Cathe Fans Part 3!



  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,873 Member
    Hey all!!

    I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving. Ours went really well. It was a LONG day, and I was exhausted at the end. But I must say, it was one of the best Thanksgiving meals I've ever had. :blushing: I don't consider myself much of a cook, but it really did taste good this much so, that I even was still want the leftovers on both Friday and Saturday. :drinker: Thank goodness I had them, because I really was too tired to think about cooking much either day. We spent all day on Thursday while I was cooking putting up the Christmas decorations as well, so I'm sure that played into how I was feeling. That and TOM. :grumble: Oh, well.

    Anyhow, I got some good workouts in this weekend. I got up early on Thursday and did a Turbo Fire workout followed by 4DS Legs (from the kickboxing workout). Friday I didn't think I was going to get a workout in because of how I felt, but by late afternoon I felt up to one....and pulled out an oldie but goodie....Bootcamp. I don't think I've done that workout in over two years, and I really had fun with it. Saturday was my day off (YAY!). Yesterday I did another oldie....Pure Strength Legs followed by HiiT 40/20. And today was STS Disk 22 (Chest/Shoulders/Triceps) and Body Max2 Ultra Cardio. The drop sets in that STS workout still got me this week, but not like they did last time. Which is good since I couldn't feel my arms after doing this workout the last time. :laugh:

    Erika, sounds like you had a good Thanksgiving. Your boys look SO cute in your new photo!! Good job with the workouts. About the dairy....could be causing you problems. If you didn't have the problems when you weren't eating it, chances are that's the cause. It's a pain, isn't it? I can eat diary sometimes and not others. It's weird. But the one thing I can't tolerate is aritifical sweeteners. It took me about 20 years to figure out that was causing so many of my tummy problems, but once I figured it out....I avoid them at all costs. Diary isn't as easy to avoid, unfortunately. Hope your cold doesn't get any worse. :flowerforyou:

    I got my new Cathe DVDs :drinker: so I'm off to preview. Hope this finds you all doing well.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    HI Ladies ~

    Well the long weekend was great! I enjoyed being OFF for 4 days in a row …… :bigsmile: we had a snow storm come in and now have about 18 inches I would say in our yard. So made for a pretty snowy time and I stayed home quite a bit. Got some good workouts in! Thurs a.m. I did KickMax, Fri. was STS + KCM Plyo Cardio Pre-Mix, which was a fun workout and I liked the pre-mix. Sat. was my REST day, then yesterday I did Butts/Guts Overall Legs mix w/ HiiT 40/20. :wink: Today will just be Turbo Kick tonight. We went to a friend of my DH’s for dinner and we didn’t get home until around 11:00 therefore the alarm at 4:00 was way too early for me, :huh: :noway: which is fine – I tell myself I will make it up during the week somewhere. :wink:

    Erika: Sounds like a fantastic 4 days with your family! :bigsmile: Hope that cold bug just keeps on moving right out of there and you guys don’t stay sick very long! Good job on the workout. I did KCM Cardio-Plyo Pre-Mix on Friday, really enjoyed it! So yes, while I was online Christmas shopping the other day I went ahead and ordered KCM Circuit Burn!

    Laurel: How fun that your new workouts arrived. :bigsmile: I am still waiting on mine ~ I think because I am far West from where they are shipped this area arrives last. Oh well, it will be soon! How do they look? That is so great you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your hubby & the leftovers were so good you continued to enjoy them. BootCamp workouts are fun aren’t they? I am trying to remember to put that into my workouts because I have a tendency to forget about it. Great job on the workouts, I bet they felt good.

    Hello Laurie, Michelle & Kara ~ Hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving! :flowerforyou:

  • BiloxiBelle
    BiloxiBelle Posts: 680 Member
    I am the worst thread member! I just can't seem to get consistent w/MFP lately. Sorry I just pop in & out so much!!

    Sounds like everyone had a good holiday weekend. I'm so impressed (though not surprised) with everyone continuing to workout during Thanksgiving. I decided to not workout or do any school stuff for 3 straight days. I was scared to get on the scale & see the damage yesterday. I got on the scale &....I LOST 3 pounds?! Wonder what that means? I need to eat more? Take more rest days? I'm usually too stressed out? Hummmmm

    I'm starting to plan for my STS rotation. I can't decide what I'm doing cardio-wise. DH will be marathon training, so his cardio is set. I'm going to just do the 3.5 month rotation. I'm hoping Asylum will be out by the time I finish!!

