Cathe Fans Part 3!



  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,873 Member
    Hi ladies. Well, I finished this Insanity rotation!!! :drinker: :drinker: I still wasn't feeling very well when I got up this morning, but I ended up having a really good workout. I did Max Cardio Conditioning followed by the stability ball abs segment on Butts and Guts. That was it for a workout today because I had some errands to run, and I really needed to work on some more things in the house. I did get out for a long walk this afternoon, though. I can't believe it is nearly 80 degrees outside (78 as I type) and Halloween is just a couple of days away. Crazy. But now, I'm getting ready to make some dinner and put my feet up for the evening. It's been a long week. :tongue:

    Kara, so happy to hear the rounds went well. I laughed when you said you might just get fat this summer because it would be easier!! Somedays, I feel the exact same way. :tongue: But I can't seem to let that happen because I start hating the way I feel when I start putting on weight. Oh, well.

    Erika, I totally agree with you about how people react differently to different workouts. I'm similar to legs respond better to lighter weights/more reps but my upper body loves the heavy weights. And my body certainly likes some exercises more than others. That's why I think it is so important for people to find a system that works for them. I really get annoyed when I read articles that imply there is only one effective way of doing something because, without a doubt, that just isn't the case.

    Michelle, it really does sound like TurboJam and TurboFire are way too similar for both programs to be necessary or effective. And if you hate cardio, I can see why the music matters so much. I've gotten so used to working out with Cathe (who doesn't have the best music in my opinion) that I only really notice music anymore when it is really good. :laugh: I tend to ignore it otherwise. That's kind of sad, isn't it?

    Laurie, I'm definitely putting Insanity on a back burner for a little while. I was thinking this morning that I may not do any of these workouts again until I get through the undulating rotation. We'll see. I really do enjoy the workouts, but I'm also feeling a bit of a burnout with them. Last time I finished a rotation, I continued doing the workouts simply because nothing else challenged me enough. I'm curious if I feel the same way this time. I don't think I will. And I don't think it sounds corny about Tony at all. I find him intriguing....primarily because he is such a goof and doesn't mind being one!

    Tami, I'm really curious what kind of rotation Cathe will suggest with these new workouts. They are pretty strength training intensive, so I'm sure she'll have to include other workouts as well. She has done a couple circuit rotations I believe. The one I did and am thinking of revisiting was from four years ago (I think it was October 2006) when she posted a rotation using only the workouts she released in 2006 (Butts and Guts, Body Max 2, Low Impact Circuit, Drill Max and Cardio Fusion). I love those workouts, and did the rotation a couple of years ago (and had great results). I'm thinking of doing it again just for the fun factor if for no other reason right now. And, yes, I'll be getting the new workouts!! :drinker:

    Hope you all have a great evening!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Afternoon Ladies ~

    This a.m. was Bob Harper’s Cardio Conditioning! :wink: Thanks again Kara for the suggestion on this one, really like it! Lerch in the background is pretty sad how tired he gets. I like when he calls the one lady “Miss It Doesn’t Hurt” – makes me laugh :laugh:

    Kara: That made me smile when you said I should post a picture of my legs. :bigsmile: Not sure if I would describe them as phenomenal but thanks for the thoughts! I will see what I can do. I hardly ever have my picture taken; not for any reason in particular, just don’t - unless of course holding a fish on my husband’s boat & I’m bundled up in 3 layers of clothes! I know what you are saying on the gymnast legs; which actually I think gymnasts have very nicely toned legs but know what you mean when you don’t want the bulky look. :wink: I have definitely slimmed my legs down through this Undulating/Cycling/TK, etc. which is exciting for me & my arms as well. I even had a compliment recently from one of the trainers at the gym. :blushing: Sounds like you have a good combo of workouts going for today/tomorrow! :smile: I think we have all been there on the thoughs of “oh well, maybe I will just get fat instead” – it’s funny how we can think that sometimes. It would be easier, wouldn’t it? I just can’t imagine NOT working out. :bigsmile:

    Erika: I hope today ended up being a true day off w/ just relaxing with your boys! :smile: I think it is excellent that you are doing what you know works for you and your body … specifically upper/lower body styles. I am with Laurel on being able to figure that out vs. reading it and saying “this is the only way for “x” to happen”. I enjoy working shoulders for upper body the best. Maybe because they are the strongest part of my upper body!? :laugh: :happy: KCM workouts are great & I really enjoy her personality as well. I have quite a few of them and have definitely eye-balled that newest one out that Kara has talked about; I think you have it too ~ KCM 30 Min to Fitness Circuit Burn?

