A Calorie is NOT just a Calorie



  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    There's definitely a lot of misinformation going on!

    But who has the "real" information?

    That's the beauty of researching multiple sources and making your own informed conclusion.

    My personal view would be - take everything you hear at face value (I include my own beliefs).

    If you read something that sparks your interest look into get the facts and either use it or chuck it away.

    Knowledge is power dude. - Blind faith (well that another thing).
    Yes, but I believe that you said you really like Mark's Daily Apple because he links to scientific articles. Here's another good blog for you to check out, and she also lists the science articles that are her sources:


    Of course, she takes the opposite stance on things, and god forbid, she suggests eating mostly nutrient dense food, but eating calorically dense foods in moderation if they fit into your goals. She actually goes so far to state that labeling foods as bad and refusing to eat them can lead to disordered eating.

    Thanks I'll give it a look.

    I follow the science, you should read marks daily apple, you may find there's common ground.

    I used to be a Christian until I discovered Judaism now I'm a happy Muslim/Buddhist.
    I'm actually on his digest as I was looking into paleo for a while. He actually doesn't post much right now. Some of his stuff I read. Some I delete immediately. There's a lot of stuff that I like about the concept, but find paleo just too restrictive for reasons I don't understand. And I really like peanut butter. And just because one article or two backs up a theory doesn't mean there aren't 10 others that disagree with it. A lot of the more "extreme" (and weird) exclusions I can't find an overwhelming acceptance for them being bad.

    But, overall, I like the nutrient dense foods and the 80/20 concept.

    Hey just read bit about kaleo diet.

    I think the end goal of both Primal and Kaleo is essentially the same thing - look after the bodies lean mass build muscle, keep a good supply of essential fatty acids in the body and eat a healthy nutrient rich diet.

    Eat healthy, loss the right sort of body weight, let the body decide when your there and live long.

    In simple terms (and this is being really simplistic) The kaleo is for the herbivores and primal is for the carnivores.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    This has been so much fun, I think I should start another thread... A Calorie IS just a Calorie


    How about one on the energy balance equation - after all isn't that what the original OP report was getting at (to a degree).

    pfft. where's the fun in THAT? lol

    Believe me from what I've seen over the past couple of days, you get this lot going on any topic and it'll be fun!!!
  • mcibty
    mcibty Posts: 1,252 Member
    Wait, what counts as water again?
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    Wait, what counts as water again?

    A steaming hot mug of black coffee!
  • silken555
    silken555 Posts: 478 Member
    I just don't understand why people would rather have 1,500 of junk that in the end will do more harm than good to your health than eating 1,500 of tasty, healthy food that will make you a healthier human being. Why would I like to eat 1,000 at one sitting on McDonalds instead of 1,000 calories of meat, veggies, nuts, and even dessert during the day?

    And forgive my english...

    yea, you just don't get it..no one is saying that…

    what people are trying to say is that you can eat moderately healthy and still have things like pizza, cookies, fast food, etc, and you will lose weight, hit your goals, and be in good health ...

    It would seem that's what some hear when all they read is "a calorie is a calorie" and "you can lose weight eating only at McDonalds". Which is the danger in posting that again and again and again with no further explanation.

    Yeah, what you just said? That's what they're saying *now*. A colossal improvement from "eat whatever you want".

    I did that.

    again, you miss the point. Yes, technically, you can eat whatever you want, be in a deficit, and lose weight. I always advocate the 80/20 approach..80% healthy/20% whatever you want….so I am not sure who the "they" is that you are talking about …

    I believe some people use that as an example to demonstrate it really is calories in vs calories out..but I have not seen anyone provided advice that one follow that approach….

    The point is that "technically" isn't very good advice. And the non stop drone of nonsense could (and obviously DID) create the wrong impression. And it's misleading to have a whole gang of people trained to say it again and again, when they know (again, obviously by posts they've made here) that there's more to it than that.

    Look at what you just said. If a calorie is a calorie, why do you advocate the 80/20 approach? And what's "healthy"? I've been told again and again that "there's no bad food". Then what's the 20? And why, in the name of GOD would you take offense to anyone saying that there's more to know than "a calorie is a calorie" after they acknowledge again and again that "technically" it's accurate?

    As soon as you segregate calories into "Healthy" and "Whatever you want" you're saying - are you ready for this - A calorie is NOT a calorie! Congratulations.

