Let Your Geek Flag Fly



  • Amwhite1986
    Amwhite1986 Posts: 194 Member
    What is the nerdiest/dweebiest/geekiest thing about you?

    ... Just about everything.

    I'm a major fangirl, over many things.
    Sailor Moon, The Slayers, DBZ, the Marvel Cinematic Universe, LotR's, The Hobbit, Legend of Zelda, Star Trek, Studio Ghibli, Harry Potter, Supernatural(due to pvr difficulties I'm a season behind!! D: ), anything paranormal, Karen Marie Moning's Fever universe, many many YA series.... The Mortal Instruments, Kate Daniels, etc. There's also an unhealthy amount of Hello Kitty to be spotted around my room.

    Back in the day I was major into online wiki text adventure rpg's. Those were the days.
  • MysteriousLdy
    MysteriousLdy Posts: 306 Member
    What is the nerdiest/dweebiest/geekiest thing about you?

    ... Just about everything.

    I'm a major fangirl, over many things.
    Sailor Moon, The Slayers, DBZ, the Marvel Cinematic Universe, LotR's, The Hobbit, Legend of Zelda, Star Trek, Studio Ghibli, Harry Potter, Supernatural(due to pvr difficulties I'm a season behind!! D: ), anything paranormal, Karen Marie Moning's Fever universe, many many YA series.... The Mortal Instruments, Kate Daniels, etc. There's also an unhealthy amount of Hello Kitty to be spotted around my room.

    Back in the day I was major into online wiki text adventure rpg's. Those were the days.

    Studio Ghibli is the best..I have a movie collection ranging from Totoro, Howl's Castle, Spirited Away..etc :love: :love:

    Paranormal is my thing too..I used to watch 'Medium'
  • eldeezo
    eldeezo Posts: 19
    Lots of fanboys and fangirls letting their banners fly proudly in this thread. I can dig it.
    I watch tons of anime, fantasy and sci-fi shows. I read as many books as I watch shows and movies. I'm a gamer in the truest sense.. video, pen and paper rpg's, ccg's, board games ..put it in front of me and I'll give it a go. I go to all sorts of different conventions, but prefer anime ones. I've never cosplayed, but I'd be down to try it.
  • Amwhite1986
    Amwhite1986 Posts: 194 Member
    What is the nerdiest/dweebiest/geekiest thing about you?

    ... Just about everything.

    I'm a major fangirl, over many things.
    Sailor Moon, The Slayers, DBZ, the Marvel Cinematic Universe, LotR's, The Hobbit, Legend of Zelda, Star Trek, Studio Ghibli, Harry Potter, Supernatural(due to pvr difficulties I'm a season behind!! D: ), anything paranormal, Karen Marie Moning's Fever universe, many many YA series.... The Mortal Instruments, Kate Daniels, etc. There's also an unhealthy amount of Hello Kitty to be spotted around my room.

    Back in the day I was major into online wiki text adventure rpg's. Those were the days.

    Studio Ghibli is the best..I have a movie collection ranging from Totoro, Howl's Castle, Spirited Away..etc :love: :love:

    Paranormal is my thing too..I used to watch 'Medium'

    I never liked the girl in it, but watched it on occasion. I'm guilty of watching Ghost Adventures, The Dead Files, and When Ghosts Attack. lol
  • eldeezo
    eldeezo Posts: 19

    6) Refer to No.3 & 4, I am willing to sleep less than 5hrs, just to finish my games/books..:happy:

    Sacrifice for the greater good.
  • MysteriousLdy
    MysteriousLdy Posts: 306 Member
    Lots of fanboys and fangirls letting their banners fly proudly in this thread. I can dig it.
    I watch tons of anime, fantasy and sci-fi shows. I read as many books as I watch shows and movies. I'm a gamer in the truest sense.. video, pen and paper rpg's, ccg's, board games ..put it in front of me and I'll give it a go. I go to all sorts of different conventions, but prefer anime ones. I've never cosplayed, but I'd be down to try it.

  • MysteriousLdy
    MysteriousLdy Posts: 306 Member

    6) Refer to No.3 & 4, I am willing to sleep less than 5hrs, just to finish my games/books..:happy:

    Sacrifice for the greater good.

    LOL!! I see I am not the only one being lack of sleep due to my passion of games & books :happy: :wink:
  • Be4stm0de
    Be4stm0de Posts: 103
    I've been to an anime convention...more than once...IN COSTUME.

    I'd like to know what characters you portrayed.
  • BigTireFlipper
    BigTireFlipper Posts: 116 Member
    I have a 36" unicycle, a mountain unicycle, and a recumbent. I'm a Linux nerd that likes Doctor Who, Big Bang Theory, and Trekkie stuff among other things. But I don't juggle or dress like a clown so I have that going for me. :wink:
  • I love science, history, mythology, RPGs, books, comics and anime. I've been gaming since I was old enough to hold a controller and spend much of my time either reading, writing, gaming, or working on art projects. My favorite genres include fantasy, science fiction, and horror. I aspire to one day have my own dungeon, library, and collection of ancient and medieval weapons.

