Cathe Fans Part 3!



  • BiloxiBelle
    BiloxiBelle Posts: 680 Member
    Hi!!!!!!!!! Sorry to be missing for so long, but I had a heck of a week last week & I think I'm just now fully recovered. It's been great catching up a bit on everyone. Michelle, glad your interview went well & you were able to somewhat enjoy the time away. I'm getting excited about STS in January with all of you talking about it lately & how great it is!! I'm also looking forward to hearing thoughts on the new Cathe workouts!!!!

    I ended my P90x/x+ hybrid last week & yesterday started a new rotation. Today was Peak 10 Cardio &.....I LOVED it! It was very fun & I don't feel like there will be any dread factor at all for me. Michelle did not 1 thing that I found annoying, the background people I didn't even notice really, the set is open, clean, crisp & makes it very easy to see everyone. I liked the music. There were no moves that I had to modify due to my lower back & not 1 single burpee. The choreography is very easy to pick up. My DH did the workout before me & he made it through the entire thing, 1st time, no problem. This workout is not as hard as the Cardio Strength one to me. I wouldn't even classify this workout as "hard". Hard to me is Month 2 Insanity & that equals dread. Bob's workouts are also pretty darn hard. I burned 498 calories in an hour. For me that is pretty good. Erika, I actually think you may really like this one? It has 5 'blocks' so if you were short on time, you could always just do blocks 1-3 or whatever. This was my 1st time through, so we'll see if I'm still raving about it next week. Atletica is up next!! I love a week of new workouts!!

    Hope everyone is doing well & everyone's energy is on its way back up! Ya'll are stressing me out with the talk of XMAS cards & XMAS shopping!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :noway:
  • BiloxiBelle
    BiloxiBelle Posts: 680 Member

    The more expensive models such as Bosch, etc all seem to have similar motor problems after several months so I'm hoping that they will design a new model by the new year b/c this black Whirlpool is an eyesore.


    I LOVE my Bosch dishwasher! I've had it for over 6 years!!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hello Ladies!!! Happy Hump Day!

    Well, I had a pretty good day yesterday...that is, until I decided I'd have some dark chocolate for my after dinner dessert. Well....coming from a person that never has caffeine, I forgot how much caffeine is in chocolate and that meant I couldn't lay still in bed last night. Ugh, I think I slept for about 4 hours max. I was soooo hyper! :grumble: I guess I have learned my lesson! :laugh:

    This morning was KCM Body Training. I really, really like this DVD. It's all work using your body weight, so pushups, planks, leg lifts, fire hydrants, v-ups, etc. I felt great after this one! :bigsmile: My newest stress reliever is to crank up my Ipod and dance around, jump rope, do firewalkers, etc for about 15-20 minutes after my strength workout. It's been fun, and a great stress reliever! I just hope my hubby or kids NEVER walk in on me, as I look a little ridiculous! ::blushing:

    Kara--Great to hear from you! I am glad things are going well, and you are surviving school! Thank you for the reviews on the Peak 10 cardio! I put it on my Christmas list to my in-laws, hoping they'd get it for me! Are you starting STS on 1/1? I'm thinking I'm going to do an STS rotation starting in 2011, but instead of STS legs, do kettlebells. That would be fun if we were on the same schedule!

    Tami--I hope the facial was wonderful! I've never actually had one, but heard they are great!!! I've noticed that things aren't selling as fast on Ebay too. I think it's because of no fees for placing items up for bid, and there's just a lot out there for sale. I just keep re-posting mine. I actually do a search for the same DVD and price mine about $2-$3 below the lowest one. Usually works...eventually! I just sold a couple of them last night actually!

    Laurel--Great workout...I love the blast yoiu added at the end! I did put BBL out on Ebay last night, and started the bidding at $15 and have a bid already. I checked the last few that have sold, and they all have sold for over $40, which is more than I paid for my copy. So, I'm hoping to make a little money on it! :happy: While I'm thinking of it, can you send me the Undulating rotation you used? I want to do an STS rotation to kick off 2011, but need to decide if I'll do it as designed or do something like Undulating.

    Michelle--Glad to hear you are feeling more rested. That always feels good to get a great night of sleep! That workout sounds awesome!!! I just ordered some new vitamins too! I have our nutritionist at work right next to me, so she is always researching foods, vitamins, etc and recommended a company that is actually out of MN--Wellness Resources. I got their multi-vitamin, calcium/vit. d supplement (I'm trying out a few weeks of no dairy, as I think it might be upsetting my stomach) and then got something that blocks out cravings for sugary sweet foods. We'll see how it works!