    Michelle: That is adorable about your youngest joining you on the workout. :smile: I would be silently cracking up at the cute factor there! Hope your new FIRM workout goes well, sounds like it will be a good one. Hope you got all your cleaning done … that always feels good. Mr. Capone? What's he up to with his little mischievious life today? :wink:

    Laurie: I bet you are going to see amazing results w/ following the eating plan and your rotation! :bigsmile: Keep up the good work. Good job on your Yoga Thursday and getting that in despite the power outage! Yikes, already with the crazy weather.

    Laurel: Congrats on finishing Insanity! :drinker: You deserve a nice relaxing evening with your feet up after this week! I bet the end of your Insanity rotation feels like a relief and a huge accomplishment all in one! Please send me some of those temps …. I would love that. We are in the high 30’s/low 40’s today and this evening. :frown: Brrrrr-rumba! Just not quite wanting this weather yet, but I do live in the Northwest where we get all 4 seasons so I try to just go with it as best I can. Yahoo on getting the new workouts …:bigsmile: … I’m glad. There will be a few of us here who can share reviews, etc. I’m curious as well on what kind of rotations she will post w/ those. I am going to look that one up from Oct. ’06.

    Hope you all have a great rest of your day & evening! :smile:

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Yippeee! I'm actually first for a change:laugh:

    The Firm Calorie Explosion was great..intervals, athletic drills, plyo moves without all the intricate choreography, etc

    I'm off to gymnastics with the little one so I will be brief.

    Tami- Post that pic:wink: Capone slept until 6am which was great but now he is attacking the stove and grabbed a bag of turkey bacon yesterday morning and chowed down while I was upstairs:grumble: The 4 yr old is such a great helper..after herding him outside with a reprimand she helped me to clean up the scraps of paper littered throughout the family room:bigsmile: .

    Laurel- Enjoy your break and drink a glass of wine for me too. Wow the weather sounds great for this time of year..maybe when I fly in next week I can skip my trench coat.

    It is cold today so I'm having to revamp the outfits that I had picked out for today.

    Will check in later:flowerforyou: Have a great Friday:bigsmile:

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Todays workout was Tonique! I'm going to keep that workout in the line-up for the rest of this rotation, it will be a great sub for P90X Legs & Back. Last night I did Jackie Warners Abs from her circuit workout. I'm liking the hybrid I created for this phase. I think that I'm enjoying this hybrid of P90X than doing the program as is. :drinker:

    Kara, I don't know where they would have gotten that sticker, I'm wondering if it was something that they had made up. I looked on BB's site, and didn't see it as a item for sale.

    Laurel, Enjoy putting your feet up for a while, you deserve it. Congrats on getting that last Insanity workout done, there is a sense of accomplishment when you start and end something. You may be getting some colder weather soon, it usually travels east. This morning was in the 20's for us! :noway: I'm ready to see what Cathe is going to create with these workouts too. :bigsmile:

    Tami, WTG on getting the compliment on your arms! :drinker: My dd told her bf that my arms where like steel! :laugh: I'm just waiting for those steel arms to lose some more fat. Then everyone will be able to see the steel arms. :laugh: I had heard that the guy in that DVD really overdoes the hurt factor. :laugh:

    Michelle, Don't you just love having to change you clothing idea. I have to start pulling out all my sweaters. :happy: That sounds like my kind of workout. :wink:

    Have a wonderful day!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Ok so after waiting 1 week for my dang Bob Harper dvd, I ran to Walmart to buy more playdough for my little one and saw all of them for $9 or $10 dollars in the exercise section:angry:
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,873 Member
    Happy Friday Ladies!!

    Boy, am I glad this week is over with. It has been a long one. My husband gets home tonight, and that should make me feel a bit better. It has been odd getting settled into the house this week without him around. Things keep breaking and I think to myself 'DH can fix that...' and then realize get to fix that. Oh, well. Anyhow, still feeling pretty run down today, but got a good workout in nonetheless. I did STS Disk 11 (Back/Triceps) and definitely felt stronger today in my upper body than I did on Monday. I followed it up with HiiT 40/20. That felt REALLY good!! I'm going to take tomorrow off and hopefully get back some more energy before starting on Meso 3 next week!