    You are awesome! That sounds like a great aspiration.
  • I've been to an anime convention...more than once...IN COSTUME.

    I want to do that, but I'm nervous about being judged. Still, every year I think about who I'd want to go as. This year I was talking myself out of Kyoko from Puella Magi Madoka Magica.
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    What is the nerdiest/dweebiest/geekiest thing about you?
    So, this won't be a complete list... just the nerdiest thing.
    A photograph exists of me at age 9, wearing cardboard Spock ears and flashing the "live long and prosper" sign. In fact, until I was about 14 or 15, I would regularly pinch the tops of my ears in hopes of growing a point.
    May post more some other time, but yeah, I think that's the pinnacle for me.
  • fredgiblet
    fredgiblet Posts: 241 Member
    Probably the fact that I've never owned a desktop that I didn't assemble myself.

    I'm a big gamer and sci-fi dork, but that's approaching mainstream these days. Assembling computers is still pretty hardcore.
  • ferocityturbine
    ferocityturbine Posts: 110 Member
    I love gaming (and still haven't let life get in the way of a good weekend-long session (I once took a Mon/Tue/Wed off work because I just couldn't stop playing Oblivion :ohwell: )

    I've played Final Fantasy VII on my old PS1 at least once a year since it came out (and had to buy second hand replacement PS1 when my ol' faithful died)

    I read science magazines and cosmology books and my first big ambition was to be a physicist (but I wasn't strong enough with the maths side to pursue it)

    I love fantasy books - Tolkien, Song of Ice and Fire and Harry Potter and a couple of weeks back spent a whole day learning about the histories of Middle Earth on the Wiki because I'm ashamed to admit I haven't managed the Silmarilian.

    I'm in a relationship with a live action role-player.

    There's more! But I'll leave it at that for now!
  • brevislux
    brevislux Posts: 1,093 Member
    I'll be celebrating Pi Day with the family.
  • TheLadyBane
    TheLadyBane Posts: 299 Member
    Grew up on zombie movies... illustrated and published my own book about zombies. Love fantasy and sci-fi. Like comics. Volunteered at local comic con and have attended many others. Have probably 1000 books in my house. Go to the local bookstore and love to listen to authors at speaking engagements. Read The Wheel of Time books back to back without interruption so much so that I dreamt the characters in my sleep. Have dreamt in cartoon (I was my own character but was one of the X-Men). Once dreamt I was trapped in the circuits of a game boy (the lines of the chips towered above me like the walls of a maze and I had to try to find my way out).
  • eldeezo
    eldeezo Posts: 19
    Grew up on zombie movies... illustrated and published my own book about zombies. Love fantasy and sci-fi. Like comics. Volunteered at local comic con and have attended many others. Have probably 1000 books in my house. Go to the local bookstore and love to listen to authors at speaking engagements. Read The Wheel of Time books back to back without interruption so much so that I dreamt the characters in my sleep. Have dreamt in cartoon (I was my own character but was one of the X-Men). Once dreamt I was trapped in the circuits of a game boy (the lines of the chips towered above me like the walls of a maze and I had to try to find my way out).
    I've been reading and rereading WoT since 2003. I can't bring myself to read the final 3 books. It is, hands down, my favorite series of all time. I've been trying to get myself to read the last few that the other guy wrote, but I'm scared. I don't want the story to end :frown: :cry:
  • avemaryama
    avemaryama Posts: 277 Member
    Gaming-I go to gaming house parties. We all sit down and do missions, have in depth strategy Discussions. Exchange files etc
    Read and discussed the Silmarillion.
    Loves my fantasy and scifi

    So yeah...
  • TheLadyBane
    TheLadyBane Posts: 299 Member
    I've been reading and rereading WoT since 2003. I can't bring myself to read the final 3 books. It is, hands down, my favorite series of all time. I've been trying to get myself to read the last few that the other guy wrote, but I'm scared. I don't want the story to end :frown: :cry:

    Same here. I've not been able to bring myself to read the last ones. Part of it is not wanting it to come to an end. The other part is I want to reread the series from the very beginning to catch myself up. Also, readily admit that I wish I could jump into the book, punch Faile in the face, then jump back out.
  • eldeezo
    eldeezo Posts: 19
    I've been reading and rereading WoT since 2003. I can't bring myself to read the final 3 books. It is, hands down, my favorite series of all time. I've been trying to get myself to read the last few that the other guy wrote, but I'm scared. I don't want the story to end :frown: :cry:

    Same here. I've not been able to bring myself to read the last ones. Part of it is not wanting it to come to an end. The other part is I want to reread the series from the very beginning to catch myself up. Also, readily admit that I wish I could jump into the book, punch Faile in the face, then jump back out.
    She's not my favorite character by any means, but I don't think Perrin would be as amazing as he is without her. If you were jumping into the books to punch somebody though, I'd pay you to haul off on Berelain!