Gluten. Dairy. Sugar.



  • skinnybearerika
    skinnybearerika Posts: 20 Member
    To the original poster:

    Congratulations! :) I cut gluten and my life improved dramatically. Having a hard time cutting casein but props to you! Its unfortunate you were attacked but I thank you for sharing this information :)
  • lorihudd
    lorihudd Posts: 4 Member
    I am reading these posts and it is making me sad. When I first joined MFP it was almost all positive comments. For some reason, everyone is an expert now and those who tell their own stories are being, in my opinion, made fun of. Who cares what works for someone, congratulate them on having made a change in their life, and keep your expertise to yourself. GEEZ. Everyone is different. I read these threads for positive comments. Not to hear how smart losing a few pounds has made everyone.
  • WhiteRabbit1313
    WhiteRabbit1313 Posts: 1,091 Member
    so whenver someone posts something that is not accurate we are all just supposed to jump on the bandwagon and say "hooray, great job OP!" even if we know the reasoning/logic behind said post is wrong?

    Look people are going to come in here and think that this is a plan for long term success which it is not …so if we are not being "supportive' for blindly supporting every "sugar is the devil" post, then sure, whatever...

    Nope, but there's a non-douchie way of correcting people, ndj. :wink:

    She was obviously replying to your statement, not specifically saying you were the douchie one. She was responding TO you, but not ABOUT you.

    The reality is, there are ways to be correct AND helpful. Most people were more focused on being correct, which came across as condescending and aggressive: ie: douchie

    fine then challenge me for what I said, and don't do it some snarky, round about, sly manner, and get all defensive when you get called on it...

    Lol! You think I'm the defensive one. To clarify: yes, this time I AM implying that YOU are being defensive. If I can openly admit to you that I was wrong, why in the world would you think I would rely on sly, snarky measures to criticize you now?

    I'm human. I'm Ok with that. You're human, too. I'm Ok with that also.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Saying "hey, you're a douche"
    "Hey you, *kitten*"
    "Mr. Douchetastic, pass me that stapler"

    is calling someone a douche.

    Implying someone is a douche is no different than blatantly calling someone a douche, just as implying someone is a b!tch is no different than calling someone a b!tch. There are nicer ways to say things.

    I didn't imply that. He chose to make the comment about himself. I actually wasn't calling HIM a douche, at all.

    you are the one that brought up in response to a comment that I made…if you did not think I was acting in certain way then why did you feel the need to imply it? I could reply in kind, but I will take high road..

    If you want to challenge me on what I am saying then point to what you disagree with and call me out on it…no sense in beating around the bushes..

    Again, I was NOT actually talking about you! Lol! Yes, you've annoyed me in the past, but I was wrong and admitted as much. You actually haven't been terrible in this thread. Stop making this about you!

    you specifically referenced my screename "Nope, but there's a non-douchie way of correcting people, ndj" so yes, you were referring/talking about me. Again, if you have a problem with what I said, or how I called someone out then quote it and say what you disagree with. You do not need to take a round about route to call me out …or just call me out and I will reply in kid. But don't try to be all sly about it and then when you get called out, put your tail between your legs and totally back off the statement like you said nothing…

    Hell, you can call me whatever you want…just tell me what you disagree with and we can hash it out...

    Oh, christ. Seriously? I currently have NO PROBLEM with you. I was replying to your comment about correcting ppl. My response would have been THE SAME to anyone who said it. I was just discussing the topic. No need to get butthurt over some perceived slight.

    How is it "but hurt" to challenge you on what you are saying to me? I am simply saying if you have a problem go ahead and confront me about it and don't try to be all sly about it and then say that, that is not what you were doing…its not that hard..its called courage, use it sometimes...
  • WhiteRabbit1313
    WhiteRabbit1313 Posts: 1,091 Member
    This is how the conversation went, in a nutshell:

    Person 1: Rawr rawr rawr, you're WRONG and I'm RIGHT
    Person 2: Hey man, if what they're doing helps them, and others are struggling with the same inflammation/overeating/water retention issues, let's just make sure they know it's more about the deficit.
    Person 3: Person 2, are we supposed to applaud people who are making incorrect statements when generally applied?
    Person 2: Person 3, I just think there are better ways to get the message across without being overly aggressive about it.
    Person 3: OMG, Why would you call me overly aggressive?!