    Michelle, now I'm going to have to check out Walmart and see if they are carrying those DVDs!! That's a good deal. Glad to hear Capone slept through the night, but he certainly is still being a puppy, isn't he? How wonderful that your little one is helping you out with him. You'll want your jacket next week when you come to Virginia. The highs next week are supposed to be in the 50s. Quite a change from this week, that's for sure.

    Tami, how great that a trainer at the gym complimented you on your arms!!! That must have felt great. I'm really looking forward to the new Cathe workouts.

    Laurie, I'm really impressed on how you are making this rotation work for you!!!

    Erika and Kara, hope you are both doing well!

    Have a great weekend everybody!!!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Happy Friday Everyone ~ :bigsmile:

    STS #11 – Back/Triceps for me as well today. . . . I am planning on going to the Spinning class tonight on my way home from work for my cardio. :tongue: I am hoping to get in some Yoga tomorrow and then of course Legs/Cardio/V-ball on Sunday.

    Michelle: Dang it on the Bob Harper being $9. :ohwell: I got mine for $12 and some change on Amazon. Glad to hear your new FIRM Cardio Explosion was good workout! That’s excellent.

    Laurel: Glad to hear your workouts went well. :wink: I bet you are enjoying getting back into your weights/weight workouts! Hope you get to enjoy your weekend a bit and not be doing too many “house” things. :smile:

    Laurie: Awwww Tonique. :tongue: I haven’t visited that one in quite some time. Might have to bring her back out for one of my Sun. leg days. So glad you are enjoying your P90X hybrid rotation. That’s great your DD says that. My DH often refers to me as “muscle beach” :noway: :laugh: I’m sure he means it in the best way.

    Laurie/Laurel: Thanks on my “kudos” I received. Kind of funny because it was a trainer that teaches the spin class?! I was happy to receive a compliment; sometimes feel self conscious of my arms. :blushing:

    Erika & Kara: Hope your week is ending up nicely and all is well! :smile:

    Everyone have a great weekend and fun on Halloween with the kiddos if you celebrate! :flowerforyou:
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Happy Halloween:bigsmile:

    We are going to the Church's halloween festival which is more a games and prizes approach versus trick or treating in our neighborhood. Unfortunately our area has become one of the hot spots to visit, so we tend to have a gazillion visitors who park on our main road and then trick-or-treat in the neighborhood:grumble:

    Last year the girls loved the games and did not miss out on all of the candy so they are excited for tonight to come:laugh:

    I did a medley of workous this afternoon...I guess I needed variety again:wink: MMA Boxing, Squeeze Waist routine and then Lotte Berk High Assets..well these assets are screaming alright:laugh:

    While I was exercising dad took the girls to buy matching nail polish for the eldest as I had already bought the green one that the 4yr old requested to match her Tinkerbell outfit. Time to get the Ziti in the oven, jump in the shower and prepare for tonight's festivities.

    See you tomorrow,
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hello Ladies!!!

    Wow, I feel so refreshed and relaxed after a long weekend of really doing nothing (although I got my workouts in!). I needed it!

    This morning was KCM Cardio Blast Plyo and I also did Cardio Axe from Brazil Butt Lift. I actually had contemplated buying the Zumba DVD set after reading such great reviews on it, but I think I've convinced myself NOT to get it now. I know it's different than Brazil Butt Lift, but I just don't seem to get into the latin music as much as I thought I would. At least I can cross another set off my list to not buy...I'm getting better and better at that!

    Michelle--The church festival sounds like so much fun! They had one local church (not ours) that does that, but since it's 1 church in a very large town, I figured it was going to get a little crazy there, so decided to have the hubby take the boys out instead. They had a blast and are having more fun playing hockey (with a playdoh I handed out to trick or treaters and a jaw breaker!) right now than they are concerned about eating the candy! Nice job on the workouts the past couple days. I love how you did the split on the workouts the other day, what great way to get the workout in! Loved your variety yesterday. That has to have your body screaming today, I would imagine!

    Tami--I gotta agree with everyone else, I bet you have some rockin' legs with all the leg work you do! I know I see great improvements/cuts when I just do an extra leg workout each week, can't imagine if I did TurboKick/Spinning and STS Legs each week!

