Cathe Fans Part 3!



  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,873 Member
    Hi all! Just time for a quick check-in today. I found out last night that our stuff from storage is going to be delivered on Friday. And then our new furniture is going to be delivered on Saturday. So....those areas of the house I have been ignoring (the storage room and the garage) can no longer be ignored as I need to make space for all of this stuff coming in. I really don't know where we are going to put it....but I've got to try. But, the great news is, once this stuff gets delivered, it is all done!! :drinker:

    But I got in a good workout this morning. I was feeling a little better, which helped. I started out with STS Disk 40/Squat Rack Legs and met my goal of 100lbs on the squats!!!! That's as high as I can go with my weighted vest, my heaviest dumbells (40#) and my ankle weights (5#....I wear them on my writsts). My legs were feeling a bit tight by the end, but I was happy with the workout. I followed it up with 4DS Kickbox/Boot Camp cardio premix. I really do love that one!

    Laurie, you've definitely talked me into Fast and Furious! Thank you! Great job on working those biceps. Don't you love that feeling! I do! I, too, can't believe the holidays are fast approaching. I REALLY need to find a place to get my haircut soon so that I won't look like a horrible mess by Thanksgiving!! One of the things I don't like about moving.....finding a new place to get my hair cut.

    Erika, sounds like your day yesterday was crazy....and you called it sane!! I loved your description of KCMs 'Lift'. I might be particularly interested in that power sculpting session....but I really must STOP buying DVDs!!!:laugh:

    Michelle, I'm sorry to hear you weren't feeling well yesterday morning. Definitely could be a change in diet combined with lack of sleep and TOM. Take care of yourself!! Sounds like you got a good workout in, though. Thanks for your kind words about all of this moving. You're right....I just need to give myself a break sometimes. I'm just not good at it. :ohwell:

    Tami, I thought about revisiting Athletic Step yesterday as well. But I decided I wanted to do something more familiar since I'm having trouble concentrating on my workouts right now. I think I'll try Athletic Step next week because I really do enjoy that workout. Thanks, too, for your kind words.

    Kara, hope you are well!!

    Hope you all are enjoying your day!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Afternoon Ladies ~ :smile:

    Squat Rack Legs for me today as well ….. Planning on getting in the evening Spinning class tonight!

    Laurel: I’m with ya on the LB’s minus the ankle weights strapped to my wrists :laugh: I have my weighted vest on, weighted hand gloves & 40 LBS for the squats. I do have 5LB ankle weights, maybe I will include those next time onto my wrists! Great job on the workout and good news on your final shipment arriving. :drinker: Not for the work it entails but that you will finally be DONE! Yahoo, that is excellent. :bigsmile: That workout is a fun one (4DS KB/BC), I will have to remember that one for next week.

    Laurie: How’s the hair-do!? :wink: Always feels better doesn’t it? That’s fun you all went at once, but I don’t envy your bill …. That’s right, it does add up forsure. Mine is booked for right around then too, just after she gets back from vacation but before Christmas.:smile: I always forget about CCC having a shorter pre-mix, glad you mentioned that one. Sounds again like you are really enjoying P90X this round. That’s great.

    Michelle: Despite TOM and feeling not 100% it sounds like you got in a good workout! :tongue: Great job. Hope you had fun on your lunch date today. How fun! :smile:

    Erika: I can only imagine the long conversations you are having on health care reform/politics/etc. with your job.:ohwell: Hang in there! The KCM Power Sculpt does sound great! :bigsmile: So happy for you that you are enjoying this rotation so much. That is how you want it to be - Look forward to the workouts and enjoy the time you have spent putting into them! Excellent. Good luck being on the road.

