Paleo = dying young?



  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    Maybe if we just replaced the word "Paleo" with "Natural/Unprocessed Food" diet it would keep people from attacking the concept?

    But then no one would follow it. You can't market a restrictive diet without a catchy name.

    You're eating a restrictive diet! Everyone on this site it! Just because we're not doing it your way, why does that upset you so much.

    Maybe it's hug time????

    Don't follow. My diet has no restrictions on which foods I may eat.

    No but you're restricted on how much of your amazing range of food you can eat so therefore it's a restrictive diet, any diet with boundaries are!
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Dude what exactly do you know about the primal diet. You've not learnt everything there is to know about it by other members of the PBS have you?

    Based on your last statement and amazement that someone on the primal diet has freedom to eat different things, clearly you need to do a bit more research.

    Are you the CEO of mcdonalds? You clearly seem offended by people eating healthily!!????

    Not a ton, I suppose, but I'm pretty sure getting 50% of your calories from Walmart bakery cake is not Primal.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    The real question is, what did our ancient Annunaki overloads feed our ancestors.


    I used to love the History Channel. And somewhere between when I stopped getting it and started again, this happened.

    LOL I actually like "ancient aliens" but I have always liked weird *kitten* sci fi kind of stuff ....the dork in me I suppose...
    But ... it isn't HISTORY. lol Put it on the Sy-Fy channel, ya know?

    I guess it is history in the sense that they are examining ancient cultures in search of some kind of alien connection...that is my take?
    Ah. But instead of examining the evidence and forming a hypothesis, they decide on the hypothesis and then look for evidence to support it (which they find because they are specifically interpreting it that way). So, they're creating their own version of history.

    Anyway, like A&E and TLC and Discovery, it used to be good. Now it's crap. And it's not Scottish, either.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    No but you're restricted on how much of your amazing range of food you can eat so therefore it's a restrictive diet, any diet with boundaries are!

    Yes, that's exactly the point. I limit myself on nutrient intake. I don't identify specific foods as off-limits.
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    Maybe if we just replaced the word "Paleo" with "Natural/Unprocessed Food" diet it would keep people from attacking the concept?

    But then no one would follow it. You can't market a restrictive diet without a catchy name.

    You're eating a restrictive diet! Everyone on this site it! Just because we're not doing it your way, why does that upset you so much.

    Maybe it's hug time????

    Don't follow. My diet has no restrictions on which foods I may eat.

    No but you're restricted on how much of your amazing range of food you can eat so therefore it's a restrictive diet, any diet with boundaries are!

    Don't try to be logical. He's not a fan of the logic.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    When I did a full year of strict paleo in 2012, I felt great. Lots of energy, good body composition, put on 20 pounds while maintaining BF% by eating at a surplus.

    And in 2013, when I ate whatever I wanted (while still hitting my macros as in reaching my protein and fat targets), I felt great. Lots of energy, good body composition, made decent progress in the gym and on the trail.

    I do keep trying to add in more of the nutrient-dense foods into my diet (and especially now since I'm early in a cut).

    Conclusion? There is none. I just wanted in this thread.

    HAHAHA!!! I appreciate the honesty.

    I have to ask though. What did your lab results look like in regards to cholesterol and other tests? Just curious!

    Interesting question that will almost certainly yield differing conclusions (depending on which side of the argument you're on given lipid hypothesis and all).

    total 206
    HDL 47
    ratio 4.3

    total 251
    trig 72
    hdl 59
    ldl (calc) 178
    chol/hdl ratio 4.3
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    Dude what exactly do you know about the primal diet. You've not learnt everything there is to know about it by other members of the PBS have you?

    Based on your last statement and amazement that someone on the primal diet has freedom to eat different things, clearly you need to do a bit more research.

    Are you the CEO of mcdonalds? You clearly seem offended by people eating healthily!!????

    Not a ton, I suppose, but I'm pretty sure getting 50% of your calories from Walmart bakery cake is not Primal.

