Binging vs overeating



  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member
    I just find it odd that consistent overeating is called binging by the mental health community.

    It's because binge-eating is actually a disorder. It *IS* a mental health issue. My problems stemmed from untreated depression. I self-medicated with alcohol and chocolate, etc. The alcohol intensified the depression and caused a spiral effect. It only ended when I finally quit denying my problems and sought counseling.

    Mental health professions understand the difference because it's their job.

    This, 100%. Binge eating is a mental problem and it's rarely even about food. Over-eating can be very casual and just "whoops I ate too much at dinner".

    I have been diagnosed EDNOS for 15 years here. This broad in this thread arguing with everyone is extremely insulting to people like myself who have suffered with shame, guilt, not being able to go outside.... but whatever she's an expert on the subject, this is MFP.

    MFP: Where your opinions make you a genius because you've lost 14 lbs.

    Not sure who this is addressed to...since no one here has lost only 14lbs unless I am not seeing someone....

    As well "this broad" in referring to another woman is not called for either and is probably found to be quite insulting...
    Binging is a symptom of a mental disorder yes it is...typically depression or bipolar disorder or any number of compulsion disorders.
    Binging is unhealthy that is for sure and it's not about calories consumed it's about the mindless eating and the feelings that follow it, you can binge on food that isn't high in calories too...or alcohol...or anything for that matter.

    Overeating on a consistent basis is called binging

    I am in no way saying binging is's not.

    I am saying overeating in itself is unhealthy...because it means you haven't changed your habits that lead to you being over weight, and that as soon as you realize eating to the point of being uncomfortable is not a good thing you have a larger chance of relapsing into your old eating habits and gaining back the weight...

    A broad is another word for a woman.

    Overeating on a consistent basis is NOT binge eating.

    Learn something about what you're spouting off. You are arrogant and uninformed yet full of opinions that have no basis in reality. Binge eating to someone like me, as it is defined by mental health professionals can be likened to a drug addict using heroin. I have cancelled plans to binge eat. I have never cancelled plans to accidentally eat too much at dinner.

    I am well aware of what "broad" is and some find that term insulting...and could very well report your post as name calling in the forums is against ToS.

    As well according the the Mayo Clinic along with other respected mental health facilities actually define binge eating as consistent and compulsive over eating...and if that isn't a good definition what is a good definition????

    And just because I haven't been diagnosed wiht BED doesn't mean I don't know what I am talking about, no I can't put personal feelings and experiences into it. As for opinions I could say the same for yours but that doesn't make it true...

    I find those who have experienced it often get very adament and even sometimes angry and often miss what is actually being said because they are so used to hearing negative things such as "it's all in your head, just choose not to do it..." blah blah blah..that's not what I am saying..

    I am saying binging is not good and it is unhealthy and those who do it often need professional help to deal with the whys of the binge eating...

    I am also saying over eating to the point of being uncomfortable and suffering (even tho you aren't binging) is not healthy either.

    I can report you for telling people with binge eating disorder to "just stop overeating", too, but you know. I'm 30 years old.
  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member

    A broad is another word for a woman.

    "Broad" is not just another name for "woman" in the US. It's derogatory.

    You should probably step away from the computer for a bit.

    As a broad that's about to hit 40. that's news to me. Is chick derogatory too? I was just telling a friend that I since I'm turning 40, I'm moving from "chick" category into "old broad" category. :laugh:

    I've always considered it slang or informal, but derogatory? :noway:

    She's just clinging to a reason to report me because I invalidate her argument with my CRAZY facts.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I just find it odd that consistent overeating is called binging by the mental health community.

    It's because binge-eating is actually a disorder. It *IS* a mental health issue. My problems stemmed from untreated depression. I self-medicated with alcohol and chocolate, etc. The alcohol intensified the depression and caused a spiral effect. It only ended when I finally quit denying my problems and sought counseling.

    Mental health professions understand the difference because it's their job.

    This, 100%. Binge eating is a mental problem and it's rarely even about food. Over-eating can be very casual and just "whoops I ate too much at dinner".