    Laurie--Good Morning!

    Off to get ready for work!!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Had a really bad headache yesterday, so I was a bit cranky all day. :wink: I think I needed to take a break from my computer. I had been glued to it all day on Monday, and that was after my lack of sleep. I did get the Core Cardio & Balance workout done Monday night, then on Tuesday I woke up with the headache so took that day off. This morning was Core Synergistics.

    Erika, Glad there was not a pregnancy epidemic going on in your office. :wink: That bug doens't sound good at all. WTG on making your own workout, that can be a lot of fun. I consume so much caffine that taking it in at night usually doesn't bother me. Now alcohol on the other had can keep me up all night. Don't understand that. :smile: STS with kettlebells sounds like a good idea.

    Kara, Glad you are doing well. I have those Peak 10 on my wish list, she has been posting on facebook that she is taping some new workouts. I'm guessing that they are for Peak 10, or maybe hoping. I have not been on fb for a couple of days, so she may have posted what they where.

    Tami, Hmmm let me see, I have both of the Peak 10 workouts on my wish list and also a kickboxing workout that I saw on there. Will have to go look at TF to see what it was called. An instructor that I have never worked out with, but the preview looked good to me. Otherwise I have not been interested in anything else. I know that Jillian's new ab workout is suppose to be coming out soon too.

    Laurel, That is a great idea to get out your Christmas cards so soon. I have every intention of getting mine out early, but we usually end up sending them out just before Christmas. :blushing:

    Well I guess I better get to work! :frown: :laugh:
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Last night I did a second cardio session and some leg work and boy I'm sore in my gllutes and inner thighs, which is great b/c not much hits that area:wink: Today I'm hoping to do Bob's Pure strength but I may rethink that as Calorie Explosion had me using weights yesterday.

    Erika- Last night while catching up on recorded shows with hubby I indulgd in some coffee and popcorn at 10pm last night:blushing: Needless to say I was tossing at 1am and ended up so tired that hubby took over dog and our DD breakfast and bus prep routine. Unfortunately he prepared Kashi Go lean oatmeal and she is sooo finicky...pooor thing:laugh: 1/2 a pound gone...sounds good.

    Kara- The reviews on the new ones are iffy and I like Bosch's streamlined look but then the ratings were low at my Lowes..argh:grumble: Cardio peak was great and the moves were easy to do and I was able to do the entire on the first round. I have actually decided to use it 2x a week in the new rotation.:bigsmile: With my knees and back Insanity would cripple thanks on that one:laugh:

    Laurie- Have you been consuming foods high in sodium or nitrates such as deli meats that may have brought on the awful headaches? I'm noticing that with clean eating even when I try to splurge with KFC grilled chicken that the next morning I feel as if I'm going to die b/c of major headaches....feel better soon:flowerforyou: .

    Tami- Oooh I did some online shopping and was able to buy everything for most of the in-laws and niece-in-laws, etc Whew just one more stop to cover the godkids and younger cousins. Yes I definitely use to hate those morning where it is completely dark but I was commuting to work and I still hate coming home at night from the girls activities:laugh:

    Laurel- Hope you are enjoying the new house:drinker:

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,873 Member
    Hi all!

    I did STS Disk 13/Legs this morning, and was able to do all of my suggested weights without any problem. My legs were burning by the end of the floor work, but it was a good burn. I followed it up with Turbo Fire 55 EZ. I think I did this workout before, but using the 'new to class' option. I didn't enjoy this one as much as I did the workout on Monday, but it was still an effective workout. Chalene was a little more annoying to me, it wasn't as challenging, and the music wasn't as motivating.....but, again, it was still an effective workout and probably one I'll do periodically. My arms and shoulders have been really tight since Monday, and I thought that was a result of the STS workout, but I'm thinking it might have more to do with the Turbo Fire workout. There are so many punches and they are so fast that it wouldn't surprise me that I would feel that in my shoulders.

    Kara, great to see you! Congrats on finishing your rotation. Great review of the Peak 10 Cardio workout. I won't be tempted, I won't be tempted......:laugh:

    Erika, dark chocolate can do that to me as well, but usually just specific brands of it. Hope you get more sleep tonight. Glad to hear you are feeling better. I'll happily send you a copy of the undulating rotation that Tami and I have used. It's a seven month rotation but can easily be modified to three months.