  • Docpremie
    Docpremie Posts: 228 Member

    All the information I mentioned was from doing research on my own from valid resources and was to explain why I made the choices I did. I didn't save them all because I don't save a million articles on my computer, but they can be found if people took the time to look. If my statements are wrong, no one on here seems to be posting any medical journal articles to prove otherwise. it goes both ways. If everyone is right and I'm wrong, then give me proof from respected medical journals (I'm an RN and belong to many journals online so I can do this valid reasearch). If I read you articles and they make sense to me then I will admit that you were correct. Until then, I can only go based off the research I have done and will call you out if and when you have nothing to back your statements up either.

    Actually this isn't true. "Folks," as in non-medical folks, or marketing people with alphabet letters after their name, introduce the newest "fad" diet with claims of wonderful results. It hits the news, via some celebrity who pushes it, then people jump on the fad & swear by it seeking some miracle weight loss (i.e. something that doesn't require work.) By the time it is truly researched with valid medical/statistical method & technique, the diet has fallen from favor for the "new better than best miracle" diet. When the article proving the previous fad was bogus is finally published, no one is paying attention any more, because they've already moved onto the new fad. By the way, I read medical articles too--I'm an M.D.

    For those of you complimenting the OP, her weight loss was waaaaay to rapid, unless she was morbidly obese & under the care of a weight loss/bariatric physician. NO ONE should strive for that extreme of weight loss! It is usually done with a very low calorie intake. Don't be fooled into believing all that weight loss was fat. The initial loss included water shifts from glycogen breakdown & an excessive amount of lean body mass (i.e. muscle) loss. That muscle loss has now dropped her calorie burn, making it even harder to lose weight on a similar calorie deficit. To continue to lose weight, she will now have to drop her calories even lower!!!

    Appropriate weight loss should involve a REASONABLE calorie deficit, adequate intake of proteins (1 grams/pound LBM) and fats (0.4 grams/pound LBM). Finally, sugar is sugar. The only folks benefiting from the crazy notions about sugar are the industries pushing those ideas! If you want to delete certain food groups from your diet, more power to you! Just understand that it is not sustainable over the long haul, which is what eventually leads to diet failures & regaining of weight + a few extra pounds. Those of us recommending a calorie deficit through moderation are trying to get folks to switch to a life-long dietary change. You need to be able to eat what you enjoy within moderation. Denying yourself something that you love will only lead to frustration & failure. If you doubt that reality, all you have to do is look back through all the threads of people looking for new friends as they start their diet over for the 3th-4th-15th time. I dare you to look back though all the thread started since January 1st of this year.

    One last thing, for those claiming they have to eat differently because they are over 30-40-50 years of age. Yes, you need fewer calories as you age, but mostly that is due to loss of muscle mass and decreasing activity. Studies have shown you lose 1 pound of muscle mass/year as you age, unless you make a concerted effort to prevent it--that is responsible for your drop in metabolism. Eating enough protein, utilizing resistance training & staying active can prevent much of that decrease! Starting now with a healthy, sustainable lifestyle is the lesson you should learn from this new/rededicated diet, not a bunch of crazy, unsustainable rubbish.

    I am 54 years old, have lost >60 pounds (only 2-3 of which have been muscle loss) in the last year, and I eat 1800-1900 calories/day and enjoy all of my favorite things in moderation!!! My father, at the age of 76 years of age, lost 65 pounds last year doing the same thing. So did my sister, age 52 years! It works!!!!!!!!
  • WhiteRabbit1313
    WhiteRabbit1313 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Saying "hey, you're a douche"
    "Hey you, *kitten*"
    "Mr. Douchetastic, pass me that stapler"

    is calling someone a douche.

    Implying someone is a douche is no different than blatantly calling someone a douche, just as implying someone is a b!tch is no different than calling someone a b!tch. There are nicer ways to say things.