    Laurel--I hope you enjoyed your weekend with your hubby home. I can only imagine having to do all that yourself, on top of unpacking, getting your workouts in, and yet still getting all settled into your new surroundings. Once again, WaY TO Go on those always manage to get them in no matter what life throws at you!

    Laurie--Nice work on the Tonique workout. I have such a dread factor on those (except for the mat one), and can't figure out why. I remember really liking them when I did them, but now I can't get myself to do them again! Ugh!


    Have a great day ladies...I'm off to get the boys to school and then into the office I go!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Satruday I got in 10 Min. Solutions Knockout Body, for an intermediate workout this one is really fun. Perfect for the sore calf muscles I had after the Tonique workout. :laugh: Sunday I layed on the couch watching football, just couldn't handle anything else. :laugh: This morning was P90X Chest, Shoulders & Triceps along with Ab Ripper X. Feel much better about the P90X workout than I did last week, maybe it was just getting used to the workout again. :wink:

    Michelle, I was at Walmart and didn't even go by the sports department, I will have to check those out. Might need to try out one of those Bob Harper workouts. Sounds like a fun party, how did the girls like it this year? WTG on the MMA Boxing workout, those are a lot like the workout I did on Saturday.

    Laurel, So glad that you are feeling stronger. :wink: My DH is heading out to Boston this week, and our washing machine has been acting up. Hopefully it will not have to be run again until he gets back. :laugh: I'm sure I could figure little fix it projects, but a washing machine is out of my scope. :wink:

    Tami, Your Sunday Legs/Cardio/V-Ball sounds like one exercised packed day. Keep those nicely developed arms where everyone can see! :wink: No need to feel self concious. DH and I where at a party on Saturday night, and the hostess was wearing these spiked heels. She said that she exercised in them, and then told her friend that she was doing the pole dance exercises. Now that is one form of exercise that I'm steering clear of! :huh:

    Erika, Glad you are feeling better from you relaxing weekend. I don't know how people could do that Tonique workout more than once a week. I know it could really get old fast. Zumba has never apealed to me either. I'm just not a hip wiggler! :laugh:

    Have a great day!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Good Afternoon Ladies,

    My errands are done and finally I can relax until the 9 yr old gets home then I become the referee instead:grumble: For some reason I woke up stuffy and with a sore/itchy throat..not sure if it is allergies or picking up something. We did the hayride last night and my eldest came home sneezing and stuffy. This morning my obliques were screaming and my legs are feeling the Lotte Berk workout. Last night I did JD 2 along with a game of Nerf tag with my 4 year old outside in the yard. Then on Sunday it was tag against dad which was hilarious but great family time:bigsmile:

    Laurie- The girls had fun. My eldest did the Zip-line this year and the velcro wall which is sooooo funny:laugh: Then in the musical chairs routine she won a plate of Oatmeal raisin favorite which she gave to me but I rejected them:wink: The little one loves the games they offer which allows them to earn candy so it was wonderful as they only come home with 20 pieces of candy insteady of an entire bucket if we did it in our neighborhood:noway: I actually threw away the candy they had from two years ago that I hid from them last night:tongue:

    Tami- Those legs are gorgeous in the are those arms for that matter:wink:

    Erika- Yes I'm screaming but from the Bar method type workouts:laugh: . I did Lotte Berk which uses different exercises than Bar method and I can really feel it this morning. I must admit that I may be addicted because I really did want to do it again this morning even with my soreness:bigsmile: I opted to relax instead and hopefully do some stretching later tonight and glute work.

    Laurel- It would suck to have hubby gone esp. with a new city and although we are military it never gets easier for sure. Were you able to transfer your position there? Do you have any friends or family on the East coast? Yes, Walmart and Target are carrying those workouts..Bob's, Jillian's, Jackie and Billy Blanks.

    Kara- How are you? Classes, exercise rotation, etc

    Have a great day ladies,

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~

    Hope everyone had a great weekend! Sounds like the Halloween fun was had by all your kids ~ that’s very fun. We only get like 2-3 knocks on the door each year for trick-or-treaters in our neighborhood. We live in a cul-de-sac that doesn’t have street lights so I think people just skip our loop. :ohwell:

    Yesterday was Plyo Legs followed by 6 games of volleyball. I was definitely glad I did Plyo first instead of after. :wink: This a.m. was STS #34 (Chest/Back) which felt good, tonight will be TK for my cardio!

    Erika: I’m glad you enjoyed your time off and feel refreshed! :smile: Sounds like you had some fun workouts as well.

    Michelle: Sounds like your girls were in for a very fun time at the church festivities! I think a lot of communities are going more towards games/prizes these days for the kids! I think that sounds like lots of fun. Hope the head stuffies goes away and it was just an allergy thing. Thank you for the compliment BTW, you are very sweet to say that. :blushing: I appreciate it.
    Whenever I am feeling insecure/not so good I will visit my friends here at MFP, you guys are all so great!

    Laurie: I am with you on the non-hip-wiggling … my friend is still trying to talk me into Zumba at the gym. I just really think I can live without it. The pole dance exercise too ….. not for me. :huh: I have heard people enjoy that for exercise and I am all for whatever makes you get out there and move – it just isn’t going to be for me either! :laugh: :wink: :laugh: My DH however would probably be willing to build a dance studio onto our house if I said I was interested in doing pole dancing for exercise.

    Laurel: How did the heavier weights feel today with Meso 3? :wink: I thought of you this a.m. and getting back into STS with the “heavy” week being so soon for ya. I bet you did great!

    Kara: Happy Monday – Hope you are doing well! :flowerforyou:

    Have a great day everyone! :smile:
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,873 Member
    Hi ladies!!

    It was a very busy weekend around here. DH got home late on Friday, and we toyed with the idea of going into DC on Saturday for the Colbert/Stewart rally. But when we watched the crowds already appearing on the news that morning AND discussed how much we really probably should do on the house, we decided against going. Seeing the photos of how many people attended makes me glad we didn't go only because I'm not a crowd-loving a long shot. I know it probably would have been fun, but I'm not sure I would have felt that way at the time if I were being pushed through a big crowd. :ohwell:

    We worked and worked on the house both days this weekend, but....finally.....I got my workout in late yesterday afternoon. I just did STS Disk 35/Plyo Legs, but that was enough. I felt it this morning. :smile: This morning I did Disk 34/Chest and Back. Tami, you asked how that felt.....YOWZA!!! Boy, I wasn't prepared for those heavy weights, that's for sure. :noway: I had to take my weight down in most areas (just by a couple pounds), but I still felt like I got a great workout. My arms are feeling it right now. But it does feel good to be lifting again. I'm thinking this workout will feel completely different next time I do it though. Well, at least I can hope it does! :laugh: I finished my workout off with Cardio Core Circuit and a long walk through the new neighborhood.

    Tami, :laugh: on your DH building you a dancing studio in the house. I'm with you and pole dancing for me. Especially in high heels!!! One of the reasons I love working out at home is so I can look a mess while doing it. :tongue: No, high heels and working out just aren't in my cards.

    Michelle, I hope you're just suffering allergies. I would imagine the hay could cause you to feel stuffy and have a scratchy throat. I know it would me. Sounds like you did an effective workout over the weekend though!! Don't know how you were able to pass up Oatmeal Raisin cookies! I love those. Of course, I'm not doing very good at passing up anything sweet right now. :blushing: I'm not working yet, and told myself that I'd wait about six months before I even started looking for work. The past year has really thrown me for a loop, and I just want time to settle in and breathe before attacking a new job. I have return rights to my government career, so I'm hoping I can pick up something (hopefully outside of the Department of Defense) down the road. But, right now, I really want to take some time getting to know this place and deciding whether I like living here or not. Chances are if I find a good position, my husband will opt to retire here (since he can probably find himself a good job in this area as well). But I want to make sure I'm good and ready to make those kinds of decisions when it comes to the point of making them, and, both mentally and physically, I'm just not there right now. Thanks for asking!! Hope you feel better soon! When are you headed this way?

    Laurie, I'm happy to hear the P90X workout went a bit better this week. I'm with you on not wanting to fix the washing machine. There are things I don't mind working on, but when it comes to major appliances....I'm lost. Sometimes I think I need to get him to teach my how to do things like fix the washing machine if it breaks (that way I CAN do it when he isn't here if I need to), but then I figure....that's what laundromats are for! :tongue: I'm pathetic!

    Erika, so happy to hear you are feeling better!! Have you done many workouts from Brazilian Butt Lift? I actually have the program but haven't cracked the wrapping on it yet. :blushing: I'm wondering if it is worth a look or whether I should see it while I've still got it wrapped. Any thoughts you have are welcome!!

    Kara, hope you're doing well!!

    See you all tomorrow!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Had to get into work early this morning, have a hair appointment after work. Instead of Insanity Pure Cardio I chose Fast & Furious, and that was a great sub. Done in 22 min. and I was out the door in plenty of time. :wink: The combo of P90X CST and the floor cardio in this workout have created some sore arms for me this morning. :bigsmile:

    Michelle, I'm hoping that it is just allergies for you too. That hay must be the culprit, sure don't want you getting sick. You really did have a fun weekend, and the party along with the Nerf must have been great. That sounds like us with the candy. My girls are to the point that they are not even looking at the candy, and they didn't even eat that much. I think that this is the last year for my youngest to go out. :drinker:

    Tami, LOL I think that my DH would build a studio for me too! :laugh: I would probably break an ankle on the shoes though! :laugh: Your legs really got a good workout on Sunday. V-Ball is a lot of sqats and jumps.

    Laurel, I don't enjoy crowds either, my problem is difficulty hearing with that many people. So is the house all caught up on the things that needed to be done? Glad the weight workouts are testing you! It will only make you stronger. Sometimes I wish that I would have paid more attention to my Dad when he was fixing things around the house. He made all of us girls know how to fix things on the car, but not the house. :huh:

    Have a wonderful day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,873 Member
    Hi ladies!

    Still feeling really run-down right now. I suppose that's to be expected, but I'm tired of being tired. :frown: I know....this will pass. But I got in a good workout today. I did Cardio Fusion followed by STS Stability Ball abs....and a little of Stretch Max with the stability ball. I really feel like I need to be stretching right now because my body feels tight, but I got bored after about 10 minutes of the latter routine. :blushing: Thursday is yoga day, and that will stretch me for sure!

    Laurie, I was thinking about you this morning and wondering if you were still using the Fast and Furious DVD. I got my answer!! I think I'm going to have to get that one because it sounds perfect for days when you are short on time. Thanks for asking about the house. It is mostly settled right now. Our garage and storage area are a mess, but since I don't live in that part of the house, I'm kind of ignoring it right now. :tongue: But I know I'm going to have to tackle it sometime soon if our stuff from storage ever comes in. No news on that stuff as of yet......I'm beginning to wonder if we'll ever see it. But back to the house, I'm still trying to figure some things how the timer on the oven works and which light switches control which outlets. But, for the most part, it is becoming home. My husband, since he was gone the first week I lived here, is still trying to figure lots of things out. The last two nights I've gone to bed before him and he has run into the closed door to our bedroom both nights! :laugh: At least he laughs about it. I even put a nightlight out, but.........

    Tami, Kara, Erika and Michelle......hope you all are having a wonderful day!!!

    See you tomorrow!

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Afternoon Ladies,

    Well this morning I woke up at 5:30 and was on a roll but then suddenly felt weak and had to go back to bed. It continued on and my little one went downstairs and grabbed a snack while I literally felt too weak to crawl out of bed:frown: Finally she came back upstairs with me and after 30mins I was able to get up and get started. Last night I had a refeed of carbs..good carbs but then my throat became sore after eating a a piece of lowcarb dunker with my is made with oats:frown: I know that sometimes after taking carbs out of the diet some people will have allergic reactions to include headaches, stuffiness, etc similar to what I experienced on Sunday after my hubby messed up my salad order and they included rice in my cabana bowl:grumble: So I definitely will not be able to do my Bob Harper's Pure strength but will do Lotte Berk Assets video instead. Interestingly enough whenever I skip a workout after a good weight I tend to lose weight the day after:bigsmile: Today down 1 lb after my rest day and a good meal of steak, asparagus and rice:laugh:

    Laurel- Totally understand with the job and yes you have the benefits of reinstatement:wink: I'm glad that hubby is home although the running into the furniture part stinks:laugh: I need to call back the DD of human resources. I just wish they would do a phone interview and skip the wasted funds on flights and hotel accomodations:grumble:

    Laurie- Well my youngest was wheezing last night and had to do her inhaler this morning before getting on the bus:frown: Along with that I heard that whooping cough is spreading and as she is the finicky eater her immune system has always been the worst:frown: I have several more years before we stop the trick or treating plus the 4 year old already has her costume chosen for next year.:laugh:

    Erika, Tami, Kara- Happy Tuesday:flowerforyou:

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies :flowerforyou:

    This a.m. was Athletic Step for me. :wink: I was surprised that I AGAIN had to "refresh" my brain on this one. I guess because it has been a long time since conquering it last. At any rate, it was good and I was glad I chose it! I won't be able to go to Spinning tonight, getting my hair prettied like Laurie! :smile:

    Laurie: We must be on the same schedule for hair-do's. :laugh: Great job getting in a short cardio this a.m. - it always feels better to get something in vs. having to miss I think. :wink: I know what you mean on the high heels, yikes! Yes, the legs definitely got a workout in Sun. felt good and I am planning on getting in my workouts Sun. a.m. before I go to V-ball. :smile:

    Laurel: I know that feeling of tired of being tired .... I'm sorry your still feeling that way ~ on the other hand I think all of the adjustments in your life with the long move, unpacking, deciding on a job & all the thoughts of that alone! Might just take a little while to get back on track. :ohwell: Definitely to be expected. :tongue: I think I would be ignoring the stuff I couldn't see too ...... sometimes you have to get back in the mood for unpacking and I am sure that is the last thing you feel like doing, especially feeling run-down. Despite everything I think you are AMAZING for getting in your workouts and sounds like you had a nice combo today. :smile: That is pretty funny about your DH walking into the door ... twice. :laugh:

    Michelle: Sorry to hear about your morning. That doesn't sound fun at all. :huh: Hope all is well and you are good to go now?! I know one time I was having a horrible headache and it was because my carbs were so low. I didn't realize that was the problem until someone here at MFP mentioned it to me. It's good that you know that. :smile: I am excited to do the Bob Harper STRENGTH workout! Did you get the CARDIO one as well? :wink: It's a good one I think. Congrats on the 1 LB. :drinker: That's always a nice surprise.

    Kara & Erika: Hope you all are having a fabulous day! :flowerforyou:

    Talk to you all tomorrow.
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies! I'm back to sanity...but just for 1 day, then it all starts again!! I sell health insurance for my job, so as you can guess, I get into a lot of discussions with my clients about health care reform, insurance companies, etc. Yesterday was a FULL day of it, followed directly by a b-day dinner for my MIL. Needless to say, I didn't even have a second in my day to get to the polls and vote, which I'm not happy about. I mentioned to my hubby that I wanted to leave his mom's b-day dinner early to go vote, and it didn't go over so well, so I didn't get my chance. Ugh! But, today is a quiet day in the office, and then I'm on the road until next Tuesday ( have to work over the weeked out of state---boo!)

    This morning was KCM Kickbox. I'm about 2 weeks into my 6 week rotation of her videos, and I can't think of any better set up for me right now. I am LOVING her rotation, style, workout length (all around 30 minutes) and I have had DOMS non stop since I started. I guess I forgot how much Kelly switches the moves up to hit those muscles you forget about! On the eating side...not so good...when I'm really stressed, I tend to go to sweets and being that it was just Halloween, means there's a lot of that in the house. But, I'm just going to get it out of my system and move on (the candy is almost gone already between me, my hubby and 2 kids!). Next week will be better!

    Laurie-Great job on the workouts, esp. subbing in the Fast and Furious to get in a great workout in a short amount of time. I hope your hair appt. was fun!

    Michelle--I sure hope this is all allergies and you're not coming down with a bug. Sounds like it's giving you a run for your money, but great job finding a workout to fit into the schedule that you can do while feeling under the weather. I hope the soreness from the Bar/Lotte Berk workouts has worn off, because sore plus under the weather is never fun!

    Tami--Great job on the workouts as usual and tackling Athletic Step again. I have to admit, I have that one up for sale on Ebay right now. I just can't get into the step workouts anymore. KCM is about the only one I can handle, because they are such simple moves. Might be the fact that I'm stressed about work, so adding the "stress" of trying to figure out a workout is just not working? So, kudos to you for attempting that one again. Hope you had fun at your hair appointment too!

    Laurel--I'm so glad your hubby is back home to help out around the house, and to spend some time with. I'm sure you'll experience the tiredness for a few more days as your body adjusts back from all the moving stress on your body, and also with getting back into heavy lifting. Those two combined are sure to wipe you out. Keep up the awesome work on the workouts and the energy will come back slowly! By the way, I haven't tried any of the other Brazil Butt Lift workouts yet, but I"m hoping to take them with me when I am out of town this weekend and do the ones I just need the band for. I"ll let you know when I've tried them!

    Kara--I hope you are doing well! I wanted to tell you, that you should check out KCM LIFT DVD. I think you would really like it! The 1st workout is Olympic Style Lifting with a barbell. I used a 25 pound barbell, and it was a GREAT workout. Lots of explosive catches, pushes, etc. Reminds me of the kettlebell style of working with how you power the pulls/pushes. The 2nd workout is Power Sculpting and it literally is non-stop weight work for 30 minutes. I'm talking absolutely no breaks. It was sooo fun, and she had some really unique moves in that one. My obliques were really sore for a few days on that one, even though I don't remember there being an abs section of the workout?!?? Anyway, I thought of you when I was doing it, so wanted to tell you. Preview it and see what you think!

    Well, off to get ready for work. I hope you all have a fantastic day. I probably won't have a chance to catch up with you until next week, so have a good weekend too!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This morning was P90X Back & Biceps along with Jackie Warner's Abs from her Power Circuit DVD. I really have been enjoying that ab workout, so keeping it in the rotation. My biceps feel like rocks right now, went up in weight on some of the exercises. Will have to go pick up some heavier weights for the back, guess is was coming to that point with STS too. :laugh:

    Laurel, Glad to hear that the house is getting just the way you need it to be. Fast & Furious would work really well with one of the ab workouts from Insanity, or even the short premix of CCC! I'm thinking of trying that combo one of these days. One thing I do like about F&F is that he does put those in & outs/push ups and plank moves in for some of the exercises. So your upper body is feeling the love, so adding an ab workout to it would be icing on the cake. :wink:

    Michelle, Hope you are feeling better today. Whooping cough could be really tough if your dd would get it. Hoping that it stays away from your house. That meal sounds good right now. :wink:

    Tami, That step workout would have to be refreshed in my brain too. :laugh: All three of us girls got our hair done last night, so I really had a hefty bill at the end of the night. :smile: Next appointment I made for the week before Christmas, that way I will look good for the holidays. It just gave me a little jolt that we will be in the holiday prep mode very very soon. :huh:

    Erika, WTG on those 30MTF workouts, it sure is nice to have those short effective workouts in your DVD library. I love her kickboxing and weight workouts the most. Sorry to hear that work has been so busy, but it is that time of the year for open enrollment changes isn't it. :grumble: We still have way to much candy in our house! :ohwell:

    Have a wonderful day!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Mornig Ladies,

    The col weather has arrived again which may also account for my wanting to sleep in these mornings...that and TOM:grumble: Last night I did Exhale Core Fusion Thighs and those thighs were quivering and beads of sweat did pop out on the forehead:laugh: I finished that off with with leg and saddlebag work and then threw in Bob Harper's butt challenge...wheew it was burning:wink:

    Erika- Sorry to hear about your lack of voting..there were several mishaps for many people who were unable to vote..myself included. I'm peed off for not doing an early vote:grumble:

    Laurie- Yes turkey day is rapidly approaching, then Xmas, New years...yikes:bigsmile: My godson is playing in the big tournament down at San Padre Island so I just made our reservations for that weekend of Thanksgiving to watch him play. I had my hair done this weekend but after my exercise on Sunday every curl was gone:blushing:

    Tami- I only have the Pure strength and then I ordered Michelle Dozois Cardio but hers is backordered so that has been delayed by one week. I watched Bob's dvd and it looks brutal but I'm nervous about doing the workout and then suffering with major DOMS and heading to this interview on Monday:noway: I plan to use it in a rotation when I return and can afford to suffer in comfort:laugh:

    Laurel- Sounds like you are tired both mentally & physically. In all honesty what you did while moving, etc is incredible and exhausting so stop beating yourself up for needing a break. Listen to your body and take the recovery the city, visit the Capital and The Smithsonian:bigsmile: I'm flying into Richmond On Monday and I have my coat all ready...hmnnn maybe a hat too:laugh:

    Kara- Morning lady:flowerforyou:

    Off to do lunch with the eldest at her school:bigsmile:

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