    Tami: Hope you like Circuit Burn! If you do, then you would also probably like Peak 10 Strength. I'm really starting to like circuit training more than anything else!

    Hope everyone is doing well today!! Rainy & nasty here. Makes me want to sleep!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Dang Ladies it feels like from Thanksgiving on I have not stopped! :wink: Our Thanksgiving was great, and then we left for the waterpark on Firday. The girls had a great time hanging in and around the water with their cousins all weekend. We got back on Sunday and I was beat. Got to work yesterday, and didn't have time to stop for even a little bit of time. Couldn't belive how busy I was. Managed to get in Fountain of Youth and SC Yoga Based Abs workout on Thursday. P90X Legs & Back and a workout from Ab Hits. Nothing on Saturday and Sunday was MMA Boxing with weighted gloves. Didn't get anything done on Monday, just didn't want to get out of bed. :laugh: This morning was P90X Chest, Shoulders & Triceps, will have to get an ab workout done after work today. Planning on Bootcamp Core only premix.

    Erika, My sister has problems with certain types of dairy, so you could be right on the stomach problem. Good thing to watch and see if that is the culprit. We had great weather all weekend, suppose to have snow tonight though.

    Laurel, I will join in on the TOM club, that was my yesterday. :grumble: I think that was part of my exhaustion also. My favorite part is the leftovers, and that dang stuffing. :laugh: I just love the stuff. You got in some great workouts over the weekend too.

    Tami, I think I got up way to early to put the bird in the cooker! :noway: All the food was ready even before DH's family got there, but it still all turned out ok. Everyone said it was great, or they where being super nice. :laugh: I thought it all tasted good. You also got in some great workouts, like the fact that even with the eating going on we all still got some workouts in. :wink:

    Tara, Hey you post when you can, seems like that is what I have done lately also. Great job on taking off three pounds, I think that I might have taken them from you. :laugh: I know I didn't get enough water while we where at the resort, every morning I woke up with a dry mouth. Or else I was sleeping with my mouth wide open. :laugh: I'm ready for the Asylum to come out too, suppose to be around Feb sometime from what I know.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Well I'm back and I finally let go of the pumpkin pie:blushing:

    The weekend was great and we had a great time with my godson. It is beautiful down there and although San Padre island is a small town it is also a Spring break haven so tons of swimshops, tattoo piercings, etc. We acted like regulars and went to the town's city lighting, then they did pictures with Santa and fed us hot chocolate, coffee, cake and candies:laugh: It was so quaint and free for everyone. We also visited their Turtle Rescue center and as I'm a turtle lover we also adopted a Sea turtle, Allison for Xmas as our family project. Every year I try to do different projects to teach the girls about those who do not have some of the luxuries that they take for granted but after seeing these wonderful sea turtles who have lost their limbs due to attacks and are using a prosthetic device to swim, I had to do something with my favorite creatures:love: We then shopped prior to leaving and actually bought the girls those decorative hermit crabs:blushing:

    I'm working a contract this week which is great b/c the check will arrive before the holidays. I have created a wish list on collage and I'm excited to see Bob Harper has two kettlebells dvds releasing this month. Paul Katami(sp) also received great reviews on his new releases so there he goes too:laugh: So many dvds but I think that this time I will use collage as they have a great return policy and I'm tired of buying dvds and then after using them once storing them as accessories:blushing:

    Kara- We understand the craziness of it all as a student. :drinker: 3lbs..can you share:laugh:

    Laurie- I'm with you and the 3lbs, lack of water for sure not to mention not many great selections. The sad part is that on Thanksgiving we ate a regular meal and that was it..everything went into the refrigerator:laugh: Oh well back on track today:wink:

    Laurel- Glad to hear that your day was wonderful and the meal was awesome:flowerforyou:

    Tami- You earned those days off as you tend to do double workouts anyway...good for you:drinker:

    Erika- I'm lactose intolerant and have not consume regular milk for more than 15yrs..recently I started eating yogurt again and drinking half n half and the side affects are not pleasant to say the least. If I consume less than 8ozs a day I'm ok but more will usually cause pain, bloating, etc, etc

    Today was Bar Method for me and I'm hoping to put together a fun rotation for december along with a desire to start running HIIT on the treadmill again:noway: I do not like running but I need to change it up and I think that runningcombined with Bar/Callanetics will really hit my legs.