    Laurie, I'm sorry to hear about the headache. I'm glad you're doing better today. I hope you're enjoying your recovery week. I think you're going to need it before attacking those Month 2 Insanity workouts (isn't that up next for you?)

    Speaking of Insanity, here is a link to more information on the upcoming Asylum workouts. I don't know if all of this is true since it isn't coming from Shaun T. (I have a tendency to only believe original sources, but some people at Videofitness seem to know this lady, and they think this is accurate), but I hope it is. It sounds great!

    Tami, hope you enjoyed the facial. I, too, have never had one. I get all self-aware when I'm walking through the makeup section in a department store thinking the ladies are probably saying 'She needs a facial!' :blushing: I started writing myself notes today for the next rotation. :drinker: I'm not going to finalize anything until I see more about these new workouts because I definitely want to include them but don't know how to yet.

    Michelle, no doubt you were awake having popcorn and coffee late at night! It's the popcorn that would get me more than the coffee. It always makes me feel uncomfortably full. I think it might be wise to not do weights today if you did some yesterday and you're sore from it.

    Hope you all enjoy the rest of your day!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~

    This a.m. was STS #13 Legs for me as well. Felt good and the bonus work at the end was perfect! Tonight will be Spinning after work for my cardio.

    Kara: Great to hear from you! :smile: That’s fun you are doing a week of “new” routines. I look forward to doing some new ones as well when Cathe’s arrive and I will be happy to report back! STS in January, how exciting. I can’t wait to hear how you like it. Hang in there with school. :tongue:

    Erika: The facial was really nice. I have only had one before this. Makes your skin feel really good that’s forsure and motivates me to do it more than once a year but we’ll see! Spending my $$$ on new DVD's sounds more exciting! :blushing: OH NO on the chocolate and keeping you awake. I don’t have that problem with caffeine …. Which is good I suppose but when you need a “pick me up” it doesn’t really help. :ohwell: I love your stress reliever you are doing, :laugh: that’s great and I am sure it helps shake up the energy in your body – revving it up a bit! :bigsmile: Glad you are feeling a little better and the energy is coming back a bit. Is work going a little better these days or the same?

    Laurie: Sorry to hear about your headaches the last couple days. :huh: I hope they go away, pain in any area can be so tiring and headaches are no fun at all. It will be fun to see what DVD’s are on sale. Not that I am “needing” any, but if they are on SALE …. :blushing: KCM might be fun and Peak has my attention as well. We will see its fun to look & I should be sharing in Laurel’s mantra “I won’t be tempted . . .” :wink:

    Michelle: Let me know how you like Bob’s Pure Strength – I have been anxious to try that one out. I am putting it into my new rotation on one of the total body training days. I really enjoy the cardio one so I think this one will be good too. :wink: Kara had mentioned she liked PS even more. That’s too bad on the bad night’s sleep, hopefully tonight is good and you catch up on sleep. Have you heard anything from the job interview?

    Laurel: The facial was good. :smile: I was glad I did it one time before because I was able to relax a little bit more this time. That’s funny on getting a new rotation down on paper – :laugh: :happy: we are definitely on the same thought process! I started a little worksheet the other day, going off of that rotation I had shared with you last week and plugging in various workouts. I’m with you on including the new workouts into my next rotation! :drinker: Really want to see how they can fit in and when, etc. It will be fun to share ideas. Maybe I could even get in some Insanity?

    Hope you all have a great day! :flowerforyou:

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!!! I am feeling more and more energetic as the week goes on, so I'm thinking I'm back 100%! This morning I rocked KCM Cardio Blast Plyo Blast workout! My 7yo was my cheerleader for the last 15 minutes, it was pretty fun!

    Tami, or should I call you legs?? :bigsmile: I'm getting excited for my next STS rotation so I can really work the legs. I think I'll either do all kettlebells for legs days or alternate one week STS legs, one week kettlebells....either way, I'm excited! Sounds like the facial was fun!! :happy: Yes, that darn chocolate had be buzzing for most of the morning yesterday too! Ugh, caffeine and I are not friends! I actually get really irritated and crabby if I have too much caffeine as I can't focus and I get all giggly and jittery. Makes it tough to focus on work!

    Laurel--Nice work on the leg workouts, and the TF workouts too! Sounds like that one from the other day worked your shoulders good!!! I love when my shoulders are sore from a good kickboxing routine! I'll just call you when I need to find the "gun show!" :drinker:

    Michelle--Wow, way to get in that 2nd cardio. Since I'm on the nicknames this morning, I'll just call you Buns of Steel! :bigsmile:

    Laurie--I hope your headache has gone away and you were able to enjoy the rest of the day pain free!! Your nickname is Gumby...heck, I think it's even Yoga day for you, right???! :happy:

    Kara--Hello SuperWoman!!!