    Hope you all have a great rest of your day! :flowerforyou:
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Whew Ladies,

    Last night my Michelle Dozis arrived so this morning I started early:bigsmile: Well first and foremost this lady is skinny as heck and they say the camera adds 10lbs...geesh. Second...the workout kicked it up a gear or two. It seems really easy but gradually the intervals adds up and it seems like my 30 sec recovery period feels like 10secs and my poor heart is still racing:laugh: Just when I'm ready to keel over she adds in a nice kickboxing routine which ends with jump tucks and here we go again. The time does move quickly except when I'm trying to recover:laugh: Thank you for the good recommendation......3x per week and this will definitely strip some layers of fat off of my body:wink:

    Tami- Yes the lunch date was great. I signed her out of school and we went to the drive thru and then parked and the girls watched a I told them we were at a drive-in movie theatre:laugh: A small chocolate frosty as their dessert and then a quick stop at Toys-R'Us and I definitely earned cool points yesterday:wink: It was also a reward for her A honor roll:bigsmile:

    Laurel- Glad to hear the energy is starting to come the furniture is here! It seems like the house should be ready for Thanksgiving which is awesome:bigsmile:

    Erika- Insurance is such a stressful job field esp. in a bad economic recession. With so many choices and high premiums it can get pretty scary. I have friends who pay premiums of $500+ for coverage and I'm definitely gratful everyday for my military coverage and healthy children. I can only imagine the chaos of fielding questions and complaints. Hang in there! Maybe the evening workouts are better at draining that stress after a crazy workday:wink:

    Laurie- I eliminated the carbs and feel better, It may be the eldest allergies plus the weather change of 50 degree temps is not helping. Today on my menu is Baked Ziti using italian sausage and lean ground sirloin. This was originally Sunday's menu but the 4 yr old loves it and has been asking everyday if today is the ziti day, to top it off hubby came home asking if dinner was baked ziti:laugh:

    Kara- I hope all is going well in your busy school week:flowerforyou:

    Off to recover with some breakfast:bigsmile:

  • BiloxiBelle
    BiloxiBelle Posts: 680 Member
    Hi! I've been so busy w/school. I have had test after test. I also looked at the schedule & I have 1 test (2 the week after Thanksgiving) every week until finals in mid-Dec. I'm still hanging in & do really well though. This is my last week of the p90x+ workouts, next week is p90x week & then I'm on to my new rotation using the Peak 10s, Atletica, etc. I'm ready for something new!

    Erika: thanks for the heads up on KCM LIFT. I have checked that one out & just never seem to feel the "NEED" for it? I also don't own a barbell?? I will for sure be doing a KCM rotation this summer when my schedule becomes packed with clinical days. I'm really glad you're enjoying using her in a rotation.

    Funny, seems like everyone is getting their haircut lately. I'm scheduled for that today at 4:00!

    All this talk of Fast & Furious makes me want it. I love short cardio. I actually just bought the 10 Minute Solution Rapid Results Fat Burner (or something like that) b/c it has short segments of cardio that I can use alone or string together. The 10 Min Solution dvds aren't usually my 'thing', so I hope I like it.

    Hope everyone is doing well. For awhile there, we were all sounding a bit tired & run-down! I love how you ladies all have busy lives yet stay on track with exercise. It motivates me & gives me support...even when I'm not on here I think of you all working out, staying on schedule, etc...

    Have a great day,
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Very busy morning for me so far! :grumble: Had to get some forms done for dd's college admission, that is done and faxed. Just got back from the dentist, and I have a cavity and one tooth that probably needs a root canal. :grumble: Because of the form fiasco this morning, I didn't have time to get my yoga done. I should have time after work to get that done, so not problem there.

    Michelle, Isn't that nice when you girls request certain foods. She likes her pasta, and I don't blame her one bit. My girls are the same way. Now I want those Peak 10 workouts even more! :wink: Sounds like some wonderful Thanksgiving plans you have!

    Laurel, Oh my some more unpacking! This is the last shipment, but dang on having the hurry factor added in. I know what you mean on finding the right person for your hair! I finally found someone that I really feel comfortable with, and I hope she never closes up shop. :wink:

    Tami, I have not tried that short premix yet either, but have it scheduled. Putting CCC with an Hiit would be good to. My hair turned out fine, I didn't do to much different just a trim and color. Need to hide that gray hair as much as possilbe. :laugh:

    Kara, Good to hear from you. So glad that school is going so well, now I know why I probably would be able to go back to school. I don't like taking tests. :laugh: I have that 10 min. Solution workout, and really enjoyed about 3 of the 5 segments. Two of them where a little to hi/lo for me, so the two left feet factor was involved in those. I like the fact that you can just take the sections you like and make a workout.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,873 Member
    Hi ladies!!

