Modern Day Pin-up Girls - WEEK 4



  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    I'm not sure I want to post after Rach's last Bad moods suck!

    Today is a new day and hope you are in a better frame of mind. Think of the weight you have lost and how you've increased your activity!

    Have a wonderful day everyone!

  • I'm not sure I want to post after Rach's last Bad moods suck!

    Ahhaha I kinda thought the same thing for a second! Hope your day get better Rach and I defenitly think a run will help you blow off some steam! Hope you all have a great weekend. I'll be chacking in tomorrow or Monday. . . get another nite/day alone with my hubby, so were gonna be soaking it up. Hope you all's weekend 's are wonderful!!!
  • cathcakey
    cathcakey Posts: 288 Member
    Did 1.7mi today...cried a little when it was over cuz my shins hurt so bad, but I'll survive.

    Rach - be careful you're not giving yourself shin splints (I hope I can give some helpful advice here as I'm a trained physiotherapist) - if you up your mileage too quickly then the muscles in the front of your shin can't keep up and they will give you HELL for it. If it's not too bad it's just a bit painful but worst case scenario you can actually give yourself stress fractures in your legs.
    Make sure you're not doing too much too quickly - allow your legs time to rest. And if it continues you might wanna get your foot position when you run checked out. If your feet aren't properly supported when you run then the problems that causes can travel all the way up your legs.

    Hope that's helpful, and not meant to be a rant at all - I'll take my physio hat off now! Congrats on getting in to the running though and it looks like you're making great progress!!


    Since you're a pysiotherapist, I have a question--I have those Reebok walking shoes, do you think they are okay for walking? Sometimes my feet go numb. It doesn't stop me from walking, but I feel like that shouldn't happen. Also, is it bad to jog in them? If so, what kind of shoes do you recommend for running in?

    And good job Rach! That's a nice run :)

    That's a difficult question because the answer's not very straightforward. Let me give it a try though:

    1. Yes, I think the shoes are ok for walking in - you don't put too much pressure through your joints as you walk, and it's all linear movement so I would say that's fine. The shoes work by making you slightly unbalanced, so your muscles have to work harder to control your movement.

    2. With regards to the numbness in your feet I can give my personal opinion but that's really all it is - I (obviously!) haven't examined you so don't take any of this as absolute.

    Generally speaking, numbness in your foot when you walk (especially the outside of the foot) is due to pressure on the sciatic nerve. This is a nerve which runs from the bottom of your back, down the back of your leg and into your foot. Don't be alarmed - it's not dangerous or worrying. Usually it results from one of two things: either a pelvis that is out of alignment slightly, or a catching of the nerve where it passes from your leg into your foot. This is usually due to poor foot stability as you walk - called overpronation. Basically, when feet roll in slightly as weight is applied onto them. If this is the case, it should be as easily solved as wearing a good supportive pair of shoes to stop you rolling in.
    If this is the case with you then I would suggest you don't run in them, but make sure you have a good supportive pair of trainers instead - you might want to try anti-pronation trainers which have extra support. Alternatively, you could always get your running style and foot position checked by a running specialist in a shoe shop/physio etc

    I hope that's helpful and that I haven't worried you at all! I have the exact same problem so I make sure that I wear supportive trainers and I have a pair of insoles that I wear to run in.

    PS. Don't wear anti-pronation trainers AND insoles - you'll overcompensate and end up with a whole different problem!!

  • cathcakey
    cathcakey Posts: 288 Member
    I'm in one of those argumentative moods today. I don't know why, but I have this urge to pick fights, ya know? I think a run tonight will help me blow off some steam. At least I'm aware of it, even though I don't know why I'm feeling like this. I told my bf that I'm feeling a bit off, so if he wants to distance himself a bit and do his own thing today, that won't hurt my feelings.

    Haha, I do the exact same thing with my boyfriend when I just KNOW I'm gonna be in a foul mood and pick a fight! He just gets out the way now and I go crawling back when I'm feeling more like myself!
  • cathcakey
    cathcakey Posts: 288 Member
    So proud of myself - went to Krispy Kreme today and DIDN'T have a doughnut. That took will power of a mammouth proportion.
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    Pin-Ups there is another Skinny Saturday challenge posted here if anyone is interested. It's worth a try to keep us in check over the weekend or we could start our own here in our thread? Anyone interested? I think I will give it a try, nothing to lose except maybe a few extra calories.

    Pixie - enjoy your hike, it sounds like a wonderful way to spend a day off. BTW - I love your ticker pin-up.

    Have a great weekend ladies!


    Thanks, Karen! I actually found a pin-up that I liked and then just added some wings :P

    The hike was fun but killer. On top of that, I went for my LAST C25K RUN TODAY! That's right, I'm a C25K Graduate now! :D I think it was just the motivation I needed too, because I ran farther than I have all week!
  • The weekend is here, and I already made the big mistake to eat out......Burger King it was.......over 1700 cal gone already.....I'm feeling bloated and unhappy now.....I guess it will be only water intake for the rest of the day
  • amcmillan730
    amcmillan730 Posts: 591 Member
    The scale and I are fighting this week. Stupid! lol
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    For pizza lovers.....

    Hubby wanted PIzza but my cheat day isn't until tomorrow but than my mom came over to visit, so pizza it was. My hubby wanted the Big Italy from Pizza Hut. It's only 180 a slice (pepperoni pizza) 170 a slice (cheese)

    Well looks like this family will be eating Big Italy pizza!!

    This is why I don't do diets cause they can only last for so long (for me anyways) - juts got to learn how to eat the foods you like & portion control =)
  • UGH. Today was a horrible food choice day.... I feel gross. Seems like that happened to a few of us! But good for you Cath! I love doughnuts... so hard to resist.