    Ok, done with the nicknames!!! I hope you all have a wonderful to work!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Today is suppose to be my yoga day, but it got pushed to tomorrow because of my extra day off. So this morning was Insanity Cardio Recovery. My headache is all gone, I'm sure it was my usual sinus headache. With the front changes going on this time of the year I usually get them when I wake up in the mornings. Happens when we get rain storms mostly. :huh:

    Michelle, Way to work those legs! I try to stay away from to high sodium items, no deli meat for us. :wink: I'm thinking it was the combo of tired eyes and sinuses. I had been on my computer at work longer than I usually have to be on Monday.

    Laurel, You can trust what Traci said, she is actually a friend of mine. :blushing: I'm going to be ordering that Asylum series as soon as they are available. I think you are right on the shoulder work, when I do kickboxing with upper body work, I end up with tight shoulders. Yep I will be starting this next week with a month 2 Insanity, have actually been thinking of putting in the Sports Conditioning workout. Will have to review that one to make sure that there isn't to much upper body work. I seem to remember that in the gymnastic section he did some of that.

    Tami, Oh heck I'm tempted! :laugh: I have been holding off on the Peak 10 since they came out. :wink: How much longer do you and Laurel have on your current rotation? Even though you enjoy the STS workouts, I'm guessing that you are excited to try some different workouts. :wink:

    Erika, So glad that you are back to feeling like yourself. That is so cute that you 7yo was there to cheer you on at the end. Usually that is when we start flagging in energy. I think I got the gumby thing from Tony, he says it in Core Synergistics. It must have stuck in my head. I'm ready for some yoga tomorrow. I'm surprised how flexible I have been getting, getting my nose closer to my knees all the time. :laugh:

    Have a great day!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning ladies,

    It is always great to come on and cheer each other on plus also see who is rocking what workout:wink: So last night the 4 yr old came home from swimming and said she was not feeling too well which led to a temperature and then stomach cramps at 2:30am. Then Mr. Capone decided 4:30am was time enough for him and after doing his business opted to bark the house down for two hrs straight:mad:

    Pure Burn Super strength...whewww within ten minutes beads of sweat, at min 45 my triceps started to have spasms and with 10minutes left I wanted to crawl upstairs and hide:noway: I wonder if he is willing to move in and train me:laugh: I'm so glad that I bought this dvd and the only negataives is the modified exerciser who seems ready to cry and tends to make these ugly faces:laugh: Although it does not hit the lower body much it definitely creates a great calorie burn and my HR clocked on 900cals but I have not adjusted based on my recent weight loss so I deducted when I logged in my exercise today. ****1/2stars

    Kara- I found at least several Bosch with great reviews those are also the ones closer to 1000.00 but I'm afraid to mix up appliances especially when it is time to sell:blushing:, although I love the look and it is very quiet.. Superwoman:bigsmile:

    Tami- The position starts in the new year but so far no word. Although I would love the position I also believe that if it is meant for me I will get in:wink: so that has taken away any stress or anxiety while I wait for a positive or negative outcome:laugh: Legs of Steel thanks for asking:wink: .

    Erika- Yes, these buns of steel were screaming when I was squatting this morning and I'm not sure if it was the Callanetics, Plyo cardio or Athletic drills in Calorie Explosion that worked those buried muscles:laugh: Glad to hear about the B12 drops seem to have made a difference for me plus I started to take the rest of my multi which has Iron in them and at times I can be borderline anemic. Nice to have a nutritionist to talk to about good products.

    Laurie- Don't feel bad I buy the cards and then forget to mail them..hence I have several boxes from two years ago:blushing:

    Laurel- I started drinking coffee when hubby was in Korea and I was FT student and substitute teacher. Ten years later he will make a pot for me before he leaves for work and then I reciprocate in the evening. Cofffe and movies is how we spend our quality time in the late evenings so unfortunately when he made popcorn and coffee, I accepted the offering and enjoyed our time together:wink: Too bad he fell into a deep sleep while I tossed and turn:laugh: . Those little moments of quality time:bigsmile:

    Off to feed these muscles some carbs...well worth the pain:wink:

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,873 Member
    Hi ladies!

