Poll: Giving compliments at the gym?



  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Also for the record, I absolutely hate the people that do nothing but talk at the gym. And those couple of people who think it is their job to wander around the gym and talk with every person they see at the gym on a regular basis.

    But on the other hand, I would love if someone approached me and gave me a short and simple compliment about my physique and/or lifting.

    ^this^. Short compliments in passing are fine. Chatterboxes are not. Are you there to work out or for social hour? And if you are on a machine and chatting away the whole time, you are not working hard enough.
  • just_Jennie1
    just_Jennie1 Posts: 1,233
    It wouldn't creep me out in the least. I work out hard for the body that I have and I want people to notice it. I'd be flattered if someone complimented me on my hard work.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    I have done it many times in passing. The trick is to not try to make it a conversation, but a statement, and keep going on about your routine.

    Good advice^^^

    I've given & recieved compliments at the gym, just don't make it a big production. You can tell who is approachable and who doesn't want bothered at all. If someone is offended because you took 3 seconds to pay them a compliment, that's their problem.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    I think a lot depends on your approach. It's going to be hard to do without coming across as creepy.

    I remember watching a re-run of "Mad About You" recently. Jamie was looking for a gynecologist. Cousin Ira goes around asking women, 'Hey, who's your gynecologist?" and keeps getting smacked in the head. Of course it's a sit-com....but there's a way to ask a woman about that that won't get you smacked. ("Hey, my cousin just got pregnant and is looking for a good ob/gyn. Do you know of any?")

    Most people at the gym want to be there, but be invisible. (Like me.) But if someone came up and said, "Hey, I've seen you in here and noticed you've lost a lot of weight. Can I ask what you're doing or how you're doing it? Do you work with a trainer, have you up'd your protein?" I wouldn't be offended. Maybe a little dumbstruck that someone noticed.

    For what it's worth.
  • a_stronger_me13
    a_stronger_me13 Posts: 812 Member
    Also for the record, I absolutely hate the people that do nothing but talk at the gym. And those couple of people who think it is their job to wander around the gym and talk with every person they see at the gym on a regular basis.

    But on the other hand, I would love if someone approached me and gave me a short and simple compliment about my physique and/or lifting.

    ^this^. Short compliments in passing are fine. Chatterboxes are not. Are you there to work out or for social hour? And if you are on a machine and chatting away the whole time, you are not working hard enough.

    You don't know what everyone's intentions are for being at the gym. Sometimes it is used as a huge social outlet.

    And you can mind your own business when it comes to how hard I or anyone else is working. We all pay gym dues, get over it.
  • somefitsomefat
    somefitsomefat Posts: 445 Member
    You don't know what everyone's intentions are for being at the gym. Sometimes it is used as a huge social outlet.

    From someone named "shutupandlift" lol
  • TriLifter
    TriLifter Posts: 1,283 Member
    I think there's nothing wrong with complimenting someone at the gym. When I'm there, I'm there to work, but I still notice what other people are doing. There aren't a lot of women where I am (free weights), so any compliments I've received have been from men--they've all been strength-related compliments. Today an older guy (in his 80s) told me he was impressed with how many plates I was pressing for my size.
  • Otterluv
    Otterluv Posts: 9,083 Member
    The only times I've done it is if someone has already approached me to chat and it's a person I'm familiar with. Even then it was something like "your shoulder definition is looking great!", not "dang, you are hot!". I've gotten compliments, but mostly older women (in their 70's, at least) coming over to compliment me about how much I'm lifting. It happened this weekend, actually, and cracked me up.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    You don't know what everyone's intentions are for being at the gym. Sometimes it is used as a huge social outlet.

    From someone named "shutupandlift" lol

  • a_stronger_me13
    a_stronger_me13 Posts: 812 Member
    You don't know what everyone's intentions are for being at the gym. Sometimes it is used as a huge social outlet.

    From someone named "shutupandlift" lol


    The "shut up" part is meant for people's bullsh!t excuses, not because I think no one should ever speak to me in a public setting.
  • VelveteenArabian
    VelveteenArabian Posts: 758 Member
    It would creep me out. I would think you're either weird or that you're hitting on me. Neither would be okay for me. I absolutely hate dealing with people's judgements - both good and bad. I hate the scrutiny.

    I also hate people looking which is why I don't lift. Guys really need to focus more on themselves at the gym!

    Not everyone that says something nice to you is hitting on you. All the guys in the gym are not staring at you. I hear that comment a lot from woman and its simply not the case. Some creeps might be staring, but its not the majority.

    They may not be hitting on you but they are judging you. Judgement is awkward and uncomfortable. Even if its a compliment, now you know that not only is that person judging you, but they're doing it often enough to keep tabs. I find that weird and creepy.

    No not all of the guys in the gym are staring at me. I don't assume any of them are. I catch them doing it which is how I know. I am surprised a person doesn't think you'll notice they're staring at your rack/behind/whatever when you're both facing the same mirror. A few have the decency to look embarrassed.

    (And no I'm not wearing anything skin tight or low cut. Certain attributes just cannot be concealed.)
  • Hauntinglyfit
    Hauntinglyfit Posts: 5,537 Member
    I think it's okay, and it would make my day.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    You don't know what everyone's intentions are for being at the gym. Sometimes it is used as a huge social outlet.

    From someone named "shutupandlift" lol


    The "shut up" part is meant for people's bullsh!t excuses, not because I think no one should ever speak to me in a public setting.