    I didn't imply that. He chose to make the comment about himself. I actually wasn't calling HIM a douche, at all.

    you are the one that brought up in response to a comment that I made…if you did not think I was acting in certain way then why did you feel the need to imply it? I could reply in kind, but I will take high road..

    If you want to challenge me on what I am saying then point to what you disagree with and call me out on it…no sense in beating around the bushes..

    Again, I was NOT actually talking about you! Lol! Yes, you've annoyed me in the past, but I was wrong and admitted as much. You actually haven't been terrible in this thread. Stop making this about you!

    you specifically referenced my screename "Nope, but there's a non-douchie way of correcting people, ndj" so yes, you were referring/talking about me. Again, if you have a problem with what I said, or how I called someone out then quote it and say what you disagree with. You do not need to take a round about route to call me out …or just call me out and I will reply in kid. But don't try to be all sly about it and then when you get called out, put your tail between your legs and totally back off the statement like you said nothing…

    Hell, you can call me whatever you want…just tell me what you disagree with and we can hash it out...

    Oh, christ. Seriously? I currently have NO PROBLEM with you. I was replying to your comment about correcting ppl. My response would have been THE SAME to anyone who said it. I was just discussing the topic. No need to get butthurt over some perceived slight.

    How is it "but hurt" to challenge you on what you are saying to me? I am simply saying if you have a problem go ahead and confront me about it and don't try to be all sly about it and then say that, that is not what you were doing…its not that hard..its called courage, use it sometimes...

    Gah... you really are a lost cause, aren't you? Lol!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    This is how the conversation went, in a nutshell:

    Person 1: Rawr rawr rawr, you're WRONG and I'm RIGHT
    Person 2: Hey man, if what they're doing helps them, and others are struggling with the same inflammation/overeating/water retention issues, let's just make sure they know it's more about the deficit.
    Person 3: Person 2, are we supposed to applaud people who are making incorrect statements when generally applied?
    Person 2: Person 3, I just think there are better ways to get the message across without being overly aggressive about it.
    Person 3: OMG, Why would you call me overly aggressive?!

    yea, except that is now what person three said..but its all good ...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Saying "hey, you're a douche"
    "Hey you, *kitten*"
    "Mr. Douchetastic, pass me that stapler"

    is calling someone a douche.

    Implying someone is a douche is no different than blatantly calling someone a douche, just as implying someone is a b!tch is no different than calling someone a b!tch. There are nicer ways to say things.

    I didn't imply that. He chose to make the comment about himself. I actually wasn't calling HIM a douche, at all.

    you are the one that brought up in response to a comment that I made…if you did not think I was acting in certain way then why did you feel the need to imply it? I could reply in kind, but I will take high road..

    If you want to challenge me on what I am saying then point to what you disagree with and call me out on it…no sense in beating around the bushes..

    Again, I was NOT actually talking about you! Lol! Yes, you've annoyed me in the past, but I was wrong and admitted as much. You actually haven't been terrible in this thread. Stop making this about you!

    you specifically referenced my screename "Nope, but there's a non-douchie way of correcting people, ndj" so yes, you were referring/talking about me. Again, if you have a problem with what I said, or how I called someone out then quote it and say what you disagree with. You do not need to take a round about route to call me out …or just call me out and I will reply in kid. But don't try to be all sly about it and then when you get called out, put your tail between your legs and totally back off the statement like you said nothing…

    Hell, you can call me whatever you want…just tell me what you disagree with and we can hash it out...

    Oh, christ. Seriously? I currently have NO PROBLEM with you. I was replying to your comment about correcting ppl. My response would have been THE SAME to anyone who said it. I was just discussing the topic. No need to get butthurt over some perceived slight.

    How is it "but hurt" to challenge you on what you are saying to me? I am simply saying if you have a problem go ahead and confront me about it and don't try to be all sly about it and then say that, that is not what you were doing…its not that hard..its called courage, use it sometimes...

    Gah... you really are a lost cause, aren't you? Lol!