    Actually no...they're saying there are foods that are more nutritionally dense than others which is important if one's goal is fitness. Has nothing to do with the amount of energy a food generates.
  • Ignaura
    Ignaura Posts: 203 Member

    I think what people are failing to understand is that we're not talking about eating one thing all day. We are not taking about eating 10 cheeseburgers a day we're talking a cheeseburger, salad, some fruit, maybe fish Greek yogurt, ice cream, quinoa. It's about balance and sustainability. We're not saying "eat 100 cookies and lose weight". You could, but you'd feel like junk. Instead, focus on nutrient density of foods proteins, fats, carbs, and fiber. Get those targets in line and yes, enjoy your big Mac. Eric Helms I Believe said, "You don't get extra credit for getting more nutrients than your body requires. " . So, while I understand wanting to healthy, that doesn't mean slapping trivial labels on something simple. Food.

    Thing is, there's people who really see it that way, and actually do it that way... and have junk for breakfast, lunch and dinner. If you are having the occasional cheeseburger, or the daily Oreo for dessert, along with veggies, meat, nuts, etc its all good... but, when some people say that a calorie is a calorie, they say it as way to mean the d have all the junk all the time.
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member

    I think what people are failing to understand is that we're not talking about eating one thing all day. We are not taking about eating 10 cheeseburgers a day we're talking a cheeseburger, salad, some fruit, maybe fish Greek yogurt, ice cream, quinoa. It's about balance and sustainability. We're not saying "eat 100 cookies and lose weight". You could, but you'd feel like junk. Instead, focus on nutrient density of foods proteins, fats, carbs, and fiber. Get those targets in line and yes, enjoy your big Mac. Eric Helms I Believe said, "You don't get extra credit for getting more nutrients than your body requires. " . So, while I understand wanting to healthy, that doesn't mean slapping trivial labels on something simple. Food.

    Thing is, there's people who really see it that way, and actually do it that way... and have junk for breakfast, lunch and dinner. If you are having the occasional cheeseburger, or the daily Oreo for dessert, along with veggies, meat, nuts, etc its all good... but, when some people say that a calorie is a calorie, they say it as way to mean the d have all the junk all the time.

    if they do eat junk, and keep within their calorie limit. They will lose weight.

    That's the whole point of a calorie is a calorie.

    It's kind of like a dollar is a dollar (assuming both dollars are the same currency lol)

    I can use a dollar to buy a small chocolate bar. Or I can choose to throw it down a man hole. It doesn't change the fact that it's a dollar. I can walk away with something tangible, or I can throw it away.. but in the end a dollar IS still a dollar.

    I can choose to waste it, I can choose to use it to buy candy, I can choose to use it to buy an apple, I can invest it. There are many different things I can do with that dollar. (especially if I have lots of them to put together), but how I choose to use or waste those dollars does not change the inherent fact that a dollar IS a dollar.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member

    I think what people are failing to understand is that we're not talking about eating one thing all day. We are not taking about eating 10 cheeseburgers a day we're talking a cheeseburger, salad, some fruit, maybe fish Greek yogurt, ice cream, quinoa. It's about balance and sustainability. We're not saying "eat 100 cookies and lose weight". You could, but you'd feel like junk. Instead, focus on nutrient density of foods proteins, fats, carbs, and fiber. Get those targets in line and yes, enjoy your big Mac. Eric Helms I Believe said, "You don't get extra credit for getting more nutrients than your body requires. " . So, while I understand wanting to healthy, that doesn't mean slapping trivial labels on something simple. Food.

    Thing is, there's people who really see it that way, and actually do it that way... and have junk for breakfast, lunch and dinner. If you are having the occasional cheeseburger, or the daily Oreo for dessert, along with veggies, meat, nuts, etc its all good... but, when some people say that a calorie is a calorie, they say it as way to mean the d have all the junk all the time.

    if they do eat junk, and keep within their calorie limit. They will lose weight.

    That's the whole point of a calorie is a calorie.

    It's kind of like a dollar is a dollar (assuming both dollars are the same currency lol)

    I can use a dollar to buy a small chocolate bar. Or I can choose to throw it down a man hole. It doesn't change the fact that it's a dollar. I can walk away with something tangible, or I can throw it away.. but in the end a dollar IS still a dollar.

