

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Slept fine after the family next door got their little kids to be quiet. The hotel is full of families with kids and all of them were well behaved, but the family next door was too noisy when I wanted to rest and sleep. This morning I’m really grumpy. I couldn’t get enough hot water in my shower. It was tepid at best. BRRR! Off to breakfast and the rest of the day.

    Katla in Colorado for a while

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • Kayzoola
    Kayzoola Posts: 60
    DH and I had a lovely walk to the coffee shop yesterday. I had a cup of green tea. Since I logged the other options here at MFP and found out how much sugar is in them, that is all I feel good about ordering. It works just fine to warm my hands for the walk back.

    Joyce - Tiny! So great!! Enjoy your new duds!

    Michelle, I would try those black bean brownies. I love reading about everyone's explorations with healthier food.

    Today is a rest day as far as exercise. Tomorrow is body pump again. I'll try to maintain the same weight as last week. Keeps my muscles from shriveling, and my bones from turning to powder. :happy:

    Kayzoola (PNW USA)
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Congratulations on your success so far MaryAnn. A sense of humor and determination goes a long way! Looks like you have those down pat.

    Well I went to the mall today to C J Banks for their 40% off sale. I can't believe I spent $300!:noway: :laugh: I found a sweater and tee set I liked and knew I wanted a pair of light grey dress pants to go with it but they didn't have any in the size 14 or what they call 'X'. they looked and they didn't have any back in the store room. I told them that I would just order them on line. So one of the cashiers told me tog o next door to Christopher Banks which is for shall I say regular sized ladies. She said I would probably fit in the size 16 since I was wearing the 14 in C J banks. I told her that that would be just to depressing since I am wearing some size 12s. So I checked out and went next door. I don't like it that they only have 2 dressing rooms vs the 4 dressing rooms next door. But I tried on the 14s and they were to big!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I bought the 12s. I went back to C J Banks to tell the lady thanks fro telling me about going next door. She said she was just sure I would be able to fit in theirs since I was so tiny! TINY????/ I have never been referred to as tiny. But I guess she shes mostly the ones who are buying the 3 or 4 X. Sometimes this journey has been so surreal. My doctor had been telling for years I needed it but I just knew it would be so hard and din't do it. I thank MFP and all you ladies for keeping me on track. I sure hope I can tell that doctor when I see her in June that I have lost 60 pounds. Maybe it will be even more but it is really getting stubborn.

    It was in the upper 70's today and the mall was so crowded. But that just meant that I had to park way far from the entrance and get some steps in.

    Joyce, Indiana where we are looking at snow again soon.

    Loved reading this Joyce. Sometimes our minds still see us as chubby, when the world is seeing you become the slender fit woman you have been working for! Love CJ Banks! Will have to check out the sales.

    Rainy and chilly in IL today. Yesterday was beautiful! Planning a birthday dinner here for my hubby's tonight. Can't wait for the kids and beloved grandson to join us, along with my parents. Will skip the sweets and carby dishes. Must exercise to earn some extra cals today! Have a blessed day all!!!:flowerforyou:

  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 492 Member
    Good morning ladies! My kitchen remodel starts on Tuesday, wish me luck this week as I hate things being out of place. I plan to hide in my bedroom during the tear out process. My new oven will be a convection oven, I plan to try some baked oatmeal recipes when everything is done.

    Isobelo, welcome. This is a great group of ladies!
    Carol, hope you got some rest last night.
    Heather, the trip sounds wonderful - I am a little jealous.....
    Meg, hope your DH feels better soon.
    Michele, love your workout plan. Hope your cough gets better soon.
    Kim, what a great evening! Congrats on feeling the great change that weight loss brings.
    Trojanmom, welcome.
    Tammy, great job with your willpower!
    Kayzoola, enjoy your rest day.

    Have a wonderful Sunday.

    Prayers to all.

