lol thought this pic parodied feminism well(Women only pls)



  • ShadeyC
    ShadeyC Posts: 315 Member
    Gah! MUST.........NOT...........FEED..................TROLLLLLLLLL!

    So hard not to want to kneecap him...
  • PatheticNoetic
    PatheticNoetic Posts: 905 Member
    Gah! MUST.........NOT...........FEED..................TROLLLLLLLLL!

    I recognize the wisdom of this sentiment. Really hard to do when you're avoiding reality though haha.

    If I honestly thought someone meant what they were saying I would be compelled to address the issue. When someone flips sides faster than a politician, I worry less about the b.s. they spout.

    Mmm yes. Sadly this is more entertaining than the big bad weather that's about to hit here. It's this or watching trees be all blowy.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    You just destroyed our marriage with your self centered feminist behavior, therefore making divorce statistics skyrocket in the last decade. AKA detrimental/destructive to society.

    In all seriousness, feminism probably has contributed to higher divorce rates, but not due to the reasons you're citing.

    You see, back in the olden days, fewer women received the education or training they do now so that they could succeed in the workplace and be self-sufficient. And even if they had the credentials, they didn't get hired for higher-paying jobs because those mostly went to men "with families to support."

    A woman got married, had children and stayed home. If she left her husband, not only did society look down on her and treat her as a pariah, but she also almost always ended up impoverished due to lack of employment opportunities and lax child support enforcement.

    So women who found themselves married to men who abused them or their children (including sexual abuse) stayed to avoid the "shame" of leaving. Now we can support ourselves and our children, the "shame" label is gone and so we just leave instead of enduring years of hell.

    Obviously, there are other things that lead to divorce that maybe couples should actually work on instead of just ending things, but the reality is, a lot of the high divorce rate is due to what I stated above.
  • _Pseudonymous_
    _Pseudonymous_ Posts: 1,671 Member
    I think you're pointing right at the issue without realizing it.

    That hamburger is an object. It is one dimensional.

    Women are subjects. When you compare the images in the media with images of real women, you're treating them as objects or one-dimensional things. The thing that makes the "real woman" beautiful isn't that she's more aesthetically pleasing, it's that she's not an object. The "real woman" is a subject with a multi-dimesional personality and life. Her looks reflect the life she's lived and her experiences.

    The hamburger exists for your pleasure and enjoyment. The woman belongs to herself and her appearance is not for you.

    Which brings me back to this ace in the whole I have been waiting to trap you all with since page one ^

    You belong to you, you don't belong to me. Since the essence of love is giving yourself to someone, the essence of the romance, you make yourself unlikable, unlovable, due to your insecurity.

    This comes back full circle to how the burger is self destructive. You just destroyed our marriage with your self centered feminist behavior, therefore making divorce statistics skyrocket in the last decade. AKA detrimental/destructive to society.


    Checkmate would conclude that there are no other alternatives.

    So let me see if I understand what you are saying here. The ONLY reason for the skyrocketed divorce rate is feminism? Each woman who hopes and strives for a better future for herself and her children (if she so chooses that path) ruins the institution of marriage?

    Well, at least it isn't homosexuality that's "threatening" marriage anymore...
  • Marcia315
    Marcia315 Posts: 460 Member
    As feminist I find this completely offensive.

    As a feminist, I find it completely stupid. It's not worth getting offended over.

    As a feminist I read bedtime stories to my cats every night.

    My cats don't talk back when I'm performing a dramatic reading of Goodnight Moon. I prefer to read to them.
  • thatgirlkellib
    thatgirlkellib Posts: 150 Member
    I like mine with lettuce and tomato.....Heinz 57 and french fried potatoes. A big kosher pickle and a cold draft beer.

    you aint lying !!!
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    I think you're pointing right at the issue without realizing it.

    That hamburger is an object. It is one dimensional.

