The Big Three: What Are Your Maxes?



  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    I'm sure these are a little inflated.
  • Cortelli
    Cortelli Posts: 1,369 Member
    We all start somewhere. :smile:

    This! This attitude will take you far if you stick with it. And by far I don't mean big numbers; rather, big results and confidence in what you are capable of.
  • 86tigger
    86tigger Posts: 31 Member

    BP: 105lbs
    DL: 176lbs
    Back Squat: 220lbs

    Been liftin heavy last few months. Had knee and back injuries which have halted progress but still working on it.

    Really wanna work on my dl going forward
  • SoLongAndThanksForAllTheFish
    I'm sure these are a little inflated.

    Probably, but I'm sure some posted real numbers, you can't exclude internet bragging. Mine are real, but I don't expect people online to believe everything, you don't know and cant see the other person, and even if you could in my case I've never looked like I could lift as much as I can (especially when I look like an owl). ;) Funny thing is, some people think my legs look skinny compared to my upper body, but my legs and back can currently do about x1.6 my bench. You really can't tell by looking at someone.

    I hope more do post real numbers though, there really is no reason not to and they are interesting to see, even just relational to the one lifter.

    Congrats Readysetgo69, awesome numbers, you have my old max bench beat (haven't even gotten back to 405 yet, rebuilding after an injury holding me back). I always have had an even bigger discrepancy between bench and squat & dead numbers especially when I am working on all lifts.

    There was a point with my best deadlift, when it was more than 2.6x my bench; 803lbs vs ~300lbs, so its always odd to me when looking at lifting maxes, seeing bench/squat/dead numbers for strongest record setting men being all relatively close in pounds for all three lifts...
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I'm sure these are a little inflated.

    I assume that you are not implying that all are. I am sure some are, but It is probably more of a case that some are not comparable - for example, squats are not to depth or in a smith machine or even with wraps.
  • krissenior
    krissenior Posts: 68 Member

    Ive been doing dedicated strength training now for only 4-5 weeks, i used to just concentrate on hypertrophy, here is where i am at the moment

    BP: 195 x5
    DL: 355 x5
    Squat: 225 x5

    I am still adding weight every session so i havent got to my maximum for each lift yet, hopefully i still have plenty of room for improvement
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    I'm sure these are a little inflated.

    I assume that you are not implying that all are. I am sure some are, but It is probably more of a case that some are not comparable - for example, squats are not to depth or in a smith machine or even with wraps.

    That is a good point as well.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I'm sure these are a little inflated.

    People in the gaining section seem to be less about that- but I know many of them are real.

    Mine are real- have video documentation to prove it- but not that anyone who says "well you probably lied" won't just say- whose to say that's YOU in the video- I'm not trying to jump through hoops to prove how much I can squat.
  • matthawthorneisamyth
    matthawthorneisamyth Posts: 196 Member
    Yo, Manlet Extraordinaire checking in.

    M, 5'4" 148

    Bench: 145 for 3
    Deadlift: 265 x 5
    Squat: 195 x 3

    Baby weights and IDGAF
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    The only exercise I've ever attempted to gauge my 1RM using is the bench press. I've always worked out alone and you can't gauge 1RM without a spotter/partner, which I've never had. My 1RM was 165 and that was a long time ago.
  • MagnumBurrito
    MagnumBurrito Posts: 1,070 Member
    6'3, 175 lbs

    Bench 225x2
    Squat 285x5
    DL 405x1
    OHP 165x2

    Of course I want to be able to lift a house, but I'm going for aesthetics, not strength.

    Definitely impressive numbers in this thread. Well done guys.
  • ThePhoenixIsRising
    ThePhoenixIsRising Posts: 781 Member
  • trojan_bb
    trojan_bb Posts: 699 Member
    PR yesterday, 635x11 Rack Deadlift. It's a brag/max thread so why not. Not a big three. But since I don't do a single big three lift these days, it's all I have.. Pin below knee. . I think I could get 785 for 1. But not even gonna try with these effing slipped discs.
    seeing people talking about rack pulls- anyone feel they significantly impacted their lifts?

    I read a few articles that said they really didn't help that much outside of perhaps a mental impact.


    I'm pushing 300 but for some reason it's an issue- wondering if I should start including them.

    I think it's THE single best lift for mass. Nothing overloads the back more, period. The CNS impact is less than a regularly deadlift. And even if strength is the goal, reducing deadlift frequency and adding rack pulls in place of deads on a pull day can really help push through barriers. It helped me when I used to lift for strength and I know a lot of PL'ers that do em. Pretty good carry over.

    Besides, they're just plain fun. Bending bars is the best legal high out there!
  • Slinky_BraveHeartBunsOfSteel
    38 F
    Height: 5'2"
    Weight: 145/148lbs

    I don't know about the other 2 but I tested myself on the squats today and managed to do 3x 65kg/143lbs! Almost my bodyweight! I shall work on this!!! :bigsmile:
  • vs1023
    vs1023 Posts: 417 Member
    37, F, 5'7"

    Bench = 128lbs
    Deadlift = 250
    Squat = 150 (it might've been more, but then I was injured and haven't tested it since March)
    OHP = 93

    Right now just working back up after a hip injury and a broken foot.
  • zomarose
    zomarose Posts: 9 Member
    Bench= 140
    Deadlift= 200
    Squat= 125
  • Limeycat
    Limeycat Posts: 249 Member
    New to lifting (about a month ago) and in awe of these numbers, but here's my £0.02 for now:

    F / 49 years / 5ft 1"

    Squat: 40 kg (88lbs x 10, so am sure I could go higher)
    Bench: 30 kg (66lbs - tho I've only benched on one occasion so far anyhow)
    Deadlift: 75 kg (165 lbs - 1RM)

    We all gotta start somewhere....

    Edited for clarity!
  • Lumpy52403
    Lumpy52403 Posts: 187 Member
    I scored a new PR on Sunday for 1-rep deadlift: 325. I've only recently added deadlifts and squats into my routine, so I think I can go much higher. I would like to hit 400 by Christmas this year.

    By the way, I'm 38, male, 216 lbs.
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    From a couple weeks ago, 115kg squat, 52.5kg bench, and 165kg deadlift at 81.8 body weight. Looking to add a few kg to both squat and deadlift on Sunday.
  • kunai118
    kunai118 Posts: 6 Member
    25 M

    Just coming off a month off due to an injury but mine were

    bench 215
    squat 345
    Deadlift 435

    Just read about the rack pulls people have been suggesting, is it basically the top half of a DL or am I missing something.