    It is if you want it to be - you won't get the results as fast and you understand what effect that 50% will do to you body, but hey guess what, you don't get excommunicated if you do.

    And unlike with the PBS you don't get chastised for what you chose to eat.

    Keep researching, who knows you may see the light.????
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Dude what exactly do you know about the primal diet. You've not learnt everything there is to know about it by other members of the PBS have you?

    Based on your last statement and amazement that someone on the primal diet has freedom to eat different things, clearly you need to do a bit more research.

    Are you the CEO of mcdonalds? You clearly seem offended by people eating healthily!!????

    Not a ton, I suppose, but I'm pretty sure getting 50% of your calories from Walmart bakery cake is not Primal.

    It is if you want it to be - you won't get the results as fast and you understand what effect that 50% will do to you body, but hey guess what, you don't get excommunicated if you do.

    And unlike with the PBS you don't get chastised for what you chose to eat.

    Keep researching, who knows you may see the light.????

    Oh, that's great. My diet is Primal too then!
  • SoreTodayStrongTomorrow222
  • SoreTodayStrongTomorrow222
    Dude what exactly do you know about the primal diet. You've not learnt everything there is to know about it by other members of the PBS have you?

    Based on your last statement and amazement that someone on the primal diet has freedom to eat different things, clearly you need to do a bit more research.

    Are you the CEO of mcdonalds? You clearly seem offended by people eating healthily!!????

    Not a ton, I suppose, but I'm pretty sure getting 50% of your calories from Walmart bakery cake is not Primal.

    It is if you want it to be - you won't get the results as fast and you understand what effect that 50% will do to you body, but hey guess what, you don't get excommunicated if you do.

    And unlike with the PBS you don't get chastised for what you chose to eat.

    Keep researching, who knows you may see the light.????

    Oh, that's great. My diet is Primal too then!

  • SoreTodayStrongTomorrow222
    Also, contributors -- though I think the industrial revolution in the mid 1800s, the level of sedentary jobs hasn't increased at the same rate as obesity in this country. And a lot of those nutrient shallow, high calorie foods are filled with sugar substitutes and grain-based carbs. Coincidence?

    Do you have data for that claim? What about when you factor in rises in TV viewing, video gaming, and computer use time?

    Bottom line is that obesity has risen because people move less and eat more. People move less because jobs are more sedentary and indoor, sit-on-your-butt leisure activities such as HDTV and internet have increased. People eat more because calories are more delicious, more convenient, and cheaper now than they have ever been throughout human history.

    There's no mystery here. It's not toxins or demon nutrients that are making people fat. It's sitting on your butt more and eating more. The solution therefore is, as always, to move more and eat less.

    Ironically when people ask me how I lost so much weight, unless they are truly my friend and someone I care about I reply "Eat Less, Move More". I'm lying. I know I'm lying. I don't have time to talk to eveyone who asks about why I look so good in comparison to a couple years ago.

    I really don't want to divulge how using MFP paired with Primal diet has cured cronic symptoms, given me more energy and the fat loss is icing on the cake of not being sick. Because they'll start trash talking calorie restriction and Paleo and telling me how much I inspired them in the same sentence.

    So I don't. I give a white lie, that is mostly harmless, that I know isn't going to help anyone achieve a damn thing. "Eat less, Move more." My LIE. My LIE I tell people I hardly know or care about.

    Think about that.

    It's really my way of saying "I spent years figuring out what works for me. I'm not going to give you my secrets in a few sentences so you can look as good as me! Nope, the glory is mine and the journey is yours! I worked my *kitten* off to figure it out myself, so if you want it bad enough, you, grasshopper, will also find your way. Now I'm a very busy woman who needs to depart. Best of Luck to you."

    "Eat less, Move more" It doesn't even mean anything. It's jargon. It's not going to help anyone.

    (Edited for spelling.)

