250 calories per day on chocolate?



  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    Is it acceptable to eat 250 calories worth of chocolate per day when you are trying to lose weight, as long as you are still in your calorie limit? I have tried to have just one small piece or swap it for dark but it just isnt working and i keep failing! I was reading somewhere that eating chocolate or other junk food is really bad for weight loss as a calorie is not just a calorie, but i always thought it didn't matter in terms of weight loss as long as you are at a calorie deficit. Have any of you had chocolate daily and managed to use a significant amount of weight? I have 100 pounds to lose and chocolate is my nemesis

    250 calories worth of chocolate a day? Not worth it to me. I think that's a bit excessive.

    You have a lot of weight to lose and are going to need to have strong will-power and the ability to say no when the time calls for it.

    I'd suggest buying Skinny Cow chocolate. I personally like the caramel filled chocolates. One pouch has 130 calories, 7 g fat, 18 g carbs, and 15 g sugar. Much better option than 250 calories and it is still delicious and satisfying.
  • cmcmommy
    cmcmommy Posts: 197 Member
    Thanks for this post . Yesterday I got a message berating me because I ate 400 cal of " junk " food mind you I only ate 1500 all day and exercised 700 of those off ( i do not eat them back ) I was told I'll never loss eating like this woke up this morning to a .04 loss WTF I'll take it!
  • dorkyfaery
    dorkyfaery Posts: 255 Member
    If you can control it to that 250 and stay within your calorie goals for the day, it's perfectly fine. Just be sure that you are able to stop at 250 calories worth of chocolate. For me, Reese's Peanut Butter Cups of any shape or size are my kryptonite. If I start, I can't stop, so unless I have a limited amount available, or a lot of extra calories, I can't even get started with eating them.

    Have you tried buying the single cup servings they sell around holidays and storing them in the freezer? Having them wrapped individually can help with teaching your brain to note portions, and that can help with control. It migth not work now, but you can use it as a tool.

    This is kind of what I meant by "limited amount available." I only eat them if what is available to me is a single serving size. Unfortunately right now, waiting for them to thaw is not going to stop me. But if I don't have access to more than a serving size, I can eat it.
  • LastTimeNatasha
    Thanks for the reply everyone. From what I can see there are very varied opinions! I think I will try this method out and see how I go...
  • ashleyisgreat
    ashleyisgreat Posts: 586 Member
    Summary of thread: everyone says "eat it if it fits your macros and calories." Someone comes in and says "BUT YOU HAVE TO WATCH YOUR MACROS!" Fight ensues.

    Only on MFP.
  • Greytfish
    Actually, this one was refreshingly different. A kind sir noted the correct order in which energy sources are utilized by the body and folks defended that a calorie deficit causes weght loss. It actually made less sense.
  • elw90
    elw90 Posts: 41 Member
    I set aside 20% of my calories for 'bad foods' I think this is a good way to sustainably lose weiight as you are not depriving yourself every day which leads to binges. Since I decided to do this I have stopped binging and I have lost weight more predictably and positively than ever before :)
  • bcc112986
    bcc112986 Posts: 362 Member
    Personally, I am trying to completely change my lifestyle so I have a forever weight loss story. You can look in my diary and see that I indulge. Not often but I do. I want to create new habits and tastes for myself, so that food is not in charge of me, but I am in charge of what I eat. Honestly, the more weight I lose and the healthier I eat, the less junk/sweets/unhealthy stuff I want. I've even lost a taste for beer which is amazing!

    The point in all that is to encourage you to strive for the best for yourself. If you think 250 calories a day is the best for yourself, then do that. If you don't think it is, look and find ways to replace that habit with a new and healthier one. :)
  • vt59
    vt59 Posts: 1
    Yep, she is.
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    Actually, this one was refreshingly different. A kind sir noted the correct order in which energy sources are utilized by the body and folks defended that a calorie deficit causes weght loss. It actually made less sense.

    I hope there's at least nice weather in whatever world you're in.
  • NancieFeatherston
    NancieFeatherston Posts: 53 Member
    Well, personally I am trying very hard to not eat chocolate everyday. I love Jersey Milk Chocolate... the only way this is going to work is if I can have what I want once in a while for the rest of my life. I don't mind slowing the weight loss in the name of favorite food every so often. My lifestyle has to include healthy food and exercise... and a tiny bit crap. I submit most of the time. :wink:
  • princessofredrock
    princessofredrock Posts: 382 Member
    I had chocolate for breakfast! ; ) In a probiotic snack mix! Dark Chocolate of course. There is always a way to fit in some chocolate!

    Good luck to you OP! ; )
  • Greytfish
    Actually, this one was refreshingly different. A kind sir noted the correct order in which energy sources are utilized by the body and folks defended that a calorie deficit causes weght loss. It actually made less sense.