    Feeling better every day. I hope tomorrow doesn't throw that off because I'm enjoying feeling energetic again. Did a good workout this morning.....Hardcore Extreme Intervals. My legs were burning because I was feeling yesterday's leg workout a bit before I started. Then I did Yoga X. Boy, did that feel absolutely wonderful on my body!! I have certainly missed my yoga. I will definitely be adding yoga back on a regular basis.

    Kara, good to see you!! It certainly sounds like school has you busy, but it is so exciting to hear how well you are doing!! Keep up the great work!

    Michelle, that sounds like a wonderful workout! I'm glad you enjoyed it. And your lunch date with your daughters sounds so fun. I love it that you are able to do that with them....and I'm sure they do too! Like you, I am so thankful for my military medical coverage. Neither my husband or I go to the doctors very often, but my husband has had a couple of surgeries over the years (tonsils, hernia, etc) and those things are stressful enough without having to worry about how to pay for them. I'm so appreciative we don't have that added stress during those times. And I made Baked Ziti for dinner last night! But I make mine without meat. Your ziti sounds terrific.

    Tami, I must admit I probably look pretty silly with how I try to get enough weight on to do Squat Rack Legs. I think 100# is about as high as I can go, to be honest. Not because of my legs, but because the way I need to hold the weights (in my hands/on my torso) puts alot of strain on me. I truly understand the benefit of having a squat rack for the workout, but I think 100# is enough!! :tongue:

    Laurie (and anybody else interested), Shaun T. did an interview and mentioned the upcoming Asylum release. :drinker: Here is the link to the interview:

    He talks alot about Insanity in this interview (which I found interesting) but this is what he said about Asylum (in case the link doesn't work):

    ST: Next up is Asylum. It's very athletic, all sports-specific training. There's a video called Game Day where you're doing football, basketball, track and field, tennis, rock climbing, soccer, speed skating, baseball -- it's heavy, heavy, heavy sports-specific training. Another thing that's crazy about Asylum is that it's going to have a strength video where you're using dumbbells, and you get into this thing called a Cardio Dumbbell Rotation. It's something like you've never experienced before [laughs].

    There's another video called Overtime, so even if you've done one of the Asylum workouts, if you want more, it's another 15 minutes of just pure going for it. Asylum is going to take people who did Insanity, take their fitness level, and then put their skill to the test.

    The great thing about Asylum is that there will be a couple of pieces of equipment, but it can all fit in your suitcase, so you can still do it in your hotel room.

    TF: So when does it launch?

    ST: I'm guessing February; I feel like I need to add two more videos to make it more well-rounded, so I guess it all depends on me. "

    It sounds good to me. I'm really happy to hear he is including weights in this set!

    Erika, hope you are doing well and enduring/enjoying your travels this week!

    I'll try to check-in tomorrow unless I get totally overwhelmed by boxes. I plan on getting my workout in before the stuff arrives so I can focus on putting as much away as I can for the rest of the day and just being done with all of this mess! Take care!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Afternoon Ladies ~ :flowerforyou:

    Today was Cardio Kicks for me. An oldie but a goodie and the time flew by. :wink: Spinning was good last night too!

    Laurel: Great to hear your energy is coming back! Sounds like a fun workout. How’s the choreography on that one? I’m glad the Yoga felt so good.:tongue: I agree on the 100# being plenty …. I know what you mean on the holding action. My dumbbells go up to 50LB each but I think my poor grip/ forearms would be failing. :huh: I bet you are excited for Asylum …. It definitely sounds good that’s forsure. Anything with athletic based training always sounds fun to me. Plus with the weights being included. With all of your experience with Insanity I am sure you are excited! I am going to go on Cathe’s site and find that circuit rotation you mentioned. I feel the need to start planning the next adventure. Cannot believe we are starting week #3 next week . Good luck with the un-packing and rearranging of furniture, boxes, etc. :drinker:

    Laurie: YIKES on the root canal. :noway: :noway: That isn’t good news, I’m sorry. Do you have anxiety at all with dentists? Some people just don’t. I totally do and I know the procedures these days are always easy and you don’t feel it but it still scares me whitless. That combo of CCC/HiiT would be good. I may just try that pretty soon! :wink: I sometimes make notes on my workout sheets when I am trying to think of a cardio day workout.

