

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Tammy, I have a FitBit and I think there is a link somewhere here on MFP to sync it. I think it recommends that you do not track your food on the FitBit site, use the MFP only. I'm not sure I will ever understand how the exercise calories work though.

    YannieJannie, is there some one who can do your Mom's pill keeper for her every week? That's pretty dangerous to not put your blood thinner in. Just think what it would have been if she was putting extra blood thinner in.

    Weight continues to go down. If it continues this way I am really excited to see what next weeks weigh in will be!!! It seems like I go through a plateau about every 10-15 pounds. Oh well, as long as it eventually ends. But the wait is worth it.

    Silver sneakers had a new thing in class today. We did rings. They are these really strong rings, about the size of a steering wheel that has tension built into them. You do several different muscle groups with them. One thing I don't like about some of these devices is that they are used both under your feet and in your hands. There is no cleaning between uses or users. But I always leave Fridays class knowing I have been worked. It's amazing how you can do crunches with a resistance band sitting in a chair. I tild her that I wish I could bring my I pad to class and record it. she said she does personal training and we could do one session and she would write down each exercise for me. That one session would be expensive though.

    We have sun today also!!!!!!! So the ice that is still everywhere is pretty bright. I forgot to take my sunglasses with me to the Y. Haven't used them in days. And it sure was bright. Who knew 9* could feel so good!

    Joyce, Indiana
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,358 Member
    Katla - I just went on a website . Googled body fat measurement. You just have to take various measurements, wrist, forearm, waist, hips. It is not completely accurate, but near enough.Then I googled body fat for age. Looking at your profile pictures I would say you are pretty lean! ! ! ! ! Not good to be too lean at our age, over 60, as we need some fat for oestrogen storage to protect against osteoporosis.

    Wind getting up now. :noway: :grumble: :huh: :sad: Our TV picture statrts breaking up when the trees start swaying! Our signal comes from the Isle of Wight, which is an island off the South Coast. The tv man said there are too many trees in the way!

    Love to all. Stay safe. Be good to yourselves and forgive yourselves for not being perfect. I have to remind myself of that all the time. I get so neurotic and worry about everything. Working on that. Lots of meditation, mindfulness and visualization. Letting go of the things I cannot change.
    Please stay on electricity!

    Heather in Hampshire UK
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Happy Friday to all. Went to Aldis at noon & was sunny but -4'.Made one other stop,then scooted right back home.Just needed fresh veggies & bananas.

    Saw snow plowed to 4-5 ' high ,of course at these temps,not melting anytime soon. More snow expected thru the wk end.:noway:

    Allison.....we saw what bro, & friends went thru before they passed away,so doing the living wills/medical directives was something we had done while in our 40's. Never regretted it. Both of our DDs & their DHs have done the same.One DD is a nurse....she had living will done about 5 yrs after she started working.Caring for a young man after a motorcycle accident was
    Very sad,but seeing his family fight about his care caused her to look into medical wills.

    Just starting the 30 day shred,as the weather is so bad & need the exercise.Hoping to get back to water aerobics in few wks.my
    Goals are same as always,just keep on,keeping on. have a good wk end.

    Pat in Ohio
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,817 Member
    Good Morning, Happy Friday. Today is my short day (only 8 hours) and then have our monthly CMA meeting this evening. I do think I have everything ready. Then early in the morning we leave for my parents and that is about an 4-5 hour drive. Going to take the carpet shampooer and do their carpets. Plan on doing some other cleaning while there. I just hope the roads are not bad. I had areally bad night eating everything I could find, no real reason just felt the need. So feeling kind of down this morning. But today is a new day and new start. I have been having alot of bad days lately. Got to get a handle on things and not resort to eating. Thanks for being there and not judging me.
    I did call the Hospice office yesterday afternoon. Since I voluteer there I felt I had to talk to someone. The lady was real happy I called and sounded like they have had other problems with this nurse. So they are going to do some follow up. Hospice does since good things and only takes one bad nurse to cause problems.

    Heather--all the rain there. Glad you are safe and dry for the most part. Thanks for the good words. I have to keep reminding myself that I am a good person, do not have to be prefect. Just do the best I can each day.

    Katla--Celebrate DS is home. Hope he feels better soon!

    yanniejannie--It is so good of you to take such good care of Gwen.

