Does personal life/issues matter on this site?



  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    You make a good point, Jof. I keep forgetting that she's fasting indefinitely. She's lashing out because she's hangry. OP, here's another kitty gif to help you feel better:


    She doesn't eat meat, remember?
  • PinkDeath616
    cool thread good read

    OP I hope you are okay

    Lol I'm sooo sure you hope I am. >.>

    I actually did mean what I said

    Btw I did a water fast in the summer for a week was horrible do not recommend ever

    I fasted yesterday and woke up feeling amazing. ( ._.) I guess it depends on the person.

    No one is disputing that there is a short-term euphoria associated with fasting/extreme calorie deprivation. (I suspect it's the body's natural defense mechanism against periods of having no food available...perhaps to provide the stimulus to hunt down our next meal?...whatever it is, it shouldn't be confused with some actual health benefit (even though it frequently is).

    I'll look forward to your update in 24 hours...and especially if you have any physical activity scheduled during that time, how your training went.

    Sorry sir, but I will not update that because I am never making a thread about my eating habits again. Iol I ever ask another question its going to be *very* general or a thread asking a random question because I was bored and want to ask a random question.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    OP must of lost her internet privileges at her high school

    Meh, its called a life. I'm sorry I don't spend my whole day on the internet.

    Unlike those of us who have jobs :)
    She was at school. High school.

    And you can tell, because she got off at 3:30 and started posting again at 4.

    I got off before 3:30. I got back on again at 4:00 because I wanted to log some calories when I got home from my Ultra-sound. that is where I went if you must know. To Booth Radiology to get an ultra-sound on my stomach. -_-

    so the fasting has ceased?

    good im glad! youre eating for 2 now.

  • PinkDeath616
    How can I get myself used to making better food choices? I have a habit of not wanting to eat a lot because I either don't have the time or I'm just not hungry, or I just simply get distracted and forget to eat.
    I tried Hydroxycut.. I think it messed up my bladder because after I started taking it feels like I have to pee all the time (TMI, sorry). I had some sort of Japanese tea before, it worked rather well. It was a weight-loss/beauty tea, it prevented 25%-30% of fat being stored, it suppressed hunger, speeds your metabolism, and it apparently clears your skin (my skin didn't really have any imperfections so I'm not sure how effective that part was, but it did help me lose weight faster, like an extra 2-3 pounds a week, and it stayed off). The Green Coffee Bean stuff didn't work for me... and well, that was all I tried.
    People say this to me often. v.v Its annoying because I don't like curves on myself.
    I have a 14 pound weight gain. -.- Kinda going through a self-hate period now because of the weight gain. >.>
    I don't like muscle. -_- Plus, 85 pounds isn't low for my height. lol

    Sounds like you've got it all figured out and with this so called "life" that you have, why do you care what any of us have to say anyway?

    I ask about better food choices because I actually do want to stop eating so much junk food due to my predisposition of diabetes. I experimented with the diet supplements because I heard they helped and my cousins boyfriend uses hydroxycut during "cutting season" to shed weight fast, so I thought it would be okay if I took it. The tea was all natural and tasted good, no complaints. The green coffee bean stuff was out of curiosity because I was given it for free, so why not take it? The 3rd quote, I simply don't like curves, its a personal preferences just like I don't like fat or muscular guys. The 4th, I'm pretty sure a lot of people would be mad if they gained 14 pounds. The 5th, muscle doesn't look good on my frame, thats why I don't like it- I'm 4'7, so I was aiming for a healthy weight,
  • ComradeTovarich
    ComradeTovarich Posts: 495 Member
    Just when I think I've missed the thread.

  • PinkDeath616
    OP must of lost her internet privileges at her high school

    Meh, its called a life. I'm sorry I don't spend my whole day on the internet.

    Unlike those of us who have jobs :)
    She was at school. High school.

    And you can tell, because she got off at 3:30 and started posting again at 4.

    I got off before 3:30. I got back on again at 4:00 because I wanted to log some calories when I got home from my Ultra-sound. that is where I went if you must know. To Booth Radiology to get an ultra-sound on my stomach. -_-

    so the fasting has ceased?

    good im glad! youre eating for 2 now.


