Modern Day Pin-up Girls - WEEK 5



  • kayleigh333
    I've been MIA for the last week and a half as I went away to my parents for a week then started back at uni (= lots of nights out and eating out with friends). This week I'm up .4 of a pound at 137.2 lb, so not too bad considering. I'm doing day 4 of the 30 day shred today, so hoping to see some good results with that. Has anybody else done the 30DS? What results did you get?
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Morning all! I'm donw to 172.4lbs so down 2lbs this week and almost 20lbs overall so I'm delighted!! This week's loss is a big relief as I was worried I would put on given all the going out! Hope you're all doing well and congrats to everyone on doing so well! Bring on week 6!!
  • Kristin77
    Down to 148.5 this week. I'd like to make it past 145 by the end of the month, which if I stay on track would have me down to 135 by the end of the year and then just under 135 for my birthday in January. Good luck in week six pin-ups.
  • malpal0111
    malpal0111 Posts: 48 Member
    I'm 137.5 today, down 1.5 lbs from last week.

    Here we go on week 6 already! Time flies!
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609

    Almost in those 140's!!!

    The other day I was working out (Insanity) and my husband had mentioned that his friend is stopping by to work on his truck. Well we didn't know the whole family was coming! (me and his wife are good friends). I had like 10 mins left of the dvd and I just couldn't stop it. Usually I'm the type the don't like people around me when I exercise. But if I didn't complete it than I would feel like I cheated myself. My friend is also into getting fit, so she understood and didn't think I was being rude lol

    My husband told me that his friend didn't want to say anything to me but did tell him that I';ve been doing a great job and he never realized how much weight I had on me until I lost some.

    So for anyone they are feeling bummed that people aren't noticing - they probably are but just don't know how to tell you or word it to avoid hurting your feelings.
  • vickthedick
    vickthedick Posts: 136 Member
    this week's weight is 131.8. Wootwoot. Was really hoping to be 125 by Halloween but im unsure it will happen. Can anyone give me some tips for when you plateau
  • emilysparey
    209lbs for me
  • JennS19
    JennS19 Posts: 642 Member
    Sweet!! I'm down 1.5lbs this week!! Rock On!!! :smile: Hope everyone had a great weekend and a great WI today.
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Looking good so far!
  • cathcakey
    cathcakey Posts: 288 Member
    Hi Pin-ups

    168.2 for me - down a little but not as much as I'd been hoping for
    Sorry for being MIA this week - hectic week with work and temporarily living with my Mum until my flat is finished is making me a little crazy. On the plus side, got my place in the Moonwalk for next May (walking a marathon overnight for charity) and I've been out running a lot more this week - 11 miles last week and I'm about to head out for a few more.

    Will try my very hardest to catch up with how everyone's been getting on in the next day or two

  • sas16
    sas16 Posts: 610
    Hi all,
    Looks like everyone's still doing a great job! Awesome! My weight is 151.8 this week. Cheated a bit yesterday, but nothing too bad. Plus, i still had quite a bit of calories left for the day, so guess that helped. :)

    Let's keep the momentum going! :)
  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    Good morning Pin-Ups!

    Woot! Woot! Congratulations ladies on all your losses. Nicely done!

    I am 143 lbs. Up 2 lbs.

    682 Minutes of exercise last week, tracked all my food and exceded my water everyday and I GAINED 2 LBS! Uggggh! I know my body is changing. It could be my hypothyroidism, it could be my body adjusting, it could be medication, it could be perimenopaus all I do know is IT SUCKS! end of my rant.

    Needless to say I am a little frustrated, I am not giving up. I am a little deflated but more determined!

  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    136.4 today. Down from my official weigh in day, but up from this weekend... which is usually what happens. lol
  • khaleesinoodlebelly
    khaleesinoodlebelly Posts: 165 Member
    Hey I was wondering if it was at all possible to join still?
  • dvlpup69
    Greeting to all you lovely pin up girls!!!

    Well I weighed in this morning and I was a bit dissapointed since I put back on some of the weight I had lost this week. I went to a concert and hung out with friends this weekend and drank some of my calories back on (too much wine, too much food and too much fun) so I can only say I am down a pound. I weighed in at 175.8 this morning.
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Can't wait to go running tonight! I wanna go a little earlier today, before it starts to get dark, so that I feel more comfortable running at my own pace and not staying alongside my bf. I can definitely use a good sweat and stress relief!! :smile:
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Would you guys like to see your average loss per week on the chart as well??
  • kennedar
    kennedar Posts: 306 Member
    Morning Ladies

    I am 179.4 this morning, which is down a pound. That is amazing for me because I was at a conference all week and did not track what I was eating. I tried to make the best choices, but it was not always possible. I had decided that I would be happy with anything less than a gain of 2 pounds, so to lose a pound was totally unexpected!

    Rach: If it is not to much work for you, I would love to see it. But if its going to be difficult then dont worry about it!
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Rach: If it is not to much work for you, I would love to see it. But if its going to be difficult then dont worry about it!

    Not hard at all, just a simple formula. I know it helps me out, because even though my weight may go up and down week to week, I can see that I'm still averaging a 1lb a week loss.

    I'll have it on this weeks charts. :flowerforyou:
  • alyz
    alyz Posts: 41
    Wellll...I was REALLY bad this weekend! Out of town for a conference all weekend....too. much. junk. Luckily, I didn't gain. I hate that I didn't lose, but I didn't gain, so that's excellent! This week will be better! For me, it's all about meal planning!