    Women are subjects. When you compare the images in the media with images of real women, you're treating them as objects or one-dimensional things. The thing that makes the "real woman" beautiful isn't that she's more aesthetically pleasing, it's that she's not an object. The "real woman" is a subject with a multi-dimesional personality and life. Her looks reflect the life she's lived and her experiences.

    The hamburger exists for your pleasure and enjoyment. The woman belongs to herself and her appearance is not for you.

    Which brings me back to this ace in the whole I have been waiting to trap you all with since page one ^

    You belong to you, you don't belong to me. Since the essence of love is giving yourself to someone, the essence of the romance, you make yourself unlikable, unlovable, due to your insecurity. Giving yourself like that to a man is the only reason for him to sacrifice his life. And if you are too stubborn, proud, empowered to do that, you destroy the potential for love to thrive therefore destroying the family unit.

    This comes back full circle to how the burger is self destructive. You just destroyed our marriage with your self centered feminist behavior, therefore making divorce statistics skyrocket in the last decade. AKA detrimental/destructive to society.


    No. The essence of romance is NOT giving yourself to the other person. Have you ever been in a successful long term relationship? In a relationship you still belong to yourself, you just share your life with someone else, your life, not your self. I love my husband. We share our lives, our home, our money, our children, most of our free time, our future, our families, etc. But my life does not belong to him. I consult him on major decisions but they are still mine to make. He has his own life, hobbies, friends. He makes his decisions. He doesn't control me, I don't control him. If all we had was each other, we'd probably murder each other.
  • kathrinnbauer
    kathrinnbauer Posts: 74 Member
    There is more than one type of feminism nowadays and many of those branches don't push for more rights for women but for equality and against the ideal of what the OP (and others) might call alpha as the only acceptable personality type of men. The term feminism was coined when women had much less rights than nowadays and most people kept the name. Fighting for gender equality often means fighting for women's rights. But many feminists also got that just by changing the ideal women have to conform to you can not achieve equality. There has to be a wider range of acceptable choices (like being a stay at home dad) for men, too. And many of us opt for the freedom to be authentic both for men and women (and other gender) and that implies structural, legal, cultural changes.
    Why would these people fighting purely for equality use a term that very clearly is not 'equal' and suggests a significant bias towards one sex?
    Shouldn't they be fighting AGAINST just such things?

    Why do we not see women fighting for similar ideals for men as well?
    It would seem that the he-man, six-pack at 5% fat cover model, steroid-taking moving start 'ideals' put forward for men should be fought against as well if it really WAS about equality?

    Nice honest answer, at least, Dragonfly :).

    Next question - what if a gay person uses the insult on another person (whether the other person is gay or not may or may not be of significance)? Would that be ok?

    Actually, I know many feminists that do fight for equal rights. For example they fight that men have the same chances to have their children live with them after a divorce as women. As I said: The term is historical and there were intents to find a better name but as feminism grew it is kind of established and it is harder to find a consensus on a new name that is used by a huge group.
  • ShadeyC
    ShadeyC Posts: 315 Member
    I think you're pointing right at the issue without realizing it.

    That hamburger is an object. It is one dimensional.

    Women are subjects. When you compare the images in the media with images of real women, you're treating them as objects or one-dimensional things. The thing that makes the "real woman" beautiful isn't that she's more aesthetically pleasing, it's that she's not an object. The "real woman" is a subject with a multi-dimesional personality and life. Her looks reflect the life she's lived and her experiences.

    The hamburger exists for your pleasure and enjoyment. The woman belongs to herself and her appearance is not for you.

    Which brings me back to this ace in the whole I have been waiting to trap you all with since page one ^

    You belong to you, you don't belong to me. Since the essence of love is giving yourself to someone, the essence of the romance, you make yourself unlikable, unlovable, due to your insecurity.

