A Calorie is NOT just a Calorie



  • Tigg_er
    Tigg_er Posts: 22,001 Member
    So much bro-love in this thread now.
    When y'all start kissing, post pics.

    Thats Bro Not Bra Right ? :laugh:
  • Cortelli
    Cortelli Posts: 1,369 Member
    So much bro-love in this thread now.
    When y'all start kissing, post pics.

    Think you just broke the rule requiring 10x3 nested quotes in every post. Not sure what the punishment is but rest assured it will happen.
  • fast_eddie_72
    fast_eddie_72 Posts: 719 Member
    I just don't understand why people would rather have 1,500 of junk that in the end will do more harm than good to your health than eating 1,500 of tasty, healthy food that will make you a healthier human being. Why would I like to eat 1,000 at one sitting on McDonalds instead of 1,000 calories of meat, veggies, nuts, and even dessert during the day?

    And forgive my english...

    yea, you just don't get it..no one is saying that…

    what people are trying to say is that you can eat moderately healthy and still have things like pizza, cookies, fast food, etc, and you will lose weight, hit your goals, and be in good health ...

    It would seem that's what some hear when all they read is "a calorie is a calorie" and "you can lose weight eating only at McDonalds". Which is the danger in posting that again and again and again with no further explanation.

    Yeah, what you just said? That's what they're saying *now*. A colossal improvement from "eat whatever you want".

    I did that.

    again, you miss the point. Yes, technically, you can eat whatever you want, be in a deficit, and lose weight. I always advocate the 80/20 approach..80% healthy/20% whatever you want….so I am not sure who the "they" is that you are talking about …

    I believe some people use that as an example to demonstrate it really is calories in vs calories out..but I have not seen anyone provided advice that one follow that approach….

    The point is that "technically" isn't very good advice. And the non stop drone of nonsense could (and obviously DID) create the wrong impression. And it's misleading to have a whole gang of people trained to say it again and again, when they know (again, obviously by posts they've made here) that there's more to it than that.

    Look at what you just said. If a calorie is a calorie, why do you advocate the 80/20 approach? And what's "healthy"? I've been told again and again that "there's no bad food". Then what's the 20? And why, in the name of GOD would you take offense to anyone saying that there's more to know than "a calorie is a calorie" after they acknowledge again and again that "technically" it's accurate?

    If this "gang" that you are referring to is some of the IIFYM folks around here, all they are saying is that you do not have to restrict entire food groups to lose weight, and that you can continue to eat the foods that you like and still lose weight. Rather then trying 21 day water fasts, detox jump starts, low carb, eliminate all sugar, et al….I don't see how that makes them a gang? Are the Keto people a gang too? what about the paleo/clean eating people?

    I am not taking offense at anything. You are the one that seems all bent out of shape about it. I am not running around talking about "cults" and what not. It is calories in vs calories out, but at the same time no one is denying that macro nutrient composition is important from a body recomp standpoint. I agree there is no bad food, if someone wants to eat ice cream all day and stay in a deficit then more power to them. For myself, I choose to eat chicken, meat, fish, pork, fruit, vegetables, rice, pasta, etc about 80% of the time, and then I throw in pizza, ice cream, cake, cookies, whatever the other 20% of the time. That is what works for me, and that is what my advice is based on.

    It's a cult. Not a gang. And NOOOOOOO. It is NOT the IIFYM people. That is the RIGHT idea. It's the "a calorie is a calorie... period" people. The ones who don't acknowledge anything like your 80/20 because all calories are exactly the same. I keep saying this, but the cult is so strong you and many others aren't hearing it. So I'll say it again. I'm not "clean" or "vegan" or "paleo" or anything. I'm drinking a glass of wine right now. I had Tyson Anytizer Buffalo Style Boneless Chicken Wingz" just a few minutes ago.