    Whoa whoa whoa! Do not jump to conclusions! Hold your horses there. I'm not eating for two. I was simply getting an ultra-sound for ovarian cysts. O_O"

    And yes, he broke down at lunch today because he was getting sick (not due to the fast, just sick in general).
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
  • Some_Watery_Tart
    Some_Watery_Tart Posts: 2,250 Member
    OP must of lost her internet privileges at her high school

    Meh, its called a life. I'm sorry I don't spend my whole day on the internet.

    Unlike those of us who have jobs :)
    She was at school. High school.

    And you can tell, because she got off at 3:30 and started posting again at 4.

    I got off before 3:30. I got back on again at 4:00 because I wanted to log some calories when I got home from my Ultra-sound. that is where I went if you must know. To Booth Radiology to get an ultra-sound on my stomach. -_-

    so the fasting has ceased?

    good im glad! youre eating for 2 now.


    Whoa whoa whoa! Do not jump to conclusions! Hold your horses there. I'm not eating for two. I was simply getting an ultra-sound for ovarian cysts. O_O"

    And yes, he broke down at lunch today because he was getting sick (not due to the fast, just sick in general).
    And this lunch....was it in the cafeteria?
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member

    Now that's adorable...

  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member

    Now that's adorable...


    And apropos.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    And yes, he broke down at lunch today because he was getting sick (not due to the fast, just sick in general).

    yeah, I'm sure that's the reason.
  • salladeve
    salladeve Posts: 1,053 Member
    Hey, I haven't read this whole long exhaustive thread, but I did read the OP's orginal post, and I have a very important question:

    How do you know this?????
    "I have also noticed people look at my profile information a lot and my activity on other sites. My Facebook was looked up, my EP account, my Twitter. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing to hide. "

    I can not tell if someone attempts to look at my profile here, (it's only open to friends anyway), or FB or any other sites. How do you know this?
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member

  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    so... how tall did you end up saying you are, PinkDeath?
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Hey, I haven't read this whole long exhaustive thread, but I did read the OP's orginal post, and I have a very important question:

    How do you know this?????
    "I have also noticed people look at my profile information a lot and my activity on other sites. My Facebook was looked up, my EP account, my Twitter. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing to hide. "

    I can not tell if someone attempts to look at my profile here, (it's only open to friends anyway), or FB or any other sites. How do you know this?

    Because she willingly gave out all of her info, told people she didn't care if they found it, and they were all telling her to STOP.
  • missomgitsica
    missomgitsica Posts: 496 Member
    Welcome to the internet!
  • PinkDeath616
    OP must of lost her internet privileges at her high school

    Meh, its called a life. I'm sorry I don't spend my whole day on the internet.

    Unlike those of us who have jobs :)
    She was at school. High school.

    And you can tell, because she got off at 3:30 and started posting again at 4.

    I got off before 3:30. I got back on again at 4:00 because I wanted to log some calories when I got home from my Ultra-sound. that is where I went if you must know. To Booth Radiology to get an ultra-sound on my stomach. -_-

    so the fasting has ceased?

    good im glad! youre eating for 2 now.


    Whoa whoa whoa! Do not jump to conclusions! Hold your horses there. I'm not eating for two. I was simply getting an ultra-sound for ovarian cysts. O_O"

    And yes, he broke down at lunch today because he was getting sick (not due to the fast, just sick in general).
    And this lunch....was it in the cafeteria?

    Well,Colleges do have cafeterias. Lol you are so hell-bent on me being younger than 18. I turned 18 already. Deal with it. I did something you didn't approve of, I act in a way you dislike. That does not make me under 18. It just makes me someone you don't like. You not liking me is 100% fine. But you say I am immature, but you are acting immature yourself. Aren't adults supposed to be mature? Not being rude to random internet people and posting rude comments and useless GIF's should be part of that maturity. A mature person would move on.
  • PinkDeath616
    so... how tall did you end up saying you are, PinkDeath?

    4' feet 7 inches. Would you like to see my medical records? -_-
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Hey, I haven't read this whole long exhaustive thread, but I did read the OP's orginal post, and I have a very important question:

    How do you know this?????
    "I have also noticed people look at my profile information a lot and my activity on other sites. My Facebook was looked up, my EP account, my Twitter. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing to hide. "

    I can not tell if someone attempts to look at my profile here, (it's only open to friends anyway), or FB or any other sites. How do you know this?

    Because she willingly gave out all of her info, told people she didn't care if they found it, and they were all telling her to STOP.

    and she didn't, which was why she got reported.
This discussion has been closed.