    Michelle: What a fun lunch date you all had! I did one of Michelle D’s older workouts; it was a SHAPE workout and she is a tiny little thing forsure. :noway: Petite. Sounds like a fun workout; may have to check that one out on the upcoming SALE at that Laurie mentioned is coming up. :blushing: Are you feeling ready for Monday? I bet you are excited/nervous all in one. You will do great. You have your new outfit and boots plus you’re the woman for the job!

    Kara: Good to hear from you! :smile: Sounds like you have been very busy with school. Good on ya for keeping up with the workouts. Keep up the great work. :bigsmile:

    Erika: Hope you are having a good day and your travels are going smoothly. :wink:

    Hope you all have a great evening! :smile:

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Got Yoga Zones Power Yoga for Strength and Endurance done last night, have not done that one in a very long time. Oldest DD had it in her room, so I think she was holding it hostage. :laugh: This morning was Tonique, I really like this workout but dang the sweat just runs down my face and into my eyes! :huh:

    Getting our new dishwasher tomorrow :drinker: , we have put off getting a new one for over a year. I did the save in a jar until we could get it. :wink: Think it will be appreciated more than the previous one was. :laugh:

    Laurel, That Asylum set sounds great, I love the sports one that he had with the Insanity set. I'm excited for Feburary to come, guess I will save the $50 that my in-laws gave me for my birthday to put toward that purchase. :drinker: I to am happy that he is including a better weight program. Great workouts, and super glad that your energy level has increased.

    Tami, I still have cardio kicks on VHS, think I need to invest in a DVD of that one soon. :laugh: As a kid I had a horrible dentist, and a lot of my current teeth problems can be related to some of his handywork. :angry: My current dentist is wonderful, but I still get anxiety when heading to the appointment. The cleaning is fine, it is the fillings that get me. Since my teeth have been worked on so much, all of my teeth are getting deeper and deeper cavities (hence root canals). Novicane doesn't seem to work for me on my bottom teeth, so the pain is horrible. I just deal with it, because in the end the other pain in my teeth goes away. The current root canal tooth is sensitive to cold items.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,873 Member
    Hi ladies!

    Just time for a quick check-in today since we had more stuff in storage than I remembered!! :noway: :sad: Unpacking is no fun. But I started the day with a great workout which helps my mood. I did STS Disk 36/Shoulders, Biceps and Triceps. I'm getting stronger with every workout, and it felt really good. I then did HiiT 30/30 AND Pyramid, which was all kinds of fun. Now I'm unpacking....which isn't fun at all. :ohwell:

    Tami, here is a link to the rotation I did that used the 2006 series. I revised it to meet the days a week I workout and such. I think I pretty much did the four week rotation for five weeks (if I recall's been a couple years since I did the rotation). Anyhow, here's the link:

    It is from November 2006. I'm thinking of doing this rotation at least for a few weeks because it will probably be a really good one to get me through Christmas/New Years. I love these workouts and find them fun....and I don't have to concentrate on them too much since I'm so familiar with them. They are also intense which is a good thing during the holidays since my eating isn't always too great. So, during a busy holiday season, I think they will be perfect.

    Laurie, glad you found the yoga workout!! Congrats on the new dishwasher. I'd be excited to get a new one. I can't wait until we own a house so I can pick out things like a dishwasher, refrigerator, oven/stove, etc. We've lived in so many houses, I know exactly what is important to me in choosing these things (because I've had so many that have annoyed me for various reasons). I guess it's a sign of maturity when you get excited buying things like dishwashers!! :laugh:

    Erika, Michelle and Kara....hope you are well. :flowerforyou:

    Hope you all have a great weekend!

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies!!! I'm in between meetings up here in Superior, WI--at least the weather is decent--no snow yet! It was a little nervewracking driving up in the dark knowing there are deer that jump out all the time, but I made it!

    No workout this morning, but I brought my Brazil Butt Lift set and may try Bum Bum tonight. I previewed it yesterday and it looks tough! Otherwise, I might take a rest day. I've gone 12 days in a row with KCM, so I deserve a break!

    Laurie--I'm right with you on the dental work. I had a lot done as a kid (mine was for removal of teeth as I had overcrowding bad!), and I am terrified of the dentist! I get nervous at a teeth cleaning because I worry about them finding a cavity! Great job on getting the Yoga in (and locating the DVD!). Enjoy the new dishwasher! I don't care what anyone says, new appliances are fun!