    Here's the thing. I HAVEN'T SAID ANYTHING that is at odds with what you've been saying in the last two posts. But look how you beat me up for suggesting that a calorie is NOT a calorie. Then, what did you do when I kept pressing you on it? You whip out 80/20, which says a calorie is NOT a calorie. The first part of this thread was, literally dozens, if not a hundred posts saying "a calorie is a calorie" leaving it at that, and ridiculing anyone who suggested otherwise. The irony is, the people doing the ridiculing KNOW that they're doing something like your 80/20. They've just been so conditioned to chant the cult mantra that they pile on anyone who says "um... but you shouldn't JUST eat junk". "Noooo!" they proclaim. "Why, one guy in Azerbaijan lost weight eating nothing but twice fried french fries wrapped in bacon!" Um. That is useful information for... who exactly? When all they needed to say was "Well, yeah, probably not all the time. But mixing in some treats sure makes it more likely to stick with it long term, and as long as you hit your macros and your calorie goal, there's nothing wrong with it." To which I would reply "Exactly".

    You just spent all this time arguing with me - for saying that you should know something more than "a calorie is a calorie". Then you said you suggest 80/20. You totally agree with me. So why is it sacrilege to say "a calorie is a calorie" is not the end of the story? And if you once you acknowledge that you agree with me, yet see all the push back I'm getting, you have to agree, there's a bit of insanity happening here. And I'm not talking about the work out.

    I hear and understand exactly where you are coming from FAST EDDIE , There has been very good info from a lot of posters from both sides of the same fence and actually when they are standing on the same side. My opinion and this is only my opinion and in no way is advice is that this entire thread has lost all common sense and turned into a major circle jerk !

    Well if you're going to bring awesome 80s punk bands into it...

    Yes. This has gone to an extreme. And that's good. Mind if I explain why? I'll do so anyway.

    What's the point of saying "You could eat only Twinkies and still lose weight"? It's taking an idea to an extreme in an effort to make a point. I'm using the same tactic to make another point: It's misleading to say "a calorie is a calorie" over and over again with no other context.

    Exactly !

    It's like a twofer. Anyone else? Going for the hat trick. Say "HALLELUJAH" brother!

    You actualy made your point about 25 pages ago. "HALLELUJAH"

    Meh. I was on a roll.

    Needz moar quotz.
  • fast_eddie_72
    fast_eddie_72 Posts: 719 Member
    I just don't understand why people would rather have 1,500 of junk that in the end will do more harm than good to your health than eating 1,500 of tasty, healthy food that will make you a healthier human being. Why would I like to eat 1,000 at one sitting on McDonalds instead of 1,000 calories of meat, veggies, nuts, and even dessert during the day?

    And forgive my english...

    yea, you just don't get it..no one is saying that…

    what people are trying to say is that you can eat moderately healthy and still have things like pizza, cookies, fast food, etc, and you will lose weight, hit your goals, and be in good health ...

    It would seem that's what some hear when all they read is "a calorie is a calorie" and "you can lose weight eating only at McDonalds". Which is the danger in posting that again and again and again with no further explanation.

    Yeah, what you just said? That's what they're saying *now*. A colossal improvement from "eat whatever you want".

    I did that.

    again, you miss the point. Yes, technically, you can eat whatever you want, be in a deficit, and lose weight. I always advocate the 80/20 approach..80% healthy/20% whatever you want….so I am not sure who the "they" is that you are talking about …

    I believe some people use that as an example to demonstrate it really is calories in vs calories out..but I have not seen anyone provided advice that one follow that approach….

    The point is that "technically" isn't very good advice. And the non stop drone of nonsense could (and obviously DID) create the wrong impression. And it's misleading to have a whole gang of people trained to say it again and again, when they know (again, obviously by posts they've made here) that there's more to it than that.

    Look at what you just said. If a calorie is a calorie, why do you advocate the 80/20 approach? And what's "healthy"? I've been told again and again that "there's no bad food". Then what's the 20? And why, in the name of GOD would you take offense to anyone saying that there's more to know than "a calorie is a calorie" after they acknowledge again and again that "technically" it's accurate?

    If this "gang" that you are referring to is some of the IIFYM folks around here, all they are saying is that you do not have to restrict entire food groups to lose weight, and that you can continue to eat the foods that you like and still lose weight. Rather then trying 21 day water fasts, detox jump starts, low carb, eliminate all sugar, et al….I don't see how that makes them a gang? Are the Keto people a gang too? what about the paleo/clean eating people?

