Looking for friends who started over 250lbs and dropping!



  • dietpepsi100
    dietpepsi100 Posts: 76 Member
    STARTING WEIGHT: 408 down 170! slow and steady is the way to go! Small goals add up to large weight loss! Add me!
  • dizchic77
    dizchic77 Posts: 16 Member
    Started over 250, down almost 50, I have a long way to go, I keep an open diary, and I'm always looking to give and receive support from friends. Anyone can add me. :)
  • NikkieLite
    NikkieLite Posts: 126 Member
    I started at 275, dropped down to around 215 and then gained back 40 pounds after having a baby. Back to lose that all again and then some. My goal weight is currently 150s. Anyone can feel free to add me, definitely need more active friends on my feed! (:
  • JasonAxelrod
    JasonAxelrod Posts: 58 Member
    Started at 361.6lb. I was very likely 380+ or perhaps even approaching 400 at some point, but I did not weigh myself at my absolute heaviest, so I'll never know precisely where I was. I'm at 288.6 as of this morning, so I'm 73 down with another 88.7 to go (at least).

    I'm doing keto / low-carb, high-fat. It's a niche diet, hotly debated, and raises a lot of questions to the people around me, but it has gotten me very, very far. I've considered switching to something else just to see how other diets make me feel and work toward my progress and also affect my health, but it's a very maneuverable regimen if you're willing to learn how to cook new things (lots of substitute recipes for normally high-carb dishes). What does it in the end, though, is my calorie-counting. I keep myself in a calorie deficit (1600 per day is my goal). A lot of people can do this without counting and just eyeballing / eating for satiation, but I need the structure because I have impulse issues and have had compulsive eating disorder since I was an adolescent. I've also been "seriously thinking about" seeking cognitive behavioral therapy to help me better deal with my emotional triggers and to readjust my coping mechanisms to deal with this, as well. I put that in quotes because a year has gone by since I started looking for therapists and I have not yet made an appointment. But it's something I'm going to do, because I care enough about myself to ask for help.

    Happy to have another friend to share my progress with, regardless of whether or not you're on the same diet.
  • sturoberts1975
    Started at 369lbs, Wife is doing slimming world, so I am pretty much following that plan whilst entering my calories here to try and convince myself to not only eat more healthily, but to reduce portion size and calorific intake as well.

    More than happy for people to message me, I will try and support anyone and would appreciate support for my own journey
  • khoshgeleh16
    khoshgeleh16 Posts: 150 Member
    My highest (that I know of) weight was 281 in February/March of last year, and I'm currently at 243 and dropping pretty steadily now that I've found MFP (as of late October). My goal is 180 or so and I'm hoping to be there in a year or so. It's a long, hard slog but I've also had a lot of fun and discovered some new abilities (running!?! me?! apparently so...) Always happy to have friends who're in a similar place and around regularly :-D

    (Sadly, there has been no glamor to my method - logging religiously, even the days I just eat "junk" food, eating way fewer calories and more reasonable portions than I did before, and upping the duration/intensity of my exercise. Ironically, I do think I hit the gym less now than I did at 280 - strictly speaking, fitness has never been my problem!)
  • mrshudson813
    mrshudson813 Posts: 128 Member
    Just started January 1 of this year. I started at 254 and have lost 12 pounds. I stil have 93 pounds to lose before I hit my goal weight. Feel free to add me.
  • flab2fit_30
    this is seriously the most supportive and motivational thread i have commented on since being on mfp.

    i didnt start at 250, 245 actually... which is close enough. i would love for any of you to add me... lets do this together.
  • FitnFeistyLyness
    FitnFeistyLyness Posts: 757 Member
    i started at 370.. i am now 164.. feel free to add me or join my group.. its open to all.. have a great day and remember its all within you to be the person you were meant to be but love the person you are now.

  • Live_To_Win
    Live_To_Win Posts: 340 Member
    I just started on Dec 13 at 285 and am now down to 268.8. Feel free to add me, that does for anyone here. The more support the better for all of us
  • MissFe79
    My highest weight was 275 (maybe more, I stopped weighing myself), I lost around 75lbs gained back 10lbs and now trying to lose 50-60lbs. Feel free to add me.
  • paulabrown63
    paulabrown63 Posts: 3 Member

    Welcome. I am a yo yo-ER. Hoping to get back to it again. I am in pain very day and disgusted with my wieght. I have decided today to make a serious attempt to change my eating habits! Mostly becaus eI feel horrible. My whole body hurts. I wish you support and friendship. I am here if you need to chat. Hugs, Paula
  • Brandy_McBride
    I've just found out about myfitnesspal yesterday from a close friend. I began my weight loss journey the day after Christmas and started at 254 lbs. Here's to living healthy!
  • LVCeltGirl
    Feel free to add me...

    Started at 276 in June 2013, down to 244.2 this morning (lowest has been 243.4). I'm doing it by counting calories, trying to keep within macros, exercising more and not denying myself anything (so if that brownie I want is within my goals, I get to have it and if it's not, then what do I need to do to make it fit ie exercise). I drink a gallon or more of water plus my coke zero (I'm trying to wean off of it) as well as unsweetened tea, etc. I'm in Las Vegas so drinking more liquid especially water is highly recommended. My goal is a little under 100 lbs away, so I've still got a journey.

    Always remember, this is a lifestyle change so figure out how to not deny yourself (unless it's a food you won't stop eating, that red trigger food is going to have to go until (or if) you can learn to eat it in moderation).
  • bridget_i
    bridget_i Posts: 8 Member
    Hi there! I think I already sent you a friend request, but I would love to have friends on here! I just started on MFP today, although I've been tracking my eating this past week on WebMD's Food and Fitness log. I've already lost 2 pounds since Monday, which isn't much, but it's a start!

    I am currently at 284, looking to get down closer to the 145 range, so I've got a ways to go! Still, I would love to have support and friends on here, so Mommy_Tiffany or anyone else, I'm happy to be added!
  • sweetnsassy1491
    sweetnsassy1491 Posts: 95 Member
    I started at 294, and I've lost around 20 pounds.
  • KellyDearest
    Hey! I started out at 275 and am down to 238! The biggest challenge for me was portion control and cutting down on my best friend, bread. As for making sure you move, find something fun! I picked up hula-hooping and firstly, it's a blast, and secondly, it's a surprisingly good calorie burner! The key really is to teach yourself to enjoy all of it. Enjoy empowering your body to be the best that it can be!
  • aka_Kamalevantis
    I started at 321lb and I'm now 199lb, feel free to add me if you want to xXx
  • nicolen160
    nicolen160 Posts: 197 Member
    I started in March last year at 302 and now weigh 189.4 :) so I have lost around 112 lbs. I eat what I want just less of it, I don't many fruits and veggies so that is not really in my diet. I did stop drinking pop and for my sweet tooth I started eating sugar free candy and chocolate, which tastes the same as regular sugar, to me anyhow. And if I want cake or something I just eat it. I do exercise about 5 days a week at least a half an hour, mostly walking or bike. I haven't really done anything extreme even though people think I am, I just am aware of what I put in my mouth and how many calories it is. I log most everything and if I can't find it in MFP then I pick what is close as I can get and it has seemed to work for me. If you stay within your calories you should be fine. Don't cut out everything because if you give up everything you will fail. Just make small changes. Add me if you like, I love new friends! :))
  • TGSgirl2017
    TGSgirl2017 Posts: 32 Member
    add me as a friend hun! I started @ 301 and am down to 195.