Gluten. Dairy. Sugar.



  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Nope, but there's a non-douchie way of correcting people, ndj. wink

    If you had said "Nope, but there's a non-b**** way of correcting people"... I don't think it would have been jumped on.

    Everyone here who the statement applies to is more concerned with being CORRECT than being HELPFUL.

    I'm not trying to be "correct" or "helpful." I just have to express my annoyance at people who label food as "evil" or "addictive." If people would quit being dishonest, MFP would be a safer place. Call me Safety Chief, or Honesty Sheriff. Either one will do. :laugh:

    I like Captain Obvious, myself. :wink:
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I am reading these posts and it is making me sad. When I first joined MFP it was almost all positive comments. For some reason, everyone is an expert now and those who tell their own stories are being, in my opinion, made fun of. Who cares what works for someone, congratulate them on having made a change in their life, and keep your expertise to yourself. GEEZ. Everyone is different. I read these threads for positive comments. Not to hear how smart losing a few pounds has made everyone.

    I agree. Everyone is more concerned with being correct than being helpful.

    The best way to be helpful is to provide people with the tools they need to succeed. In this game, the best tools are knowledge. There's so much bunk and lies and confusion about what's real and what's not in the nutrition and fitness industry that simply establishing what's BS and what's fact is 90% of the battle.

    The best way to be helpful is to positively reinforce behaviors that are not HURTING someone, while making it clear that it's not the best way for EVERYONE.

    The placebo effect is absolutely real, and telling someone that they're an idiot, even though they're eating more healthfully and are actually losing weight, is *not* helpful, even if it is technically correct.

    Don't belittle someone's positive changes just because the root cause is something other than what they're attributing it to.

    Well there you have it folks. Praise people for the placebo effect. All right.

    You do that. I'll do something else.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Nope, but there's a non-douchie way of correcting people, ndj. wink

    If you had said "Nope, but there's a non-b**** way of correcting people"... I don't think it would have been jumped on.

    Everyone here who the statement applies to is more concerned with being CORRECT than being HELPFUL.

    I'm not trying to be "correct" or "helpful." I just have to express my annoyance at people who label food as "evil" or "addictive." If people would quit being dishonest, MFP would be a safer place. Call me Safety Chief, or Honesty Sheriff. Either one will do. :laugh:

    Admiral of Intellectual Honesty kinda rolls off the tongue, right?
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Saying "hey, you're a douche"
    "Hey you, *kitten*"
    "Mr. Douchetastic, pass me that stapler"

    is calling someone a douche.

    Implying someone is a douche is no different than blatantly calling someone a douche, just as implying someone is a b!tch is no different than calling someone a b!tch. There are nicer ways to say things.

    I got a strike one time for saying someone's comment was "rather douchey." So there's that...

    Noted. I'll try to be more articulate about my criticism of undesirable behavior, in the future.

    Yes, indeed, be careful out here in MFP-land where butthurt can lead to BANzzz.

    I don't report people..all I am saying is that if you have a problem just come out and say it and don't try to be all sly and then say that is not what you meant to say ….thats all ...

    People that report people are rude people! :grumble:
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Unfortunately, that knowledge is often accompanied with cat gifs, sarcasm, ganging up on a poster, silly phrases like "eat all the foodz" and an arrogance that is like none other.

    It's okay to be helpful but many feel the need to belittle at the same time. The knowledge gets lost.

    There are many, many helpful people here who have not forgotten that they started out in the same place as several confused posters. Their enlightment led to impatience and an ego the size of Texas. There is no need for that.

    If an enlightened one is irritated by the barrage of "misinformation" then one needs to not reply. Someone else, with more patience and a better style, with equal knowledge eventually will.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Nope, but there's a non-douchie way of correcting people, ndj. wink

    If you had said "Nope, but there's a non-b**** way of correcting people"... I don't think it would have been jumped on.

    Everyone here who the statement applies to is more concerned with being CORRECT than being HELPFUL.

    I'm not trying to be "correct" or "helpful." I just have to express my annoyance at people who label food as "evil" or "addictive." If people would quit being dishonest, MFP would be a safer place. Call me Safety Chief, or Honesty Sheriff. Either one will do. :laugh:

    Admiral of Intellectual Honesty kinda rolls off the tongue, right?