    I am not taking offense at anything. You are the one that seems all bent out of shape about it. I am not running around talking about "cults" and what not. It is calories in vs calories out, but at the same time no one is denying that macro nutrient composition is important from a body recomp standpoint. I agree there is no bad food, if someone wants to eat ice cream all day and stay in a deficit then more power to them. For myself, I choose to eat chicken, meat, fish, pork, fruit, vegetables, rice, pasta, etc about 80% of the time, and then I throw in pizza, ice cream, cake, cookies, whatever the other 20% of the time. That is what works for me, and that is what my advice is based on.

    It's a cult. Not a gang. And NOOOOOOO. It is NOT the IIFYM people. That is the RIGHT idea. It's the "a calorie is a calorie... period" people. The ones who don't acknowledge anything like your 80/20 because all calories are exactly the same. I keep saying this, but the cult is so strong you and many others aren't hearing it. So I'll say it again. I'm not "clean" or "vegan" or "paleo" or anything. I'm drinking a glass of wine right now. I had Tyson Anytizer Buffalo Style Boneless Chicken Wingz" just a few minutes ago.

    Here's the thing. I HAVEN'T SAID ANYTHING that is at odds with what you've been saying in the last two posts. But look how you beat me up for suggesting that a calorie is NOT a calorie. Then, what did you do when I kept pressing you on it? You whip out 80/20, which says a calorie is NOT a calorie. The first part of this thread was, literally dozens, if not a hundred posts saying "a calorie is a calorie" leaving it at that, and ridiculing anyone who suggested otherwise. The irony is, the people doing the ridiculing KNOW that they're doing something like your 80/20. They've just been so conditioned to chant the cult mantra that they pile on anyone who says "um... but you shouldn't JUST eat junk". "Noooo!" they proclaim. "Why, one guy in Azerbaijan lost weight eating nothing but twice fried french fries wrapped in bacon!" Um. That is useful information for... who exactly? When all they needed to say was "Well, yeah, probably not all the time. But mixing in some treats sure makes it more likely to stick with it long term, and as long as you hit your macros and your calorie goal, there's nothing wrong with it." To which I would reply "Exactly".

    You just spent all this time arguing with me - for saying that you should know something more than "a calorie is a calorie". Then you said you suggest 80/20. You totally agree with me. So why is it sacrilege to say "a calorie is a calorie" is not the end of the story? And if you once you acknowledge that you agree with me, yet see all the push back I'm getting, you have to agree, there's a bit of insanity happening here. And I'm not talking about the work out.

    I hear and understand exactly where you are coming from FAST EDDIE , There has been very good info from a lot of posters from both sides of the same fence and actually when they are standing on the same side. My opinion and this is only my opinion and in no way is advice is that this entire thread has lost all common sense and turned into a major circle jerk !

    Well if you're going to bring awesome 80s punk bands into it...

    Yes. This has gone to an extreme. And that's good. Mind if I explain why? I'll do so anyway.

    What's the point of saying "You could eat only Twinkies and still lose weight"? It's taking an idea to an extreme in an effort to make a point. I'm using the same tactic to make another point: It's misleading to say "a calorie is a calorie" over and over again with no other context.

    Exactly !

    It's like a twofer. Anyone else? Going for the hat trick. Say "HALLELUJAH" brother!

    You actualy made your point about 25 pages ago. "HALLELUJAH"

    Meh. I was on a roll.

    Needz moar quotz.

    How far can we keep this going? This looks very cool.

    Was kinda wondering that myself.
  • fast_eddie_72
    fast_eddie_72 Posts: 719 Member
    I just don't understand why people would rather have 1,500 of junk that in the end will do more harm than good to your health than eating 1,500 of tasty, healthy food that will make you a healthier human being. Why would I like to eat 1,000 at one sitting on McDonalds instead of 1,000 calories of meat, veggies, nuts, and even dessert during the day?

    And forgive my english...

    yea, you just don't get it..no one is saying that…

    what people are trying to say is that you can eat moderately healthy and still have things like pizza, cookies, fast food, etc, and you will lose weight, hit your goals, and be in good health ...

    It would seem that's what some hear when all they read is "a calorie is a calorie" and "you can lose weight eating only at McDonalds". Which is the danger in posting that again and again and again with no further explanation.