    I have been diagnosed EDNOS for 15 years here. This broad in this thread arguing with everyone is extremely insulting to people like myself who have suffered with shame, guilt, not being able to go outside.... but whatever she's an expert on the subject, this is MFP.

    MFP: Where your opinions make you a genius because you've lost 14 lbs.

    Not sure who this is addressed to...since no one here has lost only 14lbs unless I am not seeing someone....

    As well "this broad" in referring to another woman is not called for either and is probably found to be quite insulting...
    Binging is a symptom of a mental disorder yes it is...typically depression or bipolar disorder or any number of compulsion disorders.
    Binging is unhealthy that is for sure and it's not about calories consumed it's about the mindless eating and the feelings that follow it, you can binge on food that isn't high in calories too...or alcohol...or anything for that matter.

    Overeating on a consistent basis is called binging

    I am in no way saying binging is's not.

    I am saying overeating in itself is unhealthy...because it means you haven't changed your habits that lead to you being over weight, and that as soon as you realize eating to the point of being uncomfortable is not a good thing you have a larger chance of relapsing into your old eating habits and gaining back the weight...

    A broad is another word for a woman.

    Overeating on a consistent basis is NOT binge eating.

    Learn something about what you're spouting off. You are arrogant and uninformed yet full of opinions that have no basis in reality. Binge eating to someone like me, as it is defined by mental health professionals can be likened to a drug addict using heroin. I have cancelled plans to binge eat. I have never cancelled plans to accidentally eat too much at dinner.

    I am well aware of what "broad" is and some find that term insulting...and could very well report your post as name calling in the forums is against ToS.

    As well according the the Mayo Clinic along with other respected mental health facilities actually define binge eating as consistent and compulsive over eating...and if that isn't a good definition what is a good definition????

    And just because I haven't been diagnosed wiht BED doesn't mean I don't know what I am talking about, no I can't put personal feelings and experiences into it. As for opinions I could say the same for yours but that doesn't make it true...

    I find those who have experienced it often get very adament and even sometimes angry and often miss what is actually being said because they are so used to hearing negative things such as "it's all in your head, just choose not to do it..." blah blah blah..that's not what I am saying..

    I am saying binging is not good and it is unhealthy and those who do it often need professional help to deal with the whys of the binge eating...

    I am also saying over eating to the point of being uncomfortable and suffering (even tho you aren't binging) is not healthy either.

    I can report you for telling people with binge eating disorder to "just stop overeating", too, but you know. I'm 30 years old.

    and where did I say that????

    As for me reporting you where did I say that????

    wow angry mentioned previously perhaps it's time to step away from the computer your anger is definately over shadowing common sense and your ability to see what is being typed.
  • ChrysalisCove
    ChrysalisCove Posts: 975 Member
    Any chance of y'all taking the pissing contest to PM (or, you know, just letting it drop...) so as to not totally hijack the thread & allow people to discuss the topic at hand?
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    whatever it does not sound like a healthy relationship with eating...I mean eating some cookie dough just because there is some left over? I would suggest either not keeping "trigger" foods in the house, or trying to re-evaluate your relationship with food...Just because you have something in house, does not mean you have to it ...

    Just my two cents...
  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member
    I am well aware of what "broad" is and some find that term insulting...and could very well report your post as name calling in the forums is against ToS.

    This is my last reply, honestly, I don't know why I involve myself with these message boards because this is what always happens. You said you would report me for calling you a broad in that mess of quotes above my post, did you not?

    I am far from angry, don't know where that's coming from. I am however unbelievable frustrated by how you continue to argue when you have no base knowledge about binge eating. Opinions do not equal facts. Read up on it, if you don't understand it after that, sorry I can't help you there. Later.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I am well aware of what "broad" is and some find that term insulting...and could very well report your post as name calling in the forums is against ToS.

    This is my last reply, honestly, I don't know why I involve myself with these message boards because this is what always happens. You said you would report me for calling you a broad in that mess of quotes above my post, did you not?

    I am far from angry, don't know where that's coming from. I am however unbelievable frustrated by how you continue to argue when you have no base knowledge about binge eating. Opinions do not equal facts. Read up on it, if you don't understand it after that, sorry I can't help you there. Later.