    Tomorrow is a new day though.. I am going to do my own skiing sunday challenge!!
  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    Good morning Ladies

    Weekends are so challenging! For me it's because I am off work and no routine.

    I managed to drink 14 cups of water yesterday and got in one 60 minute walk. My skinny Saturday challenge was to double my water and double my workout. I don't feel that I failed because I know that I tried.

    If losing weight was easy none of us would be here.

    Today is a new day.


  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    So proud of myself - went to Krispy Kreme today and DIDN'T have a doughnut. That took will power of a mammouth proportion.

    cathcakey - I'm proud of you too, great willpower, you stayed focused on your goal!

    I on the other hand in that situation would of bought not one but two donuts and ate them in my car and got rid of the evidence and told no-one. :embarassed:

  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    SweetPandora - WTG on the water!!!

    I get in atleast 10 cups a day and it really helps w/ the scale going down!!
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    My eating has been a bit off all weekend, but oh well. Starting right this week. So far today I've made a big batch of pasta, and stir-fry (heavy on the veggies) so that I can eat that for lunches and dinners instead of hotpockets and fast food. So off to a good start. :flowerforyou:
  • wow, awesome, how do you get in on this group?
  • Did 1.7mi today...cried a little when it was over cuz my shins hurt so bad, but I'll survive.

    Rach - be careful you're not giving yourself shin splints (I hope I can give some helpful advice here as I'm a trained physiotherapist) - if you up your mileage too quickly then the muscles in the front of your shin can't keep up and they will give you HELL for it. If it's not too bad it's just a bit painful but worst case scenario you can actually give yourself stress fractures in your legs.
    Make sure you're not doing too much too quickly - allow your legs time to rest. And if it continues you might wanna get your foot position when you run checked out. If your feet aren't properly supported when you run then the problems that causes can travel all the way up your legs.

    Hope that's helpful, and not meant to be a rant at all - I'll take my physio hat off now! Congrats on getting in to the running though and it looks like you're making great progress!!


    Since you're a pysiotherapist, I have a question--I have those Reebok walking shoes, do you think they are okay for walking? Sometimes my feet go numb. It doesn't stop me from walking, but I feel like that shouldn't happen. Also, is it bad to jog in them? If so, what kind of shoes do you recommend for running in?

    And good job Rach! That's a nice run :)

    That's a difficult question because the answer's not very straightforward. Let me give it a try though:

    1. Yes, I think the shoes are ok for walking in - you don't put too much pressure through your joints as you walk, and it's all linear movement so I would say that's fine. The shoes work by making you slightly unbalanced, so your muscles have to work harder to control your movement.

    2. With regards to the numbness in your feet I can give my personal opinion but that's really all it is - I (obviously!) haven't examined you so don't take any of this as absolute.

    Generally speaking, numbness in your foot when you walk (especially the outside of the foot) is due to pressure on the sciatic nerve. This is a nerve which runs from the bottom of your back, down the back of your leg and into your foot. Don't be alarmed - it's not dangerous or worrying. Usually it results from one of two things: either a pelvis that is out of alignment slightly, or a catching of the nerve where it passes from your leg into your foot. This is usually due to poor foot stability as you walk - called overpronation. Basically, when feet roll in slightly as weight is applied onto them. If this is the case, it should be as easily solved as wearing a good supportive pair of shoes to stop you rolling in.
    If this is the case with you then I would suggest you don't run in them, but make sure you have a good supportive pair of trainers instead - you might want to try anti-pronation trainers which have extra support. Alternatively, you could always get your running style and foot position checked by a running specialist in a shoe shop/physio etc

    I hope that's helpful and that I haven't worried you at all! I have the exact same problem so I make sure that I wear supportive trainers and I have a pair of insoles that I wear to run in.

    PS. Don't wear anti-pronation trainers AND insoles - you'll overcompensate and end up with a whole different problem!!


    Hey, thank you so much! That hasn't worried me. I'm pretty sure I have the over-pronation problem. I had my roommate look at my feet as I walk and she said they seem to flex outward. So I think I'll go buy some new shoes this week!

    I really appreciate you taking the time to respond. Thanks again!
  • Grldisney
    Grldisney Posts: 6 Member
    I want in toooooooo:laugh:
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    Hey everybody! Been MIA on the thread the last few days.
    So the 5k Saturday was freakin' awesome. My goal was to get under 40min.
    My final time was 36min. 34sec. Holy Smokes Batman! Never expected that!:noway: I really pushed myself!
    The best part was the end. I was slowing down on the last mile and was thinking about giving up and just walking the rest of the way. When I had about 1/2 mile left a girl about my age came up beside me (a total stranger) and said "come on, you are doing so good! You can see the end!". That's all I needed and I ran the rest of the way with her. I was so proud of myself and grateful to her that she gave me that extra push. After the race I gave her a hug and told her thanks. The awesome thing is that the beginning of this year I did my first 5k and my time was 49 min. I never thought in my wildest dreams I would do it in 36min 34sec.
    My next long term goal is to get my 5k time down to 30 min flat.....or less of course. :bigsmile:
    Thanks to everyone for their encouragement and motivation. If I can come this far so can YOU!

  • MaryAnne1
    MaryAnne1 Posts: 183 Member
    Hey everyone! My weight this week is 179.5 as of Fri. Seems to be the best time for me to weigh myself so I shall continue with that! Hopefully can make it properly into the 170s for next week

  • vickthedick
    vickthedick Posts: 136 Member
    Erg, 133 again this week. Didn't lose anything.
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