    Yeah, what you just said? That's what they're saying *now*. A colossal improvement from "eat whatever you want".

    I did that.

    again, you miss the point. Yes, technically, you can eat whatever you want, be in a deficit, and lose weight. I always advocate the 80/20 approach..80% healthy/20% whatever you want….so I am not sure who the "they" is that you are talking about …

    I believe some people use that as an example to demonstrate it really is calories in vs calories out..but I have not seen anyone provided advice that one follow that approach….

    The point is that "technically" isn't very good advice. And the non stop drone of nonsense could (and obviously DID) create the wrong impression. And it's misleading to have a whole gang of people trained to say it again and again, when they know (again, obviously by posts they've made here) that there's more to it than that.

    Look at what you just said. If a calorie is a calorie, why do you advocate the 80/20 approach? And what's "healthy"? I've been told again and again that "there's no bad food". Then what's the 20? And why, in the name of GOD would you take offense to anyone saying that there's more to know than "a calorie is a calorie" after they acknowledge again and again that "technically" it's accurate?

    If this "gang" that you are referring to is some of the IIFYM folks around here, all they are saying is that you do not have to restrict entire food groups to lose weight, and that you can continue to eat the foods that you like and still lose weight. Rather then trying 21 day water fasts, detox jump starts, low carb, eliminate all sugar, et al….I don't see how that makes them a gang? Are the Keto people a gang too? what about the paleo/clean eating people?

    I am not taking offense at anything. You are the one that seems all bent out of shape about it. I am not running around talking about "cults" and what not. It is calories in vs calories out, but at the same time no one is denying that macro nutrient composition is important from a body recomp standpoint. I agree there is no bad food, if someone wants to eat ice cream all day and stay in a deficit then more power to them. For myself, I choose to eat chicken, meat, fish, pork, fruit, vegetables, rice, pasta, etc about 80% of the time, and then I throw in pizza, ice cream, cake, cookies, whatever the other 20% of the time. That is what works for me, and that is what my advice is based on.

    It's a cult. Not a gang. And NOOOOOOO. It is NOT the IIFYM people. That is the RIGHT idea. It's the "a calorie is a calorie... period" people. The ones who don't acknowledge anything like your 80/20 because all calories are exactly the same. I keep saying this, but the cult is so strong you and many others aren't hearing it. So I'll say it again. I'm not "clean" or "vegan" or "paleo" or anything. I'm drinking a glass of wine right now. I had Tyson Anytizer Buffalo Style Boneless Chicken Wingz" just a few minutes ago.

    Here's the thing. I HAVEN'T SAID ANYTHING that is at odds with what you've been saying in the last two posts. But look how you beat me up for suggesting that a calorie is NOT a calorie. Then, what did you do when I kept pressing you on it? You whip out 80/20, which says a calorie is NOT a calorie. The first part of this thread was, literally dozens, if not a hundred posts saying "a calorie is a calorie" leaving it at that, and ridiculing anyone who suggested otherwise. The irony is, the people doing the ridiculing KNOW that they're doing something like your 80/20. They've just been so conditioned to chant the cult mantra that they pile on anyone who says "um... but you shouldn't JUST eat junk". "Noooo!" they proclaim. "Why, one guy in Azerbaijan lost weight eating nothing but twice fried french fries wrapped in bacon!" Um. That is useful information for... who exactly? When all they needed to say was "Well, yeah, probably not all the time. But mixing in some treats sure makes it more likely to stick with it long term, and as long as you hit your macros and your calorie goal, there's nothing wrong with it." To which I would reply "Exactly".

    You just spent all this time arguing with me - for saying that you should know something more than "a calorie is a calorie". Then you said you suggest 80/20. You totally agree with me. So why is it sacrilege to say "a calorie is a calorie" is not the end of the story? And if you once you acknowledge that you agree with me, yet see all the push back I'm getting, you have to agree, there's a bit of insanity happening here. And I'm not talking about the work out.

    I hear and understand exactly where you are coming from FAST EDDIE , There has been very good info from a lot of posters from both sides of the same fence and actually when they are standing on the same side. My opinion and this is only my opinion and in no way is advice is that this entire thread has lost all common sense and turned into a major circle jerk !