    Tami--Lovin' the workout choice. I miss Cardio Kicks, but I just don't have time for more than about 1/2 hour workout these days. Maybe once the new year rolls around I will!

    Michelle--Ok, so I need to know on a scale of 1 to 10, how does Peak10 rate for you? I'm back and forth on that one more than I have been on other DVD's. Anyone else out there try the Peak10 Cardio? Good luck at your interview Monday, I'm sure you will rock it!!

    Laurel--Wow! What a great workout, especially after the last workout. I'm sure those legs are getting hit good!

    Kara--The KCM Lift Olympic Lifting can be done with dumbbells, one of the ladies in the video actually did so. I really like that one. Heck I like all the KCM workouts!

    Well, back to work! Have a good one!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Afternoon Ladies ~

    STS - #36 (Shoulders/Biceps/Triceps) for me too! Felt good …. Tonight I will be able to go to the Spinning class right after work so that will be a nice cardio! :tongue: I sometimes sound like a broken record with these Spinning classes.

    Laurel: Thanks for that link, I will check it out. :wink: Most likely I don’t have all of the workouts but can substitute others in (as usual) … I like the sounds of it forsure! Especially during the holidays :happy: Great job (again) on the workouts, :drinker: I bet they felt good & were a good pre-stress of the household items to deal with! Hope the un-packing is going well and your DH is there to help a bit.

    Laurie: Excellent on getting in your Yoga Thursday and probably fun to have one of your DVD back. :wink: Good job on Tonique as well. I’m with these ladies on it always being fun to get a new appliance. We had to get a couple things in the last few years & it always feels good. Usually inspires me to clean/re-organize that part of the kitchen. I have to say in all caps YIKES on the Novicane not working on your bottom teeth. :noway: :sad: I do not envy you and hope it all goes as smoothly as possible. Glad you have a good dentist now that you like.

    Laurel/Laurie: Have you ladies heard when they are starting shipment of the new Cathe DVD’S? :bigsmile:

    Erika: Glad to hear you made it safely … Sounds like it would be just fine if you took a rest day! Good job on the workouts & your enthusiasm for the KCM rotation! :drinker: If you decide on BB, it sounds like it will be a good workout.

    Michelle & Kara – Happy Friday! :drinker: Hope you are both having a good day.

    Have a great weekend everyone! :flowerforyou:

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This morning was Cardio Party 3 and some Callanetics:bigsmile: I fly out this morning so I needed something right at 60minutes. I aslo found out that this interview is for the positon at the HQ there in Va:sad: needless to say the family is not thrilled about a potential relocation.

    Erika- Cardio 10 peak had my heart at 175+ during the peak intervals which she repeats twice so it truly does build in intensity. I learned that the grp that does the workout had 8 weeks to get to that point of fully completing the 60minutes:noway: so I was happy with my completing it although I was gasping. Afterwards and even the next day I could feel the workout...definitely need to drink a recovery drink with that one. It does have the option of selecting workouts for a shorter session and I know that time is important to you right now. I would wait until later during the holidays and by then it should be cheaper:wink:

    Laurel- Yes the storage facility:laugh: great for hiding the extras. Hopefully you are finally done with the unpacking:wink:

    Laurie- Which dishwasher did you choose? We completely switched to SS appliances but the matching dishwasher has a rating of 2.5 stars so I kept my old Whirlpool which does not match:laugh: Dentist--yikes my lower teeth are the same and I actually need to get several shots to numb them which never fully works and leaves me tensed in the seat the entire time:grumble: My female dentist is great but short of knocking me out..not......she really tries to avoid the sensitive spots as much as possible. I can honestly say I skipped my last cleaning b/c they want to send me to a specialist for possible surgery to help my molars:noway:

    Tami- Good morning:flowerforyou:

    Ok off to go and do this. I will see you ladies on Wednesday afternoon:flowerforyou:

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,873 Member
    Hi ladies! I hope you all had a good weekend. It was another busy weekend for us, but the good news is everything is pretty much done. The new furniture looks great in the house, and we even had a chance to buy some plants to make the house seem more like a home. I'm excited because I haven't had any plants since we left Germany over four years ago. I hate giving them away when we move (because my plants become members of the family to me), but since I think we'll be here for quite awhile, I wanted some 'life' in the house other than just my husband and me. I really like our new home, and so does my husband.

