Week 3, "H20" Lose 20 Pounds by Halloween Challenge.



  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    our 6 month old German Shepherd Dog is not good on a leash still and we had to go home. He has this strange reaction to other dogs when there isn't some kind of barrier between 'em (i.e. a fence). I know it is excitement, but it is not OK. *sigh*

    This sounds like my two hellions. My little one (daschund/beagle cross) was great with dogs until a 120lb black lab sat on her....Depending on who I've told that to, they tell me that she doesn't remember but she DOES. She is the alpha dog in the house and my big guy (he's a 60 lb lab cross) follows suit. When he's on his own, his tail wags and he is excited but not to the extreme. When we walk them both together, they star making that whiny whiny noise and her tail wags, his drops down. If we bring them close she tries to attack and, if we only bring him over, he makes friends. It's weird, but mostly embarassing. Imagine dragging two dogs down the street that are going bananas just because someone else is going for a walk....We've found the command "Walk away" seems to work well for us. Our next door neighbours have two American bulldogs and between the 4, we have a pretty decimated fence, but with Walk away, our side drops what they are doing and comes back over to us.

    I actually brought my dogs with my parents dogs to the dog park on Sunday and I knew that getting them out and off leash was going to be a challenge (once off leash, they are fine). My dogs got out of the car, almost pulled me over and then went back into the car. I won't mention that I didn't want to let go of their leashes until they were fully secure so crawled into the back of the minivan with them (my parents have the trunk caged off for the dogs). I got stuck for an hour until my sister came back and got me.

    Point is.....training is going to be your only friend. Getting your dog leash socialized is good too. I have to take my guys to this lady in town that is apparently brilliant with these kinds of cases..... just haven't had time.....LOL
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    Wow! Some really good movement toward Halloween here! And yippee, fall! I'm wearing a sweater...I love sweaters....

    LW: 150
    CW: 148.5

    I'm particularly thrilled this week because I just started TOM...and I'm DOWN! Woot! Hopefully my scale's not from bizzaro world, and I won't be up after this special time!
  • bosslady711
    Good Morning, this is my first week joining. My weigh in day is tomorrow,.:smile:
    Any tips on working the mid section and upper body will greatly be appreciated.
    Have a wonderful weekend!
  • achbarrow
    achbarrow Posts: 325 Member
    Cenedria - Isn't this cooler weather AWESOME! Davis, CA? Are you going to UC Davis? Is it a bike-commuter kind of school? I remember when I was visiting the UC campuses trying to decide where I wanted to go, the UC Santa Barbara campus was TOTALLY commuted by bikes. Like, students didn't walk to class. They rode their bikes...while wearing skirts, backpacks on, talking on their cell, and driving with one hand. I can only imagine how many collisions there are! And you're going to have to dress up no matter what, especially since you're going to have trick-or-treaters!! Have you looked at yandy.com? They've got a section for fluffy bunnies and they have a GREAT and varied selection! Like, they're not about to make you feel guilty for having curves KWIM?

    I looooove it!!! We even had rain for a day, it made me so happy! I don't go to UCD but I've lived here my whole life and you're right collisions happen on a regular basis, especially in the fall when we get our yearly influx of freshmen. Halloween is my favorite holiday so I will definitely be dressing up! Heading to yandy.com now to check it out. Thanks for the tip!
  • Sweetie_Pie92
    Sweetie_Pie92 Posts: 314 Member
    TOM has come for a visit, and I'm up a few random pounds :(
    I was 214.8 last week and today I'm 216.6....so I'm hoping that will go away when TOM does.
  • bballgrrl34
    bballgrrl34 Posts: 174 Member

    So I weighed myself today in weeks and I have lost 2 lbs. I am down from 190 to 188. So I am on my way to reaching my 20 by Halloween. I was really excited about this, but then today I went clothes shopping to find shirt for work and going out. Everything looked horrible. When I was looking in the mirror I felt really bad about myself. I tried on more than 10 shirts and everything looked disgusting. I just had to let this out. It just happened. When I got home my roommate asked me if I wanted to join her for ice cream, instead of joining her I said no. Big step for me since I looooovvveee ice cream!!