    Well am all caught up and time to get ready and get things done as we want to leave by 6am. Not sure how much I will be able to check in the next couple days. But know that I am thinking and praying for each of you.
    Blessed! Vicki GI NE
  • arios952013
    arios952013 Posts: 201 Member
    Happy Friday!!! I turned 50 in August and haven't had my period in about a year. The last few weeks I have been suffering from insomnia and hotflashes and nightsweats. I had them early on - they went away and now they are back! I haven't been able to get a good nights sleep in a couple of weeks. Last night I didn't fall asleep until 2:30 then I woke up every couple of hours. HELP!!

    How is my body supposed to repair itself. I have been doing 2 to 5 miles on the elliptical and lifting and I still can't sleep. I finally stayed home from work today. So tired I haven't even eaten yet... let alone go work out.

    Thanks for listening!


    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • claudie08
    claudie08 Posts: 159 Member
    Hi Arios952013. I'm going through the same thing. Hot flashes and insomnia, my cycle comes every 2 months now and are as painful as EVER and I was recently diagnosed with vertigo!! That scared the heck out of me when it first happened. Now, I have to take medication 2 to 3 times a day just to stay straight (and one of the side effects is dizziness...hahaha...go figure).

    My biggest fear is the weight gain that I keep hearing about!!! How am I supposed to LOSE weight if menopause causes me to GAIN??!!
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,094 Member
    Claudia I wrote on your profile too. My friend had vertigo too. She found she had to limit her salt intake. When she did it really helped. You still do need some salt even if you get vertigo. She aims for 1000-1500mg in a day. Hope you feel better. I know that is scary to get vertigo.
  • karleigh55
    Just thought I'd share in reference to menopause. I'm 56 and started menopausal symptoms at 51. I have had a hell of a time with the same symptoms mentioned - hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia - also loss of libido, extreme fatigue, weight gain, and sugar cravings. I think the carb and sugar cravings had to do with the lethargy. I had my labs done and basically had no estrogen, low testosterone and progesterone and a hormone called FSH was out of whack. I got something called sotto pelle - it is a pellet about the size of a tic tac that is inserted into the hip/booty area. It slowly releases hormones into your body - bio-identical hormones and then at night I take a low dose bio-identical progesterone pill. There are other ways to get bio-identical hormones but this really has worked for me. I feel like a new woman. My energy is slowly coming back. I have had no hot flashes at all, libido is back, and I've been able to cut the sugar and carbs. I suffered for such a long time because I'm against taking meds and wanted to "let nature take it's course" but I honestly didn't feel like I was living. The lack of energy was so bad that some days I couldn't get out of bed. Anyway just thought I'd share my experience. Bottom line MENOPAUSE SUCKS!!
  • arios952013
    arios952013 Posts: 201 Member
    Thank you for the replies, Karleigh55 and Claudie08. I would give anything to sleep. I am thrilled I no longer have my period. When I was perimenopausal the minute I worked out my period came - at least that no longer happens. But I gained tons of weight. In addition I am hypothyroid as well. Right before my period went away, I had crazy heavy periods and then all of sudden - nothing!

    I tried the bio-identical hormone thing and my naturopath put me on Testosterone - I began losing hair. So she took me off of it. She said the estrogen would cause cancer and instead gave me progesterone cream and Vitamin D. My body is too sensitive for hormones.

    Since then I began going to the Mayo clinic... I have been forgetting to take my Vitamin D. Was taking 10,000 IUs.

    Benadryl used to help me sleep, but it is no longer working for me :-(

    I also can no longer drink - it causes hot flashes too. Some of my older friends say it eventually goes away... but this sleep thing is killing me.
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,959 Member
    Bumpety-bump! No time for anything!'

    Rita from 'frosted' CT
  • fat2skinny50
    fat2skinny50 Posts: 104 Member
    Hi all, my name is Dayna and i am new to this site. For February, i would love to lose 5 or more pounds, and start jogging again. I use to love to jog, but hurt my knee and have not gotten back to it yet, even though my knee has been better for a long time. I do a pretty hard stair workout with two other women i work with, we actually run up 51 floors, 20 steps per floor, so i know my knee can handle jogging again. I stated using the treadmil but nothing like i use too. So i hope to just stay on track and even better. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    I have FitBit & do sync to MFP,but never check it,just go by MFP. Works for me.Don't bother
    Checking sleep,just no reason to,but that's just me.