    Well if you're going to bring awesome 80s punk bands into it...

    Yes. This has gone to an extreme. And that's good. Mind if I explain why? I'll do so anyway.

    What's the point of saying "You could eat only Twinkies and still lose weight"? It's taking an idea to an extreme in an effort to make a point. I'm using the same tactic to make another point: It's misleading to say "a calorie is a calorie" over and over again with no other context.

    Exactly !

    It's like a twofer. Anyone else? Going for the hat trick. Say "HALLELUJAH" brother!

    You actualy made your point about 25 pages ago. "HALLELUJAH"

    Meh. I was on a roll.

    Needz moar quotz.

    How far can we keep this going? This looks very cool.

    Was kinda wondering that myself.

    Kinda reminds me of the infinity mirror at Spenser Gifts when I was a kid.
  • fast_eddie_72
    fast_eddie_72 Posts: 719 Member
    I just don't understand why people would rather have 1,500 of junk that in the end will do more harm than good to your health than eating 1,500 of tasty, healthy food that will make you a healthier human being. Why would I like to eat 1,000 at one sitting on McDonalds instead of 1,000 calories of meat, veggies, nuts, and even dessert during the day?

    And forgive my english...

    yea, you just don't get it..no one is saying that…

    what people are trying to say is that you can eat moderately healthy and still have things like pizza, cookies, fast food, etc, and you will lose weight, hit your goals, and be in good health ...

    It would seem that's what some hear when all they read is "a calorie is a calorie" and "you can lose weight eating only at McDonalds". Which is the danger in posting that again and again and again with no further explanation.

    Yeah, what you just said? That's what they're saying *now*. A colossal improvement from "eat whatever you want".

    I did that.

    again, you miss the point. Yes, technically, you can eat whatever you want, be in a deficit, and lose weight. I always advocate the 80/20 approach..80% healthy/20% whatever you want….so I am not sure who the "they" is that you are talking about …

    I believe some people use that as an example to demonstrate it really is calories in vs calories out..but I have not seen anyone provided advice that one follow that approach….

    The point is that "technically" isn't very good advice. And the non stop drone of nonsense could (and obviously DID) create the wrong impression. And it's misleading to have a whole gang of people trained to say it again and again, when they know (again, obviously by posts they've made here) that there's more to it than that.

    Look at what you just said. If a calorie is a calorie, why do you advocate the 80/20 approach? And what's "healthy"? I've been told again and again that "there's no bad food". Then what's the 20? And why, in the name of GOD would you take offense to anyone saying that there's more to know than "a calorie is a calorie" after they acknowledge again and again that "technically" it's accurate?

    If this "gang" that you are referring to is some of the IIFYM folks around here, all they are saying is that you do not have to restrict entire food groups to lose weight, and that you can continue to eat the foods that you like and still lose weight. Rather then trying 21 day water fasts, detox jump starts, low carb, eliminate all sugar, et al….I don't see how that makes them a gang? Are the Keto people a gang too? what about the paleo/clean eating people?

    I am not taking offense at anything. You are the one that seems all bent out of shape about it. I am not running around talking about "cults" and what not. It is calories in vs calories out, but at the same time no one is denying that macro nutrient composition is important from a body recomp standpoint. I agree there is no bad food, if someone wants to eat ice cream all day and stay in a deficit then more power to them. For myself, I choose to eat chicken, meat, fish, pork, fruit, vegetables, rice, pasta, etc about 80% of the time, and then I throw in pizza, ice cream, cake, cookies, whatever the other 20% of the time. That is what works for me, and that is what my advice is based on.

    It's a cult. Not a gang. And NOOOOOOO. It is NOT the IIFYM people. That is the RIGHT idea. It's the "a calorie is a calorie... period" people. The ones who don't acknowledge anything like your 80/20 because all calories are exactly the same. I keep saying this, but the cult is so strong you and many others aren't hearing it. So I'll say it again. I'm not "clean" or "vegan" or "paleo" or anything. I'm drinking a glass of wine right now. I had Tyson Anytizer Buffalo Style Boneless Chicken Wingz" just a few minutes ago.