    Hey, just don't call me late for dinner!
  • daliyanin
    daliyanin Posts: 93 Member
    Holy hell people! Let's just be happy for this person! Everyone is different, what works for one doesn't work for the other. Congratulations!! I recently cut out gluten of my diet (orders from my doctor) and it is not easy so kuddos to you!
  • jeardawg
    jeardawg Posts: 110 Member
    Hey for all the people who are saying foods are not evil, maybe you should read the OPs blog. I don't think she was having stomach trouble from eating in surplus, or hives. So in effect, measuring food, and eating in moderation isn't going to work for her. But not eating sugar, gluten and dairy did, so, for her = Evil.

    So be correct, or intellectual or informed. Just take it somewhere else where its relates.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Holy hell people! Let's just be happy for this person! Everyone is different, what works for one doesn't work for the other. Congratulations!! I recently cut out gluten of my diet (orders from my doctor) and it is not easy so kuddos to you!

    Let's not. Let's try to help people find the right way to do things. Calling food evil and advising people to cut food out completely is not the right way to do things. I have also cut out gluten and dairy but it is because it is what I need to do for intolerances. Others do not need to do that, and advising them to do it as a way to lose weight is poor practice.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I am reading these posts and it is making me sad. When I first joined MFP it was almost all positive comments. For some reason, everyone is an expert now and those who tell their own stories are being, in my opinion, made fun of. Who cares what works for someone, congratulate them on having made a change in their life, and keep your expertise to yourself. GEEZ. Everyone is different. I read these threads for positive comments. Not to hear how smart losing a few pounds has made everyone.
    Nobody makes fun of people for telling their stories. When someone (in this case the OP) goes off by calling any foods "evil," that's something that needs to be corrected. Lots of people read these threads without commenting. If nobody points out that these foods are not actually "evil" those people might needlessly cut thing out of their diet, become frustrated because they like those foods, and ultimately fail. The diet industry in general thrives on misinformation. Dispelling myths and correcting untruths is the way to help people succeed.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I am reading these posts and it is making me sad. When I first joined MFP it was almost all positive comments. For some reason, everyone is an expert now and those who tell their own stories are being, in my opinion, made fun of. Who cares what works for someone, congratulate them on having made a change in their life, and keep your expertise to yourself. GEEZ. Everyone is different. I read these threads for positive comments. Not to hear how smart losing a few pounds has made everyone.

    I agree. Everyone is more concerned with being correct than being helpful.

    The best way to be helpful is to provide people with the tools they need to succeed. In this game, the best tools are knowledge. There's so much bunk and lies and confusion about what's real and what's not in the nutrition and fitness industry that simply establishing what's BS and what's fact is 90% of the battle.

    The best way to be helpful is to positively reinforce behaviors that are not HURTING someone, while making it clear that it's not the best way for EVERYONE.

    The placebo effect is absolutely real, and telling someone that they're an idiot, even though they're eating more healthfully and are actually losing weight, is *not* helpful, even if it is technically correct.

    Don't belittle someone's positive changes just because the root cause is something other than what they're attributing it to.

    I believe the problem is that when people say that this that or whatever is "bad" and that they reduced it and lost weight…then the other beginners see that and think that is accurate and they also should restrict/give up said foods; when in reality they can achieve the same through a modest calorie deficit and eating the foods that they like.

    Then other people come in and say ..well I just went from eating processed foods to clean foods and lost weight without calorie restriction …well, all you did is replace higher calorie foods with lower foods, thus creating a calorie deficit, which lead to said weight loss…

    I guess if people would realize that it really is calories in vs calories out that it would save a lot of time on these threads…but that will probably never happen because everyone likes complexity and magical solutions...
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Hey for all the people who are saying foods are not evil, maybe you should read the OPs blog. I don't think she was having stomach trouble from eating in surplus, or hives. So in effect, measuring food, and eating in moderation isn't going to work for her. But not eating sugar, gluten and dairy did, so, for her = Evil.