    So many ppl trying to eat healthy/ lost wt use the same programs,gadgets,adding our own ways. Pat in Ohio
  • claudie08
    claudie08 Posts: 159 Member
    Hi Margaret. Thanks so much. I do feel better as long as I take my meds, but it does creep up on me from time to time.

    My doctor told me that it was due to a lack of water in my system. I forgot the term she used, though. In anycase, I need to drink more water, and I'm not one of those people who likes to drink water..so, I've been adding drops of non-caloric flavor to it. My next goal is to wean myself off of the drops and drink it plain.
  • claudie08
    claudie08 Posts: 159 Member
    Hey patceoh, I have the FitBit ZIP and have it sycned to MFP. I do like it for tracking steps and miles.
  • Ginryl
    Ginryl Posts: 35
    Hello All
    Yesterday was not one of my better days as far as eating. I ran errands all day & the heater wouldn't work in the car. Was freaking cold here. So after a couple of hours I needed to get warm & hadn't eaten all day. Decided to stop at Mexican Food. I had a margarita, 3 nachos & bowl of soup :explode:
    Today is Friday :happy: and I ma back on the good food train :smile: So gonna try my best to be good this weekend.

    I have a Fit Bit Force, which I love. I use MFP for my food & water intake. It automatically syncs. Someone had asked.

    I love using MFP for many reasons but my favorite thing is this line:

    If every day were like today... You'd weigh ... lbs in 5 weeks
    Boy that's helps to keep me on track :laugh:

    Gotta go for now, Work is calling
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,805 Member
    afternoon ladies,
    well i worked a 9 hr day whooo hooo.
    I am cleaning out charts in the basement where I work to have shred it come to shred them,so it is alot of standing for alot of hrs..
    I marched in place lol,got almost 8,000 steps that way, thank goodness no one was watching but at least I was moving
    tomorrow is early morning to the gym, then to pick up a dresser, then home and cook my FIL some lunch, then hopefully chill out after that
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Thank goodness that it's Friday!!
    I'm surprised at how quickly I recovered from all the shoveling of the hard packed snow around my car. My arms & back are totally fine now.

    I had a great NSV at the gym yesterday. A girl that takes aquafit with me on the weekends was at the gym last night and commented on my weight loss. It was really nice to hear.

    I've officially made my "to do" list and written it out. wow, it's long :laugh:

    Have a great night

    :heart: Sandy in frigid ON
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    @Katia -- Our little schnauzer was so full she had to have an enema... she loves to eat bunny poop.... and anything else she finds on the ground. We say she is extremely "food motivated."
    The vet said in the future that a little canned pumpkin helps to get things moving. I have used it and it does seem to help. Good luck with your little fella.


    I called our vet and they recommended pumpkin, too. We gave him some today but there has been not "production" so far. If he doesn't get relief by morning we'll take him into the vet's office. thanks for your suggestion.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Katla - I just went on a website . Googled body fat measurement. You just have to take various measurements, wrist, forearm, waist, hips. It is not completely accurate, but near enough.Then I googled body fat for age. Looking at your profile pictures I would say you are pretty lean! ! ! ! ! Not good to be too lean at our age, over 60, as we need some fat for oestrogen storage to protect against osteoporosis.

    Heather in Hampshire UK

    I am not worried about my body fat, but I feel as though I don't know enough about what is desirable or not desirable. I'm happy with my weight but would like to have a bit more muscle tone. I'd also like my inner thighs to be less like a deflated balloon.:noway: :ohwell: I'll keep going to yoga and hope for eventual improvement. I don't want to look like a sharpei in a bathing suit next summer.:flowerforyou:
  • susanrechter
    susanrechter Posts: 386 Member
    In the motivation and support thread tonight there was a topic that was asking advice for handling a critical mother. Some of the advice was really impressive, from one-liners that were to the point (and sometimes hilarious) to analytical. Next time I'm going to post my problem on MFP instead of going to a shrink!

    Ginry-I had the Fitbit and decided to return it. The sleep tracker wasn't responding, and it was sort of gimicky, so I decided to use my old-school pedometer and MFP instead. Besides, it will probably be 1/3rd the price in a year.
    Katla or Yanniejannie (can't remember) - Lol...I'm glad you liked remembering Tom Selleck in his "sport shorts"! haha!

    Did 30 Day Shred and walked for an hour.
    GTG...Housewives of Atlanta is on. :laugh:

    Good night all.
    Susan in St. Lou