    Here's the thing. I HAVEN'T SAID ANYTHING that is at odds with what you've been saying in the last two posts. But look how you beat me up for suggesting that a calorie is NOT a calorie. Then, what did you do when I kept pressing you on it? You whip out 80/20, which says a calorie is NOT a calorie. The first part of this thread was, literally dozens, if not a hundred posts saying "a calorie is a calorie" leaving it at that, and ridiculing anyone who suggested otherwise. The irony is, the people doing the ridiculing KNOW that they're doing something like your 80/20. They've just been so conditioned to chant the cult mantra that they pile on anyone who says "um... but you shouldn't JUST eat junk". "Noooo!" they proclaim. "Why, one guy in Azerbaijan lost weight eating nothing but twice fried french fries wrapped in bacon!" Um. That is useful information for... who exactly? When all they needed to say was "Well, yeah, probably not all the time. But mixing in some treats sure makes it more likely to stick with it long term, and as long as you hit your macros and your calorie goal, there's nothing wrong with it." To which I would reply "Exactly".

    You just spent all this time arguing with me - for saying that you should know something more than "a calorie is a calorie". Then you said you suggest 80/20. You totally agree with me. So why is it sacrilege to say "a calorie is a calorie" is not the end of the story? And if you once you acknowledge that you agree with me, yet see all the push back I'm getting, you have to agree, there's a bit of insanity happening here. And I'm not talking about the work out.

    I hear and understand exactly where you are coming from FAST EDDIE , There has been very good info from a lot of posters from both sides of the same fence and actually when they are standing on the same side. My opinion and this is only my opinion and in no way is advice is that this entire thread has lost all common sense and turned into a major circle jerk !

    Well if you're going to bring awesome 80s punk bands into it...

    Yes. This has gone to an extreme. And that's good. Mind if I explain why? I'll do so anyway.

    What's the point of saying "You could eat only Twinkies and still lose weight"? It's taking an idea to an extreme in an effort to make a point. I'm using the same tactic to make another point: It's misleading to say "a calorie is a calorie" over and over again with no other context.

    Exactly !

    It's like a twofer. Anyone else? Going for the hat trick. Say "HALLELUJAH" brother!

    You actualy made your point about 25 pages ago. "HALLELUJAH"

    Meh. I was on a roll.

    Needz moar quotz.

    How far can we keep this going? This looks very cool.

    Was kinda wondering that myself.

    Kinda reminds me of the infinity mirror at Spenser Gifts when I was a kid.

  • Tigg_er
    Tigg_er Posts: 22,001 Member
    Ya I remember those .
  • fast_eddie_72
    fast_eddie_72 Posts: 719 Member
    "Why, one guy in Azerbaijan lost weight eating nothing but twice fried french fries wrapped in bacon!" lol That was funny. When I said that part right there. Azerbaijan. Where do I get this stuff? I slay me.
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    ^^^ Holy quotes, batman!
  • fast_eddie_72
    fast_eddie_72 Posts: 719 Member
    did you see that one lady? She was like "Holy quotes, batman!" when she saw this.
  • ashleyisgreat
    ashleyisgreat Posts: 586 Member
    I like to scroll quickly down the page just to see the beautiful dancing quote boxes. In and out, in and out. Lovely. (only kind of kidding)
  • fast_eddie_72
    fast_eddie_72 Posts: 719 Member
    Yeah, people just get caught up in semantics mostly. People confuse a calorie is a calorie with not all calories are created equal all the time.


    It's before midnight here. I'll call that four in one day. I'm going to be on some cult deprogrammer top ten list this week. And they told me it was foolish to joust at windmills.

    I am I, Don Quixote,
    The Lord of La Mancha,
    My destiny calls and I go,
    And the wild winds of fortune
    Will carry me onward,
    Oh whithersoever they blow.

    Whithersoever they blow,
    Onward to glory I go!

    I should save fewer calories for wine, I think.
  • fast_eddie_72
    fast_eddie_72 Posts: 719 Member
    I like to scroll quickly down the page just to see the beautiful dancing quote boxes. In and out, in and out. Lovely. (only kind of kidding)

    Only works if you quote the dancing quote boxes.
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member

    Did you see that one lady? She was like "Holy quotes, batman!" when she saw this.