    This comes back full circle to how the burger is self destructive. You just destroyed our marriage with your self centered feminist behavior, therefore making divorce statistics skyrocket in the last decade. AKA detrimental/destructive to society.


    checkmate? :laughs:

    me thinks you know how to play chess as well as you know how to evaluate women.

    eta... and it's "Ace in the hole"

    Methinks he says "Checkmate" instead of saying "I'm right, you're wrong , and you can't tell me any different...LALALALALALALA" whist stomping his feet like a 4 year old.
  • PatheticNoetic
    PatheticNoetic Posts: 905 Member
    Nuttellah- Regardless if this is a troll or not- you use words very awkwardly. It makes it difficult to force yourself to read what you're saying.
  • I think you're pointing right at the issue without realizing it.

    That hamburger is an object. It is one dimensional.

    Women are subjects. When you compare the images in the media with images of real women, you're treating them as objects or one-dimensional things. The thing that makes the "real woman" beautiful isn't that she's more aesthetically pleasing, it's that she's not an object. The "real woman" is a subject with a multi-dimesional personality and life. Her looks reflect the life she's lived and her experiences.

    The hamburger exists for your pleasure and enjoyment. The woman belongs to herself and her appearance is not for you.

    Which brings me back to this ace in the whole I have been waiting to trap you all with since page one ^

    You belong to you, you don't belong to me. Since the essence of love is giving yourself to someone, the essence of the romance, you make yourself unlikable, unlovable, due to your insecurity.

    This comes back full circle to how the burger is self destructive. You just destroyed our marriage with your self centered feminist behavior, therefore making divorce statistics skyrocket in the last decade. AKA detrimental/destructive to society.


    Checkmate would conclude that there are no other alternatives.

    So let me see if I understand what you are saying here. The ONLY reason for the skyrocketed divorce rate is feminism? Each woman who hopes and strives for a better future for herself and her children (if she so chooses that path) ruins the institution of marriage?

    Well, at least it isn't homosexuality that's "threatening" marriage anymore...

  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
  • kittenful
    kittenful Posts: 318 Member
    I think you're pointing right at the issue without realizing it.

    That hamburger is an object. It is one dimensional.

    Women are subjects. When you compare the images in the media with images of real women, you're treating them as objects or one-dimensional things. The thing that makes the "real woman" beautiful isn't that she's more aesthetically pleasing, it's that she's not an object. The "real woman" is a subject with a multi-dimesional personality and life. Her looks reflect the life she's lived and her experiences.

    The hamburger exists for your pleasure and enjoyment. The woman belongs to herself and her appearance is not for you.

    Which brings me back to this ace in the whole I have been waiting to trap you all with since page one ^

    You belong to you, you don't belong to me. Since the essence of love is giving yourself to someone, the essence of the romance, you make yourself unlikable, unlovable, due to your insecurity. Giving yourself like that to a man is the only reason for him to sacrifice his life. And if you are too stubborn, proud, empowered to do that, you destroy the potential for love to thrive therefore destroying the family unit.

    This comes back full circle to how the burger is self destructive. You just destroyed our marriage with your self centered feminist behavior, therefore making divorce statistics skyrocket in the last decade. AKA detrimental/destructive to society.

    First things first: It's "ace in the hole".
    Now, onto more important issues: A woman can both belong to herself and still give herself to another. You should never lose yourself in someone else, or what is left? A shadow of self? A sad image of what you think your partner wants? That's not right. That's not a healthy relationship. It's just sad.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    I think you're pointing right at the issue without realizing it.

    That hamburger is an object. It is one dimensional.

    Women are subjects. When you compare the images in the media with images of real women, you're treating them as objects or one-dimensional things. The thing that makes the "real woman" beautiful isn't that she's more aesthetically pleasing, it's that she's not an object. The "real woman" is a subject with a multi-dimesional personality and life. Her looks reflect the life she's lived and her experiences.

    The hamburger exists for your pleasure and enjoyment. The woman belongs to herself and her appearance is not for you.