    Cindy in windy and damp OK :smile: :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Hello All,
    Sunday morning and I have to go to work at one. I have two Sunday's left to work and then the Y will be closed on Sunday's again until next Jan.
    I went Friday and got the shots in my hips. The shots hurt more than I anticipated, but I can live with it since there is already a difference in my hips. The pain is much less.
    Next Sunday I take my personal training test, I need to continue to study and practice for it.
    This morning I got up and made pumpkin protein bars from the Body Building web site. They turned out really good.
    I watched two of my grandchildren last night so my daughter and her hubby could go out for their anniversary. I love those kids, they are adorable, but exhausting. Isn't it funny that with small children around you don't any other source of entertainment, I laugh so much at their antics.
    Anyone out there take Ambien? I have taken it for several years, I had to start taking only a half dosage because I noticed I was eating at night and not remembering, I love sugar free popcicles and I'd wake up the next morning and have like 6-8 sticks sitting there. Anyway, recently I've not been able to sleep and thought I would try a whole pill again. I woke up yesterday morning and had actually cooked food and ate part of it. That freaked me out. Then my daughter called and told me that I had called her, insisting that she bring me ice cream. I don't remember any of it. This really scared me and I obviously can not take it anymore. I started taking it years ago because I couldn't sleep and it had gotten to the point that I felt I'd lose my job because of lack of focus and I was always so tired. I had tried teas, Tylenol PM, melatonin and nothing else worked. I don't know what I'm going to do. I can't take it though, I'm so afraid I'd burn the house down or get in my car and try to drive.

    Tammy, I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your friend, and you are so right, life is short.

    Kim N Cal, Congrats on the shirt, it does feel great doesn't it.

    Barbiecat NW Washington, I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your friend, but glad you could take the day to celebrate her life.

    Welcome to the newbies,

    I'm off to get ready for work, wishing happiness and health to all.
    God Bless
    Patty, Cincinnati
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Just popping in to share my morning blog post :smile:
    Here's the link if anyone cares to read more of my ramblings. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/jb_2011

    Mastering March

    Early Sunday morning, feels like rain. Cloudy sky, warm-ish breeze blowing. Yesterday was a beauty!

    The week was a good one, I'm still practicing not eating until hungry. which is working well for the most part. Nights are difficult. I get home late from work, have dinner, then I always want to munch afterwards. It stinks of some false "reward" or something. I'm feeling great about cutting out weeknight wine, though, and paying closer attention to how I feel after eating. Full? Satisfied? Wanting more? Why? This is opening up a new way of thinking about food. I haven't mastered it yet.

    I'm also learning to quiet the busy-beast that often takes over and gobbles up my mornings -- setting aside an hour for myself each day has become easier, and something I look forward to rather than dread. Yoga is wonderful, strength-work starting to pay off, and my dance program has become more and more aerobic. Many times I'll just run in place for an entire song. One day last week I amazed myself by doing 160 jumping jacks, 50 to start with, then sets of 30. Flying!

    It's amazing how we become stronger. Once again, I've been taking the time to recognize the changes...I can dance faster, bend farther, plank longer, lift heavier. And, I can eat less and be satisfied. Little things I often fail to recognize...little things that make such a huge difference.

    Mastering mindless eating at night is the next chapter.

    :smile: jb in Spring-y Portland...wishing a wonderful day to all! :glasses:
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    WAAAAAAAAAY too quiet here; DD left to go back to college about an hour ago, and, as usual, will run in to rain---at least it should not be snow or sleet this time. That change should hold off until after she gets there. I find it impossible to believe that the next time I see her will be at her graduation in 2 months. These last four years were such a mix of time both racing and standing still.

    Did anyone else notice that beautiful full moon last night? We have what can be best described as weak sunshine and a chance of an ice/sleet storm later on tonight.

    Most of you should remember him---David Brenner has died. I adored him back in the 70's; super, super comic. Saw him live in Lansing,Mi. about 1975. I saw a blurb about him having a few shows around New Years and was hopeful of seeing more of him. Such a loss.

    Cindy in OK mentioned Greatist.com; I went there and got lost listening to some of the TED talks. Thanks, Cindy!!!

    Keyer...........I think we all echo your evaluation of this winter
    which just goes on and on and on............

    Joyce........."Tiny" should go on your top 10 list of NSV's!!! Good for you!!!

    Heather..........Pandas!!! Enjoy! I don't think I had a full understanding of all you had been through. You truly are a "survivor"!!!

