Cathe Fans Part 3!



  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hello Ladies ~

    Spinning was the cardio choice last night :wink: which felt good on a very rainy evening. We went from the beautiful falling snow to rain so it is kind of a mess out there. Oh well, tis the season but I was happy with my choice of going spinning. DH was snuggled in by the fireplace watching his B-ball game. :ohwell: This a.m. was STS #23 Legs ~ felt good, drop sets and all!

    Michelle: I am sure you received the best advice of all talking to mom. I’m glad you have had some time to think it over and make a decision! Congrats and I know it will all fall into place for you and your family, being a great experience for you and your new career! Cheers! :drinker: I agree, Bob is great. I really like his approach and I think you will really like the cardio DVD as well, he has a way of making you want to work harder. :smile: Have fun at WalMart with your new purchases!

    Laurie: Great job getting in your workout last night despite the hectic night :wink: Again I will say I don’t know how you all do it with kids + the DH in your lives to prep dinner, etc for. I have just my DH and I and feel my evening goes so quickly. Planning on doing STS tomorrow (as scheduled) and do Intensity on Sat. as a little preview workout! I’ll see how I go with the bunny hop section! :laugh: Thanks for the info on the core work on BootCamp. Yet another item I figured I was missing on one of the DVD’s. :blushing: Will have to try that sometime!

    Erika: :laugh: :blushing: :laugh: OK, that is so funny that you have requested the photo of my legs! I am flattered and appreciate your enthusiasm & I promise when I have one snapped I will post it. Not sure how motivating it will be but I’ll give it a go! That’s fantastic that you are feeling so good and got in a great workout! :bigsmile: Also a congrats on your new purchase – that sounds like quite the bargain. Yeah!!

    Laurel: What a great combo of workouts ~ bet it did feel spectacular forsure! Yes, I decided I will do a shorter pre-mix on Sat of Intensity so I can check it out. :wink: I was planning on mixing in some Power Hour into the next rotation so I will probably rotate the two (High Reps) if they are similar. :happy: Truly can't believe we are down to the end of Undulating. :noway:
    Did you get all your cookies mailed off to the troops? That is so fantastic that you do that, you do that every year right?

    Hi Kara :bigsmile:

    Hope you all have a great afternoon & evening! :smile:
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Oh Happy Day--IT"S FRIDAY!!! Yeah! :bigsmile:

    I'm excited it's the end of the week AND, we're going to get up to 8" of snow here tonight (overnight--the best time to get it!), so it will officially look like a winter wonderland for our Christmas shopping and Santa activities this weekend!

    This morning was KCM Bootcamp 2 and then I dove into my new Squeeze Lower Body DVD and used my Fluidity Bar.:happy: Ok, so I've had a sore booty from exercises before, but never a quivering booty. Yowsa, Tracy REALLY works those thighs and the booty. I am gonna love the results from this workout, I can tell already! :bigsmile:

    Tami--I just hate when there is that beautiful snow falling and then it changes to rain! We've had a lot of that in the last 2 weeks. I'm excited to actually get 8" of pure snow for once! I hope those legs are holding up for you this morning!! :laugh:

    Michelle--Nice workout with Bob! I just wish I could get past the weird face girl in the DVD, cuz I would for sure like this workout. But, everytime I watch the preview, that's all I can focus on, and I know I'd get distracted during the workout and want to turn it off. Too bad you can't delete an excersiser from the DVD! :laugh: I LOVED the Squeeze workout this morning...thanks for the details on that one awhile back. Glad I finally went ahead and bough them!

    Laurel--Way to go on the Insanity workout! Sounds like you had enough energy for all of us! :laugh: I am glad that I once had nice, tight, firm legs (I have a picture of the back of my legs and my hammies were beautiful--of course that was 15 years ago!), so I can look at those pictures and try to get back there. That comment your hubby made sounds like my hubby, but he always said my butt was not my best feature. That's gotta be the hardest area to firm up!

    Laurie--Way to go on getting the Sports Conditioning in after work the other day, and then kickin butt on the P90X and Barry's Abs too! I find it sooo hard to workout at night, because there is always something going on...dinner, homework, sports, etc. I finally just gave up and said it wasn't going to happen until my kids get a little older, then MAYBE! Enjoy the snow when it gets there!


    Off to get ready for work! Have a great Friday!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning lAadies,

    I decided to do some clips on youtube from the Physique 57 instructor Tanya..ouch:bigsmile: Last night I caved and ordered Paul Katami 44 hollywood bootcamp:blushing: It was interesting to discover that he has a partner and has been activiely figthing for a partner marriage in Cali. I also found his earlier works which seems great but I'm definitely suprised he is not as popular. I can't waiti to mix his dvd wit Bob's which I'm feeling in the quads this morning:ohwell:

    Erika- That beginner exerciser annoyed me the first time but yesterday I was so focused on my own personal pain that I did not even see her until the end:laugh: Tracy is awesome and currently is on maternity leave but I'm excited to see future dvds. Bar Method also has a new one that is currently in my shopping cart:blushing:

    Tami- I may skip Walmart today as I have a Baked ziti to prepare for one of hubby's parties tonight plus with my Katami on the way I'm using this as leverage to work hard this month:wink:

    Morning Laurel, Laurie, & Kara:flowerforyou: running out the door for gymnastics..sheesh now I'm running late.