    Which brings me back to this ace in the whole I have been waiting to trap you all with since page one ^

    You belong to you, you don't belong to me. Since the essence of love is giving yourself to someone, the essence of the romance, you make yourself unlikable, unlovable, due to your insecurity. Giving yourself like that to a man is the only reason for him to sacrifice his life. And if you are too stubborn, proud, empowered to do that, you destroy the potential for love to thrive therefore destroying the family unit.

    This comes back full circle to how the burger is self destructive. You just destroyed our marriage with your self centered feminist behavior, therefore making divorce statistics skyrocket in the last decade. AKA detrimental/destructive to society.


    This explains why the only person who will love you is you.
  • PatheticNoetic
    PatheticNoetic Posts: 905 Member
    I like mine with lettuce and tomato.....Heinz 57 and french fried potatoes. A big kosher pickle and a cold draft beer.

    you aint lying !!!

    Gotta find my lost shaker of salt.
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    I think you're pointing right at the issue without realizing it.

    That hamburger is an object. It is one dimensional.

    Women are subjects. When you compare the images in the media with images of real women, you're treating them as objects or one-dimensional things. The thing that makes the "real woman" beautiful isn't that she's more aesthetically pleasing, it's that she's not an object. The "real woman" is a subject with a multi-dimesional personality and life. Her looks reflect the life she's lived and her experiences.

    The hamburger exists for your pleasure and enjoyment. The woman belongs to herself and her appearance is not for you.

    Which brings me back to this ace in the whole I have been waiting to trap you all with since page one ^

    You belong to you, you don't belong to me. Since the essence of love is giving yourself to someone, the essence of the romance, you make yourself unlikable, unlovable, due to your insecurity. Giving yourself like that to a man is the only reason for him to sacrifice his life. And if you are too stubborn, proud, empowered to do that, you destroy the potential for love to thrive therefore destroying the family unit.

    This comes back full circle to how the burger is self destructive. You just destroyed our marriage with your self centered feminist behavior, therefore making divorce statistics skyrocket in the last decade. AKA detrimental/destructive to society.


    I cannot think of a more appropriate time for this particular gif.
  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    Gah! MUST.........NOT...........FEED..................TROLLLLLLLLL!

    I recognize the wisdom of this sentiment. Really hard to do when you're avoiding reality though haha.

    If I honestly thought someone meant what they were saying I would be compelled to address the issue. When someone flips sides faster than a politician, I worry less about the b.s. they spout.

    Mmm yes. Sadly this is more entertaining than the big bad weather that's about to hit here. It's this or watching trees be all blowy.

    LOL! Oh I know, I've gone on for pages in the past in exactly this manner.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Gah! MUST.........NOT...........FEED..................TROLLLLLLLLL!

    I recognize the wisdom of this sentiment. Really hard to do when you're avoiding reality though haha.

    If I honestly thought someone meant what they were saying I would be compelled to address the issue. When someone flips sides faster than a politician, I worry less about the b.s. they spout.

    Mmm yes. Sadly this is more entertaining than the big bad weather that's about to hit here. It's this or watching trees be all blowy.

    Yeah, I'm just bored at work. (I am able to work. I get paid a lot. I was able to go to college and get an advanced degree. Ya know. 'Cause Feminism is a determent to society.)
  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    First things first: It's "ace in the hole".
    Now, onto more important issues: A woman can both belong to herself and still give herself to another. You should never lose yourself in someone else, or what is left? A shadow of self? A sad image of what you think your partner wants? That's not right. That's not a healthy relationship. It's just sad.

    Should mention OP is also a big fan of Twilight as a model for ideal relationships.....
  • kittenful
    kittenful Posts: 318 Member
    First things first: It's "ace in the hole".
    Now, onto more important issues: A woman can both belong to herself and still give herself to another. You should never lose yourself in someone else, or what is left? A shadow of self? A sad image of what you think your partner wants? That's not right. That's not a healthy relationship. It's just sad.

    Should mention OP is also a big fan of Twilight as a model for ideal relationships.....
    Noooooooo!!!! Whyyyyyyyyy??!?!!!
This discussion has been closed.