    I managed to get my workout in yesterday. I did Legs and Glutes, and it felt really good. But whenever I don't do this workout for awhile, I always feel it in my hamstrings. And, boy, they are hurting today. But I did STS Disk 22 today (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps), and I'm getting stronger with each workout. I almost did all of the exercises at my targeted weight, which I think is good. But Holy Drop Sets Batman!! They were killing me on the shoulder moves!!!! I then followed up with Step Moves. I haven't done this one in a long time, and I really enjoyed it. I expected to be tripping over myself for the entire 45 minutes because I find this to be some of Cathe's toughest choreography. But I actually did really well with it and had some fun. I finished it all up with Core Max 1.

    Michelle, I hope you have a good trip up here, and I hope everything goes well with the interview. I'm sure your family isn't happy about the possibility of relocating, but if I recall correctly, this is home for you and you hoped to return here some day. I hope if you get this job that it ends up being a great opportunity for you AND your family. Great job on the workouts!!

    Erika, I hope your travels are continuing to go well!

    Tami, I've been reading at Cathe's site that the delay in the new DVDs is due to a backlog at Sony (who is duplicating the DVDs). They are hoping to hear something today or tomorrow on the status. If I read anything, I'll post it here. I'm anxious to see these new workouts, that's for sure.

    Laurie and Kara, hope you both had a good weekend!!!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hello Ladies ~ :bigsmile:

    Yesterday was Legs & Glutes Extreme pre-mix & then had my 6 volleyball games after that. We did well, 6 wins! :drinker: This a.m. was also STS Chest/Shoulders/Triceps – Screaming tired shoulders today, which normally hits in the evening at TK class not during the a.m. workout. :huh: I kept checking my sheet for the correct LB’s. I think I updated this right before this last phase and didn’t realize it was a drop set workout. Yikes! A couple little adjustments made and I was good. Definitely got through it & was happy about that. :wink: Turbo Kick will be my cardio for this evening. It ought to be interesting tonight w/ her love of push-ups after the workout :tongue: :laugh:

    Laurel: Yahoo on getting all settled, plants even! :bigsmile: That is really great and it’s so wonderful that you both are liking your new home. That has to feel good. Great job on the workout this a.m. I was thinking of you this a.m. as I was pushing along! Glad to hear your shoulders were screaming as well … so that I’m not alone! Although you have a good reason. :wink: Great job w/ the cardio tool! Thanks for the update on the DVD’s. I’m sure it is getting close – yes, excited to see them as well.

    Michelle: Good luck on your interview! :smile: Can’t wait to hear how it goes. I know you will be amazing and like Laurel mentioned, if that is an area you are looking to head back to maybe this will just work out perfectly. Not that you were wanting to move now but it could be a really great thing! Good Luck.

    Laurie, Kara & Erika – Hope you all had great weekends and are having a good Monday! :flowerforyou:

    Talk to you all tomorrow.

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!

    All the long travels are done for the year, now it's just the quick back and forth within the workday travels. Whew, sure feels good to get that done, and get back to a normal schedule! :bigsmile:

    This morning was KCM Body Training DVD. This workout was all floor work using your own body weight...I really liked it. Followed that up with BBL Tummy Tuck...uh, it was ok. :ohwell:

    Tami--Great job on the workout, followed by VB and then killin' the arms! I'm sure I'd be VERY sore with all of that!

    Laurel--Glad to hear you're officially all moved/settled in. I love the addition of plants. I can not keep a plant alive to save my life (my mom is a total green thumb, however), so I usually only have them for a short time if I do have them. Last time, I believe my dog got into the pot, or one of my kids, and I just gave up on it after awhile!!! I wanted to give you a review of Brazil Butt Lift: Cardio Axe: Lots of hip wiggling, salsa type dance moves. My take--BORING! Bum Bum: A lot of lunges, plyo leg moves, etc, with some dancy moves added, if you want. My take--FUN! I definitely felt it the next day, and it was a good cardio workout too. High and Tight: 3 sections of leg/butt work--2 with the band, one with ankle weights. My take--MY FAVE! My butt was hurting so bad (think Tonique type pain), but he doesn't drag each move out until you can hardly walk afterwards. It's just the right amount. I did that workout on Sunday, and my butt is still sore today! Finally, Tummy Tuck: 20 minutes of ab work. My take--did NOTHING for me. I found nothing original about it, or anything that was more than regular crunches with some twists to them. I still have yet to try the Sculpt Workout, but that's it. I will keep it for Bum Bum and High and Tight!

    Michelle--I hope you had a great interview. Can't wait to hear all about it!

    Laurie and Kara--Hello!

    Off to work. I'll catch up with you all tomorrow!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Can't believe yesterday was so busy, today is much better. :wink: I'm off on Thursday and Friday, so I'm trying to get everything done in three days. I think I might have been trying to get it all done in one. :laugh: Got home yesterday and I just felt exhausted. Had MMA Kickboxing done on Satruday, and I used weighted gloves. Sunday was a rest day. Yesterday was P90X chest, shoulders & triceps along with Ab Ripper X. I don't have to see the weight workout for another couple of weeks. :drinker: This morning was Insanity Pure Cardio.

    Dishwasher is installed, and running like a champ! You don't even know that the thing is running it is so quiet.

    Tami, Yep I did do some organization under the sink, it really is amazing how much junk one can accumulate under there. :laugh: I just got the post from Cathe that they will be shipping out the new DVD's on the 19th of this month. Apparently the duplicator had a long wait list. Sounds like you and Laurel had an interesting time with the drop sets.

    Michelle, We got a Maytag with the SS drum inside. All of my appliances are turning to the black instead of the white. I don't think the stove is going to quit on me like the refrigerator and dishwasher did. Our next purchase has to be a new washing machine. That thing is really making horrible noises. Yep that is exactly what has to be done for me in the dentist chair. He shoots my mouth up with novicane, but I still feel almost everything. :grumble:

    Laurel, You will probably be mad at me, I killed all my plants. :blushing: I'm such a horrible person. I'm looking forward to my next STS rotation with that drop set description. I keep forgetting how good some of those workouts are. I'm really interested in how doing the P90X rotation followed by STS will be as far as the weights I will be using.

    Erika, You are trying out the BBL workouts, let us know how you like them. Glad that your work schedule is getting back to normal, that should be a little less stressful for you. I like your descriptions on the BBL workouts, are you sticking to the rotation or just doing the workouts when you want to?

    Have a wonderful day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,873 Member
    Hi all!

    I had a great workout this morning. I did Drill Max Ultra Cardio premix, and it felt great. I am a little sore from the last two strength training workouts I did, so I finished it up with Kari Anderson's Angles, Lines and Curves II. I was thinking about doing yoga, but knew my upper body was probably a bit too tight to do all those downward dogs!! This was a good substitute. I am not going to be able to do my yoga on Thursday because we are going into DC for Veteran's Day activities, so I really wanted to get one good stretching/toning workout in this week....and I'm glad I did.

    Tami, I'm glad I wasn't alone in suffering through those drop sets. Those Meso 2 workouts are so varied and SO tough. I don't think I would have been able to do any pushups last night so congrats on your efforts during your evening workout.!

    Erika, I'm glad things are calming down for you. And thank you SO much for your review of the BBL workouts. That gives me a really good idea of where to start. I think that's why I never opened the package....I just didn't know what workout to reach for. And now I do. So....thank you. and I'm glad you enjoyed at least a couple of these.

    Laurie, sorry to hear you've been so busy, but at least you've got a couple of days off this week. Yay!! And thanks for the update on Cathe's workouts. I'm excited to get them. Regarding STS and P90X, I was surprised how much strength I gained doing P90X. I really noticed it when I went back to STS after it. I still think STS is a tougher, more thorough program. But, for some reason, I got stronger doing P90X. I'm curious to see if you have the same feelings/results doing STS after P90X. And regarding house plants, just because I have them in my house doesn't mean I won't kill them. :laugh: I've killed my fair share of plants in my day, that's for sure. Others have completely thrived, but I always figured that was despite my care instead of because of it. :tongue: I hope these ones last for a little while at least.

    Michelle, I hope your trip is going well.

    Kara, I hope school is going well.

