How to kick a fast food addiction?



  • shrinkingshreya
    shrinkingshreya Posts: 118 Member
    I try to recreate healthy versions of fast foods at home that I like and fit it into my calorie goals. For instance I used to be obsessed with Taco Bell but now I just make Taco's at home so I can portion what I am eating and use healthier ingredients. You can still eat fast food if you want but limit the intake with willpower and planning ahead of time.

    sour cream
    taco shell
    shredded cheese

    i dont get it...whats unhealthy?

    Well for starters Taco Bell has a ridiculously high sodium count because all of the ingredients are pre-packaged and come in bags--- look behind the counter when they are refilling there vats.

    Um. What is wrong with high sodium? And what does a bag have to do with sodium?

    Most of the sodium would be from the meat.

    Also, just because you spit out the word "vats" does not make it OHNOES status.

    Oh I don't know, high sodium is linked to high blood pressure, stomach cancer, problems with your kidneys to name a few. Two Bean Burrito's at Taco bell is over 2000 grams of Sodium, if she has a problem with fast food eating this excess could be a problem hence why I said making it at home or limiting it could be useful I said vat because it's funny, someone needs to relax, I'm trying to help and your snarkiness is incredibly dull.
  • mattgrenier9
    mattgrenier9 Posts: 49 Member
    I try to recreate healthy versions of fast foods at home that I like and fit it into my calorie goals. For instance I used to be obsessed with Taco Bell but now I just make Taco's at home so I can portion what I am eating and use healthier ingredients. You can still eat fast food if you want but limit the intake with willpower and planning ahead of time.
    Homemade Tacos are not only healthier but a lot cheaper, taco bell is not as cheap as it used to be especially when you have to feed more than yourself
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    Make better choices at the fast food place? It's what I did... then I figured I could make the same thing at home, but more filling and tastier.

    This. I can cook anything they can, and better. I still have fast food for dinner every Wednesday because I'm just not near a kitchen that day. That said, I try to get something that's in line with my macros. Lately I have taken a liking to Panda Express' Shanghai steak, teriyaki chicken breast, and steamed veggies. There's no need to completely eliminate anything, just consciously make good choices that fit your calorie needs and macros.

  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    I really wish people wouldn't use the word "addiction" so lightly. I really doubt you are addicted to fast food. Sure you make like it, you may crave it, but you are not addicted to it.

    I asked for help/suggestions...not criticism.

    Alright. My suggestion is to admit that you are not really addicted to fast food, that you crave it, that like any craving you must learn to control it. If you want fast food, have it, but make healthier choices off the menu that fit into your calorie budget and contain decent micro and macro nutrients. Pack a lunch, or go to the grocery store on the days you don't want to allow for fast food in your calorie budget.

    Also, this is the internet. You aren't always going to get super nice, rainbow farting unicorn, replies. If you want help, be ready to expect frank, honest, opinions that aren't always sugar coated. And honestly be prepared for downright rudeness and insults (however my original post was not rude or insulting).
  • scronen
    scronen Posts: 98 Member
    I used the wrong damn word...end of story. Trust me...I don't expect rainbows.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    I try to recreate healthy versions of fast foods at home that I like and fit it into my calorie goals. For instance I used to be obsessed with Taco Bell but now I just make Taco's at home so I can portion what I am eating and use healthier ingredients. You can still eat fast food if you want but limit the intake with willpower and planning ahead of time.

    sour cream
    taco shell
    shredded cheese

    i dont get it...whats unhealthy?

    Well for starters Taco Bell has a ridiculously high sodium count because all of the ingredients are pre-packaged and come in bags--- look behind the counter when they are refilling there vats.

    Um. What is wrong with high sodium? And what does a bag have to do with sodium?

    Most of the sodium would be from the meat.

    Also, just because you spit out the word "vats" does not make it OHNOES status.

    Oh I don't know, high sodium is linked to high blood pressure, stomach cancer, problems with your kidneys to name a few. Two Bean Burrito's at Taco bell is over 2000 grams of Sodium, if she has a problem with fast food eating this excess could be a problem hence why I said making it at home or limiting it could be useful I said vat because it's funny, someone needs to relax, I'm trying to help and your snarkiness is incredibly dull.