    Katla..........I have NO hot water and will not possibly until Tues. until I can get my favorite plumber (good old Randy) out here again........DH isn't sure what is wrong---my guess is that whatever it is, it will be the most expensive possibility. Heating a pot of bathing water on the stove right now. MUST wash hair today!!! Thinking I might just impose on Gwen for a shower.

    Dee Dee............Our Bradford pears are usually open by 10March........not this year..........nothing, zero, zip, nada. I did see some pink star magnolias open yesterday...........and of course, we have the daffys, which do give me hope!!!

    Tammy..........Condolences on your loss. Good work resisting the food.

    Best to everyone,
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Yesterday we hiked in the woods at the lake in shirtsleeves. It was 67 degrees! Overnight we got heavy rain, then sleet, then snow this morning! We drove home early trying to miss the worst of it. When we got home it was cold and wet but no snow (home is about 30 miles south of the lake). We've been home about 20 minutes, and I just looked outside and it's snowing like crazy, so I guess we brought it home with us. I have to drive to Joplin for a clay club meeting at 1:00, so I hope it doesn't stick. The temperature is hovering around 30F. This is getting old.

    YannieJannie, I do remember David Brenner. It's been a long time since I've seen him on tv, but was surprised to see his age. Time really flies by.

    Joyce, congrats on the tiny clothes! You have inspired me. I'm going to go into Chico's today and see if I can try something on. I've never been in that store, but like the clothes I see in their ads. I have vowed never to enter another Lane Bryant as long as I live.

    Patty, that Ambien is scary stuff! I take generic Benadryl every night to sleep, but it's the same stuff as is in Tylenol PM.

    I miscalculated my dinner last night and put down that I ate 6 cups of chili. Goodness, I must have been really hungry!

    Well, I'd better get busy if I want to leave early. I have to go to a toy store and find "the prettiest Barbie in the store". Which is what my granddaughter wants for her birthday next Wednesday. I also promised hubby that I would bring home BBQ for his dinner. We don't have decent BBQ in our town, so getting some from Joplin is a treat.

    Stay warm and safe today!

  • Anamika703
    Anamika703 Posts: 202 Member
    Hello Ladies!
    I have not been able to read the posts for a couple of days and the pages have turned swiftly :grumble:
    Sylvia you are amazing! Such a success story and you know what impresses me more is your attitude. You rock :drinker:
    Katla hope you are having a super time
    Heather thanks for taking us on your holiday. Sending good wishes specially to your knee:drinker:
    Barbie it was such a relief to see the graph.....
    Joyce celebrations for the tiny you:flowerforyou:
    Margaret, DeeDee , Yanniejannie, Michelle and Meg :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    I have started on my routine and that is such a relief.... my weight which had gone up a few kgs is back to what I had reached a few weeks ago. Hope to see it drop slowly but steadily.
    Tomorrow is Holi, a festival of colours. I saw some running events with colours which reminded me of Holi. I wish all of you a very happy Holi. It symbolises overcoming differences and having fun by lovingly putting colour dry powdered ones or spraying coloured water on each other. Needless to say pranksters forget the spirit of the festival at times.
    All the same, it generally marks the end of winter.
    Hope all of you enjoy better weather soon.
    Best wishes to all of you my friends
    Anamika from Mumbai:heart:
  • jfenner141
    jfenner141 Posts: 146 Member
    Hello my vitamin F friends!

    Yesterday was a nice day - in the 40's!! One of our neighbors invited the neighborhood over to sample the maple syrup he is boiling down. Everyone who came was given a cup of homemade maple syrup to take home - yummy!! At least the maple trees think spring is nearly here. Now, I just have to plan something GOOD for that syrup!!