    Instead of staying in that bad moment of no clothes fitting, I decided this was for the best. One I didn't have the money for it anyway. Also, why would I want to buy clothes that aren't gonna fit in 2 months when I am down 20 pounds. Just seems like a waste of money for me! So, although I am sad about how bad it looked, I just thought about how I am being healthy and soon enough I will get clothes when I can afford it and I am the size I want to be.

    Sorry for the venting, but I just wanted to get it out to people who understand where I am coming from. Thanks for reading and everyone keep up the great work. I am getting back on track because of the post that you all put up here. Very motivating.
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Sorry i havent been around much this week. Its been a busy week for me. I know I still need to mane the week 4 tread.. Ill get to it soon..

    Hope everyones had a good week..
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    I have a bit of a dilemma now, I feel like I am cheating. I havent eaten at all today, it is now 3 in the morning eeeek. I think I should go eat but its tomorrow now and I dont want to eat my calories and have none left. Will feel a cheat for not adding it to todays though.
  • ChristineMcGrae
    3rd weigh in since starting the H20 Challenge and was down another 1.6 lbs! :smile:

    Starting Halloween Challenge: 216.8

    1st Weigh In [31/08/10]: 215 = 1.8 Loss
    2nd Weigh In [05/09/10]: 213.4 = 1.6 Loss
    Current [12/09/10]: 211.8 = 1.6 Loss , 5 lbs total loss since starting H20!

    Goal: 196.8 [15 Pounds To Go!!] :flowerforyou:
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    I have a bit of a dilemma now, I feel like I am cheating. I havent eaten at all today, it is now 3 in the morning eeeek. I think I should go eat but its tomorrow now and I dont want to eat my calories and have none left. Will feel a cheat for not adding it to todays though.

    For me, a day doesn't start until I wake up - within reason. I can't stay up 26 hours one day and sleep and wake up for two the next and eat the same number of calories for both.

    I hope you had something.
  • elmct57
    elmct57 Posts: 594 Member
    Hi everyone. had surgery and was a bit out of it for a bit there,,,

    Starting weight for this was 193
    Current weight is 186.2

    Good luck everyone!
  • P3AC3nLOV3
    Hi guys just checking in...

    Start for this challenge 09/05 262lbs
    09/12 258lbs (-4)

    Hope all of you are kicking butt!! =)
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Went to my in laws clubhouse this weekend and had a ton of fun. Mostly told stories (and drank QUITE a lot) last night! Got to spend some time with my nephew Oliver :) All around great family weekend, just not food wise and really not exercise wise which is fine with me :)

    So, compliment of the weekend (and possibly month!) my father in law, who was one of my facebook friends *****ing about my posting exercises and such a month or so ago (some of you may remember that..), well, he saw me for the first time in QUITE awhile this weekend and when we got to their clubhouse, and walked on the deck, his first words were 'Wow, Amy, you look like your 18 again!' Such an AMAZING feeling!
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    So, compliment of the weekend (and possibly month!) my father in law, who was one of my facebook friends *****ing about my posting exercises and such a month or so ago (some of you may remember that..), well, he saw me for the first time in QUITE awhile this weekend and when we got to their clubhouse, and walked on the deck, his first words were 'Wow, Amy, you look like your 18 again!' Such an AMAZING feeling!

    I soo like that.. :) Way to go Amy!! :)
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Im going to start week 4 topic tonight.. since we will be ending on a sunday night.. then we will be all set.. :)
  • Flotus87
    So, compliment of the weekend (and possibly month!) my father in law, who was one of my facebook friends *****ing about my posting exercises and such a month or so ago (some of you may remember that..), well, he saw me for the first time in QUITE awhile this weekend and when we got to their clubhouse, and walked on the deck, his first words were 'Wow, Amy, you look like your 18 again!' Such an AMAZING feeling!

    WTG!!! That right there is the best kind of motivation that what you're doing is working. I'm so happy for you girly!!!
  • SugarDiva
    SugarDiva Posts: 403 Member
    ahhh I feel like I'm fighting a losing battle! I'm only down .2 lbs! ggggggggrrrrrr I'm trying everything, I've changed up my exercise routine, up'd my water..any suggestions?
  • nursee67
    Weighed yesterday...forgot to post. Actually up 0.2 lb...TOM is here. Damn!
  • elmct57
    elmct57 Posts: 594 Member
    started at 188.4 9/10 and finished at 184.2 9/16.