    I can choose to waste it, I can choose to use it to buy candy, I can choose to use it to buy an apple, I can invest it. There are many different things I can do with that dollar. (especially if I have lots of them to put together), but how I choose to use or waste those dollars does not change the inherent fact that a dollar IS a dollar.

    You're right a dollar is a dollar.

    But surely the important thing is what that dollar buys you!!?
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member

    I think what people are failing to understand is that we're not talking about eating one thing all day. We are not taking about eating 10 cheeseburgers a day we're talking a cheeseburger, salad, some fruit, maybe fish Greek yogurt, ice cream, quinoa. It's about balance and sustainability. We're not saying "eat 100 cookies and lose weight". You could, but you'd feel like junk. Instead, focus on nutrient density of foods proteins, fats, carbs, and fiber. Get those targets in line and yes, enjoy your big Mac. Eric Helms I Believe said, "You don't get extra credit for getting more nutrients than your body requires. " . So, while I understand wanting to healthy, that doesn't mean slapping trivial labels on something simple. Food.

    Thing is, there's people who really see it that way, and actually do it that way... and have junk for breakfast, lunch and dinner. If you are having the occasional cheeseburger, or the daily Oreo for dessert, along with veggies, meat, nuts, etc its all good... but, when some people say that a calorie is a calorie, they say it as way to mean the d have all the junk all the time.

    if they do eat junk, and keep within their calorie limit. They will lose weight.

    That's the whole point of a calorie is a calorie.

    It's kind of like a dollar is a dollar (assuming both dollars are the same currency lol)

    I can use a dollar to buy a small chocolate bar. Or I can choose to throw it down a man hole. It doesn't change the fact that it's a dollar. I can walk away with something tangible, or I can throw it away.. but in the end a dollar IS still a dollar.

    I can choose to waste it, I can choose to use it to buy candy, I can choose to use it to buy an apple, I can invest it. There are many different things I can do with that dollar. (especially if I have lots of them to put together), but how I choose to use or waste those dollars does not change the inherent fact that a dollar IS a dollar.

    I actually really liked that analogy :)
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member

    I think what people are failing to understand is that we're not talking about eating one thing all day. We are not taking about eating 10 cheeseburgers a day we're talking a cheeseburger, salad, some fruit, maybe fish Greek yogurt, ice cream, quinoa. It's about balance and sustainability. We're not saying "eat 100 cookies and lose weight". You could, but you'd feel like junk. Instead, focus on nutrient density of foods proteins, fats, carbs, and fiber. Get those targets in line and yes, enjoy your big Mac. Eric Helms I Believe said, "You don't get extra credit for getting more nutrients than your body requires. " . So, while I understand wanting to healthy, that doesn't mean slapping trivial labels on something simple. Food.

    Thing is, there's people who really see it that way, and actually do it that way... and have junk for breakfast, lunch and dinner. If you are having the occasional cheeseburger, or the daily Oreo for dessert, along with veggies, meat, nuts, etc its all good... but, when some people say that a calorie is a calorie, they say it as way to mean the d have all the junk all the time.

    if they do eat junk, and keep within their calorie limit. They will lose weight.

    That's the whole point of a calorie is a calorie.

    It's kind of like a dollar is a dollar (assuming both dollars are the same currency lol)

    I can use a dollar to buy a small chocolate bar. Or I can choose to throw it down a man hole. It doesn't change the fact that it's a dollar. I can walk away with something tangible, or I can throw it away.. but in the end a dollar IS still a dollar.

    I can choose to waste it, I can choose to use it to buy candy, I can choose to use it to buy an apple, I can invest it. There are many different things I can do with that dollar. (especially if I have lots of them to put together), but how I choose to use or waste those dollars does not change the inherent fact that a dollar IS a dollar.

    I actually really liked that analogy :)
    I do too. And while dollar is a dollar, if you take your paycheck and buy 100 new xbox games, you may not be able to feed your kids. But, if you create a budget, set aside the money for the things you need and be smart about where you go shopping and how to maximize those dollars, you will likely still have plenty of money for 1 or two xbox games. Treats in reasonable amounts.