    Take care!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Afternoon Ladies ~

    Today was Jillian’s BFBM workout. :wink: It has been a long time since I did that one and just couldn’t decide so went to that. If I don’t have it written down in advance I debate about it for some reason and at 4:30 in the a.m. I sometimes just can’t pick! :laugh: :huh: Tonight will be Spinning after work, that is decided!

    Laurel: I have Drill Max planned for Thursday – that’s funny how that happens sometimes! :bigsmile: Sounds like you had a fantastic combo today. So I lucked out last night (slightly) we are learning a new routine and last night was the first night so when it came time for conditioning at the end she only had about 10 min. So we only did half the push-ups as normal. :wink: I was silently cheering to myself. :tongue: Mostly did abwork so that was perfect. I checked out that rotation you told me about, it definitely looks good! I also happened to come across another one that looked good. Day 1: Cardio, Day 2: Total Body,
    Day 3: Cardio, Day 4: Legs, Day 5: Cardio, Day 6: Circuit, Day 7: Rest.
    Here is the link:
    Cathe’s Nov ’10 rotation looks good too. Decisions, decisions. :smile:

    Laurie: Lucky lady being off on Th/Fri this week. :drinker: I understand how that goes, you have to cram several days into 3. Good job on the workouts! Glad you are loving the new dishwasher, that is always fun. It’s crazy isn’t it when you clean out an area you have sort of ignored. Yippee on the Nov 19th date being posted, I saw that today as well! :bigsmile:

    Erika: Glad to hear your workday travels are finished and you can get back to a normal schedule! :smile: Glad to hear your KCM workouts are still treating you just right. I haven’t looked into the BBL workouts but I always appreciate the reviews on various workouts, thanks!

    Michelle & Kara – Hello to you both, hope you are having a great day! :flowerforyou:

    Talk to you all tomorrow ~

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!

    I'm feeling extra rested today...I went to bed at 8:00 last night! I think all the driving, getting up early, staying up late finally caught up with me! :yawn: This morning was KCM Bootcamp Cardio and Bootcamp Stretch. Felt great!

    Tami--How was BFBM? I keep hesitating with going back to that one for some reason!:huh: I have those mornings too, where I just can't pick for cardio, and can't remember any of my workouts very well. I need to make a list of my loves, likes and ok's!

    Laurie--Glad you have a break on the weight workout for a couple weeks, and sounds like your dishwasher is just perfect. I hope today goes well with getting everything done you need to before being off for a couple days. I know all too well how those weeks go, as I've had a lot of them lately! :ohwell:

    Laurel--Nice workout! I need to get me some Drill Max once I'm done with this KCM rotation! I really like that DVD! Glad I could help on the BBL reviews. I was on the fence about this one for a long time, and got a good deal on Ebay so was happy to at least try it out. I don't think I'll ever not need to do a leg/booty workout!:laugh:

    Kara and Michelle--Good Morning!!!

    Off to get ready for work and I get to sit at a hospital all day manning a table for HealthPartners. Should be loads of fun! Talk to you all tomorrow!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    P90X Back & Biceps along with Jackie Warners Abs from the Power Circuit workout. Upper body is toasted from the workouts, feeling the biceps and forearms right now. Yoga will feel really good tomorrow for sure. Will probaly opt for a longer workout tomorrow morning since I have the time. :wink:

    Laurel, One of these days it would be nice to be in DC for Veterans Day. I have participated in the ones around our area, but I'm guessing that DC is even better. After todays workout I was thinking about Cathe's STS workouts, and looking forward to the ones with the rest inbetween the exercises. :laugh: P90X reminds me a lot of Meso 1 with how fast he goes.

    Tami, So what workout do you think you will try out first with the new workouts. I know that the only ones that I can really do will be the Intensity and the lower body one. :wink: Will look at the Nov rotation, the one you have posted lookes like a lot of fun to try out. So was BFBM fun? :happy: I have that one in the que for my STS rotation.

    Erika, Glad to hear you got some extra rest. My boss asked me this morning if I was taking off on Friday! :huh: I said didn't we just talk about this yesterday? He set up a meeting with me for Monday to go over financial stuff. I was scared there for a minute thinking he was going to say no vacation day on Friday! :smile:

    Have a wonderful day!
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