    Have a great day ladies. Off to work:wink:

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Morning Ladies ~ :smile:

    Turbo Kick last night & got a good night sleep! This a.m. I did STS Chest/Shoulders/Triceps – felt good but I’m with you Laurel, what is it about those drop sets and the push-ups in between, YOWSA! Was glad to get that workout in though since I missed yesterday a.m. :wink: Spinning is on tonight’s agenda right after work.

    Kara: Good to hear from you and congrats on the 3LB loss! Go figure right? :huh: :bigsmile: I bet you needed a nice break and glad you enjoyed your 3 days! I am excited to receive Circuit Burn (and the others that are on their way) but also, looking forward to some “circuit” workouts as well, just for a change/variety.

    Laurie: You have been busy – great job fitting in the workouts regardless. :drinker: I think it’s great too that we all seemed to get workouts in regardless of the holiday. I know for me, I feel a lot better about having some yummy snacks/food if I have worked out that day! Glad the turkey turned out good. We had a small mishap on ours. :noway: My DH really wanted to be in charge of it and I reminded him our roaster cooks HOT and every turkey I have done has always been done way earlier than the suggested time. At any rate, he let it go about 30 min too long. It was fine for his parents and they thought it was great! He & I decided it was a bit too dry but did have good flavor.

    Michelle: That’s fantastic that you all had such a nice trip. :smile: Welcome back! What a great experience for your girls and seeing the turtles, I love that. Collage wish list ~ what a great idea. I do that too and go back and add more or delete. It is a great site and I agree, they are fabulous about taking DVD’s back.

    Good Morning Laurel & Erika! :smile:

    Have a great day everyone! :flowerforyou:

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,873 Member
    Hi ladies!

    Busy day for me as I'm doing my Christmas baking. :noway: Actually, I'm sending cookies to some of my husband's troops overseas, and want to get them off later this week so they have them well in time for Christmas. Hence baking the last day in November. But, the good news is, most of the cookies will go into the mail which won't allow me to snack on them. Too much. Of course, I have to sample. :ohwell: But I started off my day with a great workout. I did Cathe's new Intensity workout...actually the Maximum Intensity premix (which included the bonus bootcamp portion Cathe did). it came in at 70 minutes and was a GREAT workout. It starts with a 30 minute step section that increases in intensity over that 30 minutes (including some drills towards the end), then it moves on to a 10 minute HiiT section (tough!) followed by a 10 minute low impact HiiT section (not as tough but good fun). The regular workout stops there, but I added the 15 minute bootcamp section which really moves from one exercise to the other. I used light weights (8# and 5#) since I lifted yesterday (and will tomorrow), but it was effective. I really enjoyed this workout. The step section has pretty much NO choreography and is very much what I expected Athletic Step would be like (it has more choreography than I had anticipated). Cathe's created a great workout that is incredibly versatile. There are nine premixes, all of varying lengths and intensities. Very vintage Cathe! :drinker: I took a long break and then did Eoin Finn's Magically Hips premix from Power Yoga for Happiness. What a great yoga segment that was, and it was perfect after all of the impact of Intensity.

    Tami, I'm glad I'm not the only one who suffers from those drop sets. I'm really feeling them in my shoulders today. I continue to be amazed how much DOMS this rotation is STILL giving me. But it is a good thing, right? I can't believe we only have one week left. I'm hoping Cathe posts her December rotation soon (she said it would be posted this week) to include the new workouts because that might give me some more ideas before I commit my next rotation to paper. I've only looked at one of the workouts, but I'll let you know what I think of the others as I preview. I probably won't be able to do any of the others until we finish this rotation.

    Kara, we understand about the posting. You are a busy lady!! Regarding the three pounds, I always lose weight when I stop working out for a few days. I think my body retains water (which is perfectly normal) from my workouts (especially since I do so much strength training) so I actually lose a little mass and some weight whenever I stop. But that's only good for about 5-7 days....and then the weight starts coming back on, but in a MUCH less attractive way than it was on me before. Stress can also make you gain weight, so don't dismiss that either....especially in the belly. :frown:

    Laurie, I hear you about being busy. No matter how many times I tell myself I'm going to enjoy this time between Thanksgiving and Christmas, I always end up over-busy and stressed. I'm so with you on the stuffing. I made this great apple/pecan cornbread stuffing this year, and I'm STILL craving it. Not the best thing to eat, that's for sure. But, boy, was it good!

    Michelle, sounds like your weekend was great! Sounds like a great place to get in the mood for the holidays. Regarding running, sadly, it really is one of the best things a person can do in terms of exercise. I just wish I liked it more. But your rotation should give you incredible results!

    Erika, hope you are feeling all right and enjoying your day!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    I started off my day with a great workout. I did Cathe's new Intensity workout...actually the Maximum Intensity premix (which included the bonus bootcamp portion Cathe did). it came in at 70 minutes and was a GREAT workout. It starts with a 30 minute step section that increases in intensity over that 30 minutes (including some drills towards the end), then it moves on to a 10 minute HiiT section (tough!) followed by a 10 minute low impact HiiT section (not as tough but good fun). The regular workout stops there, but I added the 15 minute bootcamp section which really moves from one exercise to the other. I used light weights (8# and 5#) since I lifted yesterday (and will tomorrow), but it was effective. I really enjoyed this workout. The step section has pretty much NO choreography and is very much what I expected Athletic Step would be like (it has more choreography than I had anticipated). Cathe's created a great workout that is incredibly versatile. There are nine premixes, all of varying lengths and intensities. Very vintage Cathe! :drinker:

    Hi Laurel ~

    Sounds so great! :bigsmile: I just went in and checked online to see where my package was and it was delivered today! :drinker:

    Can't wait to start checking them out. I'm with you on her posting that December rotation ~ I'm kind of waiting on that as well. Again, we are on the same brain waves! :happy: :wink:

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Sounds like everyone has had a great day! I spent most of my day driving white knuckled to Southern MN after we had rain all day yesterday (that froze on the roads), snow and major blowing snow. So, I'm glad to be home and wonder how I got there and back safely!!!

    This morning was KCM Body Training. Again, another awesome workout by Kelly. This is entirely body weight type exercises...pushups, situps, planks, etc. Felt good!!

    Laurel--Sounds like Intensity was right up your alley! I'm glad you liked that one. I just can not get into step workouts anymore. I can do KCM's Circuit Blast, and that's about it. Hers is mainly jumping on or off the step or basic steps, knees up, etc. No turns or moves like that. Maybe someday I'll get back into it!! Nice work on the cookies, I'm sure the troops love that!

    Tami--Nice workouts, as usual. Oh, I forgot about those drop sets...not looking forward to that part of STS!!!

    Michelle--Sounds like a great weekend in South Padre and Christmas activities to boot! I'm sure the kids had a blast!!! Sounds like you've got your DVD list going strong...I don't dare look anymore or I'll be in trouble! I usually order from Total Fitness DVD's and I have returned opened merchandise to them before, but I think you have to do it within 30 days? I got a full refund, which was nice! BTW, I got all of the Squeeze DVD's off of Ebay the other day for $15. I'm excited to add them to the mix!

    Laurie--Whew, what a busy weekend you had. No wonder you were tired yesterday! Sounds like today is much better for you, I hope it calms down for you for awhile!

    Kara--I want your weight loss secret!!! Isn't that weird how that happens? I had that happen after my 1st round of STS, and I think it's because I tend to build up a lot of fluid in my muscles when I lift and then it all flushes when I don't lift for a few days. But, yours was only a couple days, so I'm not sure what the secret is there?!?!? Maybe you can send some good vibes to my scale for tomorrow morning!??! Glad to hear you were able to relax over the holiday and take a break from school too! Let me know what you decide on for Cardio for STS...I'm still up in the air for my cardio too!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies--Looks like I'm the last to post last night and the first today! :laugh: This morning was a sleep in morning. I wasn't very tired, but am fighting this cold, and was up for awhile with my son that's got a really bad cough with this cold, so figured I'd better at least lay in bed and rest! Not sure what's up with the hubby, but he's been snoring like crazy lately, which is keeping me up most of the night too! :grumble: Tonight I'll get in KCM Circuit Burn if I feel up to it, otherwise I'll tack it on to my workout tomorrow.

    Have a great Hump Day!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning ladies,

    Yesterday I received the job offer and although I'm excited I'm also ambivalent:sad: My four year old was so gracious but then she said" I'm not sure if I'm ready for school mom because if they ask me what's 10 + 10 I will not raise my hand because I dont know that yet". Then my hubby comes home and says I was not sure if you were serious about this and really wanted to do it:noway: So after I called him on his attitude he apologized but did say it was going to throw our household into an uproar as we try to adjust with daycare, latchkey care with the soon to be 10 yr old and then doggycare, etc. Although I had planned this route 5 yrs ago when thinking ahead for his retirement etc. I'm actually questioning my decision:frown: I'm suppose to go in for fingerprints, etc but postponed until tomorrow so that I can think this out:sad: .

    Any comments, words of wisdom, etc is needed right now.

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Have not gotten my workout in yet, we had a 7:30am meeting at the HS for our oldest dd. This one should be her final meeting, and all her teachers where very complimentary of her progress. They all said that she shouldn't have any problems with college if she has some support program to help her. :drinker: I'm planning on getting Insanity Sports Conditioning done after work. Last night I did get in Bootcamp Core only premix, that one is really tough for only 11 min. long. I also am part of a 5 day cardio challenge, that I started yesterday. So I did the all the Hiit from the Intensity workout. It is a bit different than what she created in the SC Hiit. Afterwards I did have sore knees, and legs. I know that low impact Hiit probably was the cause of the sore legs.

    Michelle, Tough decision you have to make. I don't know how much wisdom I have to give, it is different for everyone. Is this job your ideal, is sounds like you are a bit so so about it. My girls went through the daycare/latch key, it is an ongoing learning process. You may have a few bumps in the road along the way. When does your DH retire? I'm still eating turkey today! Probably will be eating it for a while yet. LOL

    Tami, My cooker cooks hot too, so I do have to remember that for next year. :wink: We all where working the same body parts. :laugh: I was hating the slow push-ups that Tony was having us do. :laugh:

    Laurel, That is so very nice of you to make all those cookies. I know that I have to make the cut-out cookies, because my oldest already mentioned it. I think that she wants me to make them right now, and of course they would be gone before Christmas with my family. :laugh: I enjoyed the Hiit sections, I liked that she varied the times. My legs are still sore this morning from the low-impact, guess I got down low. :laugh:

    Erika, I do not like driving in that kind of weather. I'm usually in stuff like that when we go visit my parents in northern WI. :grumble: We are getting snow today, but it is that light fluffy stuff.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Morning ladies,

    Yesterday I received the job offer and although I'm excited I'm also ambivalent:sad: My four year old was so gracious but then she said" I'm not sure if I'm ready for school mom because if they ask me what's 10 + 10 I will not raise my hand because I dont know that yet". Then my hubby comes home and says I was not sure if you were serious about this and really wanted to do it:noway: So after I called him on his attitude he apologized but did say it was going to throw our household into an uproar as we try to adjust with daycare, latchkey care with the soon to be 10 yr old and then doggycare, etc. Although I had planned this route 5 yrs ago when thinking ahead for his retirement etc. I'm actually questioning my decision:frown: I'm suppose to go in for fingerprints, etc but postponed until tomorrow so that I can think this out:sad: .

    Any comments, words of wisdom, etc is needed right now.


    Michelle--I was home with my boys for a short while (1.5 yrs), but knew in the back of my mind I would always go back to work as soon as my kids were ready (or I couldn't handle being home any longer!), which happened to both be at the same time. I think you need to look at what YOU want first. Do you WANT to work, do you HAVE to work, or would it just be nice to work and be around adults? After that, look at the money you'd bring in vs. the cost of daycare or other programs for your kids, travel expenses, etc. Sometimes that helps you answer your question right there. If you're working and breaking even, only to have to have many changes to also adjust to at home, it may not be worth it. I know, for myself, I like to work. Not necessarily exactly what I'm doing right now, but I do not enjoy being a stay at home mom, so that drove my decision. I hope an answer comes to you very soon!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,873 Member
    Hi ladies!

    I finally did the last cardio DVD from Turbo Fire that I hadn't tried yet this morning. It was HiiT 25. After doing Intensity yesterday, I realized this morning that I really like how Cathe does her HiiT workouts. While TF HiiT 25 was good, it just didn't feel as intense as Cathe's HiiTs because Chalene keeps changing the exercises throughout the minute. I must prefer the one move approach Cathe takes. That being said, it was a good workout and a great short cardio for after weights. I also did STS Disk 23/Legs, and it felt really good today. No doubt I'm finishing this section of the rotation stronger than I started.

    I previewed a bit of Cathe's Lower Body Blast workout last night, and it looks terrific. Alot of reps and relatively light weights. I love those types of leg workouts. Background exerciser Jae is back in these DVDs and her legs look fantastic in this workout. I was thinking about that this morning when I was doing my leg workout. What an inspiration. How do I get legs like that? I think I'd have to transplant them on to my body. :laugh:

    Erika, sorry to hear you are suffering from this cold. I think taking the morning off was your best option. Does your husband have the cold? If so, that might explain some of the snoring. Hope you feel better soon....and glad you stayed safe yesterday!

    Laurie, sorry to hear about your sore legs from Intensity. Actually, I felt pretty sore last night as well, and I felt it during my Turbo Fire workout this morning. Oddly, I didn't feel it during my leg workout which has me wondering if the soreness was more due to the impact than the low impact muscle recruitment. But I definitely understand what you're talking about.

    Tami, Cathe posted her December rotation. I don't think I'm going to do it right now because I really want to put more circuit work in my upcoming rotation. Right now, I think I'm going to structure my first four weeks after my 'recovery' week as follows: Sunday-upper body; Monday-lower body; Tuesday-cardio; Wednesday-circuit; Thursday-cardio; Friday-full body strength. Intensity and Lower Body Blast will definitely be in this rotation....probably every week. I'll probably alternate STS Total Body and High Reps for the Friday workout. And then I'll do something like Pyramid Upper Body or CTX Upper Body for my upper body workout. I'll see how that works, and then maybe after four weeks go back to some form of splits for upper body. We'll see how my body responds to this first before making that decision.

    Michelle, you've definitely got a tough decision to make. I echo all of Erika's recommendations, especially regarding the actual cost of working. That being said, my husband is a few years away from reitrement as well, and I'm a tad nervous about not having a job right now. You know better than us what the chances are of him getting a good job when he gets out of the military. I'm sure you've had the same experience I've had....know people who find a job right away and others who struggle for many months. So you've got alot to consider right now, and it involves thinking beyond the here and now. I truly feel for you in because there is so much to consider here. Congratulations on getting the job (even if you don't take it), and I have no doubt you'll make the right decision for you and your family.

    Hope you all have a great rest of your day!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Afternoon Ladies ~ :smile:

    This a.m. I decided on Cardio Kicks. I debated on doing the Leg workout but decided I would stay with my rotation of alternation cardio & STS . . . So CK it was and tomorrow a.m. will be STS Legs. Still deciding on Spinning tonight or maybe a Cardio at home! :wink:

    Erika: Dang colds anyway! :grumble: I think it was a great idea that you decided to get the rest instead. You want to get better sooner than later that’s forsure! If you feel up to it tonight and you get your workout in then enjoy …. But if you decide a full days rest is best that is excellent too!

    Michelle: Yowsa on BIG life decisions like this. :tongue: First let me say a HUGE congrats on being offered the position!! :drinker: That in itself has to feel fabulous and I knew you would get it. How to make that decision is definitely the tough part. I think Erika rounded it out perfectly. Truly the decision is based on do YOU want the job & will it better your family? Does it bring the highest & best to your life? :flowerforyou: Maybe it is the perfect time to go back to work, definitely an adjustment by all the family members but that will all fall into place I’m sure. Whatever decision you make will be the right one ~ if it is meant to happen it will and you will be right where you are supposed to be and if you decide to not take the job you are still in the right place … with your family doing what you love there as well – Win-Win! I hope this helps. If nothing else I’m rooting for you and wishing you all the best in your decision!

    Laurie: I bet that was great news to hear about your DD & made you proud of her. :happy: What did you think of HiiT on Intensity? Very anxious to try out some workouts on there. My package truly did arrive last night! What is the BootCamp Core workout is that off of one of Cathe’s BootCamp workouts? Yes, my shoulders were feeling it this a.m. from yesterday’s workout . . . with all the punching but it also seems to loosen them up as well.

    Laurel: Great job on the workouts! :bigsmile: I bet it felt good to get through each of the TF workouts so you know which one you feel like doing on particular days. So when I got home from Spinning last night it was there …. The box on my porch with new Cathe workouts! :bigsmile: Very excited. I am going to try Intensity first; not sure which mix yet but definitely one of them. I like the new rotation you listed here. :wink: That sounds like a perfect combo. See how you feel and make adjustments from there. I haven’t looked at her Dec. rotation but will check it out just in case. I too am thinking more circuits for the next rotation.

    Hi Kara – Hope things are going well at school this week! :flowerforyou:

    Talk to you all tomorrow! :smile:
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Thank you all for the feedback:flowerforyou:

    After calling my other best friend, my Mom, I was reminded of the reasons why I decided to apply for the position in the first place. I had initially decided not to apply because I thought I did not fall into their requirements and actually submitted the package the weekend before closing. Everything fell into place and now here I am at the crosswalk:blushing:

    Erika, I have been at home for five years with the 2nd pregnancy and five years with the first until her entry into first along time for sure:noway: I do yearn for adult conversation and the salary will cover daycare with an extra check to spare along with some dvd purchases:blushing: , but with college funds and retirement funds an extra check is always a positive:wink: I think that I'm definitely ready to get outside beyond extracurricular classes for the girls.

    Laurel- My husband is lucky that he actually has had offers to transition into positions here at FT. Sam but he actually wants to take a year off and after 24 yrs of service, I definitely feels he deserves it. This last year we have tapped into our nest egg to help out our parents who were affected by the recession so replenishing our account with an extra check will do wonders with two incomes for 3-4 years which has always been my plan, not to mention we have still not decided on our place of retirement but we do plan to sell the house eventually and move back East . As a planner and someone who likes a plan B, I needed to go back to my goal sheets and look at the gameplan again...sheesh:grumble: . I do feel better however once I removed the emotion from the situation:bigsmile: .

    Tami- Yowsa it is but I think that as I like to be in control the unknown of this new venture rattled me:blushing: I truly believe that what is meant to be will be and I said I would continue to follow where this leads me:wink: So after a talk with my angel, I was ready to become my normal self and acknowledge a great opportunity for now and definitely down the road in the civilian or govt. sector.

    Laurie- Hubby can retire anytime but after tapping into our finances, we both acknowledged that waiting at least 2-4 more years would be better for us. My youngest starts school next Fall and the eldest was accepted into a Magnet program which requires transportation in the evenings and then there is Capone:grumble: who has discovered the sprinkler system box in the yard and has decided to uncover, chew and destroy those pretty wires:mad:, not to mention destroy my professionally installed garden beds and all associated plants:grumble: Once I get the logistics of those issues covered things will be easier for sure:wink: I have looked at doggie daycare or a professional walker who would come 2-3x per week for a 30minute walk in the afternoon.

    Thanks Ladies... I truly appreciated the feedback:bigsmile:
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning My Beautiful Fitness Friends!!! :bigsmile:

    I am feeling soo good this morning (still have the cold, but it doesn't matter!), as I just got done with 2 KCM workouts. I took a rest day yesterday, so put today's workout and yesterday's workout together. I started with Olympic Lifting and followed it with Circuit Burn. Ahhhh...that felt soooo great!!! Can't believe I only have 2 workouts left in my 6 week KCM rotation...that went fast!

    Michelle--Good call on talking with your Mom. They always help put things in to perspective! :wink: Sounds like you have decided what path to follow, which I'm sure helps you get started with organizing the family activities too. Those decisions are never easy, but I think sometimes it just takes stepping back from the situation to look at all avenues again, to realize what you really want to do. Congrats on getting that job...they are some smart people to hire an awesome lady like you!!! :flowerforyou: BTW, I thought you'd appreciate this...I was playing on Craigslist yesterday, and stumbled across someone selling a Fluidity Bar for $25. I emailed the guy, and turns out he lived about 3 miles from where I was doing a work presentation yesterday, so I arranged to meet him when that got done. Well, I got the bar for $20!!! It was his daughters, and although you can tell it was in a room that was spray/splatter painted (so it's got white specs of paint on the mat) it's in perfect condition. Plus he threw in the DVD's. I was PUMPED!!! :bigsmile:

    Tami--There go those legs again!! Way to go on the CK, STS Legs and Spinning???? I think we talked about this already, but we need to see a picture of those awesome legs!!! That can be my motivation! :happy:

    Laurel---How do those legs feel this morning?? I always find that Hiit after STS Legs leaves me sore the next day. I'm with you, I would need a transplant to get awesome legs, although I did have them at one time...high school. I was always getting stopped by people asking how I got my legs looking so good. All I did was rollerblade a lot...hmmm...maybe I'll start that up in the Spring again! I'm excited to hear how you like Lower Body Blast once you try it!

    Laurie--I hope you got your Insanity workout in, and your knees/legs are feeling better. WTG on that cardio 5 day challenge! No snow here today (thank goodness, as I'm on the road back to the place I was at on Tuesday!), but we're in for it Friday I hear!

    Have a great day ladies!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Got the Sports Conditioning workout done last night, wasn't easy to get the time though. :laugh: Why do the kids need to eat, and of course the dog needs to walk. Oh and some last minute groceries, because the DD's didn't want to eat turkey again. :laugh: This morning was P90X Back & Biceps along with Barry's Bootcamp Mission Specialists Advanced Abs. Whew say that one 10 times fast. :laugh: Biceps are toasty today. Tonight I'm looking at Box'n'Flow with Kimberly Spreen.

    Laurel, I think that is why I like Cathe's Hiit also, stay with one move! :wink: You are probably right on the impact, it did seem to be a little more intense. I had heard that the camera operator seemed to like Jae's legs. :laugh: I to would like to attach those legs to my body!

    Tami, Hiit in Intensity was good, and very doable. I don't think that it was as tough. The first move was one I really didn't like, she had you do side to side jumps, and then moved into 6 bunny hops and a jack. My feet got a little tangle up with the bunny hop to jack thing. :laugh: See how much of a clutz I am. :laugh: Otherwise it got that HR going. The core only premix workout is on the Intensity series Bootcamp workout. It is just the eight core moves on the Bootcamp workout, but strung together it is though. :wink:

    Michelle, That Capone is really a bad boy isn't he! :noway: I know our company loves people that have been in the military, they make great managers/supervisors. :wink: You really are doing some good investigation on making you decision. :wink:

    Erika, Glad you are feeling good! Wonderful that you have been enjoying your KCM rotation so much, that helps in the motivation so much. Can't believe how hard this working out after work is. I just have so much to do after work that I'm hoping I don't stress about it. :laugh: Helped get that extra turkey weight off. :laugh: Our first accumulation is suppose to come on Saturday.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,873 Member
    Hi ladies!!

    I woke up this morning really feeling like doing an Insanity workout. :noway: Go figure. I was planning on doing a step workout today, but since I felt like Insanity, I decided to go with it and did Max Cardio Conditioning. It felt really good. I followed it up with Yoga X which felt absolutely spectacular today. Now I'm really energized but forced to sit at home and wait for somebody to come work on our water pressure gauge. :ohwell:

    Michelle, I so admire you! It sounds like you really took the time, got the input, and made the best decision for you and your family. I have no doubt everything will work out for you and your family (and the puppy.....hopefully :tongue: ) Congratulations again!

    Erika, I'm glad you are feeling better. Sounds like you had a great workout this morning! And congrats on the Fluidity Bar get! Let us know how you like it. You're lucky that you had great legs in your life. I've never had good legs. In fact, my husband told me when we were dating that my legs weren't my best feature. :frown: But I still married him. :laugh:

    Tami, so glad you got your DVDs! :drinker: I think you'll really like Intensity. I can't wait to do it again, but that will wait until next week I believe. I previewed High Reps yesterday, and it reminded me alot of Power Hour but with alot more variety in the exercises (including alot more band work). I'm anxious to try it, though since I don't particularly care for band work, it may not be my favorite. But I'll have to try it to figure that one out, of course.

    Laurie, glad you got yoru Insanity workout in. You're making me anxious to do P90X again. I'm still thinking I'll wait until spring for that. Since I read that there is going to be an Asylum/P90X rotation, I think I might wait until Asylum comes out and start that rotation then. But I am anxious to do another rotation with P90X again.


    Talk to you all tomorrow!

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Afternoon Ladies:flowerforyou: ,

    This morning I decided Bob Harper was the way to go and boy am I feeling it in the glutes and shoulders...I love this guy:love: I can't wait to get his Kettlebell workouts and I have also decided to go with his cardio dvd, so tomorrow I'm heading into Wal-mart:noway: . Paul Katami's Asap Hollywood 4 x 4 Bootcamp is also in my shopping cart and he looks like the go to guy for the New Year:wink: . I'm coming off my ladies only instructors and Bob & Paul will be my A/B rotation along with cardio intervals for the new year.

    Erika- Oohh you are so lucky to get that deal:bigsmile: . I love the look of some of her exercises plus the barre can be used for all of your other dvds. Hey rollerblading is always great for the legs and you are right, as a teenager I loved to rollerskate and these legs were tight:laugh:

    Laurel- Slap your hubby for me..he was suppose to go the diplomatic route and say he loved all of you:laugh:

    Laurie- Yesterday I ate turkey but switched it up for the family with some dirty rice:bigsmile: I'm thinking of steak and asparagus for dinner but forgot I have to work until 11pm tonight........tuna it will be instead and leftovers for everyone else:wink: Yes, hubby has been managing soldiers for so many years he says now that when he retires he no longer wants to be in charge of anyone but himself:tongue: Dang puppy....:noway:

    Tami& Kara- Good afternoon:flowerforyou:

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