    I really like that analogy actually.
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member

    I think what people are failing to understand is that we're not talking about eating one thing all day. We are not taking about eating 10 cheeseburgers a day we're talking a cheeseburger, salad, some fruit, maybe fish Greek yogurt, ice cream, quinoa. It's about balance and sustainability. We're not saying "eat 100 cookies and lose weight". You could, but you'd feel like junk. Instead, focus on nutrient density of foods proteins, fats, carbs, and fiber. Get those targets in line and yes, enjoy your big Mac. Eric Helms I Believe said, "You don't get extra credit for getting more nutrients than your body requires. " . So, while I understand wanting to healthy, that doesn't mean slapping trivial labels on something simple. Food.

    Thing is, there's people who really see it that way, and actually do it that way... and have junk for breakfast, lunch and dinner. If you are having the occasional cheeseburger, or the daily Oreo for dessert, along with veggies, meat, nuts, etc its all good... but, when some people say that a calorie is a calorie, they say it as way to mean the d have all the junk all the time.

    if they do eat junk, and keep within their calorie limit. They will lose weight.

    That's the whole point of a calorie is a calorie.

    It's kind of like a dollar is a dollar (assuming both dollars are the same currency lol)

    I can use a dollar to buy a small chocolate bar. Or I can choose to throw it down a man hole. It doesn't change the fact that it's a dollar. I can walk away with something tangible, or I can throw it away.. but in the end a dollar IS still a dollar.

    I can choose to waste it, I can choose to use it to buy candy, I can choose to use it to buy an apple, I can invest it. There are many different things I can do with that dollar. (especially if I have lots of them to put together), but how I choose to use or waste those dollars does not change the inherent fact that a dollar IS a dollar.

    I actually really liked that analogy :)
    I do too. And while dollar is a dollar, if you take your paycheck and buy 100 new xbox games, you may not be able to feed your kids. But, if you create a budget, set aside the money for the things you need and be smart about where you go shopping and how to maximize those dollars, you will likely still have plenty of money for 1 or two xbox games. Treats in reasonable amounts.

    I really like that analogy actually.

    And honestly... I don't think anyone here is saying otherwise... everyone agrees that how you spend your dollar makes a big difference in your quality of life... I like to budget for an xbox game from time to time. I like to have a donut, or a coffee, or something sweet pretty much daily. But I make sure I save for it. And some days I use my credit from the next day, but at the end of the week, I aim to break even.

    We just want people to stop saying that a dollar is not a dollar. It is.

    Spend wisely, and enjoy. Blow your savings, and suffer. Spend it on the wrong things, and suffer.


  • tenatroy1
    I know I haven't lost a **** ton of weight yet but I pretty much eat what ever I want (I am that weird chick who craves veggies though). I usually will eat half of that something sweet or a bite and just get someone else to eat the rest. I got up to this weight because of lack of exercise and my boredom induced need to master French ( I.e BUTTER!!1!1!!!)cooking..I don't cook with any oil now and eat more indian style dishes.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    is thread really going to roll twice? Good grief...
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member

    I think what people are failing to understand is that we're not talking about eating one thing all day. We are not taking about eating 10 cheeseburgers a day we're talking a cheeseburger, salad, some fruit, maybe fish Greek yogurt, ice cream, quinoa. It's about balance and sustainability. We're not saying "eat 100 cookies and lose weight". You could, but you'd feel like junk. Instead, focus on nutrient density of foods proteins, fats, carbs, and fiber. Get those targets in line and yes, enjoy your big Mac. Eric Helms I Believe said, "You don't get extra credit for getting more nutrients than your body requires. " . So, while I understand wanting to healthy, that doesn't mean slapping trivial labels on something simple. Food.

    Thing is, there's people who really see it that way, and actually do it that way... and have junk for breakfast, lunch and dinner. If you are having the occasional cheeseburger, or the daily Oreo for dessert, along with veggies, meat, nuts, etc its all good... but, when some people say that a calorie is a calorie, they say it as way to mean the d have all the junk all the time.

    if they do eat junk, and keep within their calorie limit. They will lose weight.

    That's the whole point of a calorie is a calorie.

    It's kind of like a dollar is a dollar (assuming both dollars are the same currency lol)

    I can use a dollar to buy a small chocolate bar. Or I can choose to throw it down a man hole. It doesn't change the fact that it's a dollar. I can walk away with something tangible, or I can throw it away.. but in the end a dollar IS still a dollar.

    I can choose to waste it, I can choose to use it to buy candy, I can choose to use it to buy an apple, I can invest it. There are many different things I can do with that dollar. (especially if I have lots of them to put together), but how I choose to use or waste those dollars does not change the inherent fact that a dollar IS a dollar.