    Stomach cancer, really? :huh: And regular exercise helps lower blood pressure. I consume a hell of a lot of sodium and my BP is barely over ideal (and there are genetic factors at play).

    My snarkiness is never dull. This is proof you are an overexaggerator.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    I used the wrong damn word...end of story. Trust me...I don't expect rainbows.

    You are getting upsey and feeling attacked. Please don't. You have to have thick skin around here, but once you stop taking things personally there is a lot of great information.
  • shrinkingshreya
    shrinkingshreya Posts: 118 Member
    I try to recreate healthy versions of fast foods at home that I like and fit it into my calorie goals. For instance I used to be obsessed with Taco Bell but now I just make Taco's at home so I can portion what I am eating and use healthier ingredients. You can still eat fast food if you want but limit the intake with willpower and planning ahead of time.

    sour cream
    taco shell
    shredded cheese

    i dont get it...whats unhealthy?

    Well for starters Taco Bell has a ridiculously high sodium count because all of the ingredients are pre-packaged and come in bags--- look behind the counter when they are refilling there vats.

    Um. What is wrong with high sodium? And what does a bag have to do with sodium?

    Most of the sodium would be from the meat.

    Also, just because you spit out the word "vats" does not make it OHNOES status.

    Oh I don't know, high sodium is linked to high blood pressure, stomach cancer, problems with your kidneys to name a few. Two Bean Burrito's at Taco bell is over 2000 grams of Sodium, if she has a problem with fast food eating this excess could be a problem hence why I said making it at home or limiting it could be useful I said vat because it's funny, someone needs to relax, I'm trying to help and your snarkiness is incredibly dull.

    Stomach cancer, really? :huh: And regular exercise helps lower blood pressure. I consume a hell of a lot of sodium and my BP is barely over ideal (and there are genetic factors at play).

    My snarkiness is never dull. This is proof you are an overexaggerator.

    Just because eating a diet filled with sodium has worked for you doesn't mean you should promote it for everyone, particularly someone who has a problem consuming large amounts of fast food. I'm not going to waste my time quoting medical journals that show how a high sodium diet could negatively impact someone's health. Why don't you quit making low jab's at people behind and your computer and be more useful with your advice.
  • scronen
    scronen Posts: 98 Member
    I used the wrong damn word...end of story. Trust me...I don't expect rainbows.

    You are getting upsey and feeling attacked. Please don't. You have to have thick skin around here, but once you stop taking things personally there is a lot of great information.

    I don't have a right to get upset? Im glad to get suggestions and help.

    But come on...I used the word addiction which seemed to make some people butt hurt.
    I see the great information...I do.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    just start cooking your own homemade meals and you will soon realize that fast food pretty much tastes like a horses *kitten*...or what I believe a horses *kitten* would taste like.

    I had Wendy's last August on a road trip and it pretty much ruined me for a couple of days...I hadn't had fast food in 9 months prior and I don't think I'll ever have it again.

    Either that or come to terms with the fact that it is entirely possible to include fast food in an otherwise balanced and nutritious diet and still lose weight and be healthy. I may not eat fast food, but I can tell you right now, I eat pizza...I eat polish sausages and bratts...I eat full fat burgers I make at home on my grill...I eat ice cream and I drink soda on's about learning moderation and portion control. For me, the fast food just wasn't worth tastes like poop and then makes you poop...

    Edit: also, the word addiction gets thrown around pretty willy nilly...everything is a frackin' addiction rather than a lack of self control or whatever...and I don't think people realize that there are people on here who've actually suffered true addictions...and it's just kind of a slap in the face to compare cravings to McDonalds and the like to being addicted to drugs.

    Don't take it personally...I can get pretty bent out of shape about it from time to time because I'm one of those people but I try to maintain a level head because I know people are just trying to describe their food issues...but sometimes you just see addiction, addiction, addiction, being thrown around so much it just makes your top blow.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    I try to recreate healthy versions of fast foods at home that I like and fit it into my calorie goals. For instance I used to be obsessed with Taco Bell but now I just make Taco's at home so I can portion what I am eating and use healthier ingredients. You can still eat fast food if you want but limit the intake with willpower and planning ahead of time.

    sour cream
    taco shell
    shredded cheese

    i dont get it...whats unhealthy?