    It's been a busy day for me so far. I had to make time in my day for a hair appointment, so at least I'm all pretty-ish now. I get really nervous trying to find a new hairdresser whenever we move because my hair is.....difficult (frizzy, wavy, etc). And I've had some very bad experiences. One lady was almost in tears trying to work on my hair. For me, going to the salon is like going to the dentist for most people....not a fun experience. In fact, since I've never had a cavity, I'd much rather go to the dentist than go to the salon. But.....I got lucky!! :drinker: There's a salon within walking distance of our house (which is important since we're trying to live with only one car....and my husband has that most days), so I gave it a shot. And the lady was wonderful! I'm really happy.

    I started off my day, though, with my workout. I did Insanity's Max Interval Circuit, followed by YogaX. Both felt great to me today. I have more energy today than I've had in a long time, and it feels so good.

    Tami, after doing the Insanity workout again this morning (its been three weeks since I've touched Insanity), I've decided to include at least one Insanity workout per week in my upcoming rotation. I love the intensity and, oddly enough, I've decided that I really like that I don't have to think during these workouts. The moves are basic, they are drills, etc so I can just plug-and-play without having to worry about tripping over my feet or whatever. I really think you'll like them once you give them a try.

    Laurie, YAY!! on knowing Traci!! That makes me SO excited for this upcoming series.....because it sounds like it is going to be a series, and that's good. There was a day when the only video instructor that appealed to me and challenged me enough was Cathe. And while I still LOVE Cathe, I'm so happy to have more options these days. And I think it's good for my body too. Regarding Max Interval Sports Training, I think it's a good option as a substitute on some days. There is upper body work (as you mentioned, mostly in the gymnastics section, but also in the football session....and, of course, there is boxing), but I don't find it exhausts my arms like some of the drills in the other workouts (especially the third set of intervals in Max Interval Circuit :noway: ). Glad to hear you are feeling better! :flowerforyou:

    Erika, so happy to hear you are feeling better. And how fun to have somebody cheering you on through your workout!!

    Michelle, great review on Bob's workout (you made me laugh!). So where did you find these DVDs? I've seen people mention Walmart and Target, but I couldn't find them at Target. I definitely want to get a couple of them because they sound great! And I wouldn't mind him coming to my home and training me either. :tongue: I love that you and your husband have that kind of quality time. I'm one of those people who can drink a full cup of coffee and go right to sleep (I learned that in college when I was trying to stay awake studying for finals....and ended up sleeping instead). The only time caffeine bothers me is if I haven't eaten and/or I eat too much sugar when I'm having coffee (coffee and sweet rolls for breakfast can send me flying for hours...and then crashing HARD!) Hope your little one gets to feeling better.

    Kara....hope all is well. I was thinking about you this morning while I was working out and just wanted to mention how much I admire you for sticking with that rotation you were doing throughout this process of returning to school. You're amazing!

    Hope you all enjoy the rest of your day!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    So this a.m. was a “snooze” day ….. :ohwell: I woke up at 3 AM because my DH woke up suddenly.:noway: So when I fell back asleep and the alarm went off at 4:15 I was a bit groggy. So at any rate, I will be doing my workout when I get home tonight.:wink: I have BootCamp planned so will just have to kick the DH out of the family room for a bit.

    Erika: Love the “nick names” – that is funny, made me laugh! :laugh: :laugh: So good to hear your energy is back and you are feeling 100%! What a relief I’m sure. How cute that must have been to have a little cheering section going this a.m. That’s great you are looking forward to STS again and working the legs! You had said you are starting that up in January? Is that right?

    Laurie: Very glad to hear your headache has gone away! :happy: The Undulating rotation that Laurel & I are doing is finished on Dec. 18th – that week is the Recovery week. So Dec. 19th will be doing “something” new. I am excited to mix in a new rotation yes, I know I will definitely do STS again & again and will do an Undulating as well sometime. It will be fun to use pieces of STS (like Plyo legs!) and others but do some circuit and total body workouts too. :smile: The mix of workouts will probably be good to change things up a bit for my body.

    Michelle: I’m glad Pure Burn Strength was good ~ Can’t wait to give it a try. :bigsmile: That is such a great way to look at the job position, I agree. In as much that you want the position & anxious to hear, if it is truly meant to be it will happen. Ugh on Mr C and his barking! I don’t know if you want to go this route but I have heard of bark collars you can put on a dog that releases a scent if they bark :huh: or for more intensity a “training” collar that you can “buzz” them when they bark; it is also used for training dogs as well.