    I hope there's at least nice weather in whatever world you're in.

    Oh, reality is not nearly as fantastical as that magical place where folks need to pretend 250 calories of chocolate furthers fitness the same as 250 calories of beef, but at least I don't have to look ignorant and rationalize - or completely fabricate a disagreement over nothing.

    This poster gets it, and without deluded thinking. She's making a conscious choice. Go figure.
    Well, personally I am trying very hard to not eat chocolate everyday. I love Jersey Milk Chocolate... the only way this is going to work is if I can have what I want once in a while for the rest of my life. I don't mind slowing the weight loss in the name of favorite food every so often. My lifestyle has to include healthy food and exercise... and a tiny bit crap. I submit most of the time.
  • AlwaysInMotion
    AlwaysInMotion Posts: 409 Member
    Chocolate gives me superpowers. I eat it daily or else my power fades. What power you might ask? It makes me go hella fast on my bike - sometimes blisteringly faster than those silly menz (bwahaha, wheelsuck *this*.)

    Eat chocolate. Discover your superpower. Then go burn it all off using your newfound superpower (biking, rock climbing, alpine slalom, marathon sex, whathaveyou.)

    And please embrace your sense of humor, folks. Life is too damn short to bicker on MFP.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Actually, this one was refreshingly different. A kind sir noted the correct order in which energy sources are utilized by the body and folks defended that a calorie deficit causes weght loss. It actually made less sense.

    I hope there's at least nice weather in whatever world you're in.

    Oh, reality is not nearly as fantastical as that magical place where folks need to pretend 250 calories of chocolate furthers fitness the same as 250 calories of beef, but at least I don't have to look ignorant and rationalize - or completely fabricate a disagreement over nothing.

    I guess it depends on your fitness goals. Personally, 250 calories of beef aren't going to put me that far ahead of 250 calories of anything else. I get enough protein and fat.
  • ezloshead
    ezloshead Posts: 167 Member
    Not denying yourself is one of the things that will keep you eating right in the long run. If you starved yourself of chocolate every day you would just break down and eat the entire Hershey factory. So go ahead and eat your chocolate, I know I do.
  • AlwaysInMotion
    AlwaysInMotion Posts: 409 Member
    Oh, reality is not nearly as fantastical as that magical place where folks need to pretend 250 calories of chocolate furthers fitness the same as 250 calories of beef, but at least I don't have to look ignorant and rationalize - or completely fabricate a disagreement over nothing.

    I guess it depends on your fitness goals. Personally, 250 calories of beef aren't going to put me that far ahead of 250 calories of anything else. I get enough protein and fat.

    Actually 250 cals of nearly pure simple sugars *does* put me ahead. Miles ahead. I hit my macros most days, but before a big endurance event, I (modestly) carb load. Endurance athletes often suck down mixtures & gels of glucose during events - cuz the body metabolizes - and then utilizes - glucose very rapidly. And if you are dragging *kitten*, that's the jolt you might need. Believe it or not, sometimes sugar is a good thing. I wish people would please quit demonizing sugar. It ain't the Beelzebub of the food pyramid.
  • littleburgy
    littleburgy Posts: 570 Member
    I love my chocolate.

    I probably have that amount of calories on hot chocolate and little sweets daily. I'm looking forward to warmer months when I tend to drink less of the hot chocolate, though...more calorie and sugar wiggle room.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I'm stocking up on Dove chocolate eggs at Easter. One or two fit nicely in my goal and they are delicious.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Oh, reality is not nearly as fantastical as that magical place where folks need to pretend 250 calories of chocolate furthers fitness the same as 250 calories of beef, but at least I don't have to look ignorant and rationalize - or completely fabricate a disagreement over nothing.

    I guess it depends on your fitness goals. Personally, 250 calories of beef aren't going to put me that far ahead of 250 calories of anything else. I get enough protein and fat.

    Actually 250 cals of nearly pure simple sugars *does* put me ahead. Miles ahead. I hit my macros most days, but before a big endurance event, I (modestly) carb load. Endurance athletes often suck down mixtures & gels of glucose during events - cuz the body metabolizes - and then utilizes - glucose very rapidly. And if you are dragging *kitten*, that's the jolt you might need. Believe it or not, sometimes sugar is a good thing. I wish people would please quit demonizing sugar. It ain't the Beelzebub of the food pyramid.

    Gatorade before a run and chocolate milk for recovery!

    I wouldn't put chocolate before beef nutritionally. But, sweet potato, grapes, bananas or apricots would all do more for me than meat - both from a macro perspective and because potassium and iron are things that I focus on.