    Well for starters Taco Bell has a ridiculously high sodium count because all of the ingredients are pre-packaged and come in bags--- look behind the counter when they are refilling there vats.

    Um. What is wrong with high sodium? And what does a bag have to do with sodium?

    Most of the sodium would be from the meat.

    Also, just because you spit out the word "vats" does not make it OHNOES status.

    Oh I don't know, high sodium is linked to high blood pressure, stomach cancer, problems with your kidneys to name a few. Two Bean Burrito's at Taco bell is over 2000 grams of Sodium, if she has a problem with fast food eating this excess could be a problem hence why I said making it at home or limiting it could be useful I said vat because it's funny, someone needs to relax, I'm trying to help and your snarkiness is incredibly dull.

    Stomach cancer, really? :huh: And regular exercise helps lower blood pressure. I consume a hell of a lot of sodium and my BP is barely over ideal (and there are genetic factors at play).

    My snarkiness is never dull. This is proof you are an overexaggerator.

    Just because eating a diet filled with sodium has worked for you doesn't mean you should promote it for everyone, particularly someone who has a problem consuming large amounts of fast food. I'm not going to waste my time quoting medical journals that show how a high sodium diet could negatively impact someone's health. Why don't you quit making low jab's at people behind and your computer and be more useful with your advice.

    Oh please, quote medical journals at me. *chin in hands*

    And my advice was perfectly valid. She does not have a problem consuming a large amount of fast food, she is just alarmed at how much she is consuming. I, and others, have told her that it isn't as big an issue as she has been lead to believe.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    I used the wrong damn word...end of story. Trust me...I don't expect rainbows.

    You are getting upsey and feeling attacked. Please don't. You have to have thick skin around here, but once you stop taking things personally there is a lot of great information.

    I don't have a right to get upset? Im glad to get suggestions and help.

    But come on...I used the word addiction which seemed to make some people butt hurt.
    I see the great information...I do.

    I am not going to tell you how to feel, I was just trying to let you know that it isnt personal and taking a more relaxed approach to it would be more condusive. *shrug*
  • scronen
    scronen Posts: 98 Member
    just start cooking your own homemade meals and you will soon realize that fast food pretty much tastes like a horses *kitten*...or what I believe a horses *kitten* would taste like.

    I had Wendy's last August on a road trip and it pretty much ruined me for a couple of days...I hadn't had fast food in 9 months prior and I don't think I'll ever have it again.

    Either that or come to terms with the fact that it is entirely possible to include fast food in an otherwise balanced and nutritious diet and still lose weight and be healthy. I may not eat fast food, but I can tell you right now, I eat pizza...I eat polish sausages and bratts...I eat full fat burgers I make at home on my grill...I eat ice cream and I drink soda on's about learning moderation and portion control. For me, the fast food just wasn't worth tastes like poop and then makes you poop...

    Thanks for the laugh!
    I know I probably won't be able to kick it completely. Just wanting advice from people who feel like I do. Thanks!
  • fitprettyCO
    fitprettyCO Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I would ask what draws you to it… convenience? Like, I try to always have food with me-- which may seem counterintuitive-- but this means I don't get caught off-guard and make a last-minute decision while hungry that may be not the best decision.

    So, I bring apples, Quest bars (have you tried them?? OMG), nuts (measured), and other things in my purse. I focus on replacing the behavior with a better one, rather than quitting altogether.

    Keep in mind too that they engineer fast food to be addictive. The sugars, the fats… it all goes straight to your brain. For me, I am cold turkey on it. But again, don't focus on what you CANT have, focus on all the lovely food you can eat instead :-) If you want a burger, much better to make at home. Same with even a milkshake or fries.

    Also, before MyFitnessPal, I lost 40+ lbs (not on my profile). So I do have some experience with this...