    I actually really liked that analogy :)
    I do too. And while dollar is a dollar, if you take your paycheck and buy 100 new xbox games, you may not be able to feed your kids. But, if you create a budget, set aside the money for the things you need and be smart about where you go shopping and how to maximize those dollars, you will likely still have plenty of money for 1 or two xbox games. Treats in reasonable amounts.

    I really like that analogy actually.

    And honestly... I don't think anyone here is saying otherwise... everyone agrees that how you spend your dollar makes a big difference in your quality of life... I like to budget for an xbox game from time to time. I like to have a donut, or a coffee, or something sweet pretty much daily. But I make sure I save for it. And some days I use my credit from the next day, but at the end of the week, I aim to break even.

    We just want people to stop saying that a dollar is not a dollar. It is.

    Spend wisely, and enjoy. Blow your savings, and suffer. Spend it on the wrong things, and suffer.


    Sorry, I wasn't disagreeing with you, I just like how effect of an analogy it was. While the title of the article sucked, I thought there were a very few redeeming points that were raised worth discussion, particularly how what you eat contributes to satiety. Of course, you also highlighted those points way back on like page 4 of the original thread. Overall, I think everyone hear has ended up feeling the same way about food, but both extremes have been argued to death.
  • lozeliz
    lozeliz Posts: 17 Member
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    is thread really going to roll twice? Good grief...

    Twice, I think were into double figures by now!!
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member

    I think what people are failing to understand is that we're not talking about eating one thing all day. We are not taking about eating 10 cheeseburgers a day we're talking a cheeseburger, salad, some fruit, maybe fish Greek yogurt, ice cream, quinoa. It's about balance and sustainability. We're not saying "eat 100 cookies and lose weight". You could, but you'd feel like junk. Instead, focus on nutrient density of foods proteins, fats, carbs, and fiber. Get those targets in line and yes, enjoy your big Mac. Eric Helms I Believe said, "You don't get extra credit for getting more nutrients than your body requires. " . So, while I understand wanting to healthy, that doesn't mean slapping trivial labels on something simple. Food.

    Thing is, there's people who really see it that way, and actually do it that way... and have junk for breakfast, lunch and dinner. If you are having the occasional cheeseburger, or the daily Oreo for dessert, along with veggies, meat, nuts, etc its all good... but, when some people say that a calorie is a calorie, they say it as way to mean the d have all the junk all the time.

    if they do eat junk, and keep within their calorie limit. They will lose weight.

    That's the whole point of a calorie is a calorie.

    It's kind of like a dollar is a dollar (assuming both dollars are the same currency lol)

    I can use a dollar to buy a small chocolate bar. Or I can choose to throw it down a man hole. It doesn't change the fact that it's a dollar. I can walk away with something tangible, or I can throw it away.. but in the end a dollar IS still a dollar.

    I can choose to waste it, I can choose to use it to buy candy, I can choose to use it to buy an apple, I can invest it. There are many different things I can do with that dollar. (especially if I have lots of them to put together), but how I choose to use or waste those dollars does not change the inherent fact that a dollar IS a dollar.

    I actually really liked that analogy :)
    I do too. And while dollar is a dollar, if you take your paycheck and buy 100 new xbox games, you may not be able to feed your kids. But, if you create a budget, set aside the money for the things you need and be smart about where you go shopping and how to maximize those dollars, you will likely still have plenty of money for 1 or two xbox games. Treats in reasonable amounts.

    I really like that analogy actually.

    And honestly... I don't think anyone here is saying otherwise... everyone agrees that how you spend your dollar makes a big difference in your quality of life... I like to budget for an xbox game from time to time. I like to have a donut, or a coffee, or something sweet pretty much daily. But I make sure I save for it. And some days I use my credit from the next day, but at the end of the week, I aim to break even.

    We just want people to stop saying that a dollar is not a dollar. It is.

    Spend wisely, and enjoy. Blow your savings, and suffer. Spend it on the wrong things, and suffer.


    Sorry, I wasn't disagreeing with you, I just like how effect of an analogy it was. While the title of the article sucked, I thought there were a very few redeeming points that were raised worth discussion, particularly how what you eat contributes to satiety. Of course, you also highlighted those points way back on like page 4 of the original thread. Overall, I think everyone hear has ended up feeling the same way about food, but both extremes have been argued to death.