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Got Box'n'Flow done last night, that one is with Kimberly Spreen. It is a short workout, but perfect for after a weight training day. This morning was Magically Hips, I think that Tami inspired me to do that one. :wink:

    Laurel, Good combo of workouts. That is a great idea to do that P90X Asylum rotation, that might be something that I will try out too. I'm getting excited to see what these new DVD's will be like. My friend Traci sent me a video where Shaun said that if you can't get through one of his Insanity workouts without stopping, then you will have a hard time with Asylum. :noway: I think I'm going to have to up my game on those Insanity workouts. :laugh:

    Michelle, Oh now I'm hungry at the mention of dirty rice. Mmmmm Oh and baked ziti! You are killing me. :laugh: Oh wait you are giving me some good ideas, I just may have you tell me what you have planned for each meal. :laugh: Yesterday I had a beef roast in my slow cooker, and of course that is a family favorite. Can understand why your DH wouldn't want to make the same career choice. :wink: Glad to see that you are finding workouts that you are enjoying so much.

    Tami, Not so good weather wise for you is it. I really enjoy watching TV with the fireplace lit too. Oh and of course adding a glass of wine isn't to bad either. :wink: There are so many premixes on Cathe's workouts that it can be hard to remember all of them. KCM is like that too, I have to insert a DVD sometimes just to see all the treasures that might be there for me to try. :laugh:

    Erika, Sounds like you are getting more snow that we will get. But we should have enough on the ground to make the grass disappear. :wink: LOL about your booty quivering! :wink: You work those muscles good then. The working out in the evening has gotten better now that my girls are older, and one of them has a drivers liscense. :happy: Tonight it will probably be just me and DH, the youngest is at her friends. Never know anymore what plans the oldest one has until I get home from work. :huh:

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,873 Member
    Happy Friday Ladies!

    I still had alot of energy today. I started my day with Step Blast which was just plain fun for me. Then I took a long break, and did STS Disk 24/Back and Biceps. For the past week, I've shifted my workouts, starting my day (before eating) with cardio and then doing my weights. I know the common thought is to do weights before cardio, but, for whatever reason, I'm having great results with doing my cardio first. I'm taking a break (and eating) in between workouts, and I seem to have WAY more energy (and strength) for my weights. Today's workout felt almost easy in parts (well, the back section did.....the biceps.....not so much. :ohwell: ) In fact, I still had so much energy after that I felt like another cardio, so I did Turbo Fire HiiT 20 to finish off the workout. It felt GREAT! No doubt, I'm doing more exercise than I should right now, but I'm just listening to my body right now and going with it. I'm sure this burst of energy will fade away soon. :cry:

    Tami, sorry to hear about your weather. I hate it when snow turns to rain. That just gets nasty AND dangerous. Looks like another storm system is moving through that part of the country, so stay warm and safe!! I actually started doing some research for my next rotation and I discovered that there are premixes on DVDs that I've never done....and I've had them for years! So I think I'm going to do about six weeks of the rotation I posted the other day and then go into splits for about four weeks until I get Asylum. I'm really looking forward to it. In fact, I'm thinking of previewing that latter form of workout next week by doing my legs on Sunday, Chest/Back on Monday, Legs on Tuesday, Biceps/Shoulers/Triceps on Wednesday....and then doing STS Total Body on Friday. We'll see how I feel when it comes to next Tuesday I suppose. I haven't previewed STS Total Body yet (that's later today), but I hear great things about it.

    Michelle, I've never heard of Paul Katami. Please let us know more about him. I'm really anxious to preview my Bob DVDs!! I'm going to incorporate them into my next rotation, no doubt.

    Erika, I must admit I'm a tad jealous that you are getting so much snow tonight. There's nothing like waking up on a Saturday morning to a world of white....all safe and warm and with your family with no place you NEED to go. I love that. We're just colder here (not COLD by a long shot!), but no snow. That's okay too. I really don't want to see these drivers when it snows. I thought Los Angeles had the worst drivers. I was wrong. :noway: While I still think the traffic was worse there, I can honestly say that I didn't hear about the bad accidents every day like I do here.

    Laurie, keep the news on Asylum coming. Looks like I'm going to have to go into training for this one. I can get through a number of Insanity workouts without stopping (not all....but some), but if he puts in alot of upper body plyo work (like the push up jacks and plank punches) then I'll never make it through Asylum. That stuff kills me!!

    Kara, hope you are well.

    Hope you all have a great weekend!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hello Ladies ~ :smile:

    STS #24 (Back & Biceps) for me today! :wink: Depending on the plans after work I will hit the Spinning class on my way home and tomorrow I would like to get in Intensity to check it out. The wrapper is off and calling my name!

    Erika: How fun that will be to waking up to all the snow. :drinker: That’s how Thanksgiving and thru the weekend was for us. . . really puts everyone into the holiday spirit forsure! Sounds like you might have a sore booty tomorrow :ohwell: hopefully not the “too sore” feeling so you are good to go in all that snow! Great job on the workouts today, sounds like a great combo.

