Moms -- Can You Help Me Out?(lady question)



  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    Do you want to be pregnant? You can certainly think yourself into all the symptoms and even the late period when your really anxious to get pregnant.....take the test, anything besides a positive test means nothing.
    Yeah, except sometimes, it doesn't. With my third, I didn't have a postive test until the second trimester...
  • ScorpionQwean
    ScorpionQwean Posts: 1,013 Member
    I was tired, sore breasts, and felt bloated / heavy.
  • MrsG31
    MrsG31 Posts: 364 Member
    I'm in just to see the results--you've built up a lot of anticipation here! I've never been pregnant, so I have nothing to offer, but my husband and I started trying a couple of months ago so I am with you, wondering if every possible symptom presages pregnancy or my period. I am trying not to obsess about it and just let things happen in a relaxed way. Sometimes that's easier said than done, though. Good luck!

    Good luck and baby dust to both of you! That is what we did the 1st time....just stopped preventing it and let "whatever happens, happen" which is why it took me a minute to figure out what was going on.
  • SemperAnticus1643
    SemperAnticus1643 Posts: 703 Member
    For me, it was my sense of smell. That was my early pregnancy trigger for both of my girls.
  • tworthen79
    tworthen79 Posts: 1,173 Member
    Sore boobs. Were always my first indication.
  • bluestarlight19
    bluestarlight19 Posts: 419 Member
    Looking back I actually felt implantation with both my girls. For my first, My boobs were very sore a few days before my period and I had never had sore boobs before like that. Its not a normal pms or pre-period symptom for me so I knew. It was interesting because we had started trying the month before and I had my period a week and a half before my wedding. And then I felt implantation on the first evening of our honey moon and we were in Florida for almost 2 weeks so I was due on just after we got home and I was very clock work. So I took a test the morning after and boom! For my second we were trying for a few months and I also felt implantation but my boobs didn't start hurting til after I tested.

    Also....I ended up with hyperemesis, which is nausea and vomiting of pregnancy but way way worse. If you ever need any tips for that....I got a bag full from being violently sick til 20 weeks both times...ugh...
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    Hunny, I was almost four months in before I knew, and that was only after being made to take a test by my best friend after I said I lost my taste for meat and got really clumsy. No other symptoms for the rest of the pregnancy. (I even had my period each month except the last two months, which really sucked.)

    We're all different. A test is your best bet. Congrats, though!
  • Jennisin1
    Jennisin1 Posts: 574 Member
    You either are or aren't... and a 1 dollar bathroom break can tell you... without all the drama. I would think that if one was having sex with no protection... pregnancy really shouldn't be that big of a shocker and would have a little stock of cheap pregnancy test. To keep oneself from going nuttso.
  • gabbygirl78
    gabbygirl78 Posts: 936 Member
    I had no symptoms with my son at all .. just late. With my daughter I had every symptom there is! Each pregnancy is different. Good luck!
  • mrsduke2924
    mrsduke2924 Posts: 104 Member
    i want to know the result! :flowerforyou:
  • chelbel1027
    chelbel1027 Posts: 6 Member
    I broke out (more than my normal monthly breakout), had tender, itchy breasts, and couldn't stop burping! Also, my best friend was 3 months pregnant when I got pregnant and she kept telling me I was pregnant before I knew it. Apparently pregnancy hormones can detect other's pregnancy hormones lol
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    Ok - now I want to know! Bump so its in my list.
  • Needachange84
    Needachange84 Posts: 310 Member
    I gagged brushing my teeth. had no clue that was what was causing it with my first, but due to the fact I couldn't comfortably brush my teeth with my first the entire time I was PG, as soon as I gagged brushing my teeth I knew I was PG again with my 2nd.

    I only have one but this. My period was never regular and I was even told I may have never have children because of a close bout with cervical cancer. I couldn't figure out why I would gag when brushing my teeth. Cravings got strong for lemons. It I never had any other symptoms so I went and got a test. Had I not done that I probably would've never known til it came close to the end lol I didn't start showing til about 8 months
  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    In for the test results!

    I had no symptoms with my son, and whenever I do have "symptoms" they just end up being PMS. Go figure.
  • BonnieCaley
    BonnieCaley Posts: 37 Member
    I have 3 boys - With my eldest I realised when I started crying over running out of Sugar Puffs (I continued to take a tub of dry ones everywhere for the next 8 months!!), my middle son I knew the next morning, always thought it was stupid when people said that, but I honestly woke up and knew!! My youngest took 10 pregnancy tests over 2 weeks to show up and I had no early symptoms.

    Hope you get the result you want :smile:
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    I had period-like cramps... for days. Thought my period was coming but it just wouldn't start. My doctor had told me to test previous to starting provera and it came back positive. I never had morning sickness, and it wasn't until about 6-8 weeks I felt tired all the time.
  • j0705
    j0705 Posts: 185
    oh my god just take a test fgs.. you do cervix tracking ???? wtf? some people have far too much time on their hands! lol

    my first signs of pregnancy was projectile vomiting from the moment of conception.. well fertilisation which is around 3-8 days later, but it didnt stop day or night why they heck do they call it morning sickness when you have it 24/7?
  • AmykinsCatfood
    AmykinsCatfood Posts: 599 Member
    Well? Did you test yet?!
  • emirror
    emirror Posts: 842 Member
    bumping for baby bumps