Most awkward weight comment



  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Oh, and my own mother told me, "I think you look skeletal".
  • xLittleMissVixenx
    I went to visit my parents for Christmas after being away for 8 months (and gaining about 10lbs in this time) and one of their older neighbours saw me and told me that I 'looked better now I've put some weight on.' Ridiculous considering I went from being a perfectly healthy size to borderline overweight.
  • tworthen79
    tworthen79 Posts: 1,173 Member
    My grandma said the other day, "Honey, you've lost so much weight, you're skin and bones. You have nothing left to lose."
    Really, grandma? I'm 179lbs. I think family/friends who've seen me heavy my entire life, are shocked at the fact I've lost 50lbs and I look "too skinny" in their eyes. But they don't see me naked, believe me, I have a lot more to
  • janeriley09
    janeriley09 Posts: 3 Member
    I was weighing out the cheese for my wrap this morning when my 86 yr old grandmother came in the kitchen and asked if I was dieting again. I told her that I was because if I don't reel it in, I'll just blow up. She agreed it was true and as she was walking out of the room, she patted me on the butt and said that it was the only thing she had noticed blow up but that she didn't think there was anything wrong with extra junk. Thanks, Nan?:huh:
  • theresap1031
    theresap1031 Posts: 13 Member
    Oh and my mother in law (yep they are the best) hands me a skirt. "I found this in my closet and its too big for me but I thought it might fit you. " Ouch. Worst of all it was a medium and I'm a large.
  • wendybird5
    wendybird5 Posts: 577 Member
    After losing a bunch of weight I get a lot of ignorant comments from people who think losing weight means never, ever, ever eating any "unhealthy" foods.

    I eat a cookie or a piece of candy and it's "You're gonna get fat!" From one piece? Hardly.

    I tell someone I lost weight eating the foods I like including pizza and burgers and they say, "That's impossible. You couldn't have lost weight if you ate that." And yet I did...

    And then there were people warning me that I was getting too thin. Given that my weight has never dropped below 150, that was hardly a cause for concern.
  • sgupstate
    sgupstate Posts: 15 Member
    My BMI is basically right in the middle of the normal range (I'm just going to lose a few more pounds and tone) and I hate it when people say "oh well you are skinny so..." For example, if I say a room is cold, suggest an activity that has to do with moving, or other things like that. I'm not even skinny, I am technically what normal is! I feel like people sometimes say things to you like you are a child when saying the skinny comments, like what you think doesn't apply to anyone else.
  • amandakev88
    amandakev88 Posts: 328 Member
    one time an old foreign guy outside a clinic after a stressful day saw me smoking and said 'you shouldn't smoke. you are pregnant'

    i gave him the biggest cut eye i could muster and said 'not pregnant just fat apparently but thank you!' or something, though in retrospect it probably wasn't that mean, and walked away. what i should have said was mind your own business..

    people ALWAYS ask/remark about women being pregnant. large, small, medium sized,, famous, not famous.. i see other people have gotten this on the thread.. why do people think thats OK? why risk it? honestly. it even happened to my mother who is TINY.. legitimately a tiny thin 47 year old, and i guess it was a PMS day where she was bloated, and a guy on the bus offered her his seat lmao.. and my aunt, also tiny, got asked as well and she was like '5 mos go away'..

    besides that, another time i got asked if i was pregnany was when i WAS pregnant but was still in denial 'my period is 5 weeks late.. naw im just hungry and stressed'.. so that poor lady felt bad when i just looked at her like 0__o to her 'whens the baby due' question as i muttered something and she was like OH MY GOSH IM SO SORRY and my boyfriend was like 'don't worry. i think she's pregnant too. we just dont know it yet. i think you just told us" lol
  • thomakg
    thomakg Posts: 69 Member
    "But you have a wide hips so you carry it well..."
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    I just learned a hard lesson: keep all comments to myself, no matter it's your friend, co-worker, stranger, or celebrity. There are land mines everywhere, when it comes to weight, and body image, especially on the internet...
  • amandakev88
    amandakev88 Posts: 328 Member
    I was weighing out the cheese for my wrap this morning when my 86 yr old grandmother came in the kitchen and asked if I was dieting again. I told her that I was because if I don't reel it in, I'll just blow up. She agreed it was true and as she was walking out of the room, she patted me on the butt and said that it was the only thing she had noticed blow up but that she didn't think there was anything wrong with extra junk. Thanks, Nan?:huh:

    its always the grandma words that are awkward lol. from everybody else its just insulting.

