Angry People



  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    I think the majority of people on MFP are AWESOME, supportive, funny, insightful, cool, etc.

    There is a tiny contingent of folks who I think are not emotionally healthy and they use the "safety" of a keyboard to vent their anger, frustration and seem to delight in trying to shame others to make themselves feel better. There was a thread the other day that was eventually deleted where some people attacked a woman for asking what they deemed a stupid question. Anyone who gets an ego boost from putting others down is just plain sad to me. But again, I think the majority of folks here are great.

    And others try to justify their unwillingness to accept logic or flat out stupidity by deeming the smart people as arrogant jerks. I guess it just depends on the side of the fence you are standing on.

    But you have to find what works for you!
  • beamer0821
    beamer0821 Posts: 488 Member
    the people that are angry, their anger is more about them and their own "Stuff" than anything to do with the person they are directing it at....

    i dont take it personally, it really speaks more about that person spewing the negativity than anyone else...
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    I attribute it more to people being over sensitive and/or sheltered, rather than others being "angry". Just because someone says something that is in disagreement, not what one wants to hear, contrary to a stedfast belief doesn't constitute anger, being mean, or bullying.

    I blame the "everyone gets a participation, don't say anything I don't want to hear or it's bullying crowd."

    Agree. The whole generation of people that can not take disappointment or someone telling them they are wrong, is sad to me. It's part of life and a lesson we all had to learn to be successful.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    I can't recall ever being angry about anything on MFP.

    I got angry when I first saw your profile picture, convinced myself that I could do it, then faceplanted on the first try.
    I was going to say in my previous post that most of my forum time is spent laughing.

    It seems that different people can read the same thread and some of them come away seeing a bunch of anger and others come away seeing a bunch of comedy. (I guess the same applies to profile pics. :laugh: )

    (BTW if you try any of the dives please learn from your previous mistake... take video this time.)
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,568 Member
    bluntness is often taken for snark.

    also- some people are just angry and cranky and don't deal well with stupid.

    In which case they need to stay away from stupid (often the internet)

    BINGO :ohwell:
  • wonderwoman234
    wonderwoman234 Posts: 551 Member
    the people that are angry, their anger is more about them and their own "Stuff" than anything to do with the person they are directing it at....

    i dont take it personally, it really speaks more about that person spewing the negativity than anyone else...

  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    I can't recall ever being angry about anything on MFP.

    I got angry when I first saw your profile picture, convinced myself that I could do it, then faceplanted on the first try.
    I was going to say in my previous post that most of my forum time is spent laughing.

    It seems that different people can read the same thread and some of them come away seeing a bunch of anger and others come away seeing a bunch of comedy. (I guess the same applies to profile pics. :laugh: )

    (BTW if you try any of the dives please learn from your previous mistake... take video this time.)

    Oh man, trying one of the dives would be a horrible idea.

    Any recommendation for a waterproof cam?!
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    the people that are angry, their anger is more about them and their own "Stuff" than anything to do with the person they are directing it at....

    i dont take it personally, it really speaks more about that person spewing the negativity than anyone else...
    I think that a lot of posts described as negative are actually positive and aimed at the larger audience of lurkers rather than people who are arguing in the thread. IMO perceiving those as negative reflects on the perceiver rather than the person who wrote the supposedly negative post.
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,568 Member
    I can't recall ever being angry about anything on MFP.

    I got angry when I first saw your profile picture, convinced myself that I could do it, then faceplanted on the first try.
    I was going to say in my previous post that most of my forum time is spent laughing.

    It seems that different people can read the same thread and some of them come away seeing a bunch of anger and others come away seeing a bunch of comedy. (I guess the same applies to profile pics. :laugh: )

    (BTW if you try any of the dives please learn from your previous mistake... take video this time.)

    I also find a lot of this stuff amusing (yes I have a warped sense of ha ha) and it can be quite entertaining to watch the debates that end up being NOTHING about the original post....also IN for the dive videos :bigsmile:
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    I attribute it more to people being over sensitive and/or sheltered, rather than others being "angry". Just because someone says something that is in disagreement, not what one wants to hear, contrary to a stedfast belief doesn't constitute anger, being mean, or bullying.

    I blame the "everyone gets a participation, don't say anything I don't want to hear or it's bullying crowd."

    Agree. The whole generation of people that can not take disappointment or someone telling them they are wrong, is sad to me. It's part of life and a lesson we all had to learn to be successful.
    You are wrong.
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    I attribute it more to people being over sensitive and/or sheltered, rather than others being "angry". Just because someone says something that is in disagreement, not what one wants to hear, contrary to a stedfast belief doesn't constitute anger, being mean, or bullying.

