7 day weight loss pill success!



  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    I can not believe some of the words coming out of your mouths (per say) i dont know if i would call it picking on this women or just down right rude...
    like: you don't need my two cents good luck with your flower pill (had to get the last word in huh?) just dont respond to the post!

    This poor women was asking if anyone had tried this type of product because for some of us it is HOPE... its a step in the right direction, it more then likely throwing our money out the window but if it brings us hope then gets us to eat better then exercise more. some where down the line we see results and feel better... who am i kidding, we feel amazing to see results and want to see more.
    There are so many things in our lives we put in our body's that are not good for us, not every one can eat clean or wants to.
    So what if she wants to pop these pills! To each is own.
    I personally was in the same boat... i started with Garcinia Cambogia and it really helped me feel fuller. I have no idea if it was really helping me or if it was the placebo effect. I started working out 6 days a week, eating clean, etc. Though my point is that a magic diet pill also gave me hope to get in the right direction why are some of you ATTACKING this women. I understand telling her that pills don't work and not every one attacked her but some of these people my goodness. her lash back latter in posts seemed lashing back at previous comments.

    Why cant we all just get along ;-)

    I'm so happy you have lost weight, and as you read above i tried it and it didnt work for me but got me in the right direction. i wish you the best of luck my friend try not to let some of these people get under your skin.

    This is quite possibly the least helpful and most harmful post in this entire thread. The OP was not giving 'hope', she was giving False Hope. She was promoting an ineffective and unsafe pill to people who are oftentimes desperate for a quick fix solution. Dehydrating yourself and taking laxatives easily leads down a slippery slope that could cause some people to end up in the hospital.

    So please, do us all a favor and stop posting this sort of nonsense in the future.
  • Skinny7cat
    I just want to say that taking the steps to lose weight is a big step and I wish all the best.
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    did anyone write NO yet?

    feeling too crappy to look.

    NO. :angry:
  • LittleMissRainey
    LittleMissRainey Posts: 440 Member
    and yeah-um from scotland, actually

    What happened to being done OP?

    Now you're just stirring the pot.

    Seriously, community spirit on this site has gone downhill in recent years.

    I don't support taking pills for weightloss but sure as hell wouldn't bash the OP like some people are on here - OR bait her with comments like the one quoted, OR get defensive when language barriers get in the way and an innocent comment about jumping off the thread gets taken as a suggestion for someone to kill themselves (srsly whut? :huh: ).

    Some people need to get of their high horses, get the sticks out of their *kitten* and get a sense of humour.
    Too many people on here think they're perfect and stomp on everyone they see as 'below them' but mask it with supposed humour and gag gifs and it's disgusting.

    OP - as I said above, I don't agree with diet pills and the weight you've lost has probably been water weight and the pills will not continue to work for you. Well done on getting started with a workout regime! This is what's going to get you to where you want to go and coupled with a healthy diet you'll be on the road to success in no time :)

    p.s. 'Mon the Scots :drinker:
  • Vicxie86
    Vicxie86 Posts: 181 Member
    No need to be rude.
    not being rude, just making my point! All i did was ask a question and got jumped on-you were not even who i was talking to as you did not post a reply so jump off!

    Wow, so now you're telling me to go kill myself. Nice.

    Let's not exaggerate, i think OP was saying you should jump off her back
  • beths4kids
    I agree, you were just stating that you had success and asked if anyone else had tried it. In reading the comments from the others, I did feel that there was some rude undertones. Glad its working for you! Keep up the good work!
  • beths4kids
    Totally agree!
  • Vicxie86
    Vicxie86 Posts: 181 Member
    wow-so much for community support. Just a bunch of haters. done

    I don't support needing to take pills, but you did say that you are now working out 5 days a week. THAT IS GREAT!!! Continue to do that OP, I'm sure you will continue your weight loss even on the off week. Honestly, like everyone else here is saying (I will try to state it a bit more eloquently), if you continue to work out and eat in a deficit, you will lose weight... you won't need some magic pill! Save that money and reward yourself with some new workout clothes when you drop a size :)

    Check out IIFYM.com for a TDEE calculator if your weight loss stalls, and don't be afraid if the scale goes up a few pounds. Probabyl just your body storing a bit of water to protect your internal organs because you started working out and to replenish those lost from the herbs in the pill.

    Now, here is a feedback the OP could have done with. A lot of replies on here just sounds like an attack instead of an advice, hence why things always escalates so quickly
  • DanaHerro
    DanaHerro Posts: 186 Member
    I also have PCOS and Hypothyroidism.

    They do NOT make weight loss next to impossible. If they are controlled you can lose weight just like anyone else.

    I'm down 66 in just under a year without any little magic pills and I "suffer" from both those diseases. I just don't use them as excuses.

    Your working out 5 days/week and eating right is AWESOME. You should keep that up and be incredibly proud of those choices and I think everyone here has agreed with that. It's a huge step! Keep it up, girl.

    But the magic little caffeine pill? Phhhhhhhffft... you don' t need that ****. You're stronger than that. Toss them and move on.
  • aarar
    aarar Posts: 684 Member
    Tagging to read later. Looking forward to learning more about how I could have saved myself the last 16 months of working my *kitten* off when it was as simple as a 7 day pill.:flowerforyou:
  • Synamin
    Synamin Posts: 80 Member
    so i wanted to share my experience with this magic little pill. I have been taking it since Monday and have lost 5 pounds so far! I love that its 100% herbal so not putting chemicals in my body. Before I started it I took a lot of time to research it and the effect of all the ingredients. The clever thing is that all the individual ingredients are great but then together they pack a powerful punch.

    Anyway, I guess my question is has anyone else taken this? it says to do it for 7 days, rest a week and do it again. If you have taken it, what did you lose during the 'rest' week/ week 2? I am exercising 5 days a week burning around 460 calories a session according to map.

    I have three more bottles to take and I have a lot to lose before we try for baby #2 (all baby weight from #1!) lol

    look forward to reading the replies!
    The pill isn't losing the weight for you, your hard work and adherence to a meal plan is losing your weight for you. It's a high dose of caffeine, which is why they want you to take breaks from it.
  • Greytfish
    This thread would be very funny if it wasn't so, so sad.

    The only thing that makes one gain wight is eating more than one expends. Some medical dysfunctions can lower the amount the body uses in a day and ajustments need to be made, but the concept is the same.

    On a serious note, no "weight loss" supplement is something you want to be taking if you're breast feeding a child. Breast feeding, though, is a good, safe way to lose some weight.
    DSTMT Posts: 417 Member
    This poor women was asking if anyone had tried this type of product because for some of us it is HOPE... its a step in the right direction, it more then likely throwing our money out the window but if it brings us hope then gets us to eat better then exercise more. some where down the line we see results and feel better... who am i kidding, we feel amazing to see results and want to see more.

    I vehemently disagree that false hope is "a step in the right direction". In fact, I firmly believe it is a step in the *wrong* direction. The sooner people understand what actually does and does not lead to sustainable weight loss, the sooner people will be able to implement a program that starts making real progress towards their goals. Making meaningful progress takes time. Time wasted on ineffective gimmicks is time not being spent on making this progress.