    I didn't think you were :D. Sorry if it seemed that I did. I actually threw that analogy in my blog and quoted you in agreement. :-D
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member

    I think what people are failing to understand is that we're not talking about eating one thing all day. We are not taking about eating 10 cheeseburgers a day we're talking a cheeseburger, salad, some fruit, maybe fish Greek yogurt, ice cream, quinoa. It's about balance and sustainability. We're not saying "eat 100 cookies and lose weight". You could, but you'd feel like junk. Instead, focus on nutrient density of foods proteins, fats, carbs, and fiber. Get those targets in line and yes, enjoy your big Mac. Eric Helms I Believe said, "You don't get extra credit for getting more nutrients than your body requires. " . So, while I understand wanting to healthy, that doesn't mean slapping trivial labels on something simple. Food.

    Thing is, there's people who really see it that way, and actually do it that way... and have junk for breakfast, lunch and dinner. If you are having the occasional cheeseburger, or the daily Oreo for dessert, along with veggies, meat, nuts, etc its all good... but, when some people say that a calorie is a calorie, they say it as way to mean the d have all the junk all the time.

    I don't think people are trying to justify eating nothing but junk. they're trying to educate people about the science and maths of weight loss, because understanding how it works is extremely empowering in terms of being able to succeed at it and improve your health in the process. "a calorie is just a calorie" is a mathematical fact, same as "1+1=2" because a calorie is a unit of energy

    one of the biggest barriers people face when trying to lose weight is the huge amount of utter bull**** and misinformation there is out there about how to lose fat. 99% of it originates from people trying to sell people stuff to help them lose weight. Being armed with the correct information is not only empowering, it's free, and will save you a lot of money in all the bull**** schemes you don't fall for. And it'll save your sanity and improve your long term chances of success, because you can tailor your own eating plan to include all the foods you want to eat (in moderation, so you still get all the nutrition you need), rather than fearfully avoiding demonised foods that it's not even necessary to avoid.

    That's the motives of most people saying "a calorie is just a calorie"

    How much nutrition in terms of protein, fat, vitamins etc you get for your calories is also very important to take into account, but it doesn't change the maths, i.e. a calorie still is just a calorie. 1+1 still equals 2.
  • fast_eddie_72
    fast_eddie_72 Posts: 719 Member

    I think what people are failing to understand is that we're not talking about eating one thing all day. We are not taking about eating 10 cheeseburgers a day we're talking a cheeseburger, salad, some fruit, maybe fish Greek yogurt, ice cream, quinoa. It's about balance and sustainability. We're not saying "eat 100 cookies and lose weight". You could, but you'd feel like junk. Instead, focus on nutrient density of foods proteins, fats, carbs, and fiber. Get those targets in line and yes, enjoy your big Mac. Eric Helms I Believe said, "You don't get extra credit for getting more nutrients than your body requires. " . So, while I understand wanting to healthy, that doesn't mean slapping trivial labels on something simple. Food.

    Thing is, there's people who really see it that way, and actually do it that way... and have junk for breakfast, lunch and dinner. If you are having the occasional cheeseburger, or the daily Oreo for dessert, along with veggies, meat, nuts, etc its all good... but, when some people say that a calorie is a calorie, they say it as way to mean the d have all the junk all the time.

    I don't think people are trying to justify eating nothing but junk. they're trying to educate people about the science and maths of weight loss, because understanding how it works is extremely empowering in terms of being able to succeed at it and improve your health in the process. "a calorie is just a calorie" is a mathematical fact, same as "1+1=2" because a calorie is a unit of energy

    one of the biggest barriers people face when trying to lose weight is the huge amount of utter bull**** and misinformation there is out there about how to lose fat. 99% of it originates from people trying to sell people stuff to help them lose weight. Being armed with the correct information is not only empowering, it's free, and will save you a lot of money in all the bull**** schemes you don't fall for. And it'll save your sanity and improve your long term chances of success, because you can tailor your own eating plan to include all the foods you want to eat (in moderation, so you still get all the nutrition you need), rather than fearfully avoiding demonised foods that it's not even necessary to avoid.

    That's the motives of most people saying "a calorie is just a calorie"

    How much nutrition in terms of protein, fat, vitamins etc you get for your calories is also very important to take into account, but it doesn't change the maths, i.e. a calorie still is just a calorie. 1+1 still equals 2.