    I blame the "everyone gets a participation, don't say anything I don't want to hear or it's bullying crowd."

    ^^This. :flowerforyou:

    But I added the flower, so I'm not angry. Right?!? RIGHT?!?!
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    I can't recall ever being angry about anything on MFP.

    I got angry when I first saw your profile picture, convinced myself that I could do it, then faceplanted on the first try.
    I was going to say in my previous post that most of my forum time is spent laughing.

    It seems that different people can read the same thread and some of them come away seeing a bunch of anger and others come away seeing a bunch of comedy. (I guess the same applies to profile pics. :laugh: )

    (BTW if you try any of the dives please learn from your previous mistake... take video this time.)

    Oh man, trying one of the dives would be a horrible idea.

    Any recommendation for a waterproof cam?!
    No idea but I might be willing to pitch in a few bucks for the resulting video.:laugh:
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I also think it's common for people to read anger in internet posts that isn't there. Someone might be saying something in a blunt way, but that doesn't mean they're angry. Maybe they're just typing in a hurry.

    As for why people can't disagree nicely:

    Agreed...I'm not remotely an angry person...I have an awesome life..and awesome wife...two awesome little boys at home...a pretty rockin' job...decent pay...and I rock the shat out of my fitness and nutrition....

    That said, I can be blunt and also extremely sarcastic which doesn't always come through in typed word. I don't sugar coat things and I'm pretty to the point so there are a lot of people who think I'm mean...I'm not...I just don't have time for bull**** and I'm not one to sit here and blow smoke up your butt and tell you to just do what works for you if what you're doing flies in the face of sound science. People seem to forget that this weight loss stuff isn't some weird's science and math...and pretty basic math at that.

    I really don't get angry except for when people promote very unhealthy ways of going about losing threads, etc. Nutrition and fitness are a passion for me and people coming onto forums who know jack **** and promote very unhealthy things really piss me off.

    Also, a lot of people just need to lighten the hell up...contrary to popular belief, you can have some fun and goof around and also be serious about nutrition and fitness...doesn't have to be all...


    all the time. But a lot of people new to the forums (and apparently the internetz) are all...


    I also agree with the following...
    I attribute it more to people being over sensitive and/or sheltered, rather than others being "angry". Just because someone says something that is in disagreement, not what one wants to hear, contrary to a stedfast belief doesn't constitute anger, being mean, or bullying.

    I blame the "everyone gets a participation, don't say anything I don't want to hear or it's bullying crowd."

    A number of my employees are of this way and it's horrible...they are the worst employees ever...cannot wait for this generation to grow up and grow a pair. Bunch of pansies *kitten*.
  • ShellyBell999
    ShellyBell999 Posts: 1,482 Member
    :angry: = :sad: :cry:

    :happy: = :laugh: :flowerforyou:
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member

    ...not angry (and haven't been angry about anyone here in at least six months, and that was someone on my FL, not a random MFPer)...

    ...but still in.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    We're hungry.

    Never that.

    I'm actually just a jerk in all aspects of life. I'm actually kind of offended so many people have an issue with my personality; talk about rude! It's not okay to tell people to be less goofy but its okay to say I need to change who I as a person because some people don't like it? Da *kitten* is the logic in that?
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member

    ...not angry (and haven't been angry about anyone here in at least six months, and that was someone on my FL, not a random MFPer)...

    ...but still in.

    Yeah right dude...


  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    I attribute it more to people being over sensitive and/or sheltered, rather than others being "angry". Just because someone says something that is in disagreement, not what one wants to hear, contrary to a stedfast belief doesn't constitute anger, being mean, or bullying.

    I blame the "everyone gets a participation, don't say anything I don't want to hear or it's bullying crowd."

    Agree. The whole generation of people that can not take disappointment or someone telling them they are wrong, is sad to me. It's part of life and a lesson we all had to learn to be successful.
    You are wrong.

    Thanks. I need someone to tell me that once in a while. I'm from a generation that had parents that didn't coddle us. So -

  • oceanbreeze27
    oceanbreeze27 Posts: 66 Member
    I can't speak for other people's anger. However, I do think most of the toxic posts come from people who find safety behind their computer screen. More often than not, they'd never say what they type to the person's face. But because of the anonymity factor, they just let loose. It can be upsetting but I guess it's a price we pay as we toddle along in the digital age. :o)
  • tehboxingkitteh
    tehboxingkitteh Posts: 1,574 Member

    ...not angry (and haven't been angry about anyone here in at least six months, and that was someone on my FL, not a random MFPer)...

    ...but still in.

    Yeah right dude...

