40lbs v Sugar!!



  • Size8Susie
    Those that have stuck up for me a big thank you!

    Of course it will be having some sugar in my diet and as for the sugar in fruits ( fructose) ALL sugars in fruits are NOT the same!

    I had simply been reading a book title ' The Sweet Poison Quit Plan' and had decided to cut most foods high in sugars out of my diet for a week to see how I get on.

    Firstly I hope that puts the record straight, secondly I do NOT appreciate people being rude and sarcastic ! I joined 'my fitness pal' to gain support and advice not to be made a target at!

    I am considering now coming off here already as after gaining 40 lbs through medical problem I already had confidence issues as these inconsiderate comments have had me in tears.

    I'd just like to say a HUGE thanks to the people who however were polite and stool up for me!

    So much for 'my fitness 'PAL'!!
  • Tabithas_Transformation
    So much for 'my fitness 'PAL'!!

    You don't need to quit the website. Just stay off the Community section if you can't handle objections to your diet plans.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    Those that have stuck up for me a big thank you!

    Of course it will be having some sugar in my diet and as for the sugar in fruits ( fructose) ALL sugars in fruits are NOT the same!

    I had simply been reading a book title ' The Sweet Poison Quit Plan' and had decided to cut most foods high in sugars out of my diet for a week to see how I get on.

    Firstly I hope that puts the record straight, secondly I do NOT appreciate people being rude and sarcastic ! I joined 'my fitness pal' to gain support and advice not to be made a target at!

    I am considering now coming off here already as after gaining 40 lbs through medical problem I already had confidence issues as these inconsiderate comments have had me in tears.

    I'd just like to say a HUGE thanks to the people who however were polite and stool up for me!

    So much for 'my fitness 'PAL'!!

    Golly gee willakers, I'm sorry I asked a couple questions in order to understand WHY you're cutting out sugar. Rudeness and sarcasm go both ways. Enjoy your sugar-free journey.
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,568 Member
    Those that have stuck up for me a big thank you!

    Of course it will be having some sugar in my diet and as for the sugar in fruits ( fructose) ALL sugars in fruits are NOT the same!

    I had simply been reading a book title ' The Sweet Poison Quit Plan' and had decided to cut most foods high in sugars out of my diet for a week to see how I get on.

    Firstly I hope that puts the record straight, secondly I do NOT appreciate people being rude and sarcastic ! I joined 'my fitness pal' to gain support and advice not to be made a target at!

    I am considering now coming off here already as after gaining 40 lbs through medical problem I already had confidence issues as these inconsiderate comments have had me in tears.

    I'd just like to say a HUGE thanks to the people who however were polite and stool up for me!

    So much for 'my fitness 'PAL'!!

    Don't let it get to you...if you really want to lose weight this site will help you...but read some of the forums you will learn a lot and most people on this site believe in a healthy well balanced diet without sacrificing the foods we like. :flowerforyou:
  • stephross88
    stephross88 Posts: 846 Member
    Remember, there are many types of sugars. The sugars in fruit are ok in moderation. Being an extremist never got anyone anywhere lol
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    From "I'm going to avoid all sugar even fruit.", as quoted from original post, to "Decided to cut most foods high in sugars out of my diet for a week to see how I get on."

    How many calories did you burn with that back pedaling??
  • caroldavison332
    caroldavison332 Posts: 864 Member
    It is helpful to not attack people who mispeak or are ignorant.

    I believe that PROCESSED is bad for humans so I severe restrict myself from eating it. Consequently I am less hungry and overeat less.

    And it's ignorant to stay that the sugar from a cookie and a pepper are the same. Because of fiber, nutrients, etc these substance s are processed by our bodies differently. If that weren't so, we could just eat chocolate, drink coke and take nutrients and still perform and look Look mr. America.
  • daw0518
    daw0518 Posts: 459 Member
    I've never been successful in losing weight when cutting entire types of food out of my diet. Especially if it's something I really like. I think others have had similar experiences, thus why so many people tried to tell you not to do it.