    Laurel: Excellent news on finding a stylist straight away that you like and did a good job PLUS you can walk there. :drinker: I am lucky because my very best friend in life is my hair dresser, so no stress there. Thanks on the Insanity comment. Glad to know it will be something I can just plug into my rotation, any one that sticks out to try first? Bob Harper’s DVD’s – I got mine both on Amazon.:smile: He also has a new one coming out: Yoga Warrior that is on there too. I like him a lot and would third the thought of having him over to train me, what a treat that would be. Good job on your workout this a.m., I bet it felt great and good to hear you have more energy today.

    Hope you all have a great day!
    Tami (aka: Legs!) :laugh:
  • BiloxiBelle
    BiloxiBelle Posts: 680 Member
    1st I have to tell Michelle that I did not spend $1000.00 on a dishwasher. I know it WAS pricey though. I like to buy alot of things on '6 months same as cash' type deals. I will break up the amount into equal monthy payments.

    2nd: my nickname of Superwoman is not deserved! I skipped working out yesterday. I need to just come to grips with the fact that Wed. is going to be a rest day. Its just such a long day at school that I never want to do anything when I get home.

    Erika: You seem so peppy today!! Glad you're feeling better! I've decided that if any KCM dvds that I don't already own are discounted during the Total Fitness Thanksgiving sale, that's what I'm getting. And yes, I'm starting STS in January!! YAY!!

    Tami: Hope you're able to kick out the DH & get your workout in! I have the entire Bob set, & just FYI...the yoga is pretty good too!! :wink:

    Laurel: THANK U for the nice words! I do hope I am able to continue some form of a rotation the entire time I'm in school. We'll see if that's possible come summer. You are SO lucky to have found a hair stylist already!! Every time I have moved it has taken me at least a year to click with a new stylist.

    Michelle: I LOVE BOB & would LOVE, LOVE for him to come to my house & train me...or just to chat or just for me to stare at him... Hope the 4yr old is feeling better. I swear, that Capone is a mess. It seems like everyday its something else w/him!

    laurie: Glad your headache is all gone & you're feeling better!

    I did Atletica tonight. This is up there w/KCM Circuit Burn & 'the Bob's' as my favorite workout purchases of the year. Anyone wanting to try kettlebells w/o the expense of actually buying kbells, this is the dvd for you!! It is a fantastic kick-butt workout. I just LOVED it.

    Hope everyone is having a nice night. I have yet another test tomorrow. Wish me luck....
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Boot Camp done!! :drinker: :bigsmile: Felt good & I thoroughly enjoyed it! :happy: DH had some things to do out in the shop so it all worked out!

    Kara: Good to hear from you and thanks for the Yoga review. It looks good, I'm sure it is going into the purchase list! :wink: I think you definitely deserve "Super Woman" - your school schedule, workouts, etc. You deserve a rest day! You are doing an amazing job I think .... so good on ya :drinker: and don't be hard on yourself for needing that rest! :smile:

    Talk to you all tomorrow! :bigsmile:

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    TGIF Ladies!!! I'm so glad it's here (although it feels like it took FOREVER!) :grumble:

    This morning was a snooze morning for me. I wasn't terribly tired, but just didn't want to get out of I had a handsome little boy that wanted to snuggle for a bit! Love it when the kids wake up before I get outta bed so I can get some snuggles in!

    Tami--Glad to see you got your workout in...sounds like it all worked out well! Snooze mornings are nice, but I have a hard time getting an evening workout in. We'll see if that happens for me tonight! Yes, I'm planning STS for January, I"m excited to plan that one all out!

    Kara--Thanks for the info on, my list of nothing has grown to several DVD's I must have! :huh: We should start our STS rotation around the same time so we can go through it together. Are you doing the short or long rotation? I still think you deserve Superwoman...I can tell you I'd rather work 40 hours a week than go back to school...I consider those that go back to school to be superheroes!

    Laurel--That is so nice that you found a hair stylist so close to home. I finally have a lady that I really like/trust, but she is good, so tends to get booked up fast. I had to get my hair cut by someone else this fall as she was booked for weeks, and we had family photos coming up, for which I needed a hair cut. Well, I shouldn't have done it, but it's done now. My problem is that I have super straight hair, except on one side of my head I have some volume in my roots. So, if my hair is cut and then flat ironed, one side is longer than the other. Or if I blow dry it a certain way, one side is longer. So frustrating!! :grumble: I got your email, thanks for that! I'm excited to plan out the full rotation!!