    Note bolded part. No where does it say I find it insulting or I would be reporting you...but by this I can assume I am the "broad"...

    I am not arguing that's the thing. I agree binge eating is a mental disorder that requires help from professionals. I agree it is very unhealthy. I agree it does damage not only to your body but your mind and your emotions...where did I say it didn't do all those things????

    ETA: and the assumption of anger comes from calling women broads and saying you can't fix this kind of stupid...
  • _chiaroscuro
    _chiaroscuro Posts: 1,340 Member
    What is even happening in here?
  • AustinDuderino
    Where is the line between binging and overeating? For example, if I stand in front of the kitchen cupboard with a spoon and an open jar of peanut butter, shovelling that in my mouth, just saying one more spoonful before being able to put it back, I'm guessing that's a binge-type behaviour. Going past the fridge and not being able to resist 'one more' chocolate peanut butter slice, which turns into 4 or 6, binging.

    But if I'm making cookies (like last night) and I've made my trayful of 16, and there's some dough left, not really enough to cook another trayful, and I make the conscious decision to eat the dough, I feel terrible and stuffed, but is this just overeating, or is this binging?

    And does it really matter what it's called?
    It doesn't seem like a good idea to be making cookies if you're trying not to eat cookies. Not only are you setting yourself up for failure, but you are also putting yourself into a stressful situation. If I get a sweet tooth, the last thing I want to do is be around a bunch of sweets. Much better to eat some strawberries, drink some water, and wait it out.

    My idea of overeating is when I have a meal that exceeds the amount I normally would or should eat. I found myself in that situation at a dinner party over the weekend where I ended up eating a larger dinner. That's going to happen once in awhile and I'm fine with it.

    Binging, on the other hand (and IMO), is eating a bunch of stuff just for the sake of eating it.
  • funkygas
    funkygas Posts: 191 Member

    I really didn't expect this sort of response ...

    But thank you for all of you who replied to my (supposedly) innocent questions!
  • somefitsomefat
    somefitsomefat Posts: 445 Member
    Overeating is for rookies and binging is for pros!
  • OllyReeves
    OllyReeves Posts: 579 Member
    What is even happening in here?

    It's like the AGM of Idiot.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member

    A broad is another word for a woman.

    "Broad" is not just another name for "woman" in the US. It's derogatory.

    You should probably step away from the computer for a bit.

    As a broad that's about to hit 40. that's news to me. Is chick derogatory too? I was just telling a friend that I since I'm turning 40, I'm moving from "chick" category into "old broad" category. :laugh:

    I've always considered it slang or informal, but derogatory? :noway:

    She's just clinging to a reason to report me because I invalidate her argument with my CRAZY facts.

    Me?? I didn't even post an "argument". You REALLY need a break... You don't even know who you're referring to.

    "Broad" refers to a woman's hip width. I don't mind being called a "broad", I like it - but others? Not so much.
  • mrsgoodwine
    mrsgoodwine Posts: 468 Member
    I believe there is a psychological aspect to binging. You are eating to stuff the feelings down, and it never feels like it's enough. Over eating is when something taste so good you continue to eat it even after you are full - but no emotions attached to it.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I am well aware of what "broad" is and some find that term insulting...and could very well report your post as name calling in the forums is against ToS.

    This is my last reply, honestly, I don't know why I involve myself with these message boards because this is what always happens. You said you would report me for calling you a broad in that mess of quotes above my post, did you not?

    I am far from angry, don't know where that's coming from. I am however unbelievable frustrated by how you continue to argue when you have no base knowledge about binge eating. Opinions do not equal facts. Read up on it, if you don't understand it after that, sorry I can't help you there. Later.

    Note bolded part. No where does it say I find it insulting or I would be reporting you...but by this I can assume I am the "broad"...

    I am not arguing that's the thing. I agree binge eating is a mental disorder that requires help from professionals. I agree it is very unhealthy. I agree it does damage not only to your body but your mind and your emotions...where did I say it didn't do all those things????

    ETA: and the assumption of anger comes from calling women broads and saying you can't fix this kind of stupid...