    I edited my previous post to note that your diet doesn't look very Primal. I guess a large number of your individual meals or foods are, but.. what's the lie? You're losing weight by eating fewer calories and, presumably, exercising. You're counting calories and exercising while eating cake, peanut butter cups, beer, and 3 Musketeers bars. And the occasional McDouble with McNuggets. I guess without a bun the McDouble might be primal? Not sure, that cheese has a lot of ingredients that probably aren't. And the McNuggets are breaded. Maybe not. Pretty sure all the cake and candy bars aren't primal though. Oh, and Nachos Bell Grande! I love that stuff. Doubt it's Primal.

    So ultimately you're losing weight by eating less, on a decidedly non-Primal diet, and moving more. So I'm not sure what the lie is.

    Why don't you view my diary back from 1/1/2014 - current. I strive for 80/20 under my primal diet, sometimes I come close or better, other times not as much. I do beer as part of my Primal diet. But pretty much you're going to find a huge salad every day (or multiple), a meat a veggie dish for dinner, eggs, nuts, diary and tea.

    You're not proving anything by calling out the %20 of my 80/20, except that Paleo can be fun because it's designed to allow for treats and cheats. Nevermind the fact that last weekend was Valentines day and my daughter's birthday which is a great reason to have your Primal cheat day!

    Unlike your diary which shows something to the tune of 3,000+ calories of drive-thru a day, now that we're throwing stones.

    So you're 20% non-Primal? Or was it 20% non-Paleo? It's clearly not even 20%. On 2/17 over half your calories came from cake with icing. The day before that: same thing. 500 calories of cake, Skittles, and Reese's PB Cups the previous day. On 2/15 you have over 1700 calories of liquor along with pizza, more Reese's cups, ranch dressing, and more cake. The day before that 10 McNuggets, a McDouble, Butterfinger, wine, chocolate candy. 2/13 a cupcake, a bacon cheeseburger from Wendy's, tartar sauce, and battered deep fried fast food fish.

    Your diet is not even approaching Paleo or Primal. There's nothing wrong with candy bars and fast food and liquor.

    You are grossly misrepresenting your diet if you think that all this stuff represents even 20% of your diet. It doesn't.

    So in the end, the point is that you are losing weight by eating less and moving more. Primal has nothing to do with it, especially since your diet doesn't even approach anything that could be considered Primal. Or was it Paleo?

    Dude what exactly do you know about the primal diet. You've not learnt everything there is to know about it by other members of the PBS have you?

    Based on your last statement and amazement that someone on the primal diet has freedom to eat different things, clearly you need to do a bit more research.

    Are you the CEO of mcdonalds? You clearly seem offended by people eating healthily!!????

    haha you guys are ridiculous.... and whoever is diputing the validity of the 80/20 primal diet is right.... 80/20 is in no way even close to a primal diet - both of my parents live on the primal diet and you know what their cheat is?- A small corn tortilla once every few weeks because they are craving mexican food. I agree - you are grossly mis-representing your diet, but nice try. (also, he's right- primal is not paleo)
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    haha you guys are ridiculous.... and whoever is diputing the validity of the 80/20 primal diet is right.... 80/20 is in no way even close to a primal diet - both of my parents live on the primal diet and you know what their cheat is?- A small corn tortilla once every few weeks because they are craving mexican food. I agree - you are grossly mis-representing your diet, but nice try. (also, he's right- primal is not paleo)

    You mean they don't eat peanut butter cups, cranberry vodka cocktails, McNuggets, and Nachos Bell Grande all the time?!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Eat like the cave men huh? Conflicted I Be!

    Some say its healthy cause you leave out all the grains that were not a part of that diet, but some believe cavemen didnt live long because of all the high fatty meats they ate caused early deaths because of the cholesterol.

    I think it be another fad. Look at Atkins....sure it helped, but was it a healthy life style change? Leaning more towards NO!