    So be correct, or intellectual or informed. Just take it somewhere else where its relates.
    It's not an issue that she's cutting it out because of her medical condition. When she calls them evil and tells everyone else to cut them out to magically lose weight, then it's an issue.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Hey for all the people who are saying foods are not evil, maybe you should read the OPs blog. I don't think she was having stomach trouble from eating in surplus, or hives. So in effect, measuring food, and eating in moderation isn't going to work for her. But not eating sugar, gluten and dairy did, so, for her = Evil.

    So be correct, or intellectual or informed. Just take it somewhere else where its relates.

    The food is not evil. Her body just doesn't tolerate it. I have an anaphylactic reaction to wasp stings. That doesn't make wasps evil. It would be incorrect for me to say they are. They are just innocent wasps with a mechanism to defend themselves, and my body happens to overreact to it. Same thiings for gluten and dairy, her body (and mine, by the way) don't tolerate them. That doesn't make them evil. That's like saying pie is evil because if you eat a whole pie every day you'll get fat. Be realistic about food.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Hey for all the people who are saying foods are not evil, maybe you should read the OPs blog. I don't think she was having stomach trouble from eating in surplus, or hives. So in effect, measuring food, and eating in moderation isn't going to work for her. But not eating sugar, gluten and dairy did, so, for her = Evil.

    So be correct, or intellectual or informed. Just take it somewhere else where its relates.

    The food is not evil. Her body just doesn't tolerate it. I have an anaphylactic reaction to wasp stings. That doesn't make wasps evil. It would be incorrect for me to say they are. They are just innocent wasps with a mechanism to defend themselves, and my body happens to overreact to it. Same thiings for gluten and dairy, her body (and mine, by the way) don't tolerate them. That doesn't make them evil. That's like saying pie is evil because if you eat a whole pie every day you'll get fat. Be realistic about food.
    True, wasps aren't evil. Hornets though, those f**kers are evil!
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Hey for all the people who are saying foods are not evil, maybe you should read the OPs blog. I don't think she was having stomach trouble from eating in surplus, or hives. So in effect, measuring food, and eating in moderation isn't going to work for her. But not eating sugar, gluten and dairy did, so, for her = Evil.

    So be correct, or intellectual or informed. Just take it somewhere else where its relates.

    The food is not evil. Her body just doesn't tolerate it. I have an anaphylactic reaction to wasp stings. That doesn't make wasps evil. It would be incorrect for me to say they are. They are just innocent wasps with a mechanism to defend themselves, and my body happens to overreact to it. Same thiings for gluten and dairy, her body (and mine, by the way) don't tolerate them. That doesn't make them evil. That's like saying pie is evil because if you eat a whole pie every day you'll get fat. Be realistic about food.
    True, wasps aren't evil. Hornets though, those f**kers are evil!

    Bees are cool. They just want to see what's up. Say hi, thank them for pollinating everything, and let them go on their way.

    Hornets are jerks just there to ruin your whole day. They don't care what you're doing.

    [adapted from a meme I cannot post due to curse words :laugh:]
  • LazerMole
    LazerMole Posts: 99 Member
    Unfortunately, that knowledge is often accompanied with cat gifs, sarcasm, ganging up on a poster, silly phrases like "eat all the foodz" and an arrogance that is like none other.

    It's okay to be helpful but many feel the need to belittle at the same time. The knowledge gets lost.

    There are many, many helpful people here who have not forgotten that they started out in the same place as several confused posters. Their enlightment led to impatience and an ego the size of Texas. There is no need for that.

    If an enlightened one is irritated by the barrage of "misinformation" then one needs to not reply. Someone else, with more patience and a better style, with equal knowledge eventually will.

  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Unfortunately, that knowledge is often accompanied with cat gifs, sarcasm, ganging up on a poster, silly phrases like "eat all the foodz" and an arrogance that is like none other.

    It's okay to be helpful but many feel the need to belittle at the same time. The knowledge gets lost.

    There are many, many helpful people here who have not forgotten that they started out in the same place as several confused posters. Their enlightment led to impatience and an ego the size of Texas. There is no need for that.

    If an enlightened one is irritated by the barrage of "misinformation" then one needs to not reply. Someone else, with more patience and a better style, with equal knowledge eventually will.


    I'd like to know what part of all the information that I've tried to share over the last few pages that OP and others have largely ignored while fighting about name calling wasn't helpful? Most of you chose to ignore it rather than respond to it. It was meant to be helpful and I wasn't egotistical or rude in any way with the information I provided. It was accurate and informational.
  • jeardawg
    jeardawg Posts: 110 Member
    Holy hell people! Let's just be happy for this person! Everyone is different, what works for one doesn't work for the other. Congratulations!! I recently cut out gluten of my diet (orders from my doctor) and it is not easy so kuddos to you!

    Let's not. Let's try to help people find the right way to do things. Calling food evil and advising people to cut food out completely is not the right way to do things. I have also cut out gluten and dairy but it is because it is what I need to do for intolerances. Others do not need to do that, and advising them to do it as a way to lose weight is poor practice.

    So you are saying that you too can't eat gluten, but other people should?

    I think many ( myself included) agree that a lot of people can eat any or all of the nutrients and be just fine.

    The OP posted the following: QUOTE:
    I was not able to drop much weight until I quit these three evils. Then it came off fast, and without even exercising.
    30 lbs in two months, bam, gone!
    After years of struggling and sweating and counting calories, only this was truly effective.
    Have kept it off 6 months now too, it is not coming back. Try it.

    Now what I take away from this, further substantiated by her blog which she linked somewhere in the 10 pages of responses ranting, name calling, and getting the last word in was. That after everything, something she had not anticipated worked for her. If you too are having trouble achieving your goals, it might work for you too.

    Personally my story is similar and not eating gluten changed my life a lot. Can't we all just get along?
  • Lea_8D
    Lea_8D Posts: 106 Member
    Wow! I came here for a little encouragement in my journey. The first thread I look at is in the 'Success Stories' forum and what do I see? Well, if I say 'vicious attacks', many will get defensive and direct those comments toward me, whether I was referring to them or not. Anyway. I see this thread as rather sad.

    To the original poster, you know your body. If those foods were hurting you, and obviously they were, you made a good choice. I, too, have eliminated gluten, dairy (mostly), and process/refined sugar/honey/etc. from my diet. I am gluten and lactose intolerant and diabetic. I haven't lost weight but am holding steady and feel better than I have in years. It's just a matter of time till I'm able to exercise more and the pounds will start dropping. Thank you to the original poster for the reminder that weight loss is possible I was beginning to doubt.

    Yeah, that's MFP, in a nutshell. This is a hot button topic for MFP'ers. There are others, as well (eating below 1200 calories/day comes to mind).

    Stick around, you CAN find supportive people here, too.

    That's what I was hoping for on here. I honestly think I may not bother with the boards at all as it seems you can't post your opinion without others telling you non stop that you are completely wrong. You post what worked for you and suddenly you are supposedly telling everyone they should eat the same way you do. Ugh. I thought maybe we could all share what works for us and use them as ideas to tailor our diets that work with our own tolerences. I'm going to stick to my own research and not look for ideas from people on message boards. You just end up getting bashed.
    I like to look at the success stories for inspiration and I like to hear people's experiences of what worked for them. But I've found that I'm better off not reading through the threads because frankly it's too discouraging. People never tire of berating others and posting the same smug mantras on Every. Single. Thread. I know I will definitely not ever post a personal experience on here. I appreciate those who do though.

    Congrats to the OP and thanks for posting your story!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Unfortunately, that knowledge is often accompanied with cat gifs, sarcasm, ganging up on a poster, silly phrases like "eat all the foodz" and an arrogance that is like none other.

    It's okay to be helpful but many feel the need to belittle at the same time. The knowledge gets lost.

    There are many, many helpful people here who have not forgotten that they started out in the same place as several confused posters. Their enlightment led to impatience and an ego the size of Texas. There is no need for that.

    If an enlightened one is irritated by the barrage of "misinformation" then one needs to not reply. Someone else, with more patience and a better style, with equal knowledge eventually will.


    I'd like to know what part of all the information that I've tried to share over the last few pages that OP and others have largely ignored while fighting about name calling wasn't helpful? Most of you chose to ignore it rather than respond to it. It was meant to be helpful and I wasn't egotistical or rude in any way with the information I provided. It was accurate and informational.

    if you post useful information and tell people it really is calories in vs calories out you are being "sarcastic" …go figure?

    also, I did not see any gifs in this thread...
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