Maintenance Thread



  • HerbieSue
    HerbieSue Posts: 288
    Congrats to you, Millerll! I looked at your photo, awesome, I am jealous of your buff arms! Could you please share your eating habits as I am also trying to lose a few more pounds for a cushion, or to see if I like myself better there. I think I will know where I want to be when I get there!! But I'm not there yet!
  • HerbieSue
    HerbieSue Posts: 288
    barty: I can gain three pounds in one weekend!!!! Then have to work hard the next week to lose it again! Trying not to do that this weekend!!
  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    As for eating, first of all, I'm a lousy cook! So that limits what I make. Also, I work long hours, get up at 4:30 in the morning, and don't have a lot of time to mess with food. I mostly eat chicken breasts, turkey breasts or ground, veggies, fruit, salad, and yogurt. Sundays are my food prep days. While the laundry's going, I cook up a big pan of chicken or turkey breasts, seasoned with Mrs. Dash salt-free seasnings. I make a big green salad of green leaf, red leaf and romaine lettuces, with diced red, green, yellow, and orange peppers and cherry tomatoes. I cup up cantaloupe, pineapple, apple, orange, and strawberries. I line up all my containers and start doling everything out.

    Breakfast is greek yogurt (6-8 ozs.) with 2 oz. of store brand fat free light flavored yogurt on top to give it some flavor. Sometimes I have a banana, too. I also put a tablespoon of flaxseed meal on my yogurt. Very nutritious and adds a nutty flavor. For lunch I have a huge green salad with lemon juice and Mrs. Dash table seasoning on it, around 4 oz of chicken or turkey, and 2-3 cups of mixed veggies - broccoli, green beans, squash, cauliflower, etc. I buy frozen no-salt bagged veggies and I weigh and measure everything. I make a mixed fruit salad of the fruit I cut up earlier. About 1/2 cup of each type.

    My snacks are carrot and celery sticks, laughing cow cheese wedges, almonds, string cheese, and occasionally rice cakes. Dinner is sometimes crockpot leftovers or more chicken breasts with veggies. This site has some great lo-cal crockpot recipes I enjoy. I love chocolate and indulge in a piece or two a couple of times a week.

    I've found that the more prep I do in advance, the better I eat. Since my time is limited, I do it all on Sunday and during the week, I just grab the pre-made containers out of the fridge and off I go. I have a few glasses of red wine on Friday nights if I've been good during the week. Saturday is my "cheat" day where I have whatever I want, within reason. I log everything, the good, the bad, and the ugly! I try to avoid processed foods and high fructose corn syrup, but I still have a diet Coke here and there. I try to find a balance between eating healthy and living my life. It's not always easy, but so far it's working for me. Good luck!
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    Miller, you are a true success! You have found the way to do this and still live "normal". I love it!! Thanks for sharing all of that!

    BTW...your hair is gorgeous!!
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    Where did everyone go??

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    My weight stayed the same even though I went way over on Sunday! Usually when I go over, it's because I didn't exercise. I sooo count on those extrs exercise calories to eat the way I'd like to and not feel like I'm dieting.

    I'm trying different approaches and this is what seems to least for now. I track everything as much as I can and then at the end of the day hit the button that says “complete this entry”. It gives me an idea of how much over I can safely go without gaining. For instance, the other day I went 1200 calories over and it said that if I keep that up every day for 5 weeks....I would gain 8 pounds!!! :noway: (that was the day I couldn’t exercise...and had steak!) One day I was over 250 calories and it said that in 5 weeks I would remain the same weight....even if I go over my allotted calories by 250. I realize this is not absolute...but it gives me an idea of just how much I can eat without gaining. A window of “wiggle room”! :wink: And says if you eat like this EVERY DAY FOR 5 WEEKS!!! That is not usually what happens. If I average my calories allotted (1200 & exercise calories) for a week, divide it by 7 and it says I’m OVER 250 calories (on average) then BIG RED FLAG! Time to step back and regroup!! Not sure how scientific it is...but it’s something I’m gambling with now. :bigsmile: Of course what the scale to be taken into consideration, too...especially if you get weighed once a week. For me weighing once a the middle of the week...has been pretty accurate!
    Have a great week!
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I know tomorrow is weigh-in day but I'll be in a car and not near my scale. So my weight today is 116. Besides, this is kind of my Friday anyway.
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    Very good MacMadame!

    Birdie, that sounds like a good plan. I have been playing around as well with my numbers but my experiment was not so successful. I am really back up to 125!! I have been back on track this week with exercising and eating well to try and bring that back down. I will keep you posted. I don't have the heart to change my ticker yet! Give me one more week! If I don't take it off I will change my ticker...and then I will cry!:sad:

  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    Awww...don't cry. It's hard enough to stay hydrated! Don't worry about taking that weight off. That's the beauty of being at maintenance - we have proven that we know how to lose weight. I don't have to stress over a pound here or there anymore. I know that all I have to do is clean up my diet and get in some extra exercise, and the weight WILL come off. Not that I'm using that as an excuse to pig out, but I feel VERY confident in my ability to control my weight. I didn't have that before, but I do now, and it's very empowering. Keep that in mind as you get back on track. Good luck!
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    Thanks Miller, for the encouragement! It was a boost!