    Michelle: Probably best to skip the WalMart shopping unless you “have” too due to the craziness of the time of year! :huh: Very exciting that you have a new DVD on the way . . . that will be fun I’m sure to rotate with Bob. :happy: I don’t know anything about Paul K but saw his newer workouts on Collage. Looks good! Enjoy your baking today.

    Laurie: I’m always glad to be an inspiration ~ :wink: I bet the workout felt great. You inspire me to do more Yoga/Stretching which I always intend to get to on one day and doesn’t always happen. I agree on all the pre-mixes and missing out on them sometimes. I read on a post on Cathe’s site recently that someone would put a little note inside her DVD box to remind herself of the pre-mixes. I thought that was a great idea. I like how Cathe has them listed on the back of the new workouts.

    Laurel: WOW! :noway: You did have some energy today! Excellent job. Thank you for the well wishes on our weather/driving. Today is just a little cold and gray (no rain) so we will see what the weekend has in store. :ohwell: Probably sort of the same with some flurries I think. I really need to get some more Christmas shopping going so I don’t feel the pressure next weekend so hopefully the roads stay clear, the parking lots get a little nuts when it is snowy + Holiday shoppers . . YIKES! That sounds like a perfect plan for next week & I know for our “Recovery” week I am planning on making it a little more active than typical due to the time of year (kind of what we chatted about last week). :wink: So many choices …. That will be great to get some pre-mixes in there that you haven’t done, as you come across good ones let us know ~ Definitely incorporating Bob into my new rotation as well, glad you got those. Did you find them at WalMart then or online?

    Kara – TGIF – Hope you had a great week and get to enjoy your weekend! :bigsmile:

    Talk to you all very soon! :flowerforyou: Have a great weekend . . .

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Happy Monday Ladies!!!

    I hope you all had a great weekend! We got about 9" of snow on Friday night, so woke up to a beautiful winter wonderland on Saturday! We had lots of activities this weekend, but it was all fun stuff! I got in CCC on Saturday and then Sunday was Squeeze. Yowsa, this workout is going to kick my booty! Once again, my thighs are screaming!

    Tami--I hope you were able to try out Intensity! I can't stand it when I have the wrapper off and it's screaming my name...I usually cave much sooner than expected then!

    Laurel--WOW with all the energy! I would eat that up and get in as many workouts as my body is willing to handle, as we all know it won't last forever!

    Laurie--Where did you get that Kimberly Spreen workout? I tried looking for it, and didn't find it. Sure sounds like fun!

    Michelle--How did you like P57?? What Bar Method workout do you have in your cart? I can't keep up with all these workouts!!

    Kara--I hope you had a great weekend!

    Have a great Monday!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning ladies,

    On Sunday it was Michelle's Cardio pk which I ended up completing shoeless after a Capone incident:grumble: I was actually able to jump higher in those tuck jumps but man is my back screaming this morning:noway: Capone has another yeast infection in his ears and hubby woke me this morning because he was so miserable. After stumbling down the stairs, I mixed a vinegar/alcohol mixture to clean along with some allergy medicine, we then stumbled back to bed and ignored the 2am barking. He was able to sleep and this morning his ears looks much better. Someone recommended Zymox so I ordered that frm Amazon to keep on hand for preventative care.

    This weekend we went to ToysR'Us and it was a madhouse:grumble: And republicans say the poor/middle class hold unto their money..yeah right. Parking lots were a beast. After returning home I went online to Macy's and then their site went down because of sooo much activity:laugh: but I did manage to grab some work related clothes and some new jackets for hubby and myself with their 25% Macysfriend promo code. I'm soooo done with the shopping:blushing: for now.:laugh:

    Erika- BM has a new release, a beginners, prenatal, & Dancer's advanced body. They all use different instructors but they were produced by her. In January she plans to release 2 dvds led by her so I'm trying to be patient. Not to mention the mention of Tracy's Squeeze had me going into my dvd chest and pulling hers out:wink: Physique Tracy has several videos on youtube so I did them while standing at my kitchen island and watching my laptop. Her plie squats combined with her hip moves while pushing your hands above the head really worked my hips on Saturday, not to mention the bar work I combined with her curtsey squat and alternating plie on toes. I'm addicted to Bar:love:

    Laurie- My hubby's party was canceled so now I have all of this italian sausage and ground sirloin that I had prepped for a large baked ziti. It has been postponed until next saturday or until the family makes a request. Hmnn last night was steak and gravy, red beans and rice with steamed petite green beans. Dessert was some light popcorn but it was definitely better than my thoughts of a Cold Stone creamery run:blushing: . I'm thinking tonight will be a stewed dish served with some rice and corn muffins/cornbread. It is chilly here today and that should hit the spot:laugh: Forgot to mention Jessica Smith has her own dvd that releases this month, Look Better Naked.

    Laurel- What vitamin are you on?:noway: That is beyond energy..what the heck kind of food are you eating because I need at least 25 percent of that:laugh: Pass on the secret woman.