    I think it's all about trial & error & figuring out what works for you. It's taken me several cycles of starting a 'diet', keeping at it for a few days, & then going back to my old eating habits to finally find the balance. My balance is to not cut anything out & allow myself to eat everything in moderation. I still drink my coffee with flavored creamer in it, but I only have one cup a day like that & drink the rest with milk or half & half. I still enjoy candy, but instead of eating an entire bag of sweethearts in one sitting, I eat the serving size or less. The list could go on & on. I stopped buying certain things for my home [like Nutella & potato chips, for example] because I know they trigger me & I often can't stop myself from eating the entire package once I start - but I haven't cut them from my diet. I'll still have chips with my sandwich at Jimmy Johns once in awhile.

    It's really just a matter of finding what works. What works for me might not work for you, but you also have to understand that what you read in a book might not work for you either. Too many of those types of books feed off of desperate people & make money off making you believe you have to be miserable & hungry & craving things the entire time you're dieting. But I promise you, it doesn't have to be like that - & it SHOULDN'T be if you want the changes to be long-term & the weight loss to stick.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    It is helpful to not attack people who mispeak or are ignorant.

    I believe that PROCESSED is bad for humans so I severe restrict myself from eating it. Consequently I am less hungry and overeat less.

    And it's ignorant to stay that the sugar from a cookie and a pepper are the same. Because of fiber, nutrients, etc these substance s are processed by our bodies differently. If that weren't so, we could just eat chocolate, drink coke and take nutrients and still perform and look Look mr. America.

    How are the sugars different? Not the calorie counts, not fiber, not nutrients, not which one goes better with a philly cheesesteak. Just straight up sugar found in a cookie vs sugar found in a pepper, if they were isolated, would our bodies know the difference?
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,087 Member
    SIze8Suzie, people get their panties in a bunch when someone posts a topic twice or posts a topic that has been posted before. They love calling people out on their shortsightedness. I just find it amazing that it takes even more effort for them to post a caustic comment as it would to post something helpful.

    Once I did cut out all refined sugar from my diet. It was not easy and in fact the worst part was the horrible attitude I had. The other thing is this, if you are not going to sustain this (and it does take constant effort) you will be right back where you started in a relatively short amount of time. I believe in being sensible and using moderation and common sense.

    I hope that the rest of the people who respond will have something helpful for you. They may have answered this question 5,000 times, but it's the first time you are asking it.

    I wish you luck on your journey.

    FINALLY, a decent human being with a sensible comment, thank you SO much (and I'm not saying that sarcastically) I really really appreciate it :-)

    Hmmm, well I thought my post was sensible and asked a relevant question in a non-snarky manner - but it seems you only want people who agree with you.

    Perhaps if you join a forum in the future, be prepared for people to question you and to disagree with you - support isn't just saying Yay you do it! for every plan people have , however foolish the plan may be.

    Seems you weren't even sure what your plan was as it has changed from the original 'cut out all sugars, including fruit' to 'avoid high sugar foods' - quite a substantial difference and of course people are responding accordingly.

    Another tip - before posting on a forum, read the rules, then you wont be upset when people call you on breaking them - MFP rules quite clearly ban posting the same question in multiple forums. :smile:
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    In to read later. :smile:
  • sonyapowell
    sonyapowell Posts: 38 Member
    It is helpful to not attack people who mispeak or are ignorant.

    I believe that PROCESSED is bad for humans so I severe restrict myself from eating it. Consequently I am less hungry and overeat less.

    And it's ignorant to stay that the sugar from a cookie and a pepper are the same. Because of fiber, nutrients, etc these substance s are processed by our bodies differently. If that weren't so, we could just eat chocolate, drink coke and take nutrients and still perform and look Look mr. America.

    How are the sugars different? Not the calorie counts, not fiber, not nutrients, not which one goes better with a philly cheesesteak. Just straight up sugar found in a cookie vs sugar found in a pepper, if they were isolated, would our bodies know the difference?
    Yes sucrose, lactose, cellulose, fructose are all different molecular structures and metabolized differently with different by products.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    It is helpful to not attack people who mispeak or are ignorant.

    I believe that PROCESSED is bad for humans so I severe restrict myself from eating it. Consequently I am less hungry and overeat less.

    And it's ignorant to stay that the sugar from a cookie and a pepper are the same. Because of fiber, nutrients, etc these substance s are processed by our bodies differently. If that weren't so, we could just eat chocolate, drink coke and take nutrients and still perform and look Look mr. America.