    Hmmm me thinks, that you are the lost cause here not me…I mean if you can't even recognize what you are doing, then I guess there is no reason in me calling you out for it …
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I am on a detox right now which eliminates gluten (I was already not eating gluten), sugar, dairy, alcohol, caffeine, soy. All of these foods cause inflammation and don't allow the body to heal from the inside. I have lost 8 lbs already. They say it helps prevent the accumulation of cholesterol in arteries as well. I am vegetarian (mostly vegan, still eat cage free, organic eggs from a local farm in my state) and honestly believe that a plant based diet is the healthiest and most humane way to live.

    People take information to the extreme. NONE of this is true if you eat at a moderate deficit and hit your macro and micro nutrients. All the issues with all the above is the abuse of it, not the moderation of it. I wish people would stop being so dramatic. It's a bit insane. It's like there's this whole outside evil world trying to kill you. Lol.

  • LazerMole
    LazerMole Posts: 99 Member
    This is how the conversation went, in a nutshell:

    Person 1: Rawr rawr rawr, you're WRONG and I'm RIGHT
    Person 2: Hey man, if what they're doing helps them, and others are struggling with the same inflammation/overeating/water retention issues, let's just make sure they know it's more about the deficit.
    Person 3: Person 2, are we supposed to applaud people who are making incorrect statements when generally applied?
    Person 2: Person 3, I just think there are better ways to get the message across without being overly aggressive about it.
    Person 3: OMG, Why would you call me overly aggressive?!

    yea, except that is now what person three said..but its all good ...

    But it is. You took her direct address to you ABOUT your statement, as in "You are correct, ndj, but we could be nicer about it", as meaning "ndj, stop being a douche".
  • LazerMole
    LazerMole Posts: 99 Member
    I am reading these posts and it is making me sad. When I first joined MFP it was almost all positive comments. For some reason, everyone is an expert now and those who tell their own stories are being, in my opinion, made fun of. Who cares what works for someone, congratulate them on having made a change in their life, and keep your expertise to yourself. GEEZ. Everyone is different. I read these threads for positive comments. Not to hear how smart losing a few pounds has made everyone.

    I agree. Everyone is more concerned with being correct than being helpful.
  • Lea_8D
    Lea_8D Posts: 106 Member
    **Meanwhile, in my fortress of evil**

    I'm glad you've had success but the weight loss isn't purely because you cut those three things. It's because by eliminating those things from your diet, you created a calorie deficit. I wish you the best but have no intention of ever giving up these things. Especially the cream.... Also, 30 lbs in 2 months seems ridiculous and not healthy for most people, so...

    Not always true. I cut those same things, and replaced it with other whole food calories. I did NOT create a larger calorie deficit. And I'm losing weight...

    These threads boil my blood b/c there are so few people out there who give inflammation reduction any credit for weight loss. I had one HELL of a deficit going - eating 1500 calories a day, watching macros, working out a minimum of an hour a day, strength training.. I can count on ONE HAND the number of pounds I lost in TWO YEARS doing that. I cut gluten, I cut sugar and I cut dairy and 55 lbs fell off in a matter of 8 months. Fast forward to the holidays, reintroduce dairy, sugar and gluten, 26 lbs climb onto my frame in only 2 months, counting out the same number of calories and working out just as much as I did when the 55 lbs fell off. Fast forward again to January 6, when I again cut gluten, dairy and sugar... 9 lbs gone in a month. Same 2000 calorie diet. Same run schedule. Nothing changed but the food...

    If all else stays the same, calorie deficit, workouts, sleep, etc, with only changing the types of food I put in my body, and the weight falls off, I'm inclined to believe it's the type of food that matters.

  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I am reading these posts and it is making me sad. When I first joined MFP it was almost all positive comments. For some reason, everyone is an expert now and those who tell their own stories are being, in my opinion, made fun of. Who cares what works for someone, congratulate them on having made a change in their life, and keep your expertise to yourself. GEEZ. Everyone is different. I read these threads for positive comments. Not to hear how smart losing a few pounds has made everyone.

    I agree. Everyone is more concerned with being correct than being helpful.