    apparently my grandma on the dads side [whiter than white side basically as opposed to mum europn side] asked my cousin this one time when i wasnt there if i "was still dating that 'coloured' boy" lmfao. best part was i hadnt been dating the 'coloured' boy in question in awhile

    this **** grandmas say is awesome though
  • SolitudesMuse
    SolitudesMuse Posts: 67 Member
    I was at the doctor a few days ago for a pre-employment physical. When weighing me the nurse exclaimed, "Wow, honey, you hide this well!"
  • hastingsmassage
    hastingsmassage Posts: 162 Member
    All comments about weight are awkward when you are fat. That's the painful truth...It's when people tell you to lose weight and you don't get it. I've been there...lost 126 lbs.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    All comments about weight are awkward when you are fat. That's the painful truth...It's when people tell you to lose weight and you don't get it. I've been there...lost 126 lbs.

    No my friend, you can't comment on skinny people either...or did I offend anyone by saying "skinny" already?
  • hhansen27
    hhansen27 Posts: 11 Member
    I had to renew my license and was actually feeling good about myself. When I go home my 9 year old wanted to see it so I showed him. He then asked me if they used the fat lens to take the picture............
  • amandakev88
    amandakev88 Posts: 328 Member
    I was at a bakery picking up a cake to bring to a get-together, and the lady asked me if I was pregnant, so I had to politely tell her no and see her stumble to apologize, and then I didn't know what to say either so there was that weird avoiding eye contact deal haha. Yeah. Awkwarrrrrd

    Unless she brings it up, you just never ask a lady if she's pregnant unless you can see her crowning. That's the most awkward thing ever, for both parties! Oi.

    QFT. happens to so many women, thick or thin. so stupid.
  • lemur_lady
    lemur_lady Posts: 350 Member
    oooh so many to choose from haha

    My friend, who I hadnt seen in a while, told me she had lost a load of weight and she had saved me all her clothes which were now far too big for her. I had to skirt around the offer as the clothes were far too small for me :/ She brought it up every time I saw her for the next few months.

    When we were out one day my friend and her mum were having fun on the zip line. I was just moving to get a better look when my friends mum appeared horrified and said 'your not going on are you?....your far I dont think its your kind of thing'...hmm awkard.

    Loads more stashed away in my box of shame..
  • amandakev88
    amandakev88 Posts: 328 Member
    another when talking about getting a job as a flight attendant, a lady i know said 'yeah theres no weight limit now' out of the blue. i wasn't letting that **** slide so i said 'who was talking about weight and why is it relevant?' especially since she was almost the same size as me. this was after she complimented me all night and admitted that she thought *she* was fat and i was thin and she wants to x and y for weight loss.. its just awkward in general. honestly. whether its about yourself or others. just shut up.
  • dlionsmane
    dlionsmane Posts: 672 Member
    Most of my adult life I had been in the 170's high and low, so basically I have always been over weight... granted I spent a bunch of time in the early 90's body building and was in the low 160's then. In 2009 I got injured, my dad passed and other stuff (more happy) happened and I started going way up and ended up in 2011 at 216. No one ever said anything to me either way (well except that one time someone I worked with called me robust - oh and that complete stranger on the street who told me my thighs were too big to be wearing a short skirt (@164 I was solid muscle) ) Anyhoo, friends, family - nothing...

    Now I have lost 40 pounds and EVERYONE is saying how skinny I am.. mind you I am 177 right now and at 5'7" that is NOT skinny. It's not even the best shape I have ever been! I have a ways to go and I get all the time - 'When are you going to stop', 'you don't want to waste away', 'don't get too skinny now'.. etc, etc. all awkward, all weird, since um, I weighed less than this before 2009 and no one ever said I was skinny then! LOL...
  • yom8
    yom8 Posts: 10
    I have 2 that have stuck with me my ENTIRE life:

    1. my older sister (she's super thin) told me (a day after starting to eat better), "I have always said to myself, you would be so pretty if
    you lost weight".

    I wanted to slap her but cried for a month instead.

    2. we were visiting relatives that we haven't seen since I was a baby. My "aunt" grabs my arm and says "I have a fat one like this at home! I should have brought her" (referring to her daughter).

    Rude. Rude...where are people's manners?