    How are the sugars different? Not the calorie counts, not fiber, not nutrients, not which one goes better with a philly cheesesteak. Just straight up sugar found in a cookie vs sugar found in a pepper, if they were isolated, would our bodies know the difference?
    Yes sucrose, lactose, cellulose, fructose are all different molecular structures and metabolized differently with different by products.

    I know that, the point I am making is that the source of these sugars does not change how the body metabolizes them. The body does not distinguish sucrose from one source vs sucrose from another, it just says "oh hey, look, sucrose!".
  • 1961dublin
    1961dublin Posts: 124 Member
    Im shocked by the negative comments that poster had to endure. Actually what she asked was a sensible question. Its known that reasonable quantities of sweet fruits cause an immediate insulin rush, and that the excess sugar in the fruit will be stored almost straight away as triglycerides in our fat stores, instead of being burned for energy. It is a good idea to keep to a max of say one fruit a day.
    Sorry you were the object of these peoples wrath ,poster! I dont know what their problem is. Hope you wont be disheartened by it!
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    Im shocked by the negative comments that poster had to endure. Actually what she asked was a sensible question. Its known that reasonable quantities of sweet fruits cause an immediate insulin rush, and that the excess sugar in the fruit will be stored almost straight away as triglycerides in our fat stores, instead of being burned for energy. It is a good idea to keep to a max of say one fruit a day.
    Sorry you were the object of these peoples wrath ,poster! I dont know what their problem is. Hope you wont be disheartened by it!
    Strong 1st post of misinformation
  • p_s1984
    p_s1984 Posts: 30 Member
    Is this FACEBOOK or MFP?? Geez, if I want drama I would post my diet question on Facebook and let my "friends" judge me. Everyone tries and fails. If she succeeds Kudos, if not, lesson learned. Calm down people. This is supposed to be a safe space to vent, ask questions, and just be yourself.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    LOL, got some real cranky pants on here today! sugar is sugar but the nutrients that come in an apply vs apple sauce vs apple juice vs apple jelly is different as is the fiber content and the mechanism of action how the body digests the product. if you were to just go a week with out simple, concentrated sugars and complex (whole fruits) sugars to get clean that would likely be a good thing. Then adding fruit back into your diet will seem a real treat. there are so many ways to get sugar in your system, a green pepper is much lower in sugar than a yellow or red pepper. I wish you the very best. you have to live with yourself, don't set yourself us to fail.

    so you are saying eliminate sugar for a week and then add it back in afterwards..???? LOL ..OK ..legit plan to avoid sugar...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Im shocked by the negative comments that poster had to endure. Actually what she asked was a sensible question. Its known that reasonable quantities of sweet fruits cause an immediate insulin rush, and that the excess sugar in the fruit will be stored almost straight away as triglycerides in our fat stores, instead of being burned for energy. It is a good idea to keep to a max of say one fruit a day.
    Sorry you were the object of these peoples wrath ,poster! I dont know what their problem is. Hope you wont be disheartened by it!
    Strong 1st post of misinformation

    i would categorize this as "first post = epic fail"
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Is this FACEBOOK or MFP?? Geez, if I want drama I would post my diet question on Facebook and let my "friends" judge me. Everyone tries and fails. If she succeeds Kudos, if not, lesson learned. Calm down people. This is supposed to be a safe space to vent, ask questions, and just be yourself.

    so when someone says they are going to eliminate "all" sugar, no one can question the lunacy of that statement?
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    Is this FACEBOOK or MFP?? Geez, if I want drama I would post my diet question on Facebook and let my "friends" judge me. Everyone tries and fails. If she succeeds Kudos, if not, lesson learned. Calm down people. This is supposed to be a safe space to vent, ask questions, and just be yourself.

    Your newsfeed, filled with your friends, is the safe place to vent, ask questions, and just be yourself. When you venture into the forums, you have to expect differing opinions, scientific facts, & ALL kinds of people.

    I am constantly amazed at the number of people who make a forum post and then are all hurt that people dare to disagree with them. This is what a forum is for - if you don't like getting all the views on a subject, stick to asking your friend's list.