    Tami- No walmart..instead I showed hubby the dvd and told him that was on my wishlist along with the new Lee child book:bigsmile: . I will use what I have and save my favorites for the new year:wink: Here is to Bob and the new rotation:bigsmile:

    Kara- The end of the semester is nearly here..hang out hon:drinker:

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Let me see if I can remember all that I did this weekend. :wink: On Friday after work I did 10 Min. Solutions Rapid Results Fat Burner, but only the sections of sports drills, intervals and kicboxing. Really don't care for the other two 10 min. sections on that DVD. On Saturday I did P90X Legs & Back in the morning, and Jillians Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism in the afternoon. Yesterday I slept funny and woke up with a sore shoulder (had my arms over my head for to long :blushing: ) I opted for doing nothing, but took my oldest shopping to get the youngest a skirt and blouse for her choir concert this week. Good thing those girls are the same size. :laugh: This morning my shoulder was still bothering me, so I decided to do a the 10 Min Solutions workout I did on Friday. The only part that gave me some pain where the jumping jacks. I will try out the P90X Chest & Back workout after work.

    Laurel, I can see where doing the cardio on an empty stomach, eating and then doing your strength workout would be ideal. On Saturday I ate before I did Legs & Back, and it seemed that I had more energy. When I did the BFBM workout I had not eaten since I had my protein smoothie after the weight workout, and I felt that workout went really well too. I know that I can't eat anything before a cardio workout, I usually get an upset stomach. My friend said that she has a coach meeting today, and should have more information on the new P90X and Asylum workouts. I want to know now! :laugh:

    Tami, Did you try out that new Intensity workout? I like that Cathe has the information on the back of the DVD case for these new workouts too. That is a really good idea about putting a note inside the case, probably would be good to put the times on there too. That is sometimes why I don't look at the premixes, don't know how much time the workout could actually be.

    Erika, Well you all got a lot more snow than we did, about 4" total for us. At least our area looks pretty now instead of having to look at dry grass. :wink: I got that workout right from Kimberly's web page, that is the only place that it is available from. Have had it for quite a few years. Way to work that lower body.

    Michelle, I shouldn't read your posts before I have my snack. :laugh: PB and celery sticks doesn't sound half as good as what you posted. Last night I made DH and I some porkchops and rice, he was so happy. I think that porkchops are his favorite meat. :laugh: Can you freeze all that meat for future meals? To bad about the party being cancelled. You got me hooked on Lee Child, DH and I are on his third book. I got DH started on them too, because the first book was so good I told him to read it. :wink:

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~

    This a.m. was STS #34 - Chest/Back, felt good & strong! Tonight will be TK after work for some cardio! :wink: Strange to think this is the last week of STS Undulating rotation.:huh: I am sad to report that I didn’t get in Intensity over the weekend.:sad: I met an old co-worker for her Birthday lunch which was really fun but didn’t get up early enough due to a horrible night sleep (DH snoring:grumble: ). So decided to do the workout later that day ….. well the three of us sat and chatted forever. By the time I left it was seriously time to get some errands done and head home, just as DH was coming back from fishing. :ohwell: Sunday I played in a Volleyball tourn. In the a.m. until the afternoon and then came home and did STS Legs. :tongue: My DH looked at me cross-eyed for the order of athletic events but I told him I just really had to get in my workout! PLUS we only played 2 matches so I had the energy. So Intensity is still waiting for me ….. tomorrow a.m.

    Erika: Great workouts sounds like! :smile: What a fun weekend with all the fresh snow! :wink: Very festive. We don’t have the rain anymore but our snow is slowly going away … supposed to get more rain this week though. As I mentioned above I didn’t get in Intensity …. So it is still calling my name ~ Tomorrow’s a.m. workout especially since I don’t have anything penciled in at this point.

    Michelle: So did Mr. C take your shoe somewhere? :huh: My dog gets the yeast infection in her ears too. :ohwell: Mostly in the warmer months just due to the moisture, etc. But it is an ongoing situation since she was a puppy. Thanks for mentioning the Zymox. I would love to have something on hand vs. taking her into the vet each time a flare up happens. Definitely a frustrating thing so I totally understand. Sounds like you have some yummy dinners happening at your house ~ my DH would love that. Poor guy eats a lot of what I eat for dinner which is normally chx breasts or fish w/ salad and veggies --- he draws the line on gr turkey burger though!

    Laurie: Sorry to hear about the shoulder. :ohwell: Hopefully it loosens up soon and all is well! Sounds like you had some good workouts on Saturday though, which is great and hopefully you can get in your P90X workout tonight.:wink: I’m with you on the pre-mixes, if I don’t know how long it is forsure (especially my early a.m. workout) then I tend to go with what I know for time frames.

    Laurel & Kara – Hello! Hope you both had a great weekend! :bigsmile:

    Have a great Monday everyone ~ :smile:

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,873 Member
    Hi ladies!

    Late checking in today. I'm doing some volunteering at the Pentagon right now, so I was gone all day. But I managed to get up and get my workouts in before leaving! I haven't been feeling quite as energetic the last couple of days, which was to be expected, but I've still done some good workouts. Saturday was my day off, but yesterday I did Insanity Cardio Power and Resistance followed by STS Disk 12/Legs. Today I did Turbo Fire 60 followed by STS Disk 34/Chest and Back.

    I'm thinking I'm going to do my next two STS workouts over the next two days and then tack on STS Total Body on Friday. I previewed that one at the end of last week, and it looks really different. I think I'll enjoy it, so I'm anxious to try. I even downloaded my workout sheets from the workout manager, so that will help me with my weight selections. But, from what I understand, alot of people haven't been able to do their recommended weights based on the 1RM because of how this workout is set up. But at least it gives me a base point from which to start.

    Tami, I too can't believe this is our last week of this undulating rotation. It has been a good one and one I'll revisit doubt. Sorry you didn't get Intensity in. Hopefully you'll be able to fit it in soon. But it sounds like you visit with your friend was fun, so I'm glad you were able to do that.

    Laurie, now I'm anxious for more news on Asylum. :drinker: I used to eat before my cardio AND strength workouts, but, lately, I've not been able to handle it as much. I think it is because I've taken the intensity of my cardio up so much that eating, even a couple of hours, just doesn't feel right, and I end up feeling really sluggish. This way, I'm just having SO much more energy for both workouts. So even though it isn't recommended to workout this way, since it seems to be working out for me, I'm going to stick with it. Hope your shoulder feels better soon!

    Michelle, so sorry to hear about the sick pup. Hope he gets better soon. I hear you about shopping. We went to a local mall here Saturday afternoon just because we hadn't been there and.....:noway: . Boy, if that is how it is in a hurting economy, I don't want to be there when the economy is thriving. Even by Christmas standards it was crazy. And people were carrying these HUGE bags from places like Bloomingdales. Yowza. Not something I could do, that's for sure. But it was fun to people watch and see an area we hadn't been before. Wish I could share a secret for eating and getting energy but, lately, it seems the most consistent thing in my diet is chocolate. :huh: I'm not going to suggest that as a workout staple.....though I wish I could. :tongue:

    Erika, your snow sounds beautiful! We're just cold(ish) here with alot of wind. I wouldn't mind a little snow to set the mood for the holidays. Good job on the workouts!

    Kara, hope you are well.

    See you all tomorrow!

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hello Ladies!!!

    I'm fighting something again (round 2 is going through our house, but everyone has something different!), last night it was a HORRIBLE sore throat. :grumble: I almost went in to get tested for strep, but decided to take a couple Advil, and it did the trick. So far, no sore throat this morning, and I feel good. :bigsmile: I decided to make December my "whatever workout I feel like" month. So, when I wake up, I just pull out a DVD and go. This morning was Kettlebell Goddess Legs/Hips/Buns followed by Callanetics Hips/Buns. Both felt great, and I'm always surprised with how much cardio I feel from the kettlebells, even though the instructor goes VERY slow! I'm going to see how the rest of this month goes to determine if I feel like pushing off STS for a few weeks, or if I'm ready to tackle it. In all honesty, I'm having a "Cathe bugs me" week. :ohwell: I tried doing 3 different cardio workouts of hers, and her voice, comments, everything was bugging me. That has never happened before, so I don't know what the heck to think of that!!! Maybe after a couple weeks I'll truly miss her and be ready for STS.

    Laurel--Sounds like you are staying busy, both workout wise and with volunteering! I would say that your energy is still above mine if you were able to get in Insanity and STS legs!! Good idea on pushing the STS workouts together so you can try out STS Total Body. I'd love to hear what you think! I still hear most people on Cathe's forum talking about High Reps, so am curious to hear what you think of that one too!

    Tami--Sounds like you had a fun time with your girlfriend this weekend. Those times are the best, but I bet you still had that little voice in the back of your head saying "I'm missing my workout!". I know I would!! I tend to get a little cranky if I don't get a planned workout in. But, sounds like you got in a great workout on Sunday and yesterday too! What is up with all the husbands snoring lately?? :grumble: Mine normally doesn't snore as much, but has been horrible for the last couple weeks. We're actually talking about getting a new bed for our spare bedroom so I can escape and get some sleep if his snoring starts up in the middle of the night! :laugh:

    Laurie--Sorry to hear about your shoulder. I've had that happen before, and it takes some time for it to feel better. Sounds like you were able to work around it, which is fantastic! Keep modifying and your shoulder will be better in no time! :happy:

    Michelle-Sounds like Mr. Capone is up to no good again! :noway: I hope your shoe is recovered and you've got his ears under control! We also made a trip to Toys R Us this, what a zoo! I think, aside from a couple trips to Kohls and Target, that was my first "in-store" shopping this year. Most of mine was done online! :happy: I'm feeling good and sore in my triceps today from Tracy...wowsa!!

    Kara--Hi Girl!!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning ladies,

    This morning was Paul Katami 4x4 Hollywood Bootcamp and it was dread factor:wink: It is broken into 5 blocks, each blocks has a 1 min intervals for cardio, legs, upper and core and you repeat each block. It was a great calorie burn and he is motivating enough and reminds me of Patrick Goudeau with his comments:laugh: Overall a good 70 minute FB interval circuit that I may feel tomorrow.

    Erika- Funny about the Cathe comment, sometimes it seems like even your favorite instructor can annoy you. I felt that way this wknd with Michelle Dozois because she lacks rythymn and in one of her blocks uses kickboxing with a shimmy move that just annoyed me on Sunday:blushing:. I had to force myself to ignore her and just focus on my moves:laugh: Last night I caved and bought Cardio Barre..I needed an additional purchase for free shipping and opted to buy myself another dvd:blushing: :blushing: . I swear to cut up my credit cards in 2011:laugh: This weekend was also my only venture out in the shopping world as I love to shop online only, I quickly told hubby to lets head home.

    Laurie- This morning was mini cinnamon rolls for my eldest but I did burn those off already, plus they were really mini-mini:wink::laugh: I will enjoy some oatmeal with protein powder, dried cranberries and almonds for breakfast. Lunch will be my heaviest meal and dinner will be protein & veggies only:wink: along with 2.5Liters of water. Snacks will be a balance bar and an apple with string cheese. See I'm being really good today:bigsmile:

    Tami- Well after a backyard chase b/c he was eating the forbidden I lost my sneakers and was too pissed to grab my shox from the pantry where I keep my workout shoes. Capone interrupted my workout and I hate when that happens:grumble: I had to hose hime down to stop him which led to me getting completely soaked to include my sneakers. It was truly just an awful morning and continued into the day and then of course the infection has him miserable also:sad: I told my mom that he may be coming back home to her house where his sister lives because he is driving me crazy and turning my world upside down. I can't fathom how things will be when I start to work:huh: At least with his sister he has company and a 1/2 acre to run on all day long.

    Laurel - I'm not a chocolate woman unless it has nuts inside but my cashews get me into trouble as a snack:bigsmile: If chocolate is your secret then I'm willing to join the fest:laugh: The beauty in America is our ability to celebrate our holidays, whether in times of hardship or abundance Christmas, Thanksgiving combined with a great sale will always bring out the people:wink: Live, Laugh, & Shop worry about the bills in 2011.:laugh:

    Off to continue my Winter closet clean & donate marathon which started on Sunday:noway: . Hopefully I can get these boxes packed and donated to the Women's Battered Shelter by Saturday.

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Well my shoulder was still bothering me last night so I decided to hold off on the chest & back workout. This morning I woke up with no pain at all, and did my scheduled workout Insanity Max Interval Sport Training. I will do the c&b workout after work.

    Tami, Sorry to hear about the snoring DH. :wink: Hope you where able to get that Intensity workout in this morning so you can let me know how you liked it. The Hiit was a winner for me, except for the sore knees I suffered with afterward. Very exciting that you are almost finished with your rotation.

    Laurel, She has not posted the update yet on Asylum, but as soon as I hear I will let you know. I have heard the same thing about the STS Total Body, they say that she goes a little to quick for the amount of weight. Hey if the way you eat and workout works for you then who is to say that it isn't right. That is the way I think about it anyway. Everyone is different in how they need to workout.

    Erika, I think that we all have that feeling with instructors. I know I once didn't do a Cathe workout for almost 6 months. I just couldn't bring myself to do one. And then it all turned around, and I was doing a full rotation. :laugh:

    Michelle, That workout does sound like it would be fun, that is the same stucture as how Jillian does her 30 Day Shred. Will have to preview that workout, because it does sound like something I would enjoy. Ok so now all that sounds good, but less tempting to eat. :laugh: Now my snack of a banana and almonds sound good too. :wink:

    Have a wonderful day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,873 Member
    Hi ladies!

    It has been a crazy busy day. I'm trying to get the rest of my baking done so my husband can take the goodies into his staff on Friday. I've already got the stuff going overseas mailed, which is good. But, of course, we lost power for a portion of the day, so my whole schedule has been thrown off. :grumble: But I got my workouts in before all that hit. This morning I did Intensity (as recorded), and really enjoyed it. It felt tougher to me this morning, but I think that's because I'm figuring out the steps so spending much less time standing and looking at Cathe. :smile: I took a break and then did STS Disk 23/Legs. That felt really strong this morning despite my tired legs from I finished it with my least favorite (because its so tough!) ab workout in STS--Weights and Plates. And that, too, felt surprisingly good.

    Laurie, have you previewed STS Total Body yet? There is very little rest between sets. Combine that with the fact she's doing triple sets, and I don't think I'll be able to do the weights on my workout card. It looks pretty high endurance to me. The one thing I like about it is there seems to be more leg work than in her other full body workouts and she also doesn't spend as much time on the smaller muscle groups (which I think she explains on the DVD). I'm really anxious to try it. Because it is standard sets (16 reps followed by 12 reps), I think I'll like it better than I did workouts like Muscle Endurance where the reps at times felt like they went on endlessly.

    Erika, I hope you're feeling better. Good for you for getting in your workout despite how you felt last night. Hey, I'm with you on getting annoyed with Cathe every now and again. I do the same at times. I usually push through it because she usually gives me the best workouts, but it does happen. I think my last episode of that was when I got Shock Cardio. There were only a couple of workouts in that series that clicked with me from the get-to (the HiiT workouts and CCC), and I just found the others annoying. If I hadn't been doing STS at the time, I might have been off Cathe for a long time because of that. But I worked through it....and I'm glad I did. Just do what doesn't annoy you right now and enjoy! You're doing great.

    Michelle, I'm so sorry to hear about your continued problems with Capone. Maybe he would be happier with his sister. I can't imagine how this is going to try your patience when you get back to work. When are you starting? Are you looking forward to it?

    Tami, hope you day went well and you got in some good workouts!

    Kara, hope you are well.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Afternoon Ladies ~

    Last night I hit the TK class, which was great and for some reason burned about 100 more calories than normal! It was a great workout as always but not sure what was different. This a.m. I did one of the shorter mixes on Intensity! I LOVE it. It will be nice to try others and get all the moves down. Just like always with a “new” workout for me. :laugh: :blushing: Tonight will be Spinning & my favorite instructor is filling in tonight & tomorrow so really looking forward to it. :bigsmile:

    Erika: So glad I am not the only one that has that little voice in my head! Yes, eventhough I had a great time with my friends it was definitely playing in my mind. I am really bad that way with just really wanting to get the workout in if I missed in my "planned" time. :smile: So w/ you there! :bigsmile: Sounds like you got in a couple of great workouts. Hope that sore throat stays away! :wink:

    Laurie: Glad your shoulder was better today. Yes, Intensity was good ~ definitely anxious to do it again and also other pre-mixes! Really excited about all the new DVD’s forsure & mixing them into my new rotation from week-to-week.

    Michelle: I would imagine your frustration with Mr C has reached beyond the boiling point. :grumble: Would your sister be willing to take him then? I'm with you on the online shopping. I seem to find more of a variety because we don't live in a very big area and it is just easier. Yahoo on another DVD purchase! :drinker:

    Laurel: You are a busy little baker! :wink: So nice that you do that for all the guys. Excellent job on the workouts (AGAIN). I am anxious to preview/try STS Total Body. Prior to them arriving I thought it looked really fast and definitely endurance filled. I have printed out a workout card but like you, I may need to modify if it is moving that quick with so many reps!

    Hi Kara :flowerforyou:

    Hope you all have a great evening ~ talk to you tomorrow!

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!!

    Still fighting this cold, but I think I'm winning (at least I hope). I get a mild sore throat at night, probably because the boys have our humidifier in their room right now, and had a little coughing and congestion last night, but got my butt outta bed and rocked out KPC, which seems to have gotten all the gunk out! I'm pleased to say, I wasn't annoyed with Cathe this morning, which is good! I figured KPC was a good go to, as I always love that workout. Just something about CCC got to me over the weekend...hmmm....

    Tami--Way to go on the extra calorie burn! I bet you just punched with more energy or kicked with more energy than normal. I find sometimes I burn more, but don't feel like it, but remember being more "into" the music than normal, which probably caused me to put more effort into the punches/kicks. Awesome that your favorite instructor is around for yesteday and today! Sounds like Intensity was right up your alley!! I would love to love that one, but right now, the step is not my friend. We're on a break for awhile! :laugh:

    Laurel--You go girl!! :drinker: Baking, workouts, and energy galore! I want whatever you've got!! I LOVE baking, but decided this year I have to refrain from it, like I normally do, as I end up eating it all myself as I don't have sweet toothed hubby or children in this house. I'm sure we'll do a batch of cookies for Santa, but that might be it!

    Laurie--I'm so glad your shoulder is feeling better! :smile: It's so weird how you can get a pain like that, which won't go away for days, and then suddenly it's gone! I think we've all been there...I seem to always get those back by my shoulder blades!

    Michelle--Sounds like a great workout...I previewed that one, and it does look good. Right now, I'm having struggles with circuit workouts that have both cardio and weights for some reason. I find that I am so exhausted from the cardio that I can't keep good form with weights. Maybe when I get past that, his workout will be a good one! I wanna hear your review of the new DVD's once you try them. I too ordered a few myself the other day! :blushing: 2 of KCM older weight circuit workouts and an Ilaria kickboxing (forget which one right now) DVD. Can't wait!


    Well, off to get the boys their flu shots and then on the road for work. Talk to you all tomorrow!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning ladies,

    I was so exhausted from the new circuit/interval training that I was in bed by 10:30pm last night and when the dog started barking at 3am, I was well rested although I ignored him until 5:50am:huh: The at home remedies for his yeast infection is working(equal parts vinegar & alcohol for cleaning ) along with the clotrimazole for the yeast. The Zymox has not arrived yet but he is a happier dog and the scratching to the point of open wounds are gone. TG as each visit along with his meds are $100 and although we have pet insurance I definitely do not want him on so many antibiotics. The pineapple seems to be working for poop eating:noway: TG!!!!!!!!!

    Erika- The circuit was not exhausted, not like Michelle Dozois or Bob Harper. He uses compound moves that are completely doable but does not offer many modifications for someone like myself who has knee and back issues. I'm hoping however that a couple of weeks using circuits will confuse my body and give me a visit from the weight goddess:wink: Oooh I also have a few more in my Totalfit cart but Booty Barre is sold out so I decided not to buy last night:blushing: I looked at my LB this morning and the saddlebags are definitely smoothing out with Bar/ Cardio Barre shipped and I'm so excited to jump back in for the new year with my new Barre dvds.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Tami- It is Capone's sister that lives at my mom, I happen to be an only child with several step-siblings that I recently started a relationship with although our parents are divorced. TG that we all still comunicate with each other as my stepdad was in my life since 2 years old:bigsmile:

    Laurel- How do you bake all those goodies and not eat them:laugh: That is great willpower, now can I request a carepackage:laugh: Keep up the great work with those care packages..the soldiers love the goodies and will usually trade and share with all.:flowerforyou:

    Laurie- Ok so today was my Taebo cardio & Bar method day so Iower carbs for me. Eggs & turkey bacon wrap with coffee, 1 can of tuna w/crackers for lunch, snack may be 1/2 Muscle milk banana creme shake w/cashews and dinner is baked chicken with broccoli slaw:bigsmile:


    Off to eat and wrap gifts before the little one wakes up.

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    P90X Chest & Back was done last night, and this morning P90X Shoulders, Biceps and Triceps. Both of those workouts where done for the last time in this rotation. :noway: I'm surprised how much I didn't dread this last phase. I will still need to get in an ab workout after work, should I be inspired about doing Ab Circuit Weights & Plates from Laurel having done it? :huh: Will have to think about that one, it sure is a tough workout. :wink:

    Laurel, You may get me to try that ab workout, I think I only did it a couple of times because it was so tough. :wink: I have not previewed that one yet, but it sure sounds like it will be something that I will like. You are right that is the one problem that I have with ME or MM in the amount of reps we have to do. I was hoping that STS TB would be my go to total body workout. :wink: I am hoping to get some cookie baking done this weekend, still need to get more butter though. :wink:

    Tami, WTG on that TK class calorie burn! Hope your spinning class is fun tonight too. Do you remember which premix you did on Intensity?

    Erika, Hope you are able to knock that cold out of your system. Glad that KPC was a doable workout for you, that one is I think her best kb workout. The one thing that makes me hold off on CCC sometimes is the fact that the step is used, I'm not so much of a step fan anymore.

    Michelle, Oh I love eggs & turkey bacon combo. My Mom made us the broccoli slaw, and my youngest loved it more than the usual cabbage. I'm going to have to get that from the store because that really does sound good right now. Your day of eating sounds a lot like mine today. I just had my protien smoothie for breakfast this morning though. :wink: Poached up a chicken breast for my salad, but tuna was my lunch yesterday. The slaw might be a good for tonight, still have to decide on the protein portion. Glad your able to get Capone's health issues fixed.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,873 Member
    Hi ladies!

    So far my day has been much calmer than the past two, despite getting the bizarre (and unusual) desire to clean the house from top to bottom. :huh: Must still be enjoying some of that energy kick. Anyhow, that made for some good workouts today. I did Step Works first. Then I followed it up (after a break) with STS Disk 36. I still had energy, so I finished the whole workout with Turbo Fire HiiT 25. I love adding these Turbo Fire HiiT workouts to the end of my workouts because they aren't as intense as, say, Cathe's HiiT, are short but have enough push to make me feel like I've done something. So today marked my last official STS workout in this rotation. I'm doing the Total Body workout on Friday. I think it will be quite a few months before I do STS again, and it made me kind of sad to put it away this morning. But I also know it is time for me to try something different.

    Tami, great job on the workout!!! I was thinking about you this morning as I finished my STS workout. I just want to thank you again for doing this rotation with me. I can't believe how quickly these seven months have flown by. You really kept me inspired to do this rotation during a time (moving) that I know I probably would have given it up if left on my own. I hope we get a chance to do another rotation together!! So glad you enjoyed Intensity!! Which premix did you do?

    Erika, I'm glad you are feeling a little better. Good job on KPC. That is definitely one of my favorite Cathe workouts.

    Michelle, glad you got some rest last night. I was reading about that P. Katami circuit workout yesterday on, and it sure looks like a good one. I'm hoping changing my routine up over the next few weeks 'shocks' my body too into wanting to lose weight. Of course, I need to start controlling my eating to do that. :blushing: My secret for not eating my baked goods, though, is to put them into the freezer the minute they are cool enough to bag. That puts them out-of-sight which means 'out-of-mind' for me. Then, when I get ready to give them away, I take them out of the freezer, count them, divide them equally among the packages and off they go. I don't let myself say 'Well, if I just keep a few....' which is a good thing.

    Laurie, you are doing so amazing with this phase of your rotation. I can't believe how quickly it has gone by. What is next for you? You'll love weights and plates.....really. :bigsmile: Seriously, though, it is a great workout but, for me, is best done when I haven't just done an upper body workout. I can manage it other times, but not following a weight routine. You should be fine doing it since you've had a break. I'm hoping Total Body becomes one of my go-tos for total body as well. I think Maximum Intensity Strength is still my favorite of Cathe's total body workouts because of the standard rep count and the fact that she works one body part at time. STS Total Body works various body parts in each triset, and I'm curious how I like that. I really like standard one body part type workouts best....but I'm willing to give this a shot. Oh, and before I forget, CCC doesn't have any step in it. Just wanted to let you know in case you have it confused with some of Cathe's HiiT workouts (like HiiT 40/20 and HiiT 30/30 which both use step).

    Kara, hope you are well.

    Talk to you all tomorrow!

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