Pizza: want but ought not to have!



  • AlysonG2
    AlysonG2 Posts: 713 Member
    Make your own pizza :). Much healthier and more delicious (IMO) than store-bought/take-out, because you can add exactly what you want!
  • LRoslin
    LRoslin Posts: 128
    Love it... I can't stop at 4 though... A red mist descends and before I know it I've had the whole thing. :(

    See, this is what all the "just eat it!" crowd don't understand.

    It's a hard enough willpower battle to stick to a calorie deficit, let alone tempting yourself with small morsels of what you really want to eat.

    It's like telling an alcoholic it's OK to just drink in moderation. The whole problem is the inability to moderate! If I could eat in moderation I wouldn't have gotten fat in the first place.
    I do understand. I have recovered from bulimia and compulsive eating. One mantra that has really helped me is "I already know what it tastes like." If I've had a piece of pizza, and the rest is calling to me, I remind myself that the first piece really is the best, and I know what it tastes like, and I wrap the rest up and put it in the fridge. Sometimes I do that as soon as I've put my serving on my plate.

    Whenever I get the urge to just go crazy with the cookies, or the pizza, thinking "I know what that tastes like" helps a LOT. I never used to tell myself that. I'd be thinking, "That tastes awesome, I want more." But there really is a law of diminishing returns when it comes to pleasure from foods. There's a peak, and then the food just doesn't taste as heavenly as it did when we first started out!
  • prettyBhaug

    No, really.

    My kinda pyramid
  • lookaheadfcsus
    It's a matter of choice. Good pizza vs. bad pizza. (Very) thin-crust, selective toppings.. Not six pounds of meat, cheese and guilt.

    I had pizza last week. From a good italian place. It was supposed to be a cheat day, but weight kept dropping off regardless.
  • hmaddpear
    hmaddpear Posts: 610 Member
    I just want to say, this thread has inspired me to have pizza tonight. Good, thin-crust pizza. So looking forward to it!
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    I just want to say, this thread has inspired me to have pizza tonight. Good, thin-crust pizza. So looking forward to it!

    I decided also to have pizza tonight.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Some people that tick the required boxes for an 'alcoholic' manage to develop/go back to a healthy relationship with alcohol. Same with other drugs.

    Also - what's stopping you adding what you want to store bought Pizza?
    I tend to go for a bit lower calorie frozen store one which is around £1-£1.50, then add my own stuff on top to get more protein (and the tastiness of cheese/meat :) ).
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,269 Member
    I make my own pizza. I roll the crust as thin as I can, use an olive oil or ricotta base (I can't eat tomatoes), and then add my toppings and cheese.

    Some of my favs:

    1) Olive Oil base, three types of mushrooms, caramelized onions, roasted garlic, goat cheese, and mozzarella cheese.

    2) Same as above but only with one type of mushrooms and adding steak.

    3) Olive Oil base, chicken, onions, roasted red peppers, feta, and mozzarella cheese.

    4) Ricotta base, any vegetables I have on hand (eggplant, onions, bell peppers, squash, kale, spinach), and mozzarella cheese.

    I usually end up eating 3-4 pieces of any of these and it fits my calories and macros no problem.

    Pizza is so versatile and easy that it is really one of my go to meals. That and baked omelets.
  • cinnamon0033
    cinnamon0033 Posts: 23 Member
    I have found when I get that nudge in my mind that I better listen to it. I just find a way to make it work. So many people feel like they cant have what they crave. I believe I can. If I did not take this mentality I think I might have sabotaged my success. This does not mean that I give myself a get out of jail free card. It means I find a way to make that slice of pizza fit into my plan instead of me fitting into its. Its all about moderation and choices. I know that this is not a fabulous pizza but Jacks sausage and pepperoni pizza from the frozen section of the super market works for me. It has about 290 calories in a fourth of pizza. Heck you could eat half the pizza in a meal and still be able to work it in your diet plan.
  • fun_b
    fun_b Posts: 199 Member
    I usually make a 300 calorie pizza using a flatbread, puree and cheese so this fits into my plan. Or there are low carorie tortillas as well,
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    One mantra that has really helped me is "I already know what it tastes like." If I've had a piece of pizza, and the rest is calling to me, I remind myself that the first piece really is the best, and I know what it tastes like, and I wrap the rest up and put it in the fridge. Sometimes I do that as soon as I've put my serving on my plate.

    Nice approach! :flowerforyou: