Cathe Fans Part 3!



  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    My start date is Jan 3rd b/c the director wants everyone starting in order to have us in the same pay there is talk of a govt hiring freeze.

    So I woke up in major back pain and I know part of it is my KB workout yesterday combined with my left hip being slightly out of socket. I had this issue two years ago when I was going through Physical therapy. I could hear the clicking noise yesterday while doing the core exercises in KB :grumble:

    I hate being lazy two weeks before the eatfest in Ga. Hopefully I will find a good stretch rouitne on ExerciseTv:ohwell:

    Erika- Sounds like some great dvds, Illaria is great and I had hers for 1 yr before trying it again and I truly enjoyed her routine:blushing: Funny how some cardio appeals to you more than others, KB is my ultimate favorite and I will always use a kickboxing routine on those days when I dread the treadmill or anything else:laugh:

    Laurie- They have 39mins of Jillian's dvd on hopefully you will get it and decide if it should stay on the wishlist:laugh: I hate working abs but curiosity has it on my to do list before they remove the workout:bigsmile:

    Laurel- Glad that you enjoyed the beauty of the White House at Xmas. We plan on taking the girls within the next two years, plus I love the Smithsonian so that is on our historical sites to see on our next family vacation with the girls. I heard snow is headed your way and hopefully it will trickle into Ga so that the girls can see some snowflakes:laugh:

    Tami- Circuit rotation..Cathe has some good rotations listed that may work for you. After all of this talk of rotations, I actually sat down and wrote my 2011 plan for the 1st 8 weeks so I'm happy to have that down on paper:bigsmile:

    Ok off to do some Lotte Berk and hopefully tilt this bone back into its socket correctly:noway:

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,873 Member
    Hi ladies!

    I did another interesting blend of recovery and kick-butt workouts today. I started off doing Intensity. I did the Maximum Intensity premix which includes the bootcamp exercises. I'm getting more and more familiar with this workout with each doing....and it's getting tougher and tougher with each doing! I loved it. Then, after breakfast, I did P90X Core Synergistics. I hadn't done that workout since my P90X rotation some 14-15 months ago. Yowza! I had forgotten how good of a workout it is. I will definitely be doing that one more often over the next few weeks. Just like yesterday's workout, I found these workouts to be a perfect compliment too each other.

    Tami, thanks for letting us know how you felt about Lower Body Blast. I am going to try that one next week and am looking forward to it. I sat down and wrote out my rotation for the next four weeks. Hopefully I won't be staring at my DVDs anytime soon again. :laugh:

    Erika, so sorry to hear about the snow. What a mess your December has been! I was reading about that Rapid Fire workout this morning. Please let us know what you think about it because that's one that sounds really good to me. I would have to say that kickboxing is also my favorite form of cardio. I don't ever remember not being in the mood for a good kickboxing workout. Regarding your next rotation, you might try a few weeks of the undulating rotation. I didn't bulk up at all with the undulating (and I did a bit with the regular) rotation. Instead, it actually thinned out my arms a bit. I didn't notice much of a difference in my legs, but I really liked the look of my upper body when doing this rotation. It's just a thought if you are still interested in STS, but I would also totally understand if you stayed on a rotation similar to the one you are doing now since it is working so well for you.

    Laurie, so sorry to hear about the cold!!! That really is cold this time of the year. Of course, they say we've been unusually cold here, but I think they're whining because our lows are in the 20s. :noway: That doesn't seem that cold to least in comparison to where you and Erika are.....and, of course, where we lived in Alaska. But the wind doesn't help. Our wind chills were in the single digits, and that does hurt after awhile. Great job on finding a workout you could do this morning. I still haven't done a Jillian Michael's workout. I'm going to have to look for her on Exercise TV as Michelle recommends.

    Michelle, I've heard about that hiring freeze so I guess it's good that you are going to get in before it hits...but Jan 3 seems so soon!!! I'm sorry to hear about your back. I hope you take it easy today and don't do anything too strenuous. Good job in getting your next eight week plan written down. No doubt that will help keep you focused once you go back to work. Regarding our weather, we had a little snow yesterday, and Maryland got quite a bit of snow this morning...but nothing here. They are talking about the possibility of snow on Thursday and Sunday, but nothing that sounds too sure or too serious. So I can't promise snow in Georgia for Christmas.:ohwell:


    Talk to you tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ :smile:

    Today was MMA Fusion …. It has been a while since I did that one and it was great. Unfortunately tonight I will be missing the Spinning class – it’s that time again to get my hair touched up. :blushing:

    Erika: Yes, definitely let us know your thoughts on them ….. :wink: Rapid Fire sounds good to me too. I have looked at her workouts and been very tempted, they look great! I also enjoy any kind of KickBox style workout, they always seem to fly by. How fun that you have some new DVD’s on the way. :bigsmile: I have a couple of Amy Bento’s and Tracy Staehle; they are both good instructors. Small world on living in similar places isn’t it. Hang in there with all that snow & if you get tired of it go ahead and send it back to the NW. :happy:

    Laurie: Brrrrrrrrr! :huh: I bet that was cold. We are having now abnormal highs for this time of year and pouring rain. All our pretty snow is pretty much gone. BFBM workout... always a good one & I’m sure it felt good. I think it is the pace & how she moves from one exercise to the next w/ a good combo of things going on. You work pretty much every body part. No worries on the Christmas prep …. I’m probably not too far ahead of you. :wink: Still need to finish up DH and a couple of my friends as well.

    Michelle: Sorry to hear about your back. YOUCH! :noway: I hope you got it back into the socket after your workout. WOW, Jan 3 is right around the corner. It is great that you are getting all prepared and glad to hear you have some workouts scheduled out for the next 8 weeks. I at least have this week and the next 4 penciled out and will go from there.

    Laurel: Another great workout day for you! Excellent.:drinker: Which is your favorite pre-mix on Intensity so far? I have just done the one so far so I’m curious maybe which one to try next. I love it as I get to know the workouts better and then it does feel tougher & tougher. I have 4 weeks wrote down as well and will see how I feel. :wink: May download one of Cathe’s after that or go another 4 weeks of that same combo.

    Kara – :bigsmile:

    Hope you all have a great afternoon!

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hello Ladies!!

    Hump day is this week is flying by! :happy: This morning was KCM Cardio Sculpt. I just love all of KCM's workouts..haven't found one I don't like yet. She just has a way of putting a unique twist on the conventional bicep curl or fly, etc.

    Tami--I have MMA Fusion coming up on my calendar...I remember really liking that one, but haven't done it since the 1st time I tried it. I'm excited to try it again. I'll definitely let you know on RapidFire. I'm excited for that one! :bigsmile: Hope you enjoyed the hair appt...always fun to get prettied! More snow on the way for today/tomorrow...yipee!!! :bigsmile:

    Laurel--You go girl! :drinker: Wow, your workouts are great! I love the variety and fun factor you've put together!!! Thanks for the thoughts on STS. I like hearing that the results were different than a regular STS round. I set up my 2011 rotation last night with 3 days STS and then a 4th legs day (kettlebells or P57/Squeeze/Tonique) and 2 cardio days. I'll miss my KCM dearly, but I'm only doing the 3.5mo rotation, so I can pick her workouts up again when I'm done.

    Michelle--I hope your back is feeling better. No fun being in pain! :cry: I'm excited to hear about the new job come January that's only a couple weeks away!

    Laurie--Sounds like we are experiencing the same below zero temps...I think this is day 3 or 4 of temps below zero when I'm heading into the office at 9am...yikes! But, I'll take it if it means snow! :bigsmile: Might as well build those piles up further! Great pick on the BFBM workout!!

    Hi Kara! :smile:
  • Dlibo1013
    Dlibo1013 Posts: 883 Member
    fun thread for a guy to read :-)
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,873 Member
    Hi all!

    Another good workout today....Drill Max! I haven't done this one in its entirety in quite some time (since last spring I believe) and, boy, it is such a great workout. I absolutely loved it, and it flew by. I finished it off with the core section from Muscle Max, though I'm not sure I needed to work my core after doing Drill Max. But it felt good. I also put in an extra stretch, which felt good after it all. Just as a side note, I recently bought Cathe's Firewalker bands. I don't know if anybody here has them, but it sure made doing the firewalkers easier (not in terms of strength/endurance, but just without the mess of typing and untying the band). I highly recommend them.

    Tami, I've only done the one premix (the maximum intensity premix) from Intensity. I really like the bootcamp section but wish she'd made it about twice as long (mostly because it doesn't work for me as a weight workout because it doesn't really hit all of the body parts). I'm definitely going to look into the premix, though, that includes double HiiT. That one has me curious.

    Erika, I hope you like the undulating rotation. If nothing else, it will be a change for a little while. I'm curious your impression of the workouts now since you've been doing something so different for a little while.

    Dlibo1013, glad you enjoyed the reading.

    Laurie, Kara and Michelle, I hope you all are enjoying your day!

    Talk to you tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~

    You’re a tough one to follow Laurel! Great workouts …. :drinker: :bigsmile:
    I on the other hand didn’t follow my a.m. schedule :grumble: :blushing: so I am just doing the Spinning class tonight. I was definitely feeling low energy this a.m. TOM began yesterday (sorry, TMI) :blushing: & I think that is it + I didn’t eat much for dinner so bad combo for the energy scale. It will feel good to get in a good cycling tonight! :wink: I do love DrillMax so much too – it is definitely one of my top 5 for a great workout! I have that one scheduled coming up. :smile: That double HiiT does look interesting doesn't it?!? :wink:

    Erika: Yay for hump day is right! :wink: My week feels like it is dragging a bit because my job is super slow this time of year. BTW, I work for a real estate company doing advertising ~ therefore Realtors with the economy and time of year really scale back. Luckily I am not paid by the ads I put together for them! :huh: I am a staff person so that is good. At any rate, work days are a bit longer because I am pretty caught up day-to-day. Great KCM workout again! :bigsmile: It’s great that you are loving her workouts so much. I agree with what Laurel said yesterday about Undulating. I forgot to mention that ~ with Undulating I feel leaner than I did when I just did a straight STS rotation, so definitely worth looking into.

    Hi Michell & Laurie – Hope you both have a fantastic day! :bigsmile:

    Kara – :smile:

    Talk to you all tomorrow!

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    :bigsmile: Morning Ladies,

    Yes, the 3rd is creeping up swiftly. Last week we went to visit the daycare she will be attending which my eldest attended Ft in her early years and then parttime. It has an indoor playground, mini- golf court, theatre room, diner for cooking projects, an outdoor water park and a computer lab. We also met her future teacher and she will attend the week befor eI start on a PT basis. Hubby has of course mentioned it will be an adjustment along with a hint that I can always say No if I'm not fully committed, but I'm following my path and will see where the New Year leads me...butterflies and all:wink:

    Oh my carb depletion is wiping me out:noway: I'm not craving them but I'm tired:ohwell: So I let hubby sleep in since he had a 5 mile run yesterday morning at 5am:huh:, typical military:bigsmile: Afterwards I crashed for two more hours and then remembered the dog was loose downstairs:grumble: After the clean up it was time to test out the 5 dvds that arrived yesterday:blushing: not to mention the new bags that I hid in my closet:blushing:

    Tracy Mallet routine was compound moves usuing a circuit which was good..not heart pounding but a good burn for a laid back day, then it was Cardo Barre..mama mia..I had my butt handed to me with the tricep routine and then she finished off with push-ups. Eeeek! I'm still feeling the soreness from my Kettlebell Bootcamp:grumble: Then one of the sections froze on me so I had to do another workout which means I have to return my Cardio Barre. They only offer refunds as I ordered through another seller via Amazon:grumble: Good news... P57 is being shipped and if it goes like Cardio Barre then I will enjoy those dvds.

    Erika- Stay warm..everytime I think about going off to work for the new year in the cold morning I question my decision:blushing: I definitely plan on leaving via the garage and heating up those seats before departure:bigsmile: P57 is on its way:bigsmile:

    Laurel- You were my inspiration for my back to back routines for a total of 1hr and 25mins this morning:wink: after I worked through the lack of energy factor:laugh: My hubby and I are also off of coffee for the next 10 days so that may be a factor of both of us being tired and heading to bed by 10:30pm:laugh: Let's keep our fingers crossed on the snow.. We are also stopping in Memphis to visit Graceland so maybe we may encounter a few flurries there:wink:

    Tami- My hair was on the list today but I have to push it off until tomorrow since I have hubby's Xmas party to attend this friday, not to mention the dreaded Threading for my eyebrows:noway:

    Laurie- Did you find Jillian? Att u verse has 39 minutes of the Abs on the network..hopefuly I will try it this weekend after some cardio. Is is standing abs only or both floorwork and standing?

    Dlibo- Thanks for stopping in..we tend to have lurkers but a new face is always cool to see:wink:

    Off to recuperate and take a nice hot shower.

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hello Ladies!!

    This morning was KickMax--Bootcamp/Kickbox premix. I haven't done KickMax more than once, so I forget how tough/fun this one is. I had a blast! :bigsmile:

    Michelle--that daycare sounds like soo much fun! I wish we had one like that here! I'm sure it will be a major adjustment, but it's amazing how fast it all comes together! Sounds like your new DVD's are good ones...I'm anxiously awaiting the arrival of P57 and my DVD's I ordered. I hope something arrives today!!! :tongue:

    Tami--Good call on resting when the energy is low and I'm sure you put all that missed energy into your workout last night! Sounds like you have a fun job, but I totally get the slow part. I had my really busy time in November, and now the crickets are starting to chirp since I've got all my 1/1 groups insurance plans renewed and materials out the door. Today is holiday gift delivery to all my brokers...that will be fun! :smile: Thanks for your input on Undulating too. I actually talked with my hubby last night (he's a big weight lifter) and told him about my plan for 2011. In all honesty, he has absolutely no idea what I do in that workout room...for all he knows, I go down there and curl up and go back to sleep! :laugh: But, we were talking about lifting and he mentioned that although my legs looked good after STS (we went on vacation right after I finished), that he noticed they were much more bulky than before. On my short 5'3" frame (most of it is upper body!), any muscle I add to my legs makes them look even bigger. So, he liked the Undulating Rotation and especially liked the 2nd day of legs added in. We'll see how it goes! I'm going to take before and after pics.

    Laurel--Ahhh....Drill Max. I ALMOST pulled that one off the shelf this morning, and then remembered how much energy it takes and decided I'd do that one on a day when I'm 100% done with this cold. It's still lingering a bit, so the really hard drills make me tire easily. I bought those firewalker bands about 6 months ago, and LOVE them. I took them on vacation this summer and did firewalkers in my hotel room each morning and other band work. It was actually really fun! I'm excited to try the Undulating rotation and let you know what I think! For my extra legs day, I'm doing mainly bar work, or something like Butts and Guts or Kick Max. Should be a good mix!


    Well, off to deliver gifts to brokers. I'm heading into about 6" of new snow, which I think will be fun. My co-worker that's riding with me is terrified of snow, but I told her to just sit back and enjoy the ride! I'm definitely not one of those people that's scared of snow! :bigsmile:
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I was a busy lady yesterday so didn't have time to chat. DH was out of town for the night, so I had to get the girls up and ready for school. Didn't workout in the evening either, just didn't have the energy. So this morning was P90X Back & Biceps, and will have to get in an ab workout after work. I will get in a double dose of workouts on Saturday morning. I'm thinking of changing the Leg & Back workout to Leaner Legs, just over the pull-up thing at this point. :laugh:

    Laurel, Great workouts you got in. Love Drill Max that is one tough workout. Thanks for the information on the bands, I can see that it would be much easier using those instead of having to tie up those longer bands. I still need to get some new bands, my last one snapped. Might get the ones that Cathe has.

    Tami, Hey I'm thinking that the weather has something to do with our moods too. I was much better this morning with the temps above zero. As I was walking Cami this morning I was wondering if it was because I'm getting older. :wink: Last year I didn't have such a hard time getting outside, but this year just seems painful. :huh: So I'm putting it down to getting older. :wink:

    Michelle, I forgot to check out the Jillian workout, but will write that down so I remember to do that tonight. I have been reading before bed recently, so have not had the tv on per my usual bedtime decompression. :wink: I'm sure your dd will do just fine at the daycare, that one sure sounds like it would be a ton of fun.

    Erika, WTG on getting that KM premix kick butt workout done! I to don't mind driving in the snow, have lived with it for to much of my life. I'm getting excited for my STS Undulating roation also. I think mine is only a 3 month rotation though. I think that doing 2 leg workouts will be a great idea.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,873 Member
    Hi ladies!

    We are getting our first real snow of the year. :drinker: Of course, I'm all excited to see it until I realize that I have to go out and shovel it later. :grumble: Not my favorite thing, but it is pretty. We're only going to get a few inches, so nothing like what you've all had already. But it is nice this time of year. Anyhow, I got some great workouts in this morning. I tried to talk myself out of doing my first workout when I was laying in bed, but it didn't work. So I got up and did Insanity's Max Interval Circuit....and I'm really glad I didn't talk myself out of it. It felt really good. I then took a break for food and did Gym Style Legs. I haven't done that one in forever, and I forgot how good it is. My legs were so fried that I ended up laying on the floor after it was over and doing some stretches from Angles, Lines and Curves II. If it hadn't gotten so cold lying there, I probably would still be there watching the snow fall. But....warmer temps on the upper floors of the house sounded more appealing. :wink:

    Laurie, I definitely understand wanting to substitute out that Leg and Back workout from P90X. I really wish he hadn't focused so much on pull-ups in the series and would have preferred to have one workout fully dedicated to legs. But you're almost done! :drinker: That must feel great.

    Erika, I haven't done that Kickmax/Bootcamp premix. I'm going to have to give that one a try someday because I like Kickmax though the first part (the drills) don't get my heartrate up. I bet with the bootcamp style, I wouldn't have that problem. Don't know why I've never done it. I have always add a second day for legs to my STS rotations, so I think that's a good idea. I hold my weight in my legs and, like you, at a relatively short stature (I'm 5'2"), it's not really the best thing. Sounds like you've got a great plan....and glad you talked to your husband about it.

    Michelle, I love that your walking your own path right now. No doubt your going back to work is going to be a tough transition for all of you, but, in the end, I know you're doing it with your family's best interests in mind as well. Keep walking that path! :flowerforyou: Sounds like your back was feeling better because you certainly did a string of workouts yesterday! Yowza! Glad I could inspire you! When are you headed to Georgia? The weather patterns keep changing right now because they expected us to be hit with a storm on Sunday, but we aren't. But maybe you'll see something from that storm on your way across the country.

    Tami, sorry to hear about the low energy morning, but glad you took the time off to give yourself a bit of a rest. After all, this is your 'recovery' week. :tongue: You're entitled. Hopefully you're doing better today.

    See you all tomorrow!

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This morning DH headed to the office early and my youngest wanted to wake up early to eat breakfast with her sister soit was an early start for all of us. Of course then we went back to bed and snuggled together until she fell into a sleep:love: .This morning the energy was definitely not there but I did Firm Calorie Explosion and a Barre workout.

    Laurel- We had planned to stop in Memphis but we are now thinking differently. My aunt told me that there were flurries yesterday so we will see. My primary concern since we are driving is safe conditions of course. Oooh snow..always a delight when it is fresh except as you said the shoveling. My last memory is when hubby was in Korea and we had an ice storm and my truck was covered with ice and snow, not to mention the dead battery:grumble: Today I could not hit it so hard but you are definitely a good motivator on those low energy days:wink:

    Tami- Never TMI amongst us friends:wink: hopefully some of your energy will surface as soon as you feed your body of course. With your double workouts nutrients are key to your energy levels plus TOM definitely zaps us of major nutrients anyway. Hopefully you feel better today:flowerforyou:

    Erika- Enjoy your snow ride:laugh: The new rotation sounds good especially the 2x a week leg day. Yes the daycare is really cool and although the base daycare is definitely cheaper the facilities at this one is worth the extra she is soooo excited:laugh:

    Laurie- I read before bed whenever we head upstairs which annoys hubby at times but that is my time to enjoy the peace and silence of a long day. Yes P90x was great except for all of those pull-ups which of course left me with the pull-up bar collecting dust in the garage..hmnnn I should probably try to sell it on craigslist.:laugh:

    Kara- Hopefully finals are over for you and you have some great Xmas plans.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Morning Ladies :flowerforyou:

    Last night spinning was great. The class was nearly full (that time of year) and it flew by. :bigsmile: This a.m. I did BH Cardio Conditioning ~ felt great. He definitely pushes you in his Bob style, it’s awesome and I laugh to myself at his nicknames. Hoping to get in a short workout after work tonight as well, maybe a HiiT workout! We'll see what DH has planned.

    Michelle: Hope you get to that hair appt & the eyebrow threading goes good! :wink: The daycare you have planned out sounds fantastic! I would imagine it makes you feel better having such a great place to take your children. Staying the path – it is excellent that you are committed to that and moving forward. :happy: I’m sure it is a bit stressful but I admire your strength to keep moving forward, that’s awesome! Great job on the workouts!

    Erika: Very fun delivering your gifts out in the snow! :smile: I’m sure it will be a fun day and go by fast. I hear you on the crickets, :laugh: definitely. Great workout today, KickMax is a good one. I forgot to comment on the bands as well …. LOVE them! They are much faster to maneuver into during the workout. Lower Body Blast uses those for the floor work so I am glad that I have them.

    Laurie: I agree on the weather being a big factor. :grumble: I have a tendency when the days are gray all day long or raining & gray to feel more sluggish. Leaner Legs is a fun workout I think, probably are a little bit ready for a change! I do remember with P90X I was tired of the pull-ups as well, especially only having the exercise bands/doorway method. My bands had snapped too … I would recommend these, they seem to be a lot stronger.

    Laurel: Yes, today feels better. :smile: I got in a good workout last night & this a.m. ~ thanks. I did remind myself it is Recovery week and all but you know how you have something planned out and then switching gears just kind of throws things off a bit for the day. :huh: Thumbs up on not talking yourself out of the workout and I bet the beautiful snow gave you some inspiration as well! Very fun. :bigsmile:

    Hope you all have a great day!

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hello Ladies! Happy Friday! :drinker:

    Well, no workout for me this morning...I opted to stay in bed an hour longer! We had our new bed and bedroom furniture delivered last night, so I was too comfy! :blushing: I'll see if I end up getting some time to do an evening workout, otherwise I'll just take a rest day.

    Tami--Glad your spinning class was so good and the time flew by so fast! Great Bob workout too!! :bigsmile: Yesterday sure was an adventure out in the snow. As we headed further south, it got worse and worse. I'd say we saw roughly 30 cars either in the ditch or in an accident in the short little travels we did (only went about 1 hour south). I guess the roads were glare ice, but I drove slow and never had to stop, so didn't realize it! I was glad I got back in 1 piece after all the news reports saying how bad it was! We did cut out a couple stops, just because they were further south, and we had no idea how bad it was down there!

    Michelle-Awww...snuggle time! That's the best! I don't even mind when the boys get up extra early, as long as we get to snuggle while they fall back asleep! :smile: Way to go on getting those rockin' workouts in, even when you were low on energy!!

    Laurel--Love the new picture!! :bigsmile: YAY for snow!!! :drinker: I hear all day long how badly other Minnesotans hate the snow and I'm always so amazed why they live here if they hate it so badly! Many of the people I hear it from are older, and their kids/grandkids don't even live in this state, so I just sit and wonder. :huh: You once again kicked butt on those workouts...WOW! Wish I had some of that energy!

    Laurie--I'm with you on switching out Legs and Back with Leaner Legs! :happy: When are you starting your Undulating rotation? That would be fun if you, Kara and me were all doing it at the same time!

    Off to work. Have a great one ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This morning I got out Brian Kest's Power Yoga DVD and did the Energize workout on that one. Brian likes to go nice and slow during all his poses, so my upper body is really toasty right now. I also did an ab section from ExerciseTV last night, don't remember what Incredible abs it was. :laugh:

    Laurel, Love the new pic! WTG getting in those tough workouts. Most of Cathe's leg workouts are really tough, she is the goddess of lower body torture with weights! :laugh: Now I'm wondering if I should try out the new lower body workout of Cathe's. :laugh: I'm so undecided about the lower body workout that I will be attempting on Saturday.

    Michelle, What a great way to start the morning snuggling with you little one. I sure do miss that now that the girls are older. Although last week I had my oldest curled up in my lap, because her boyfriend broke up with her. :cry: It truly is difficult to get a girl 5'5" and all arms and legs onto your lap. :wink: Hey I'm sure you could get a nice profit from selling the P90X workouts if you don't plan on using them anymore.

    Tami, I'm hoping for those Bob DVD's for Christmas, probably will do something with circuit workouts after the STS rotation. Is one of his workout just cardio? I'm going to get his new yoga DVD also, I know he is very good at that practice too. Thanks for the recommendation on the bands. I'm saving my $ for the new Asylum workouts, but dang I could use those bands too.

    Erika, I will be starting the new rotation when we get back from my parents. I have my workouts planned for starting on Monday the 27th of Dec., but I don't think that we will be getting back from up north until Tuesday. So I might be starting my rotation on the 29th instead. Since I'm off that whole week I could double up a couple of the workouts just to keep myself on target. Our oldest dd's new bed is scheduled to be delivered tomorrow. She is very excited, since right now she is sleeping in a single bed that is part of a bunk bed. Not the most comfortable bed in the world. :wink:

    Have a wonderful day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,873 Member
    Happy Friday Ladies!