    Michelle--Great review on Bob's workout. I have now added that one to my list (although I have a hard time getting past back-up people that do the moves wrong or make weird faces, so I have to get past that first!)..that list is getting longer!!! I hope your 4yo is feeling better this morning and that Capone let you sleep...ugh!

    Laurie--Sounds like you had a great workout yesterday and will enjoy your Yoga today! Can you get some in for me too?!?

    Well, off to get my work done and maybe sneak out early today! We've got a busy weekend, which includes taking the boys to see The Christmas Story, front row at the Children's's going to be so fun!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This morning my body needed a great stretch and so I did 50mins of Callanetics which is similar to Lotte Berk with more stretching and way more reps.

    Laurel- Bob's workout I bought via Amazon then I found it in Walmart in the sports section for 10 bucks:grumble: I'm happy that the hairdresser worked out because with our constant moves I dread finding a new hairdresser in new cities. I tend to ask someone on the street if their hairstyle is really cute:wink:

    Kara- I also found one for 800 with great reviews. Hey even Superwoman has to take a day off:laugh: Stop being so hard on is hard to balance.

    Tami- I told my DD that I was going to muzzle his butt:grumble: because now he is tearing up the patio cushions and yesterday our backyard looked like cotton fell from the sky:laugh: :mad: My DD the future Vet is really against shock collars but desperate measures may call for desperate measures:bigsmile:

    Erika- Funny story ref. Bun of steels..this Summer during my family tragedy many family members flew in from all over, so during one dinner my English cousin Annie saw me and said come here Shelly. As I approached she said, " Let me touch your bum:blushing: , are you wearing those butt panties:noway: " Needless to say I looked at her as if she was crazy and reminded her that I wanted to lose the butt now gain it:laugh: After feeling my butt cheek she smiles and says your butt is tight and high and looks like you are wearing one of those panties:blushing: :blushing: I forgot all about that converssation in my grief but yesterday it was a great incentive to continue with my Berk style workouts:wink:

    Laurie- I forgot about those darn allergies..hopefully you are back to normal:flowerforyou: .

    Off to gymnastics and it is chilly this morning.

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Kristin McGee's Power Yoga for me today, and it really felt good. I know my body really needed this recovery week, that phase 2 of P90X is tough on the body.

    Michelle, I do have to get into the sporting goods section of Walmart. I go there all the time to get grocerys, but then I want to get the heck out of the store as soon as my shopping list is done. :laugh: I to wouldn't mind having Bob as a personal trainer, bet he would be tough. The shock collars can be the only alternative at time, and the dog learns quick. Sorry to hear that he is in his bad (what I call) pre-teen years. :laugh: Our first dog got herself out of a cage, just by working the wires. She also took an arm of our couch apart, just kept nawing at it. :laugh: I laugh now, but at the time it was not funny. :wink:

    Laurel, Getting the right person to do your hair is very important. My DH has very curly hair, and he has gotten some really horrible haircuts. It took quite a few people before we found someone that could handle his hair, so understand why you would be leary of getting yours cut. Thanks for the reminders on the Insanity workouts, since you just where doing those workout they are more fresh in you mind that in mine. I might alternate between the sports on and the Cardio Conditioning.

    Tami, I was hitting the snooze button this morning, but it was because I didn't want to go outside in the 26 deg temps. :laugh: My yoga workout was a short one, so it wasn't so bad. So you will be done with the rotation before Christmas, and then you can try out those new Cathe workouts too. Glad you where able to get your workout done.

    Kara, So I need to add that yoga DVD to my wish list now. :laugh: It is hard to make yourself take that day off, but you are so busy that it really seems necessary. In my eyes that puts you up to Superwoman status. I think we all can be superwomen at certain times of our lives. I've seen it in these ladies since we started chatting on this thread. :wink: She uses weights instread of kb's in the Atletica workout doesn't she? Might be another one that goes on the wish list. :laugh:

    Erika, I'm on the TGIF bandwagon also! Did you feel your body stretching out this morning. :laugh: Sounds like a fun weekend at the theater for you and the boys. I love taking the girls to see plays, they want to go see A Christmas Carol every year. They both love the ballet too, but that really gets expensive. I don't get those snuggles to much anymore. :smile: Enjoy them. :wink:

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,873 Member
    Happy Friday!!