    Cavemen didnt live long because they didnt have modern medicine and things that were supposed to kill them, actually killed them. As far as fat goes - dont eat so much red meat - problem solved. How can eating non-processed foods be wrong? Not a fad diet - a way of living. Also, go to the doctor and get your physical see where all your levels are - cholesterol and whatnot - then do paleo for 6 months, go back to the doctor and get your physical - i guarentee you that your bad cholesterol will be down, good cholestrol will be up, lowere blood pressure etc etc etc. you will be healthier and feel better.

    at last check my levels were perfect and I do not do paleo....
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    No but you're restricted on how much of your amazing range of food you can eat so therefore it's a restrictive diet, any diet with boundaries are!

    Yes, that's exactly the point. I limit myself on nutrient intake. I don't identify specific foods as off-limits.

    Neither do primal eaters, we just understand what eating those types of food will do for us. And guess what as were all adults we then get the choice to eat it or not.

    I've cut nothing out of my diet, I'm just choosing to eat what benefits me most.
  • shortchange1
    shortchange1 Posts: 146 Member
    Uh...cavemen more likely died because of natural causes or lack of medical care (thanks Obama!) than high cholesterol. The fiber from all of the fruits and vegetables they ate likely cancelled out any cholesterol from the red meats.
    Cavemen didn't have agriculture so they weren't eating fruits and veggies in any significant quantities.

    Hmmmm...fruits and vegetables didn't grow naturally? I don't believe primitive peoples were able to catch and kill large amounts of animals either...

  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    Also, contributors -- though I think the industrial revolution in the mid 1800s, the level of sedentary jobs hasn't increased at the same rate as obesity in this country. And a lot of those nutrient shallow, high calorie foods are filled with sugar substitutes and grain-based carbs. Coincidence?

    Do you have data for that claim? What about when you factor in rises in TV viewing, video gaming, and computer use time?

    Bottom line is that obesity has risen because people move less and eat more. People move less because jobs are more sedentary and indoor, sit-on-your-butt leisure activities such as HDTV and internet have increased. People eat more because calories are more delicious, more convenient, and cheaper now than they have ever been throughout human history.

    There's no mystery here. It's not toxins or demon nutrients that are making people fat. It's sitting on your butt more and eating more. The solution therefore is, as always, to move more and eat less.

    Ironically when people ask me how I lost so much weight, unless they are truly my friend and someone I care about I reply "Eat Less, Move More". I'm lying. I know I'm lying. I don't have time to talk to eveyone who asks about why I look so good in comparison to a couple years ago.

    I really don't want to divulge how using MFP paired with Primal diet has cured cronic symptoms, given me more energy and the fat loss is icing on the cake of not being sick. Because they'll start trash talking calorie restriction and Paleo and telling me how much I inspired them in the same sentence.

    So I don't. I give a white lie, that is mostly harmless, that I know isn't going to help anyone achieve a damn thing. "Eat less, Move more." My LIE. My LIE I tell people I hardly know or care about.

    Think about that.

    It's really my way of saying "I spent years figuring out what works for me. I'm not going to give you my secrets in a few sentences so you can look as good as me! Nope, the glory is mine and the journey is yours! I worked my *kitten* off to figure it out myself, so if you want it bad enough, you, grasshopper, will also find your way. Now I'm a very busy woman who needs to depart. Best of Luck to you."

    "Eat less, Move more" It doesn't even mean anything. It's jargon. It's not going to help anyone.

    (Edited for spelling.)

    I edited my previous post to note that your diet doesn't look very Primal. I guess a large number of your individual meals or foods are, but.. what's the lie? You're losing weight by eating fewer calories and, presumably, exercising. You're counting calories and exercising while eating cake, peanut butter cups, beer, and 3 Musketeers bars. And the occasional McDouble with McNuggets. I guess without a bun the McDouble might be primal? Not sure, that cheese has a lot of ingredients that probably aren't. And the McNuggets are breaded. Maybe not. Pretty sure all the cake and candy bars aren't primal though. Oh, and Nachos Bell Grande! I love that stuff. Doubt it's Primal.

    So ultimately you're losing weight by eating less, on a decidedly non-Primal diet, and moving more. So I'm not sure what the lie is.