    This morning was a tough one. We got about 3" of snow last night which, in most places, would mean nothing. But for some reason, here in the DC area, it means the roads are a stand-still. And wouldn't you know that today of all days my husband is talking about driving to work for the first time. So I was up with him at 4:45am so I could watch the news while he got ready for work to let him know the road conditions. He decided to take the metro, but he has to head back down here this afternoon to get the car to drive to Maryland (visiting wounded airmen at Walter Reed) so I'm still going to be worried about him when it starts icing over again later.

    Anyhow, since I was up at that early hour, I decided to do Body Max 2. Oh, my. That was a long workout early in the morning. I did fine on the cardio and cardio/legs sections, but the upper body part felt REALLY heavy to me. I think it is because I'm not used to lifting right after cardio. But I got it in. And now I've just finished Yoga X. Not really my best yoga workout today because my mind was definitely elsewhere, but I got it in. I'm looking forward to a day off tomorrow, to say the least.

    Thanks for the compliments on the new photo. I felt like something more festive. That was taken in the Blue Room of the White House and the tree is the official White House Christmas Tree. It was such a beautiful tree.

    Laurie, I think I'm going to try Lower Body Blast on Sunday. Cathe sure does know how to work the lower body, and this new one looks really good. I like that she added some cardio blasts to it as well just to keep the heartrate up.

    Erika, new furniture is a GREAT reason for taking off a workout. Glad you are enjoying it!! I'm glad you're safe after your experience out and about yesterday. That sounds horrible. I, too, am amazed why people live places like Minnesota if they don't like the snow. I actually really enjoy the snow. The only thing I don't like about it is how difficult it makes getting around. We mastered that in Alaska (because they really knew how to handle the snow and ice since the ground was covered with ice at least 8 months out of the year) but places like here....that only get a few inches at a time....kind of annoy me. But that's not the snow's fault.

    Tami, glad you got a good workout in last night. I still have to try the Bob workouts. Maybe next week. This week I've been enjoying getting a chance to do some of my favorite Cathe's. Maybe next week I'll be more in the mood for new.

    Michelle, I totally understand re-thinking the trip if it is snowing in Tennessee. That far south, chances are you're going to run into pure ice, which would be no fun. Glad I'm able to inspire on a low energy day. :flowerforyou:

    Kara, hope you are well.

    Hope you all enjoy a great weekend!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies & TGIF! :drinker:

    This a.m. was CCC ~ always a good one. :wink: Planning on working out tomorrow because I am missing Spinning (again) tonight. Another Christmas social to attend right after work. “Tis the season” ~ glad I am resisting as much as possible w/ all these functions. :huh:

    Erika: Glad you stayed safe and all went well yesterday. :smile: I can’t think of a better reason to take a morning off from workouts. New bdrm furniture is so fun and feels so good.

    Laurie: Yes, the BH Cardio Conditioning DVD is pretty much just cardio. You are using a hand weight throughout some of the workout but it is mainly to get your HR up; kind of acts as a kettlebell. :wink: I did get Bob’s Yoga Warrior as well …. It looks really good and just couldn’t resist. :blushing: I am planning on getting in a cardio tomorrow a.m. and hopefully follow it up with that; if I do I will give you an update on it. I would recommend Lower Body Blast if you are interested in trying a new one, it is fun with the exercises + cardio blasts in between. Sorry to hear about your DD and her breakup, that is always hard especially when you are a teenager.

    Laurel: Gorgeous photo! :bigsmile: Very festive and what a beautiful tree is right, thanks for sharing that with us. Excellent job this whole week on workouts ~ that’s great. You deserve a nice day off tomorrow. :tongue:

    Michelle: Just missed your post yesterday … thanks very much for the encouragement (even w/ my TMI moment) :blushing: Glad I am among friends here. I am feeling better energy as the week has progressed, thank goodness and trying to figure out good combos on my nutrition due to the “double days” – I appreciate your comment, thanks. :smile: Great job on your Firm/Barre workout!