    From page one:
    I just don't see a huge difference between the two...I don't believe that binging is "an out of control" thing imho it's a decision you make to stand there and eat mindlessly regardless of the taste, hunger etc. esp if it's the way you describe it...which I have never experienced...for me it was more of a "I can't believe it's gone I didn't even taste it...where did it all go" Just like over eating is a choice to eat it because you are bored, it tastes good or because it's there...

    Oh so eating when you are full isn't losing control???? Eating 3 plates full of pasta when you are full on one...okay sure.

    Over eating is never means you have lost control same with binging and usually is a way of coping with feelings as well.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member

    A broad is another word for a woman.

    "Broad" is not just another name for "woman" in the US. It's derogatory.

    You should probably step away from the computer for a bit.

    As a broad that's about to hit 40. that's news to me. Is chick derogatory too? I was just telling a friend that I since I'm turning 40, I'm moving from "chick" category into "old broad" category. :laugh:

    I've always considered it slang or informal, but derogatory? :noway:

    She's just clinging to a reason to report me because I invalidate her argument with my CRAZY facts.

    Me?? I didn't even post an "argument". You REALLY need a break... You don't even know who you're referring to.

    "Broad" refers to a woman's hip width. I don't mind being called a "broad", I like it - but others? Not so much.

    It depends on if it's a noun or an adjective, but I call myself a broad.

    So...I'm a broad with broad hips. :laugh:
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member

    I really didn't expect this sort of response ...

    But thank you for all of you who replied to my (supposedly) innocent questions!

    I hope you can get your issues straightened out. For me, it took a professional counselor with behavior modification suggestions. It also took for me to quit my job and get a new one. If you can't quit by yourself, trying counseling. It seriously saved me.
  • sillyvalentine
    sillyvalentine Posts: 460 Member
    Potato, Po-taut-o.

    You can call a duck a dog but it's still a duck.

    In my opinion, there is no difference.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I am well aware of what "broad" is and some find that term insulting...and could very well report your post as name calling in the forums is against ToS.

    This is my last reply, honestly, I don't know why I involve myself with these message boards because this is what always happens. You said you would report me for calling you a broad in that mess of quotes above my post, did you not?

    I am far from angry, don't know where that's coming from. I am however unbelievable frustrated by how you continue to argue when you have no base knowledge about binge eating. Opinions do not equal facts. Read up on it, if you don't understand it after that, sorry I can't help you there. Later.

    Note bolded part. No where does it say I find it insulting or I would be reporting you...but by this I can assume I am the "broad"...

    I am not arguing that's the thing. I agree binge eating is a mental disorder that requires help from professionals. I agree it is very unhealthy. I agree it does damage not only to your body but your mind and your emotions...where did I say it didn't do all those things????

    ETA: and the assumption of anger comes from calling women broads and saying you can't fix this kind of stupid...

    From page one:
    I just don't see a huge difference between the two...I don't believe that binging is "an out of control" thing imho it's a decision you make to stand there and eat mindlessly regardless of the taste, hunger etc. esp if it's the way you describe it...which I have never experienced...for me it was more of a "I can't believe it's gone I didn't even taste it...where did it all go" Just like over eating is a choice to eat it because you are bored, it tastes good or because it's there...

    Oh so eating when you are full isn't losing control???? Eating 3 plates full of pasta when you are full on one...okay sure.

    Over eating is never means you have lost control same with binging and usually is a way of coping with feelings as well.

    No where in those quotes does it say it wasn't a symptom of a mental disorder, nor did I say it didn't have a damaging effect on your emotions and body, what I said was that you choose food and for the OP she admitted she made that choice not to call her husband and made that choice to not have her kids help because she wanted the food to herself and didn't want to stop eating.

    As well my total thing all along is that it doesn't matter they are both unhealthy relationships with NDJ put it much better then me...and regardless of what it is called whomever does either needs to re-evaluate what they are doing either by saying no to themselves or getting to the root of the problem through conciling etc.

