LADIES: Do you workout on your period?



  • tlcarolinagirl
    tlcarolinagirl Posts: 1,700 Member
    Yes, it seriously helps me with my cramping.
  • BeanQueen3000

    Not lying. Maybe exercise doesn't help you, maybe it's because you have a medical issue that your doctor hasn't figured out yet, but that doesn't make the rest of us that say it helps liars....

    Lol christ okay, "in my personal experience yadda yadda"
  • goodeenuf
    thank you. I have endometriosis . When My cycle is here I workout at home. Mostly housework. I avoid the gym for a few days only because that is where my most embarrassing moments have happened
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    Often I do not. I just rest.
  • Azexas
    Azexas Posts: 4,334 Member
    I do, but I have two enormous middle fingers for anyone who says "exercise helps with cramps!"

    They lie like dogs.

    Exercise during shark week has (so far) meant extra showers and maybe a slightly longer rest time. Though it hasn't occurred to me to try it yet, i'd imagine a heating pad on the lap post-workout would be pretty nice. I get terrible, curl-in-a-ball cramps for 3-4 days and there's a pretty strong hormonal/crazy component to it too, but until my doc and I can figure out how to help alleviate those symptoms I kinda feel like it's important not to let them interrupt me when I'm on a good roll.

    Not lying. Maybe exercise doesn't help you, maybe it's because you have a medical issue that your doctor hasn't figured out yet, but that doesn't make the rest of us that say it helps liars....

    Thank you for getting to this before me. From personal experience, it does help!
  • Jennisin1
    Jennisin1 Posts: 574 Member
    Period... I don't have time for that. I gave it up years ago!
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    The only thing I avoid is deadlifting within 24 hours either way of the start of shark week. Personal experience has taught me that that particular hormone combination turns me into someone who is not safe to be around others. Other than that, it is still game on.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member

    Not lying. Maybe exercise doesn't help you, maybe it's because you have a medical issue that your doctor hasn't figured out yet, but that doesn't make the rest of us that say it helps liars....

    Lol christ okay, "in my personal experience yadda yadda"

    well you gave two middle fingers to women who say that exercise helps with cramps and called us all liars.... you can't really be surprised that someone would pick you up on that.
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    (Housework is not exercise)
  • ILoveGingerNut
    ILoveGingerNut Posts: 367 Member
    why shouldn't i lol. get a painkiller if you need and get a life
  • 9chimera11
    9chimera11 Posts: 40 Member
    Maybe not on the first day when all I want to do is curl up and die :sad:

    But from the next day onwards I just hit the gym because its the best way to get rid of the bloated feel.

    Also, I get weird cravings like eating grapes dipped in peanut butter during those times...... so have to workout :happy:
  • KetosisTina
    KetosisTina Posts: 197 Member
    I do too, no problem

    Um dude, really? Should we just call you ma'am. TannedTiger?
  • LianaG1115
    LianaG1115 Posts: 453 Member
    Really? I don't!! OMG I would LOVE to be able to do what I do normally with my trainer but I am absolutely terrified that he's gonna have me bouncing around like he does and I worry the damn tampon will pop out or something!! I have incredible cramps the first day or two, I KNOW that exercise would alleviate that but the whole period thing at the gym... Omg!!
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    Yes, just try to avoid going upside down.
  • maz504
    maz504 Posts: 450
    The thing is - I would love to work out with just typical cramps. But not to make excuse but I have craaaazy bad pelvic and back pain that makes even sitting down hard. Looks like it might be a good idea to push past that though? :-)

    I know some girls who have cramps that are so bad that they're virtually paralyzed for a week, but if it's not to that point quite yet, you might find that exercising actually helps you feel better. I know that's how it works for me when I can force myself to get up and go do it. Especially gentle exercise, yoga, walking, swimming, etc. Plus the endorphins don't hurt! And I feel less guilty when I start ugly-eating chocolate cake like it's my last day on earth. :tongue:
  • BeanQueen3000
    well you gave two middle fingers to women who say that exercise helps with cramps and called us all liars.... you can't really be surprised that someone would pick you up on that.

    Surprised? No, this is an internet forum. Pedants run amok!

    OP, for your benefit, I offered my personal experience to add contrast to what is admittedly probably the typical physical response to exercise during your period. I'd definitely encourage you to try it out and find what works best for you; as most everyone else has mentioned, only you & your doc can help decide if there's a legitimate reason to not just do your thing.
  • mamrodriguez
    Cramps and bloating is one thing, but I bleed so heavily that it is hard to work out without issues. I take at least 2 or 3 days off.
  • KetosisTina
    KetosisTina Posts: 197 Member
    I do workout but I never miss a workout. But I also workout at home in my livingroom which is not too far from the restroom. On my first day I can be VERY heavy. So if it's a jumpy type of workout I really need to 'prep' right before hand. Superplus and a pad.. yeah that bad. I have the same fears as LianaG115. When I use to workout at the gym if it was day 1 I could do weights and such but wouldn't trust a bunch of jumping. So yeah I still work out but for gym stuff I might have to change the workout depending on the day. These are things guys just don't understand.

    For the guys that are reading this... imaging having severe diarrhea and just trying to hold it for a 30 to 60 minute workout. Sure no problem.. You can do it. and make sure you give your workout your ALL.
  • KetosisTina
    KetosisTina Posts: 197 Member
    Cramps and bloating is one thing, but I bleed so heavily that it is hard to work out without issues. I take at least 2 or 3 days off.

    I hear ya.
  • aliencheesecake
    aliencheesecake Posts: 570 Member
    Sorry for the TMI guys. But girls, do you work out on your period? I feel like its kind of crazy to forgo 4-5 days of working out because of cramps and the obvious other problems (LOL) but I can't help it. I love working out but for those few days, I'm not in the mood and I just feel like a dying slug hahaha.

    Any thoughts?? I usually go on long walks during my those days but thats about it...
    Really just depends on how bad my cramps are...