and it feels GREAT :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Good Luck to you all.
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    Congrats Barty!

    I am up a bit, still one pound away from my goal. I am thinking of setting a new goal.

    Have any of you done that?

    How big is your "range" of acceptable weight.

    I think 120-122 is a good weight for me. Not amazing but good, so now I am thinking of setting the goal at 118 so my range would be 118-122.

    smiles, like you I am feeling "little".

    New girls is a great reason to maintain!

  • shannahrose
    shannahrose Posts: 585 Member
    good morning! didn't weigh this morning cause i started TOM today and didn't want to be disappointed. i'll weigh tomorrow. been working hard this week so i'm hoping i dropped a pound. i'd really like to bet down to 140 and maintain there. currently 148.

    happy friday!!

    oh - my husband and i were given a half bushel of honey crisp apples. anyone have a good heallthy recipe for applesauce or cobbler or any type of dish? Thanks!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Good Morning everyone, Weigh-in this week was the same range - so I am good! Boot camp was tough this week but good. At one point during the workout - I didn't hear any more instructions - so I looked up (was doing these plank to push-up to arm thingy) I was the only one left doing it and everyone was watching me. That's a good thing. So I felt really strong after that. Still doing my power 90 and my gym classes. So I am a workout machine right now!!! Only two week left before the big day!!!!

    My eating has been good too but, I found I am eating a little more - but keeping it healthy so it's good. I feel like I can read my body better than before... I know when I have to eat more and i want healthy foods.

    Have a happy healthy day
  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member
    where do you live in michigan? i grew up there and lived near Traverse City until about 2 years ago when I moved to Indiana. But still a Michigander at heart! :)

    I live in Kalamazoo...I grew up in Grand Rapids but went to both undergrad and grad school at WMU in Kalamazoo so its home to me :) I love to visit Traverse City! :)
  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member
    i have been a munchie machine this week (and not always with good stuff) :( but i managed to maintain which is good :) my half marathon is tomorrow so i'm going to give myself a good yummy meal tomorrow night! :):):) hopefully when i am not training my appetite will go back closer to normal :) have a great weekend! :)
  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 712 Member
    Weighed at 124.5 this week so am happy with that. Want to stay in between 122-125. Gonna try for one more pound lost this month just to give some wiggle room and then work on maintaining.

    Have a great weekend. Supposed to be beautiful here in STL, finally some cooler weather after another week in the 90's. yeah!
  • amandadidier
    Hi Everyone...well as my goal is to loose a couple of pounds before maintaining my weight I'm glad to report I'm down from 124.8 to 123.4. I'm hoping to maintain 120 so only a few more pounds to go! Have a good weekend everyone
  • shannahrose
    shannahrose Posts: 585 Member
    hi everyone! i weighed in this morning as promised and saw 148! down almost a whole lb :)

    getting ready to eat my oatmeal, then headed to the gym for a workout to start the weekend! have a great one y'all! xx
  • twinmom_112002
    twinmom_112002 Posts: 739 Member
    Great job everyone!

    I snuck on the scale this morning and finally broke under 120 (my idea of maintenance is to see anything under 120 on the scale) so I am excited. So excited I skipped family donut morning and had my good start english muffin. Now for a day on the soccer field watching my little ones.

    Have a great Saturday!
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    arrrghhh ive had a net loss issue and been unable to come on here and it feels harder to get motivated when i cant check in on FP even just reading the topics keeps me feeling more motivated

    weight on monday was still 134lbs but we will see tomorrow if it moves any im happy for it to stay the same just dont want it to go back up to the superglue 136 mark
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I had company so didn't get on Friday. I weighed 116 though. 115 today which is the weigh in that I use for my ticker.
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    did any of you have problems finding your "ideal" weight?

    When I started I thought 115 would be my goal, it is what I weighed when I was in my 20's. Then it was 120 and now I am happy with 120-122. I am 46 and wondering if goal weights change as our bodies change. I am only 6 pounds heavier than my daughter and she looks amazing! I am wondering if the weight will sort of continue to come off anyway just from eating healthy and continuing to exercise.

    Also, I am 5 ft 1.5 inches.

  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    Great job everyone!

    I snuck on the scale this morning and finally broke under 120 (my idea of maintenance is to see anything under 120 on the scale) so I am excited. So excited I skipped family donut morning and had my good start english muffin. Now for a day on the soccer field watching my little ones.

    Have a great Saturday!

    congratulations!! If I see the scale dip below 120, I will be dancing, too!!!