    Jill in western MA
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy sun.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Took a walk to church.Burrr,windy and cold,30 maybe.
    Got a corn beef cooking for corn beef and cabbage,celebrating today as I`ll be at Violet`s tomorrow.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    afternoon ladies,
    sorry I havent been on yet today. didnt get to bed until 12:30 am, that is sooooo not us.but the concert was awesome....
    got the fridge,but as with older houses it is about a 1/4 inch to high for the space...
    so Mr fix it,is out there, he went and bought a router and is working on the cabinetry as we speak.. what a freakin mess.. have the vacume ready to go...
    I im sooooo tired, got up and had a cup of tea then went grocery shopping, then came home and put it away ,then DH started work on this project so I have been the gopher, anything to help out...
    then somewhere this afternoon I have to make dinner and his lunch for tomorrow ,but a nap sounds soooooo good...
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,092 Member
    Good afternoon to all,


    May you all be having a wonderful day!

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I loved your post JB :heart: :flowerforyou: Sounds like you have gained a lot of insight through your journey.

    We have freezing rain right now. I didn't think it was as cold today as it was and I wore my heavier light weight coat to church. I wore one of my outfits to church. it has a sleeveless tee and a sweater but the sweater is light weight and 3 quarter length sleeve. So I has quite freezing when I got home. I even put on my husbands narly gloves he wears to work in the yard. I think I got something in my little finger that was in the yard that was in his glove. My husband liked the outfit, he doesn't say that that often.

    Sitting here drinking hot tea to try to warm myself up. It is caffeinated to wake me up also. I have been trying to go to bed earlier on Saturday evenings so I can get a good night sleep to get to church. I refuse to let the Devil win and I be really tired when I get up on a Sunday morning. I even gave myself only 30 minutes to get ready for church so that I wouldn't be tempted to get a couple of extra ZZZZZZZs in after the alarm rang.

    I have an Ambien subscription that was given to me a long time ago by my neurologist while I was on high dose Solu Medrol (IV cortisone). It can cause quite a bit of insomnia since your heart is just beating out of your chest like crazy. Some people when they on the Solu Medrol do a lot of house cleaning during the night!!!! So she gave me this prescription. My insurance company decided to not cover any of it anymore. Well they don't cover any sleeping pill now. I do have Benadryl but it doesn't work real well unless I take 3 of them at a time. When my daughter was getting herself off of Effexor, she was having a real hard time and a friend recommended Wild Lettuce capsule. She also takes Ambien and she didn't like the combination what it did to her the next morning. She was kind of nonfunctional. To a single woman with 3 big dogs you have to be functional! So she gave them to me. I like the sleep function on my FitBit and when I look at the sleep tracker the morning after taking one, I do sleep very soundly. My brother sleep walks with Ambien, no evidence he does weird things though. But he sleep walked when he was a young boy.

    OK, I'm warming up now. Joyce, cold dreary Indiana
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi everyone! How is your Sunday going? We went to church, then to see dad. Well DD and I did; DH is still sick. The funniest thing happened at church; we do “brunch with the bunny’” the week before Easter and our assistant pastor (a very young man with one small child) asked “Who’s wearing the bunny suit this year?” and the place exploded!~ It was so funny. People were giving him all sorts of grief…”I thought it was the REAL bunny” and “Does your 1 year old already know the Easter bunny is fake?”. So he had to go sit down. It was really funny!

    Barbie: glad to hear your friend’s life celebration was uplifting even if it was tiring. Get some rest

    Rori: good knives do make a huge difference. San Antonio is one of my favorite places

    Michele: I bought some key lime pie cookie dough and frosting for tomorrow’s dessert. They aren’t too bad carb wise and they look pretty on the box!

    Katla: glad you made it to your destination safe and sound

    Kim: great nsv!

    Heather: I had to read your post twice because I thought you were saying you hope your gallbladder, uterus, and ovaries might come back! Now that would be scary! :noway:

    DeeDee: I have been seeing your weather on the TV. Bleh! It’s cool here today but lovely sunshine

    Trojanmom: welcome aboard. Tell us more about yourself! Bumping your spot is a quick way to find this thread again when you look under "my topics". You may not have time to comment a lot, but by bumping, this thread will be near the top of your topics.

    Tammy: sorry about your friend. Funeral food has got to be the best and the worst food around. Best because it is usually down home comfort food. Worst because, well ditto what I just said!

    Renny: how about “baddies”?

    Cindy: good luck on your remodel!