  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    I just don't understand why people would rather have 1,500 of junk that in the end will do more harm than good to your health than eating 1,500 of tasty, healthy food that will make you a healthier human being. Why would I like to eat 1,000 at one sitting on McDonalds instead of 1,000 calories of meat, veggies, nuts, and even dessert during the day?

    And forgive my english...

    because every day is not the same... no-one eats the same foods every day (well I guess some people do but most would find it excruciatingly boring to do so). So most days I eat foods that are very nutritious and easy to get into a balanced diet, but sometimes I eat fast food. Why? Because I like the taste. Also the protein in fast food is used by the body the same way any other protein is, fast food maybe lacking in some micronutrients and have a lot of carbs and fat, but it's not going to do anyone any harm eaten once in a while.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    Again...last time I checked there are plenty of people on this site (Sara and Sidesteel to name a couple) who eat 80/20 every single day. These people are fabulously fit and rock tge sexy pants.

    Naughty? What are we? Kindergardeners? Am I gonna have a time-out?

    There's no such thing as 'naughty' food...smh

    What you're evidence that eating 80/20 doesn't consume lean mass.

    So far all you've done is put down information but offered up nothing for your reasoning.

    I've given you names to look up.

    I have eyes sweetheart. Photographs and videos don't lie.

    Dont want to look them up...sok...here you go:

    And generally good all around information:


    I've looked these guys up - they both look fab by the way.

    Should you be looking at them as role model? - simple answer is ABSOLUTLY. These guys are doing everything right!

    And here's the kicker their results support what I'm trying to say.

    !) their eating the right amount of protein (this will save loss of weight from lean muscle mass). Sarauk2sf is eating about 1g per unit of lean body mass - Ideal!!! I don't know here weight but I would assume she's on something like a 40/40/20 or 30/40/30 split carb/protein/fat.

    2) We discussed exercise and it's importance in weight loss earlier, well both of these guys are doing resistance training (lifting heavy things). And this is why their both looking great. Resistance training is a muscle sparring exercise. A lot of cardio by the way isn't.

    These guys seem to know what they are doing and talking about. With all training and diets there's no exact amount of macronutrient splits you should be eating (everyone is different and will react better to slightly different splits) find what works for you, but there are principles in place.

    Follow these and you'll get to where your going. Probably faster and you'll be a hell of a lot healthier when you arrive.

    Good luck with Gym!!:smile:
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member

    Hey you've got to ask yourself why are you looking and posting on this thread!

    Because deep down in places you don't talk about - you want threads like this, you need threads like this!

    You want the truth you can't handle the truth!!!
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    I dis like the way everyone multi-quotes on here because it gets a tad silly. I normally just cut out the bit I'm replying to.
    But now I'm making it worse!

    Oh and... "photographs and videos don't lie"?
    "Not sure if serious?"
    They absolutely can and do.
    More, anecdotal evidence from a couple of people doesn't really give us useful information.
  • mcibty
    mcibty Posts: 1,252 Member
    Not that I can even begin to be bothered to read most of the replies on here, but this topic is so redundant it's practically completely impotent.

    A calorie IS just a calorie. A calorie is a UNIT OF ENERGY. It is the approximate amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree Celsius. It is not one calorie of fat, nor one calorie of protein, nor a calorie of carbs. It can only be what it is. ENERGY.

    Where the misunderstanding lies is the NUTRITIONAL VALUE in the foods that provide those calories.

    YES, if you stuff your face with burgers at the appropriate deficit, you WILL lose weight. It's that simple.

    If you stuff your face with healthy foods, you will get the NUTRITIONAL benefits that come along with it, but a 1,000 calories of broccoli still has the same amount of ENERGY as in 1,000 calories worth of junk. The composition of these foods are different, therefore have different effects on the body.

    So - Calories = A unit of energy
    Nutrition = The composition of the foods you eat


    Oh, and whilst we're at it... Muscle doesn't weigh more than fat either. 1lbs of muscle weighs the same as 1lbs of fat. The fat just takes up more room.

    Edit for spellinz from angry typing.