Would you date someone overweight?



  • MileHighFitness
    MileHighFitness Posts: 2,298 Member
    For sure!
  • KingofWisdom
    KingofWisdom Posts: 229 Member
    Obviously personality is more important than physical attractiveness, but I don't know why people act like it's wrong to say that attractiveness comes in a close second. Am I really expected to say "Yes" just to please the social police? :huh:
    It's not shallow to be romantically disinterested in people you find unattractive. As said before, you don't need to settle in one area to find someone great in others.
  • HunterKiller_deleted
    Of course!
  • climbing_trees
    climbing_trees Posts: 726 Member
    I don't see why not. As long as they are fit enough to keep up with my active lifestyle, being squishy isn't that big of a deal.
    I love to hike, dance, bike, swim, and could never date someone who was a total couch potato with no interest in exercise.
    I want a potential partner to enjoy my favorite activities with me :)
  • CharleePear
    CharleePear Posts: 1,948 Member
    No.... I lead a active lifestyle and we probably wouldn't have anything in common

    I've heard this from multiple guys and I always feel really conflicted. I'm a bigger girl but I live a very active lifestyle..

    ^^^ This! I am also active and considered overweight

    But although I end up having double standards, I am attracted to fit men. I do believe you need to be attracted to a person to date them. In the past I have only gone on personality, I have actually never dated someone I have found physically attractive. So at this point in my life. No I wouldn't date someone overweight even though I considered overweight.
  • MissMegannLee
    MissMegannLee Posts: 226 Member
    Yes I would. My ex boyfriend was over weight, severely over weight. I was with him for almost 2 years. His weight never affected how I felt about him. His **** attitude and *kitten* personality ruined it all. I was attracted to him from day one. He had a killer set of eyes and was a sweetheart for the first year or so of the relationship and then he changed and turned into the biggest *kitten*, ever. So therefore it ruined it for me. I started to find him unattractive because he was no longer "good" on the inside. I've never judge anyone by their looks. If they make me happy and smile then what is the big deal of their weight? So yes, I would date someone who is over weight.
  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    Nope, just wouldn't don't know why
  • timhewetson
    When I was younger in my 20's... probably not. Now... yes. I'd consider it. (As long as they were making healthy lifestyle choices)...... If I were single.

    Both I and my partner of 16 years have put on a little padding around our waists. (Working hard to get rid of it now).
  • KrazyDaizy
    KrazyDaizy Posts: 815 Member
    Yup. I am attracted physically to someone with dark hair who is tall (but even that isn't always the case). That's pretty simple, but a lot more goes into my attraction like are they funny, smartass-like, kind to others, love for life, etc? If they are all these things, then I would date someone and they have potential to be hot to me.

  • TattooedNici
    TattooedNici Posts: 2,141 Member
    I've dated someone that was overweight and I've dated people while being overweight, also. It's not something I really think about when I'm with someone because the chemistry is there. Love is blind and it should be.
  • drmarctagon
    drmarctagon Posts: 101 Member
    Sure. Almost all the women I've dated have been overweight. I find a curvy woman attractive, always have. I'm more concerned with if she's healthy. You can be overweight and healthy just as you can be slim and in poor health.

    I find fit women attractive too but they are less my fancy. Just being honest.
  • Alchemagician
    Alchemagician Posts: 27 Member
    Sure. I'd do my best to support and encourage them if they wanted to work on weight loss, not because of appearances but for health issues. I'm a nurse, so health is always near the front of my mind. But ultimately, personalities are still there when you turn out the lights. I'd be happier with someone who's carrying around some extra pounds who I have fun with and who makes me laugh and smile, than with someone who's got a body that stops traffic but there's little to no connection with beyond physical attraction. Yeah, a hot body is attractive- but looks fade.
  • mank32
    mank32 Posts: 1,323 Member
    everyone i've ever dated has been (at least a little) overweight. it's a non-issue.
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    I'd much rather date someone that makes me laugh and treats me with respect who has a some extra pounds on him than someone who is super fit but treats me poorly.

    Fit people are all meanies who treat their SOs poorly?

  • GrnEyedGirlie
    Have before and would again. It's not about the package for me, rather what I find on the inside!
  • ItsMeGee3
    ItsMeGee3 Posts: 13,255 Member
    I would never date anyone based on appearances alone. Appearances my be great for the initial connection but then, ya gotta have more for me!
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Have before and would again. It's not about the package for me, rather what I find on the inside!

    I would have thought most women are interested in the package.
  • Gamer_2k4
    Gamer_2k4 Posts: 36 Member
    No.... I lead a active lifestyle and we probably wouldn't have anything in common

    I've heard this from multiple guys and I always feel really conflicted. I'm a bigger girl but I live a very active lifestyle..
    lol yea because overweight/fat people cannot be active ....how silly
    Just because someone is overweight doesn't mean they don't live an active lifestyle.

    What a ridiculous statement and assumption to make.

    It's not the same thing. A long bike ride for me is 100 miles; a long bike ride for an overweight person is probably a lot less (and at a slower speed). If I'm in a competitive sports league, an overweight person couldn't compete at the same level. If I wanted to go rock climbing, the overweight person couldn't join me. I could go on, but the point is that no matter how "active" said person is, they are still going to have physical limitations that a healthier person wouldn't.

    That said, I'm in love with someone who's overweight and wouldn't trade her for anything (or anyone). I know a relationship between a fit person and a less fit person can work. Still, "I'm overweight and live an active lifestyle" is garbage, because it's just not the same. Active for a heavy person is not the same thing as active for a fit person.
  • sunflowerhippi
    sunflowerhippi Posts: 1,097 Member
    Yes, actually typically I always did. My now husband is over weight, but not to the point where it hinders us being active so I don't see it as an issue. I don't think I could date someone though who couldn't do things with me because of being overweight. As shallow as that sounds, I did it once before back in high school and I like to keep busy and at times we couldn't do things together because of weight limit problems. :(
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    If overweight by a few pounds, I could make an acception. But anything more than that is too big for my tastes. I'm just not attracted to bigger guys so there's no point in dating. Friends sure, but no on dating. No matter how nice or funny they are, they still won't be attractive to me. Sorry not sorry.

    I could accept someone a few pounds over but no exceptions on spelling skills.