    Hope that's helpful. Good luck!!!!!
  • DirrtyH
    DirrtyH Posts: 664 Member
    I find that I turn to fast food when I don't really know what else to eat. If I have a plan, I can avoid it. I suggest planning out your meals for the week. Then you know what you're going to have, you stick to it, and you dont' find yourself at the drive through.

    Everyone's right, it's okay to have it sometimes, but if it's one of those triggers for you where if you have it once you're suddenly off the wagon and having it every day, then it may be bettter to avoid it for awhile. Plan ahead for everything you're going to eat. Have it ready and available - try doing all your cooking for the week on Sunday and having everything already in the fridge/freezer ready when you want it.
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    Hi, I would ask what draws you to it… convenience? Like, I try to always have food with me-- which may seem counterintuitive-- but this means I don't get caught off-guard and make a last-minute decision while hungry that may be not the best decision.

    So, I bring apples, Quest bars (have you tried them?? OMG), nuts (measured), and other things in my purse. I focus on replacing the behavior with a better one, rather than quitting altogether.

    Keep in mind too that they engineer fast food to be addictive. The sugars, the fats… it all goes straight to your brain. For me, I am cold turkey on it. But again, don't focus on what you CANT have, focus on all the lovely food you can eat instead :-) If you want a burger, much better to make at home. Same with even a milkshake or fries.

    Also, before MyFitnessPal, I lost 40+ lbs (not on my profile). So I do have some experience with this...

    Hope that's helpful. Good luck!!!!!

    Oh great. Now this scene from So I Married an Axe Murderer is running laps in my head:

    Stuart Mackenzie: Well, it's a well known fact, Sonny Jim, that there's a secret society of the five wealthiest people in the world, known as The Pentavirate, who run everything in the world, including the newspapers, and meet tri-annually at a secret country mansion in Colorado, known as The Meadows.
    Tony Giardino: So who's in this Pentavirate?
    Stuart Mackenzie: The Queen, The Vatican, The Gettys, The Rothschilds, *and* Colonel Sanders before he went tits up. Oh, I hated the Colonel with is wee *beady* eyes, and that smug look on his face. "Oh, you're gonna buy my chicken! Ohhhhh!"
    Charlie Mackenzie: Dad, how can you hate "The Colonel"?
    Stuart Mackenzie: Because he puts an addictive chemical in his chicken that makes ya crave it fortnightly, smartass!
  • jess135177
    jess135177 Posts: 186 Member
    I eat fast food, I just make sure it fits my calories/macros for the day. If its something I really want I MAKE it fit my allowance for the day. Everything in moderation!
  • mattgrenier9
    mattgrenier9 Posts: 49 Member
    Some fast food does have addictive additives, if you have ever seen the documentary "Super Size Me" there is a scene where the guy , who's name escapes me right now, who has been eating McDonald's for a week or so at this point is going through minor withdrawal and only feels happy when he is eating McDonald's. Now this is not as serious of a form of addiction like drug use is but it is still a sign of addiction. Also it should be know that there are two forms of addiction psychological and physical. Most addictions are mostly if not all psychological where the brain feels like it needs something to make it happy, this is common with drugs like Coke, on the other hand opiates usually cause a physical addiction meaning that the drug causes the body to stop producing certain neurotransmitters. This can lead to a withdrawal that if can kill someone if they quit cold turkey.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    oh geez.
  • TheSlorax
    TheSlorax Posts: 2,401 Member
    Some fast food does have addictive additives, if you have ever seen the documentary "Super Size Me" there is a scene where the guy , who's name escapes me right now, who has been eating McDonald's for a week or so at this point is going through minor withdrawal and only feels happy when he is eating McDonald's. Now this is not as serious of a form of addiction like drug use is but it is still a sign of addiction. Also it should be know that there are two forms of addiction psychological and physical. Most addictions are mostly if not all psychological where the brain feels like it needs something to make it happy, this is common with drugs like Coke, on the other hand opiates usually cause a physical addiction meaning that the drug causes the body to stop producing certain neurotransmitters. This can lead to a withdrawal that if can kill someone if they quit cold turkey.

    wait a minute. so you mean to tell me that a guy who has only pledged to eat McDonald's for 30 days gets unhappy when he doesn't eat and then happier when he does? sounds like a case of being hangry to me...