    Like the bullsh!t excuse "hey, I work out at the gym every day, I don't know why I'm not losing weight" when walking at a chatty pace on the treadmill doesn't burn the calories necessary to make up for the food they eat? Seen that one quite often IRL.
  • a_stronger_me13
    a_stronger_me13 Posts: 812 Member
    You don't know what everyone's intentions are for being at the gym. Sometimes it is used as a huge social outlet.

    From someone named "shutupandlift" lol


    The "shut up" part is meant for people's bullsh!t excuses, not because I think no one should ever speak to me in a public setting.

    Like the bullsh!t excuse "hey, I work out at the gym every day, I don't know why I'm not losing weight" when walking at a chatty pace on the treadmill doesn't burn the calories necessary to make up for the food they eat? Seen that one quite often IRL.

    I thought you don't talk to anyone at the gym?
  • KariQuiteContrary
    KariQuiteContrary Posts: 274 Member
    I'm with a lot of people on here and frankly I don't love being interrupted when I'm mid workout at the gym. However because of what I do (teacher) it's something that can't often be entirely avoided. I don't love the idea of someone watching me and commenting on my body/form/workout and if a complete stranger came up and commented it would probably freak me out. I have had acquaintances and friends come up and either comment or ask questions. As long as it's put in an appropriate way and time (i.e. NOT mid squat!) I'm ok with it and if ask, most times I'm even willing to help them learn how to do a particular lift/exercise if that's what they want.
  • somefitsomefat
    somefitsomefat Posts: 445 Member
    It would creep me out. I would think you're either weird or that you're hitting on me. Neither would be okay for me. I absolutely hate dealing with people's judgements - both good and bad. I hate the scrutiny.

    I also hate people looking which is why I don't lift. Guys really need to focus more on themselves at the gym!

    Not everyone that says something nice to you is hitting on you. All the guys in the gym are not staring at you. I hear that comment a lot from woman and its simply not the case. Some creeps might be staring, but its not the majority.

    They may not be hitting on you but they are judging you. Judgement is awkward and uncomfortable. Even if its a compliment, now you know that not only is that person judging you, but they're doing it often enough to keep tabs. I find that weird and creepy.

    No not all of the guys in the gym are staring at me. I don't assume any of them are. I catch them doing it which is how I know. I am surprised a person doesn't think you'll notice they're staring at your rack/behind/whatever when you're both facing the same mirror. A few have the decency to look embarrassed.

    (And no I'm not wearing anything skin tight or low cut. Certain attributes just cannot be concealed.)

    So you've never found any guy at the gym even remotely attractive? I find that very hard to believe.
  • My_Own_Worst_Enemy
    My_Own_Worst_Enemy Posts: 218 Member
    I was at the gym today and i noticed another girl my age who looked really toned and fit. Like basically the kind of body I'm aspiring to have. I really wanted to go up to her and give her a compliment but I felt too awkward about it and didn't want her to be uncomfortable. I know I love hearing random compliments from strangers and it really motivates me, but...

    Is it okay to compliment someone's body at the gym? How would you react? What's the least creepy/awkward wording?

    Thanks guys!

    What would there have been to compliment? Either way, unless you have said Hi to this person before in just other "normal conversation" its going to be awkward.

    Compliment them on their progress? Or if they look the same then you are pretty much walking up to them and just telling them how attractive they look. From a complete stranger, thats nice, but then they have to see you at the gym all the time. Then when she goes there she might be like, "Oh theres that girl who came up to me that time just to tell me I look hot" =\

    Lets just say you actually noticed she lost weight or has made some great gains on her squats. It may or may not be creepy. I suppose it all depends how cool that girl is. She might think, "Damn, how long has this girl been checking me out? I never really even noticed her until now. I wonder if she follows me to the store after I leave here?"

    Or she might be like "Oh damn! Thats great! Thanks for noticing!!! Yeah, ive been working really hard and watching what Ive been eating throught the holidays. Its been a struggle, but thanks to someone as nice as you to notice, I feel its really paying off.

    With human beings that we dont necessarily know, you never can tell how it will turn out. If you want to go up to her and talk to her, go ahead I think you should. Just be yourself and if thats not good enough for her then Cee her Next Tuesday.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    You don't know what everyone's intentions are for being at the gym. Sometimes it is used as a huge social outlet.

    From someone named "shutupandlift" lol


    The "shut up" part is meant for people's bullsh!t excuses, not because I think no one should ever speak to me in a public setting.

    Like the bullsh!t excuse "hey, I work out at the gym every day, I don't know why I'm not losing weight" when walking at a chatty pace on the treadmill doesn't burn the calories necessary to make up for the food they eat? Seen that one quite often IRL.

    I thought you don't talk to anyone at the gym?

    Let's not fight. It's unbecoming, and I really don't want to. Honestly, I don't talk to people while working out or all sweaty, or in the shower. I do talk to them in the locker room, and out in public when we've seen each other at the gym, and there were people from work and other social situations I saw at the gym as well.
  • Legs_McGee
    Legs_McGee Posts: 845 Member
    I love compliments of all kinds. I wouldn't think the compliment giver was creepy unless they were drooling or fondling themselves while they were talking to me. So just don't do that.
  • celtbell3
    celtbell3 Posts: 738 Member
    Over the years, I've made some great friendships at the gym with people whose only commonality is that we enjoy sweating at the gym. Some people use it as social time and some use it to zone and work ~ some do both. I believe that paying attention to body language is important. If a person does not look at you - ever - then they may be zoning and I would hazard a guess that approaching them would be awkward for you both.