    Patty: my best friend tried Ambien for the first time while on an overnight flight to Australia. After two drinks and her ambien, she stood up in the aisle and announced that the pilot was an idiot and she was going to take over the plane, because she could fly better than he could! This was pre-911 thank goodness because otherwise they would have made an emergency landing somewhere and arrested her! Mostly the attendants had to sit on her to keep her calm for hours until it wore off.

    Jb: glad; your week has been successful!

    Jan: I used to love David Brenner and was quite sad to read in the paper today that he had died. I had no idea how old he was; I still picture him guest-hosting the Johnny Carson show when he was fairly young

    Sylvia: 6 cups of chili! You are lucky you did not blow up! Where do you live? My hubby’s relatives are mostly in Miami OK, just across the border from Joplin.

    Anamika: enjoy Holi. What a lovely thought…a holiday devoted to overcoming differences. I think we in America could use a similar holiday!

    Jill: real maple syrup! Oh my what a treat!

    Jane we had our corned beef today too and will have the leftovers tomorrow for St. Patrick’s day

    Alison: hope you find some time for those zzzzzzzs

    Well I need to start paying bills….my most hated chore. If I don’t do them now when I am agreeable to doing them, they will never get done! Enjoy the rest of the day! Take care, Meg from sunny Omaha
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,887 Member
    Good Sunday morning ladies: Well have been to church and sung at two services. Trying to get my steps in so went out and walked the dog, will go out to see my horse later. It is sunny but very chilly here. Went to the SD Horse Fair yesterday. Thought I might by my horse something but I ended up buying myself a pair of riding shoes for summer. They are lighter weight than boots but made by Justin Boots with support and a special heel for riding. It was the last pair, they were my size and only $10.00!!!!

    Kim in N Cal - Are you by any chance in the Danville area? We have friends there and will be heading to Alamo this August when we are in California to celebrate my mother's 90th birthday. We were married at the San Ramon Valley United Methodist Church 45 years ago August 23 so we are going back for a visit. My parents lived in Danville at the time.

    Joyce - Congratulations on being demoted to Christopher Banks. I love those stores too.

    Patty - I was on Lunesta for several years but just took it as needed maybe two or three times per week. Then when I changed to Medicare this year my doctor changed me to generic Ambien CR. I am currently taking it every night as I am on a heavy dose of prednisone and that causes sleeplessness. I have not had any problems so far. Good luck with finding something that works. Not getting enough sleep is the pits and makes me cranky.

    Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in SD
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Hi everybody; wasn't on the computer much today, so I'm just coming to say goodnight.
    Goodnight. :bigsmile:

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Just a quick hello before I shower and go to bed.(also waiting for my fit bit to charge up)

    :flowerforyou: Sorry I've not been around over the weekend, but I have been in a really bad mood and wasn't fit company for anyone. It started on Friday morning, the nearer I got to work, the more depressed I became and by the time I got there I felt depressed and angry/fed up. I'm only just starting to feel in an even keel. Let's hope it doesn't come back on my way to work tomorrow :noway: :noway:

    I haven't logged my food for the last few days either so I'll need to start again tomorrow, I've not been doing too bad with my calories this last week. I need to find some lower fat yogurts though as the Muller Corner ones I've been eating are nearly triple the weightwatchers ones I tried the week before, and that adds up to a lot of extra calories in a week.

    :yawn: :yawn: I think I'll call it a day, Night Night

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Sending hugs to Viv:heart::heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Hello everyone,
    I've been off this board for quite awhile. I got discouraged trying to keep up with the posts so backed off to take a breather - which lasted a lot longer than I meant it to.
    To make a long story short - I need all of you. I have discovered that I need the check in or I drift. I've been keeping up the diary but I think I've been drifting from my goals, I know I have and the scale proves it. I have crept up 6 pounds since Christmas so I am recommitting and here we go again.
    Thank you to all of you for being here and keeping up the posts. I read back until the beginning of March and my goodness, you are all very talkative!!! I will check in and keep reading and I hope I can become a part of the group again. There are so many of you now, and so many new ones (I feel like a newbie all over again - lol).
    Lila in the grey but not too cold Kootenays, SE British Columbia.