    The best way to be helpful is to provide people with the tools they need to succeed. In this game, the best tools are knowledge. There's so much bunk and lies and confusion about what's real and what's not in the nutrition and fitness industry that simply establishing what's BS and what's fact is 90% of the battle.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Saying "hey, you're a douche"
    "Hey you, *kitten*"
    "Mr. Douchetastic, pass me that stapler"

    is calling someone a douche.

    Implying someone is a douche is no different than blatantly calling someone a douche, just as implying someone is a b!tch is no different than calling someone a b!tch. There are nicer ways to say things.

    I got a strike one time for saying someone's comment was "rather douchey." So there's that...

    Noted. I'll try to be more articulate about my criticism of undesirable behavior, in the future.

    Yes, indeed, be careful out here in MFP-land where butthurt can lead to BANzzz.
  • LazerMole
    LazerMole Posts: 99 Member
    I am reading these posts and it is making me sad. When I first joined MFP it was almost all positive comments. For some reason, everyone is an expert now and those who tell their own stories are being, in my opinion, made fun of. Who cares what works for someone, congratulate them on having made a change in their life, and keep your expertise to yourself. GEEZ. Everyone is different. I read these threads for positive comments. Not to hear how smart losing a few pounds has made everyone.

    I agree. Everyone is more concerned with being correct than being helpful.

    The best way to be helpful is to provide people with the tools they need to succeed. In this game, the best tools are knowledge. There's so much bunk and lies and confusion about what's real and what's not in the nutrition and fitness industry that simply establishing what's BS and what's fact is 90% of the battle.

    The best way to be helpful is to positively reinforce behaviors that are not HURTING someone, while making it clear that it's not the best way for EVERYONE.

    The placebo effect is absolutely real, and telling someone that they're an idiot, even though they're eating more healthfully and are actually losing weight, is *not* helpful, even if it is technically correct.

    Don't belittle someone's positive changes just because the root cause is something other than what they're attributing it to.
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    I am reading these posts and it is making me sad. When I first joined MFP it was almost all positive comments. For some reason, everyone is an expert now and those who tell their own stories are being, in my opinion, made fun of. Who cares what works for someone, congratulate them on having made a change in their life, and keep your expertise to yourself. GEEZ. Everyone is different. I read these threads for positive comments. Not to hear how smart losing a few pounds has made everyone.

    Excellent post. The evangelistic aspect of this forum is irritating sometimes.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Nope, but there's a non-douchie way of correcting people, ndj. wink

    If you had said "Nope, but there's a non-b**** way of correcting people"... I don't think it would have been jumped on.

    Everyone here who the statement applies to is more concerned with being CORRECT than being HELPFUL.

    I'm not trying to be "correct" or "helpful." I just have to express my annoyance at people who label food as "evil" or "addictive." If people would quit being dishonest, MFP would be a safer place. Call me Safety Chief, or Honesty Sheriff. Either one will do. :laugh:
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member

    If all else stays the same, calorie deficit, workouts, sleep, etc, with only changing the types of food I put in my body, and the weight falls off, I'm inclined to believe it's the type of food that matters.


    NO. Calorie deficit did not remain the same. As types of food changed, unless they were all weighed exactly with a food scale, the deficit dropped. Dense foods are typically higher in calories and the difference in calories is higher when they are just measured rather than weighed, as I stated before.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Saying "hey, you're a douche"
    "Hey you, *kitten*"
    "Mr. Douchetastic, pass me that stapler"

    is calling someone a douche.

    Implying someone is a douche is no different than blatantly calling someone a douche, just as implying someone is a b!tch is no different than calling someone a b!tch. There are nicer ways to say things.

    I got a strike one time for saying someone's comment was "rather douchey." So there's that...

    Noted. I'll try to be more articulate about my criticism of undesirable behavior, in the future.

    Yes, indeed, be careful out here in MFP-land where butthurt can lead to BANzzz.

    I don't report people..all I am saying is that if you have a problem just come out and say it and don't try to be all sly and then say that is not what you meant to say ….thats all ...
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