    ETA: I still don't see a huge difference between the two are mentioned above they are both a sign of an unhealthy relationship with food...esp in the context of the OP.
  • crystalflame
    crystalflame Posts: 1,049 Member
    I am well aware of what "broad" is and some find that term insulting...and could very well report your post as name calling in the forums is against ToS.

    This is my last reply, honestly, I don't know why I involve myself with these message boards because this is what always happens. You said you would report me for calling you a broad in that mess of quotes above my post, did you not?

    I am far from angry, don't know where that's coming from. I am however unbelievable frustrated by how you continue to argue when you have no base knowledge about binge eating. Opinions do not equal facts. Read up on it, if you don't understand it after that, sorry I can't help you there. Later.

    Note bolded part. No where does it say I find it insulting or I would be reporting you...but by this I can assume I am the "broad"...

    I am not arguing that's the thing. I agree binge eating is a mental disorder that requires help from professionals. I agree it is very unhealthy. I agree it does damage not only to your body but your mind and your emotions...where did I say it didn't do all those things????

    ETA: and the assumption of anger comes from calling women broads and saying you can't fix this kind of stupid...

    From page one:
    I just don't see a huge difference between the two...I don't believe that binging is "an out of control" thing imho it's a decision you make to stand there and eat mindlessly regardless of the taste, hunger etc. esp if it's the way you describe it...which I have never experienced...for me it was more of a "I can't believe it's gone I didn't even taste it...where did it all go" Just like over eating is a choice to eat it because you are bored, it tastes good or because it's there...

    Oh so eating when you are full isn't losing control???? Eating 3 plates full of pasta when you are full on one...okay sure.

    Over eating is never means you have lost control same with binging and usually is a way of coping with feelings as well.

    No where in those quotes does it say it wasn't a symptom of a mental disorder, nor did I say it didn't have a damaging effect on your emotions and body, what I said was that you choose food and for the OP she admitted she made that choice not to call her husband and made that choice to not have her kids help because she wanted the food to herself and didn't want to stop eating.

    As well my total thing all along is that it doesn't matter they are both unhealthy relationships with NDJ put it much better then me...and regardless of what it is called whomever does either needs to re-evaluate what they are doing either by saying no to themselves or getting to the root of the problem through conciling etc.

    ETA: I still don't see a huge difference between the two are mentioned above they are both a sign of an unhealthy relationship with food...esp in the context of the OP.

    That's because you ignored this:
    Lack of Impulse Control / Discipline: Going back to the pantry over & over, mindlessly munching, eating when you aren't hungry because something is "SO good" or "calling to you", etc. In some cases it can also be a sign that you are missing something your body needs (too few calories, not enough protein, needing a certain nutrient). Again, this is NORMAL for the average person on occasion.

    Bingeing: A compulsive, psychologically driven behavior indicative of a total loss of emotional control that happens to involve food. Chronic bingeing is much more closely related to alcoholism or drug abuse than it is to over-eating. This is NOT NORMAL. Occasionally a one-time binge can fall into the "normal" category if associated directly w/ acute depression (such as the post-breakup bucket of iced cream)... Although usually these situations are actually just a more extreme example of a lack of impulse control (above).

    Consistent overeating - NOT binging as most of the people with binge problems in this thread have experienced - is how I gained weight in college. We had an all-you-can-eat buffet as our dining hall, and I'd load my plate up with everything that looked good and eat it, regardless of hunger levels. There were no emotions driving this, just ignorance and not listening to my body's hunger signals or nutritional needs very well.

    Binging, as people in this thread DO experience, is emotionally driven and not really about the food. I have EDNOS issues - bulimic tendencies, anorexic tendencies, but nothing that places me into one category or the other. I started purging after normal-sized meals out of desperation to lose weight because my then-boyfriend made me feel crappy about my body. That developed into an association of coping with problems by purging, so I started learning to binge-eat just so I could throw up. A lot of other people just binge to cope with emotional issues. The point is that this is a mental problem, whereas consistently overeating is based more in a lack of awareness about what your body needs, maybe because you were raised to clean your plate, you think you're hungry when you're nutrient-deprived or dehydrated, etc. Neither are healthy, but they are entirely different issues and need to be addressed differently.