Looking for friends who started over 250lbs and dropping!



  • ElizaB84
    ElizaB84 Posts: 105 Member
    Started 2 weeks ago at 246. Feel free to add me.
  • Started at 346 lbs at the beginning of May 2013, so far I've lost 56 lbs.

    I began plateauing at the end of October because of vacations and holidays and fluctuated in the 295-305 lbs range throughout the last two and a half months. What I realized is that because of this site while I wasn't losing weight anymore it was a lot easier to more or less maintain my weight when I was neglecting to use this site (while on vacation/ holidays trying to figure out the calories of something I didn't make or non-chain restaurant food, which is where we mostly ate, made me more paranoid so I just gave up and decided to rely on what I learned to help guide me.) I was eating things I don't normally eat throughout the year, but I was conscious to only have a small slice of pie for example (I never order anything other than a small at size option places anymore, and if the "small" is too big I try to share it with someone.) On vacations I ate better when the options weren't special so that when I ran into a local food I couldn't get back home I wasn't racking on the pounds again when I ate it (like creole food in New Orleans.) So I guess what I'm trying to say is that this site is really good for you if you stick to it that when you abandon it for a month or two, you don't come back to find that you've gained back all that you've lost. This site makes you think and recognize portions and while I'm still not the best at guessing the weight of portions I was able to lose 10 pounds during a summer vacation to see my aunt in California for a month because of how much more thought I was putting into what I was putting in my mouth. (I was really surprised when I got home and weighed myself finally to see I had lost 10 pounds instead of gaining like I thought I had.)

    In the last week I've finally broken the plateau and have started losing again, my birthday is soon though but after that I'll definitely be reducing the frequency of certain things I eat again.

    The only other thing I can think to tell you that worked for me is to never tell yourself "No". If I want ice cream nothing will make me want it more than telling myself I can't have it. Either let yourself have a correct serving portion (which will be more than enough eventually,) or tell yourself that you can have it tomorrow (especially if you don't have enough calories, sugar, etc. left for the day.) In the beginning I let myself have the correct portions when I wanted it and then eventually I told myself I could have it tomorrow and more likely than not the next day I found I had lost the craving for it. Eventually I found myself not having it for a month or two at a time. (The holidays have sort of ruined that but I'm going to start doing the "tomorrow" thing again.)

    Doing all of this calorie counting also motivates you to find better recipes so that you can have more food for less calories in a day. Nothing feels better than hitting that "Complete This Entry" button at the end of the day feeling full and being under your calorie and nutrition goals (but also make sure you eat more than your minimum goals.)

    Also the only thing I drink now is water (and unsweetened tea), even through the holidays all I drank was water. Soda tastes too sugary and diet soda tastes horrible again. I still drink smoothies (which I consider more a meal) but now I make them myself and I make them green (spinach, kale, etc.) with no added sugars (base is usually water, tea, coconut water, etc. instead of a juice), Jamba Juice and other smoothie places I used to love going to (thinking it was healthy) taste too sweet now and I treat them like a dessert place having them as infrequently as ice cream.

    TL;DR Use this site, it will change you for the better. :)
  • RachelSRoach1
    RachelSRoach1 Posts: 435 Member
    Hey, my heaviest was 295, yo-yo'd a little, and now I'm at 276 and losing! Add me!
  • FootballKate1
    FootballKate1 Posts: 14 Member
    I have only been here a little over a week - I started at 335 and am down to 320. Had the big weight loss the first week and I am ready to keep going! One thing that has helped me is this site. I am still learning my way around it but checking in everyday and reading all of the posts has helped me. I will send you a friend request. I need all the help and support I can get and am happy to give the same in return.
  • LouiseChe
    LouiseChe Posts: 24 Member
    I started at 248 lbs and am now down to 194. Feel free to add me if you like! I've been here for 5 months-ish. I log every day.
  • I started at 305 five years ago. Within 10 months I dropped ~50 and stayed around that until last year August.
    By the end of august 2013 I had to have a surgery and it was very depressing for me to see all the "obese" notes on the doctor's sheet.
    So far I dropped down to 231 and its going to be way more!
  • Paindoesnthurt
    Paindoesnthurt Posts: 51 Member
    I started at 140kg plus...Im pound handicap so please do the conversion for me:P I've gone down to a super shredded 78kg and now am happy at 90kg. Weight to me doesn't matter. I'm happy with the way I look, feel, and am. I want to get heavier actually. haha. Anyway, If I can do it you can do it too! And I know you will! Glad to have you started!
  • latepaul
    latepaul Posts: 49 Member
    I started in Sep 2008 at 317lbs and lost weight but put most of it back on. This time around I started at 283. Currently I'm at 213 but was lower before Christmas. That's taken just over a year.

    Feel free to add me.
  • Hello. I am new here. Starting in at 284. Im shooting for 120 pound loss in a year.
  • I started back to MFP at 246 but had been heavier before re-joining, I've a long way to go but have already lost just over 8lbs.
    My goals are primarily health motivated, carrying all this weight and eating badly is not good but I have started to dig out some of my skinnier clothes as motivation. :^)

    Feel free to add me I could do with some support too!
  • supergirl6
    supergirl6 Posts: 224 Member
    I started around 340 last February. I lost about 20 lbs before starting a low carb, high protein diet to help me combat not only my weight but my new gluten intolerance that had me sick all the time. Since switching what I have, I've dropped to 259 as of this week.

    Add me if you like!!!
  • NessaR2011
    NessaR2011 Posts: 184 Member
    When I started the first time, I was looking at 2lbs shy of the big 3__. I lost 80, gained 60 back with my prengnacy (eek!), now back down further than I've ever been. Feel free to add me! I still have quite a bit to go!
  • FAice
    FAice Posts: 1 Member
    Started with 295 lbs 70 days ago!!!!!! doing insanity lossing weight and sweating every day doing workouts!! feel free to add!!
    Get your mobile Myfitness pall to have a better count of calories!!!!!
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    My stats:
    SW: 264
    CW: 244
    GW: 150 (*or* 160-170 if it's muscular/toned...I'll revisit this when I get a lot closer to goal...)

    If you'd like to add me, shoot me an FR. I log pretty much everyday...
  • FitFunTina
    FitFunTina Posts: 282 Member
    I started at 254 last May. I've lost 32 lbs since then and still going. Slow and steady wins the race. I'm not losing 10lbs a month, but I'm much happier to be at 221 even if it's taking me a little longer.

    My advice: don't set time limits for weight loss goals. Do what you need to do to retrain your thinking and way of life, and you will get there. Slow progress is still progress. Gains will happen, as will slips - don't let it get you down. Reset immediately, adjust accordingly, and move on.
  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Sw 270
    Cw 225
    Gw 170
    33 years old and 5'2"
  • Started 278, down into the 240's now!!!!!!!!
  • _MG_
    _MG_ Posts: 453 Member
    Started my weight loss journey 1 yr ago when I got on the scale at the doc's office and the damn thing said 300 lbs.

    Been trying to eat better and move more ever since then. 54-ish pounds to go still.

    Keep strong!
  • seniorbug2003
    seniorbug2003 Posts: 67 Member
    Feel free to add me. I have lost 31 lbs over 8 months with just watching what I eat mostly. It is a long process but it is so doable. I wish you luck!!
  • I started my journey a year ago at 308 pounds. Today I weigh 203 and "one"-derland is just around the corner. I want to lose about 40 more pounds. MFP has been great...add me if you wish. :)