    Hope you all have a fantastic weekend ~ anyone else doing their last minute shopping?!?! :noway: :happy:

    Talk to you soon! :bigsmile:

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Last night I was up into the wee hours of th emorning because I could not sleep...not sure why as I'm off coffee this past week:ohwell: Then DD woke me up early although hubby told her to let me sleep in this morning:grumble: Needless to say it has been busy busy busy as I had items to pick up for my daughter's party, giftcards for the teacher, TG for Walgreens because they sell every giftcard and I was able to pick up a Borders and a Macy's card along with an American Eagle for my teen cousin:bigsmile: Whew..then off to Macy's to return items and buy some more career items:bigsmile: Then I forgot a bag of gifts for hubby at the jewelry counter and only remembered in the parking lot:noway: TG the lady that was helping me found the bag and put it away in case I showed up:blushing: Now it is time for hubby's Xmas party but I did make the Baked Ziti last night, now I have to pop it in the oven and then head out to the community center.

    Laurie- Awwhh breakups around Xmas are least you tried to cuddle her 5"5 body. My 9 yr old who is all arms and legs at 4"9 kills me when she decides to snuggle or sit on top of me. Just remind her to focus on the good times but understand sometimes two people are better at being friends than being a couple:flowerforyou:

    Laurel- Love the new pic..definitely festive:bigsmile:

    Tami- Glad to hear the energy is returning..definitely more carbs on those double days for sure to replenish the energy. Unfortunatelt double days also brings with it an increased appetite too.

    Erika- oooh new furniture is always a great way to bring in the new year. Enjoy your rest day!

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    I'm sure none of you will be on this weekend, but I tried out 2 new workouts and wanted to review them, so I didn't forget! I started with P57's new Thigh and Seat Booster--OWIE!! Michelle, you're gonna love this one!! :bigsmile: Next, I did Tracey Staehle's High Intensity Kickbox...ok, who the heck produced this DVD? The editing was HORRIBLE! :grumble: There were so many spots where I could see her lips moving, but no words were coming out! Plus, she just looked unmotivated--kinda weird for someone that's been in the fitness industry for 18 years. Regardless of that, I LOVED the workout. I just did a pre-mix and liked the moves (unique and not the same kickboxing moves I'm used to). I just focused on her one backup gal that seemed to know what she was doing! :laugh:

    Michelle--Ewww, early morning wake up is no fun when you can't sleep! Sounds like you got a lot done though, which is always a good thing! I hope the Xmas party was good!

    Tami--You're the Christmas social queen!!! I haven't had a job for awhile that has any Christmas social events, and my hubby's does his with the just the office, so the only time I get to "party" is if one of our neighbors has a get together. We have one of those tonight, which should be fun! :bigsmile:

    Laurel--Great job on the workout. I only did BodyMax 2 all the way through once, and I remember just being a pile on the floor when I was done! Now, that's a total body butt kicker!! Isn't it crazy what a few inches of snow will do? Even though I live in MN, people are still crazy around here with a couple inches of snow. It's like they forget how to drive and makes it very hard for people that know how to drive, to get around!!! :grumble: I hope your hubby made it home safely!

    Laurie--Ahhhh, Yoga sounds great! :tongue: Way to go on getting that STS rotation started before the new year. I just might do the same...we'll see how this upcoming week goes first! How fun for your DD to get a new bed...even as kids we enjoy the simple things like a new bed! :laugh:

    Well, off to get started with this crazy weekend...lots of places to run, but it will be fun! Have a great weekend!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies :bigsmile:

    Just wanted to stop in as well and say "Hi"! just finished INTENSITY - Step/HiiT (Lo)/Bootcamp Pre-mix! It was very fun and of course a great workout. :tongue: Only a couple spots on the step portion that I go huh? :huh: because of my ongoing step-challenged brain.:blushing: At the very end (last 8 min Bootcamp section & push-ups) my DVD was skipping :grumble: so I may just try playing it back again to make sure it isn't my player .... if it isn' I'm sure they will exchange it?!?!?!

    Erika: Thanks for the reviews! :wink: I know, this time of year especially for my DH is social extravaganza .... he works for Title co. (marketing) so all his clients invite him to their parties. Luckily I don't have to go to all that he does ... Yowsa! Last night was very brief and then we headed home for a movie and relaxation. :smile: Glad you loved the new workouts. I can imagine what you are saying on Tracey S. The couple of workouts I have is kind of like that with production. Glad you were able to do the moves and enjoyed it anyway, that's excellent!

    Enjoy your weekend everyone! Off to the craziness with all the other last minute shoppers:noway: :ohwell:

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