Do you agree with this statement?



  • Forever4me
    Forever4me Posts: 76 Member
    My initial reaction upon reading the statement was that your mother is an idiot. When I read your explanation I realize that your mother is exactly correct.

    Look, for anything in life there are a million reasons to do it and a million reasons not to do it. All of them are valid. You've been choosing from the "Not to" side. That's your right and no one should judge you for it. However, making that choice and then complaining about the consequences is just annoying. If you want to make that choice, and again it is a valid choice, then don't complain about being heavy or out of shape. Accept both sides of your choice.

    As for when you will choose differently, that's entirely up to you. Every day is a new opportunity to choose. Maybe tomorrow you will choose differently, Maybe you never will. Just know that when you do there will be a lot of folks here willing to help.

    ^^This, combined with "Pick your Hard" is when it finally clicked for me. I always thought every day was about being "perfect" with diet and exercise. I beat myself up when I wasn't. I always felt either deprived (but perfect) or guilty (but a failure). But then it clicked: the beauty of this world is that we get to make choices. So perhaps tonight you choose the burger and fries (and log it) but then tomorrow you need to choose to eat less (theoretically) or choose to exercise more. This is real life, and no one is perfect, so don't put that burden on yourself right away. If you make the "big" choice to take care of yourself, then if it's too overwhelming to go big, then go small, because the small changes will add up as well.

    Best of luck!
  • MissKim78
    MissKim78 Posts: 426 Member
    I am the same way! When I think about how hard the weight is to lose, and all the work involved, it can be very discouraging. I have tried "half-a**ed" a few times to lose weight without success. Now I am just sick of how I look and feel. But I know if I try to jump into anything big or make tons of changes, I won't stick with it.

    I only joined MFP about 2 weeks ago. I have set my goal to be 1lb a week. All I have done is started to log everything I put in my mouth & tracking my calories. I also started making little changes to get some taking the stairs, cleaning more at home (extra bonus: my house is clean!), parking further away from a store etc. I am starting with baby steps since for me, it will be easier to stick with and it isn't as intimidating as a whole new diet or exercise plan.

    I will admit I have been lazy all my life....its how I grew up. And with bad eating habits. Those are all very difficult to change. You do have to want it....but also have to understand that what works for others, might not work for you. Find what works for you. Just start with logging all you eat. This gives you a visual of what you are eating. Sometimes you don't realize what and how much you are taking in! Then go from there, change some eating habits, add some light exercise etc. As you progess, set bigger goals and make a little bigger changes. :)

    Good luck and friend me if you want! :flowerforyou: