Are you guys for or against childhood vaccines?



  • Go_Mizzou99
    Go_Mizzou99 Posts: 2,628 Member
    In - and for vaccinations

    that is all
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    Are you guys for or against childhood vaccines and why?


    Vaccinations are one of the greatest public health achievements in history.

    Millions of deaths and illnesses have been prevented. Sure, vaccinations carry unavoidable risks, but in my opinion the benefits outweigh the risks.

    So many Americans are opting out of vaccinating their children mainly because of the controversial link between immunizations and Autism. Jenny McCarthy plays a HUGE role in the anti-vaccination sentiment in America. Other reasons include religious and philosophical beliefs, freedom and individualism, and misinformation about risks.

    I personally think it is selfish to not vaccinate your children.
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    Absolutely for. I grew up in a third world country and have seen the effects of vaccination first-hand.

    And please keep your un-vaccinated brats away from me and mine.

    LOVE THIS!:flowerforyou:
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    they force me to get a flu shot every year in the army. every year i get sick. >:-O

    I volunteer to get it every year and I never get sick.

    Clearly your belief is what makes the difference. lol

    How about this one. I have had the flu shot every year for the last 15 years except one year. Guess what I got that year? The flu....

    I'm actually serious that that is my experience, although it means nothing really in the argument other than I will continue to get flu shots.

    Same here, except with my husband! He NEVER got the flu vac and got sick every single year. Once we had kids, I made him get it and he hasn't had the flu once! Hopefully he'll now get it every year!
  • Greytfish
    Greytfish Posts: 810

    I don't trust the flu vaccine. Our family is vaccinated against polio, measles, mumps, rubella, etc. But the flu? Nope. Not happening. :flowerforyou:

    One of these years we are going to get hit by a strain that has properties like the Spanish flu did, that'll be the year you regret not getting it (I didn't this year but have most years) in the 1918-1919 pandemic approximately 6% of the world population died from the Flu - this year world population will hit 7 billion, so even if the next pandemic only takes out 3 % that will be 210 million dead
    I'd rather ensure as much as possible i am one of the survivors thanks

    Again....luck of the DNA draw. Lots of folks didn't die during those epidemics. It's not something that can be prevented and spending time worrying over it is time wasted. If I die of the flu, then whoever is left will have to bury me or burn my body. :ohwell:

    And considering that the vaccine is chosen by guesses, I seriously doubt that such a serious illness can be protected by it.

    And I'm not going to trust advice to the mothers of unborn children to you just because you have serious doubts.

    They used to burn people alive to ask favor from the Gods for a good crop, now they don't. It makes me go hmmmmm...

    Childhood vaccines and flu vaccines are entirely different creatures. Do some research before you trot out scare tactics and superstitions.

    Did you even read what I wrote?

    Unfortunately it's time wasted that I won't get back.
    DYELB Posts: 7,407 Member
    Unfortunately it's time wasted that I won't get back.

    Do you even reading comprehension?
  • Greytfish
    Greytfish Posts: 810
    Unfortunately it's time wasted that I won't get back.

    Do you even reading comprehension?

    I have an old 2nd grage grammar book if you would like to borrow it.
  • daw0518
    daw0518 Posts: 459 Member
    Definitely for. There's no reputable science out there to cause me to believe otherwise.

    I'm pretty sure I've had every vaccine available. I got all three of the Gardasil shots as a teen [from which I never had any issues, btw], & every time I go in to see a gynecologist they are absolutely THRILLED that I actually did it. Clearly a lot of people are against it, which I can tell from an aunt of mine who wouldn't get it for her daughter, and from others in this thread. I have to say, I'm with the people who question your reasoning for that - because if there were common, 'extreme' aftereffects of it, it would NOT be on the market.

    I also get the flu shot every year & have for as long as I can remember. I've never gotten sick after getting it. EVER. I'm fairly certain it's a myth that you get sick after getting the shot - you only get the flu after getting a flu shot if you already had the virus when you got the shot.
  • Greytfish
    Greytfish Posts: 810
    I'm pretty sure I've had every vaccine available. I got all three of the Gardasil shots as a teen [from which I never had any issues, btw], & every time I go in to see a gynecologist they are absolutely THRILLED that I actually did it. Clearly a lot of people are against it, which I can tell from an aunt of mine who wouldn't get it for her daughter, and from others in this thread. I have to say, I'm with the people who question your reasoning for that - because if there were common, 'extreme' aftereffects of it, it would NOT be on the market.

    Not to mention, it's a vaccine that almost eliminates the chance of dying from one type of cancer.
  • SamanthaD1218
    SamanthaD1218 Posts: 304 Member
    Please keep in mind that there is a big difference between childhood vaccines and the flu shot. If you don't want a flu shot, that's cool. But not getting your kids vaccinated for things like measles, mumps, polio, etc, is just dumb and dangerous.
  • eddiesmith1
    eddiesmith1 Posts: 1,550 Member
    I hear people say they got "the flu" all the time. I really don't know, but I think a lot of them really just had a bad cold.

    ^^ I have no doubt that this is true. Most people do not know the difference at all. I hear all the time how people had the 24 hour flu. I'm like, WHAT? :laugh:

    this is absolutely the correct idea. most people do not get the Flu, they get a bad cold or other minor viruses floating around. the Flu is way to nasty to be a one or 2 day thing.
    If you say you have/had the flu but it was not diagnosed/treated by a trained medical professional then i reserve judgement.
    The Vaccine may well be a best case scenario, but the best guess is a very educated one, and there is a value in large numbers having been vaccinated - it's a herd immunity thing and even if you are susceptible the herd may well have protected you
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    I never had kids but I'm for childhood vaccines, I've seen the results of polio and measles. My brother almost died from chicken pox when he got it from me. A good friend lost a baby to whooping cough and I wouldn't wish that pain on anyone. I'm also for adult vaccines, including the flu although I agree that falls in a little different category.

    The only vaccine that's ever made me ill was the new tetanus booster. And I have to get the flu shot because my mom is severely immune suppressed after a liver transplant, haven't had the flu since she had her surgery in 2009 though so science's educated guess must be pretty good imo.
  • LishLash79
    LishLash79 Posts: 562 Member
    These topics.. lol.. make me laugh.. instead of asking on here for all of our "Reliable" information... go talk to your doctor or so some of your own research. ;)

    I am 100% for ... all my kids have been vaccinated. There are some that I chose not to vaccinate against (eg. Chicken pox.. all my kids had it and were fine and the flu shots.. ).

    We should be thankful for all that we have in North america and other richer countries.. there are people in the world who would die for the kind of health care we get.

    :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I'm pretty sure I've had every vaccine available. I got all three of the Gardasil shots as a teen [from which I never had any issues, btw], & every time I go in to see a gynecologist they are absolutely THRILLED that I actually did it. Clearly a lot of people are against it, which I can tell from an aunt of mine who wouldn't get it for her daughter, and from others in this thread. I have to say, I'm with the people who question your reasoning for that - because if there were common, 'extreme' aftereffects of it, it would NOT be on the market.

    Not to mention, it's a vaccine that almost eliminates the chance of dying from one type of cancer.

    One type of cancer from one potential type of virus. HPV has what, like 40 strains? I think the vaccine prevents one of those, if I remember correctly.
  • live2dream
    live2dream Posts: 614 Member
    Why is it crazy to question what is put in your body and your child's body? I think it's crazy not to! Conspiracy means you question things? Well, I think it's the only intelligent thing to do.

    Some vaccines are necessary, but others are not. Sure, polio, measles, mumps, etc are good to have on a schedule when the child is older and not susceptible to autism. But nowadays, the childhood vaccination schedule has tripled over the past 30 years, from 23 doses of seven different vaccines in 1980 to 69 doses of 16 different vaccines in 2010. Do your own research, don't blindly follow the masses.

    Including the ridiculous Hepatitus B vaccine for newborns that has caused over 1500 deaths. Given to newborns without the parent's consent.

    And the flu vaccine- it is ineffective, contains mercury, and has also caused deaths that are covered up because they make BILLIONS off of this vaccine.

    How can you say you are FOR vaccines? ANY vaccine? Really?
  • BraveNewdGirl
    BraveNewdGirl Posts: 937 Member
    This awesome video from Penn & Teller basically sums up my position on it (and it's an awesome watch):
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member

    How can you say you are FOR vaccines?

    Also, do you care to post any of your research articles? Would love to read.
  • The_Enginerd
    The_Enginerd Posts: 3,983 Member
    I'm pretty sure I've had every vaccine available. I got all three of the Gardasil shots as a teen [from which I never had any issues, btw], & every time I go in to see a gynecologist they are absolutely THRILLED that I actually did it. Clearly a lot of people are against it, which I can tell from an aunt of mine who wouldn't get it for her daughter, and from others in this thread. I have to say, I'm with the people who question your reasoning for that - because if there were common, 'extreme' aftereffects of it, it would NOT be on the market.

    Not to mention, it's a vaccine that almost eliminates the chance of dying from one type of cancer.

    One type of cancer from one potential type of virus. HPV has what, like 40 strains? I think the vaccine prevents one of those, if I remember correctly.

    It protects against the strains that are dangerous and increase the risk of cancer. Most of the strains do not.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    This awesome video from Penn & Teller basically sums up my position on it (and it's an awesome watch):
    That was awesome!
  • daw0518
    daw0518 Posts: 459 Member

    How can you say you are FOR vaccines?

    Also, do you care to post any of your research articles? Would love to read.

    Hahaha! THIS^^

    Seriously though. Science. There is RESEARCH for a reason. & the protocol's for research are pretty stringent.