    Thing is, when you go a little over-board (or a LOT over-board) offsetting all the "utter bull ****" with an over simplification, it just becomes more of the bull **** you were trying to counter-act in the first place. I'm pretty new around here, and when I read it over and over again, I thought you all meant it. I was pretty sure there was more to it than that. But when I said so, rather than an explanation, I got clobbered. I didn't get "80/20". I didn't get "IIFYM". I didn't get "in moderation". I got "you're wrong".

    And as said above, people read it and try to do it and then wonder why it's so hard to hit their calorie goals. Then, when asked, the people who told them "c=c, that's all you need to know", start saying things like "How much nutrition in terms of protein, fat, vitamins etc you get for your calories is also very important to take into account." and "You can tailor your own eating plan to include all the foods you want to eat (in moderation)." Oh. Why didn't you say that in the first place? Eat whatever you want! Er, but nutrition is important.... and include all the foods you want in moderation. Those are kinda significant qualifiers. Probably worth this epic thread to make people think about that.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,021 Member

    I think what people are failing to understand is that we're not talking about eating one thing all day. We are not taking about eating 10 cheeseburgers a day we're talking a cheeseburger, salad, some fruit, maybe fish Greek yogurt, ice cream, quinoa. It's about balance and sustainability. We're not saying "eat 100 cookies and lose weight". You could, but you'd feel like junk. Instead, focus on nutrient density of foods proteins, fats, carbs, and fiber. Get those targets in line and yes, enjoy your big Mac. Eric Helms I Believe said, "You don't get extra credit for getting more nutrients than your body requires. " . So, while I understand wanting to healthy, that doesn't mean slapping trivial labels on something simple. Food.

    Thing is, there's people who really see it that way, and actually do it that way... and have junk for breakfast, lunch and dinner. If you are having the occasional cheeseburger, or the daily Oreo for dessert, along with veggies, meat, nuts, etc its all good... but, when some people say that a calorie is a calorie, they say it as way to mean the d have all the junk all the time.

    I don't think people are trying to justify eating nothing but junk. they're trying to educate people about the science and maths of weight loss, because understanding how it works is extremely empowering in terms of being able to succeed at it and improve your health in the process. "a calorie is just a calorie" is a mathematical fact, same as "1+1=2" because a calorie is a unit of energy

    one of the biggest barriers people face when trying to lose weight is the huge amount of utter bull**** and misinformation there is out there about how to lose fat. 99% of it originates from people trying to sell people stuff to help them lose weight. Being armed with the correct information is not only empowering, it's free, and will save you a lot of money in all the bull**** schemes you don't fall for. And it'll save your sanity and improve your long term chances of success, because you can tailor your own eating plan to include all the foods you want to eat (in moderation, so you still get all the nutrition you need), rather than fearfully avoiding demonised foods that it's not even necessary to avoid.

    That's the motives of most people saying "a calorie is just a calorie"

    How much nutrition in terms of protein, fat, vitamins etc you get for your calories is also very important to take into account, but it doesn't change the maths, i.e. a calorie still is just a calorie. 1+1 still equals 2.

    Thing is, when you go a little over-board (or a LOT over-board) offsetting all the "utter bull ****" with an over simplification, it just becomes more of the bull **** you were trying to counter-act in the first place. I'm pretty new around here, and when I read it over and over again, I thought you all meant it. I was pretty sure there was more to it than that. But when I said so, rather than an explanation, I got clobbered. I didn't get "80/20". I didn't get "IIFYM". I didn't get "in moderation". I got "you're wrong".

    And as said above, people read it and try to do it and then wonder why it's so hard to hit their calorie goals. Then, when asked, the people who told them "c=c, that's all you need to know", start saying things like "How much nutrition in terms of protein, fat, vitamins etc you get for your calories is also very important to take into account." and "You can tailor your own eating plan to include all the foods you want to eat (in moderation)." Oh. Why didn't you say that in the first place? Eat whatever you want! Er, but nutrition is important.... and include all the foods you want in moderation. Those are kinda significant qualifiers. Probably worth this epic thread to make people think about that.
    It was said early in this thread, countless times. Unfortunately what happens then, is exactly what has happened in this thread and the hundreds of threads that have come before. Calories are a matrix and we can't think in absolute terms but we still need to keep thermodynamics intact for clarity sake because of the inevitable extreme examples that end up as strawman arguments.