    Why don't you view my diary back from 1/1/2014 - current. I strive for 80/20 under my primal diet, sometimes I come close or better, other times not as much. I do beer as part of my Primal diet. But pretty much you're going to find a huge salad every day (or multiple), a meat a veggie dish for dinner, eggs, nuts, diary and tea.

    You're not proving anything by calling out the %20 of my 80/20, except that Paleo can be fun because it's designed to allow for treats and cheats. Nevermind the fact that last weekend was Valentines day and my daughter's birthday which is a great reason to have your Primal cheat day!

    Unlike your diary which shows something to the tune of 3,000+ calories of drive-thru a day, now that we're throwing stones.

    So you're 20% non-Primal? Or was it 20% non-Paleo? It's clearly not even 20%. On 2/17 over half your calories came from cake with icing. The day before that: same thing. 500 calories of cake, Skittles, and Reese's PB Cups the previous day. On 2/15 you have over 1700 calories of liquor along with pizza, more Reese's cups, ranch dressing, and more cake. The day before that 10 McNuggets, a McDouble, Butterfinger, wine, chocolate candy. 2/13 a cupcake, a bacon cheeseburger from Wendy's, tartar sauce, and battered deep fried fast food fish.

    Your diet is not even approaching Paleo or Primal. There's nothing wrong with candy bars and fast food and liquor.

    You are grossly misrepresenting your diet if you think that all this stuff represents even 20% of your diet. It doesn't.

    So in the end, the point is that you are losing weight by eating less and moving more. Primal has nothing to do with it, especially since your diet doesn't even approach anything that could be considered Primal. Or was it Paleo?

    You're pulling 2-3 day weekend out of a longer period to mis-represent me. Pull the report from 1/1/2014 - current and your arguement is invalid.

    Those days were certainly not representative of an 80/20 balance, but the rest of the year which you completely fail to mention is closer to a 95/5 balance. Seriously, stop mis-representing me. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I spend hours and hours each week cooking, prepping, storing, purchasing, eating Primal/Paleo foods and salads. I make 1-3 salads almost every single day, not because all I eat is candy and pizza, it's because when there's a party and a holiday I can induldge and not even feel remotely guilty because it's far from representative.

    You're not proving any point at all by trash talking a few non-representative days of my diet.

    I am kind of honored, however, that you pulled every single "%20" item in the last month to post here in the forum, which is fine, that's why my diary is open. I love beer and chocolate. I even love pizza even though I've only had it once this year, at my daughter's birthday party.

    Pizza makes me sick. The sweets I can tolerate on a more regular basis. There's a lot of ice cream deserts in there, on top of salads, eggs, meat, veggies, tea etc etc etc I always eat throughout a normal day.

    Either way, I don't need your approval to know I'm Paleo, although I consider myself more Primal because I do eat dairy. I wouldn't really concern yourself with the difference between Paleo and Primal, they're both very similar and it almost boils down to which asthetic (or gift wrap to your diet present) you find most appealing, in my personal opinion.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Cavemen also drank untreated water, and hunted for their food daily, sucked marrow out of bones, and scavenged when they had to......................................................I'm betting no paleo person on here does that.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Wow. And you're supposed to be a personal/fitness trainer. This may be one of the stupidest comments I've seen in a while. Has absolutely NOTHING to do with the nutritional plan WHATSOEVER. Way to be bring asinine to the party.
    Ninerbuff doesn't need to prove anything to nayone and so far your contributions are meh. lol

    No one needs to prove anything. I'm just asking for logical statements. Disagree all you want. But saying something totally nonsensical is stupid. Tomatoes are red. True, but who cares?

    And I'm sure Ninerbuff is a big boy and can fight his own battles if he chooses to do so.

    what did he say that was illogical?

    He simply pointed out that a "paleo lifestyle" should involve all aspects of how said paleo people lived. Are you saying that cavemen drank treated water or had Aquafina?

    C'mon. Seriously? Do you take everything in your life so literally?

    Do you think the Paleo/Primal diet really means do everything a caveman did? Really? That's just intellectually dishonest, unless you have some condition like Aspergers where you can't differentiate between the two.