    With that in mind, have any of you saved any of your "heavier" clothes? Even one size up?? I am putting away the summer clothes and find myself tempted to keep some of the bigger things that were my favorites.

  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Hi All, well I have had a really bad week with a few binge days :sad: don't know why I do it !!!! will try hard to have a good week :smile:
  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member

    With that in mind, have any of you saved any of your "heavier" clothes? Even one size up?? I am putting away the summer clothes and find myself tempted to keep some of the bigger things that were my favorites.


    i am holding on to my one size up clothes (put away for safe-keeping not wearing) because i know that within the next year or so i am going to want to start trying to get pregnant and they might come in handy...but until then they stay packed away not to be needed :)
  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member
    i weighed in today on the lower end of my 'normal' at 125 :) i love that number!!! however, we had a fabulous mexican potluck at school today AND i indulged in a little happy it might hop back up to 127ish tomorrow and i am okay with that :) i pay attention to the numbers but i know that a little flexibility is normal for me :):):)
  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 712 Member
    125.5 this week. dont like to go much higher than that. Cooler weather making me hungrier, must be trying to put on the winter layer! Anyway, cooler weather made for a wonderful run today, gotta love the fall crisp air!!

    have a great weekend :)
  • Bermudabarbie
    Bermudabarbie Posts: 568 Member
    Still trying to find my "happy weight.". I'm 5'8" and 137- 138. Good BMI -- kind of right in the middle. Most people tell me I don't have to lose weight. In fact when I tell people about MFP they say "you're not trying to lose weight, are you?"

    I guess a size 8-10 is a good size. But I'd love to get into a Size 4 Jean one day. Silly, I guess. When do you decide you've lost enough? Guess I still have a mixed up "body image" from years of being over weight.
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    Barbie, My guess is that you are at a good weight. Maybe it is a matter of toning.

    I get that also from people and I want to scream, YES!! I still have so much jiggle at 123-125! To be honest, I think 115 wouldn't be ridiculous at all but everyone around me says to stop very soon.

    To give you some perspective. I am almost 5ft 2 inches, so if it is about 5 pounds for every inch and you are a 6+ inches taller than me, it would be like me being 95 pounds!

    If you are not happy, I would focus on toning!
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Still trying to find my "happy weight.". I'm 5'8" and 137- 138. Good BMI -- kind of right in the middle. Most people tell me I don't have to lose weight. In fact when I tell people about MFP they say "you're not trying to lose weight, are you?"

    I guess a size 8-10 is a good size. But I'd love to get into a Size 4 Jean one day. Silly, I guess. When do you decide you've lost enough? Guess I still have a mixed up "body image" from years of being over weight.

    Barbie, I really don't think there's a right weight exactly. I think the "right weight" is the one you, personally are comfortable with.:bigsmile: I am 5 Ft 3 and weigh 143 pounds (from 205 pounds). Now You may feel overweight if you were in my body, but for now, I'm comfortable in my size 10's.:blushing: I am a little more hesitant because of my age, 62, because I don't want to look too drawn.:noway: As far as other people, they say the same thing to me...."You aren't going to lose any more weight are you????? I mean, so far your face looks good but.....etc" They all mean well, but it all boils down to what YOU want and what YOU'RE comfortable with.
    Sometimes, at least for me, I watch my compulsive behavior too. Sometimes we change our compulsion to a compulsion to lose weight. The compulsive thing can be tricky too. Just a thought!
  • Bermudabarbie
    Bermudabarbie Posts: 568 Member
    Donna and Birdie -- thanks so much! I'm going to try and get some new photos taken so I can really take a critical look at how my face looks, etc. I know I am close -- and need toning for sure! Gads -- I want to be on the slim side but I don't want to look like a scrawny old bag -- LOL. To be well toned -- I would just love that so much!
  • Oranda
    Oranda Posts: 121
    I'm glad I found this thread. I started maintaining my weight about a week ago. I was actually surprised that I was able to make it to my target weight in only a few months (doing it the healthy way of course). My goal now is to maintain this weight, increase my endurance, and drink enough water. I was 120 lb for a couple of years after highschool, then I took a two year program in college and came out at 136 lb - that was scary. I'm back to 120 now, well the last couple of days I've been 119, but I'm aiming for 120. :)
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    Welcome Oranda, and a huge CONGRATULATIONS on your success! Even if it happened quickly it still required commitment and hard work!

    Barbie, to add one more 18 year old son, who is very muscular, and I were having a conversation about strength training because I had to let my gym membership go. I was telling him how much I miss the weight machines and he suggested that I focus on Pilates. He said it works really well to become strong and toned. So, I am starting that program along with the elliptical and walking. I also am using resistance bands and free weights.

    Birdie, it is really important to just feel good in your own skin. I fear the wrinkles that have appeared and the saggy skin while losing weight. I am still young enough that my skin is shrinking, very slowly but it is firming up, and I am grateful but I do have friends that have lost weight and now they look skinny but 10 years older! Not a good trade off.