    I've had some great workouts this week. It is the first week I can honestly say that since before I left Korea. Today I started with Turbo Fire 45 Class, which was really good fun. I took a long break between workouts, the I did STS Disk 11/Back and Triceps. I went up in weights in many categories!! That felt SOOOOOO good since I wasn't able to actually do my recommended weights last time. What a change! I finished it off with Core Max 3, which felt tough! That one always gets me, which is why I do it so rarely. :ohwell:

    Kara, I think you really do deserve the title because you've taken on a whole new life, yet you've stuck to your workouts. I really am amazed. Thanks for the review of Atletica. I've never heard of that one before, so I'll have to look into it.

    Tami, glad you got your workout in last night, but sometimes a snooze morning is just needed. Thanks for letting me know about finding Bob Harper on Amazon.

    Erika, like I said, sometimes is a snooze/snuggle morning is needed. I think it's great that you spend that kind of time with your young boys. Enjoy the show this weekend. That sounds like fun.

    Laurie, I'm glad you've enjoyed your recovery week. No doubt your body needed it to get over the last month AND to prep itself for what's coming up. Are you looking forward to this next phase? It should really kick the intensity up a notch with those longer Insanity workouts.

    Michelle, thanks, too, for letting me know where to look for the Bob Harper DVDs. I'll have to try our Walmart. I hate going in there and am usually running in and out as fast as I can. But, for Bob, I'll slow down and look around for the DVDs. :wink: Sorry to hear about the continuing puppy problems. I think you've talked me out of ever owning a dog. :laugh: I'm just kidding, of course. But I'll have to remember that little cute furry balls aren't always cute if I ever get tempted. We've never had a pet because of all of the moving. Who knows if we ever will.

    Hope you all have a great weekend!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hello Ladies & TGIF! :drinker:

    This a.m. was STS Disk 11/Back and Triceps which was a good workout and felt excellent for a Friday a.m.! :wink: Looking forward to the weekend ~ getting in some house cleaning (that’s not the fun part) hopefully a stretch/Yoga in the a.m. and then my Sunday Legs/Cardio/Volleyball!

    Erika: Sounds like a great way to start your day! :happy: Even better than the best workout ~ Yes, I was glad it all worked out last night for my workout. Sometimes DH is all snuggled up watching a game or something so it is hard to “kick him out” of his space after a day of work. But it was all good last night and BootCamp was fun! STS will be perfect to start off the New Year with :bigsmile: and if you and Kara are doing it at the same time that will be great!

    Laurie: Awwww Yoga Friday for you! I love Kristen MCGee. :wink: I have her Pilates for Weight Loss (I think I’ve told you that before) but she has a nice approach and I am sure her Yoga is good too. Yes, the week of Christmas I can be trying out my “new” workouts/new rotation. :wink: Really need to get some things down on paper so I know what I want to do! :wink: I mention that because I know you understand the “need” since you are Rotation Queen & plan way in advance. :smile:

    Michelle: Great job on getting your stretch in. :smile: I bet that did feel good. I am hoping to get in a stretch/yoga tomorrow. I know what you are saying on the shock collars and believe me I am all about that being a last resort, completely just a suggestion.:ohwell: My DH has used one on our lab for training but only uses the “buzz” option which I felt in my hand beforehand. He will just about do anything you ask just having the collar on, without pressing anything.:huh:

    Laurel: I’m glad to hear your workouts are going so well and you have had such a good week with them! :bigsmile: It is always rewarding to have that feeling I think. I’m with you on WalMart … YIKES. :noway: They built a new “super store” near our house and I dropped in one day. I had to hurry and get outta there. Didn’t even look in sporting goods. I know the Yoga one is on pre-order (comes out beginning of Dec) right now so don’t know if WalMart would have it yet. In case you venture out for that. But the other 2 might be there! :wink:

    Hope you all have a great weekend! :flowerforyou:

  • BiloxiBelle
    BiloxiBelle Posts: 680 Member
    So I did Peak 10 Strength for 2nd time today. I really do like both of these workouts. But the cardio one is very easy compared to the strength one (at least for me). So those that require hard-core, gasping for breath cardio may not fully enjoy the Peak 10 cardio. However, its not easy & it is a great interval workout...bringing your heartrate down & then climbing back up again (& its FUN). I did hear she is finished filming the entire Peak 10 'program' that will be called 'Peak Fit Challenge'. I will say that I like these 2 dvds enough to where I would be very interested in an entire rotation set out by her w/these types of dvds.

    On a different note, yesterday I did Tracey Staehle (spelling?) Cardio Kickbox Challenge & while it was a great, sweaty workout, the cues are just horrible. If you need good, clear cues...stay away. Its a keeper for me, but not sure DH will be able to follow it.

    hope everyone is having a nice weekend!!
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