    LOL now you are trying to acuse me of being mentally handicapped? When you resort to name calling it means you have lost the debate...

    I simply pointed out that nothing he said was illogical...caveman drank untreated water = logical = true...

    I believe the point is (I will let 49er speak for himself) is that maybe eating like a caveman did 100,000 years ago really does not matter...

    First of all, I wasn't calling you a name. I'm saying if you had something like Asperger's there is a legitimate reason to not understand some of the underlying assumptions in this discussion as people with Aspergers often can't appreciate things like innuendo and tend to be far too literal in their language.

    If you don't have something like Asperger's, then you're just being intellectually dishonest. You may think the semantics make you appear clever, but it highlights the lack of substance in your actual argument.

    so because you think I do not understand your idiocy, then I somehow (might) have Asperger's...interesting..

    No, I gave you the benefit of the doubt that you have intellectual integrity. Now, I know that not to be the case. And, you're a hypocrite.

    interesting reasoning, I am a hypocrite how exactly?

    I am not the one that said I was eating in a 700 deficit and not losing weight and then decided to leave out the caveat - for ten pages of this thread- that I have a medical condition ..

    Hmmmm how ironic...
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    Uh...cavemen more likely died because of natural causes or lack of medical care (thanks Obama!) than high cholesterol. The fiber from all of the fruits and vegetables they ate likely cancelled out any cholesterol from the red meats.
    Cavemen didn't have agriculture so they weren't eating fruits and veggies in any significant quantities.

    Hmmmm...fruits and vegetables didn't grow naturally? I don't believe primitive peoples were able to catch and kill large amounts of animals either...

    So they stumbled across vast fields of wild fruits and veggies to give them enough fiber and calories to sustain life, what paradise did they live in.
    ITT paleo preachers romanticize the past
  • SoreTodayStrongTomorrow222
    Eat like the cave men huh? Conflicted I Be!

    Some say its healthy cause you leave out all the grains that were not a part of that diet, but some believe cavemen didnt live long because of all the high fatty meats they ate caused early deaths because of the cholesterol.

    I think it be another fad. Look at Atkins....sure it helped, but was it a healthy life style change? Leaning more towards NO!

    Cavemen didnt live long because they didnt have modern medicine and things that were supposed to kill them, actually killed them. As far as fat goes - dont eat so much red meat - problem solved. How can eating non-processed foods be wrong? Not a fad diet - a way of living. Also, go to the doctor and get your physical see where all your levels are - cholesterol and whatnot - then do paleo for 6 months, go back to the doctor and get your physical - i guarentee you that your bad cholesterol will be down, good cholestrol will be up, lowere blood pressure etc etc etc. you will be healthier and feel better.

    at last check my levels were perfect and I do not do paleo....

    I dont think i said your levels were bad, I just said they could be better - but whatever, if you want to believe that cavemen died of heartattacks because they ate too much fat - go right ahead.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Eat like the cave men huh? Conflicted I Be!

    Some say its healthy cause you leave out all the grains that were not a part of that diet, but some believe cavemen didnt live long because of all the high fatty meats they ate caused early deaths because of the cholesterol.

    I think it be another fad. Look at Atkins....sure it helped, but was it a healthy life style change? Leaning more towards NO!

    Cavemen didnt live long because they didnt have modern medicine and things that were supposed to kill them, actually killed them. As far as fat goes - dont eat so much red meat - problem solved. How can eating non-processed foods be wrong? Not a fad diet - a way of living. Also, go to the doctor and get your physical see where all your levels are - cholesterol and whatnot - then do paleo for 6 months, go back to the doctor and get your physical - i guarentee you that your bad cholesterol will be down, good cholestrol will be up, lowere blood pressure etc etc etc. you will be healthier and feel better.

    at last check my levels were perfect and I do not do paleo....

    I dont think i said your levels were bad, I just said they could be better - but whatever, if you want to believe that cavemen died of heartattacks because they ate too much fat - go right ahead.