

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Katla, I hate snakes too. We had a huge black snake that took up residence at our house for several years, but we didn't see him at all last year so hopefully he has passed on to snake heaven. He used to crawl up on our cement porch and sun himself. It scared the ****ens out of me every time I saw him. We had some work done to the house a couple of years ago and one of the workers refused to go back in the crawl space after he came face to face with it. And we had birds nesting in our rain gutters one year, and I was sitting looking out of the window and saw something big, long, and black fall from the gutter to the ground below. He had crawled up there looking for baby birds! Heaven knows how he got up there. But I have got to say that as much as I hate snakes, I hate mice even more. We had a terrible mouse problem until that snake showed up, then no more mice. So I guess it wasn't all bad.

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Oh that's funny! It changed a word that started with the nickname for Richard into stars. And I was going to say something that started with SHI but tried to clean it up by saying ****ens instead. Go figure.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Here's the joke of the day:


    A man was just waking up from anesthesia after surgery, and his wife was sitting by his side. His eyes fluttered open and he said, “You are beautiful.” Then he fell asleep again. His wife had never heard him say that, so she stayed by his side. A few minutes later, his eyes fluttered open and he said, “You are cute!” The wife was disappointed because instead of “beautiful,” it was now “cute.” She said, “What happened to ‘beautiful’?”

    Her husband replied, “The drugs are wearing off!”

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,090 Member
    Happy Easter!
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    It is a gorgeous day here today! The sun is shining and the flowers are blooming. I'm thinking that I will go for a walk outside this afternoon.

    Michele - My body rejected the food with absolutely no help from me. I fight vomiting like crazy! My gag reflex is actually quite diminished and I haven't been able to make myself vomit since I was in my early teens. I think that came from having gallstones at 16 and vomiting pretty much daily for about nine months--it messed up my vomiting abilities. :laugh:

    I wore my pretty new shoes to church this morning and got lots of compliments. I also have the first shoe induced blister that I've had in years! :sad: I knew better, did it anyway, and will get over it. :ohwell:

    I'm looking forward to this week. It is supposed to be warmer and sunnier in addition to being a short week for me. I am going back to the beach on Thursday! I wasn't going to go, but last week convinced me that I could use the time away. The guy I work with at one job will be at the house today through Thursday afternoon and I will take residence on Thursday evening. I told him I would wave when I saw him going by in the opposite direction! I dread the traffic coming back next Sunday, but I won't be in a hurry so I may find an alternative route to interstate just to make it easier and more interesting. I am going to try to pack early since I don't need those clothes during for the week for work and get my food together before I go to make it less expensive--I prepare my own food, but it's so much easier to buy it on island than to pack it in.

    JB - I love the optimist's viewpoint. I need to make myself a reminder mini-poster to put up!

    I also need to go back and watch the Shag video. I have always wanted to learn to dance with the Shag being the top on my list! And, for those of you who don't know what the Shag is, it is a dance born in the Carolinas and is generally accompanied by "beach music" which is evidently also a Carolinas thing. :wink:

    Have a lovely day!

    Carol in sunny NC
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hello to everyone!

    I see Carol has beaten me to the punch on the "shag-beach music" thing; I think costal Virginia can also be included as we produced Bill Deal and the Rhondels, probably the best and most famous band doing this type of music. His hits "May I" and "I've Been Hurt" still rule around here whenever beach music is played and shag is danced. They are easily found on youtube. Bill Deal was a wonderful and generous man and did his region proud. In fact, Bruce Springsteen honored him and the local beach music scene by doing a cover of "May I" to open his concert last weekend!!!! Fabulous music!!! Bill Deal is deceased but his son is still local and we have not one but two cover bands for B.D. and the Rhondels; in fact, my daughter took flute and violin lessons from one of the guys who played sax in one of the cover bands. We used to go see him whenever possible.

    Heather.........Your cake decorations are lovely; remember we want a pic of the finished creation; no doubt it will be beautiful! I did listen to that BBC music program; very moving. Finished watching "Last Tango in Halifax"; it was all you said; does the followup have the same name? On the nephew
    I had a cousin who left his wife while she was nearing the end of her pregnancy as he couldn't stand the idea of the changes the baby would bring
    sadly, for him, was a sign of major psych difficulties none of us had suspected were there. They got divorced and both remarried.

    Gloria.........Was Aaron able to tell you any more? Maybe he just feels he's getting too old for it; I know only children can be sooo sensitive to teasing comments by their peers.

    Kim..........I do envy tall people their calorie totals..........my mom was 5'8" but my dad was 5'5" and had a sister who was only 4'10"...............so, I suppose I should just be thankful for 63 inches!!!

    Katla.............Glad your dr. was so pleased!!

    Michele................Yes, I do remember the "snakes like rocks" ............we have sandy clay..........apparently they like that too!! I wouldn't mind, except that we have three poisonous types
    cottonmouth, rattler, and copperhead here. People rarely get bitten but finding skins scares the life out of me. I'm not scared of the non poisonous ones.

    Off to start cooking!
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Happy Easter to All, My brunch turned out great and the weather is absolutely perfect so the egg hunt was a huge success. It's now 2:30 and everyone is gone . I'm getting ready to mow now , then I have laundry and food to make for the week. I hope to read posts this evening but wanted to pop in and wish everyone well. God bless, Patty Cincinnati Ohio
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Im' still here trying to survive. Happy Easter to all my dear friends who celebrate and a peaceful and wonderful Sunday to those who don't. Take care, Meg from Omaha
  • looseseal
    looseseal Posts: 216 Member
    Hello and thank you for the warm welcome.

    Here are some scale-friendly Easter treats.

    What is it called when Batman leaves church early?

    Christian Bale.

    And now, for something completely different:

    http://www.godtube.com/watch/?v=0E02FMNU (don't know how to post the vid. Wonderful Easter version of Hallelujah).

    Lovely day here in PA, the bunny came (even though my kids are 23, 20 and 17 the bunny still manages to make an appearance). We're headed out to dinner with my brother in a few hours. I've not the inclination to cook this year but I am making lamb stew tomorrow night for dinner.

    Hope everyone has a good day. Looking forward to getting to know everyone.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,351 Member
    Watched the shag dancing - terrific! ! ! :flowerforyou:
    The worst thing about my knee is I can't dance any more. It has always been my favourite form of exercise and I took ballet and tap classes from 3 years until 12 and then as an adult as well. I did Jazz Dance, Modern Ballet, Ballroom and Folk, including Cajun.
    I see the doctor about my knee on Thursday. :huh:

    Yanniejannie - I am pretty sure it has the same name.

    Heather UK
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Been thinking about Easter clothes etc. today
    as I sit in jeans and sweater!!! It is cold, cloudy, and windy (again!!!--what's new). Made phone calls to two cousins in nursing homes and one older friend also in a home. DH has been entranced with his Netflix movies all day. But he did mow the lawn. Laundry going. Got 3 loaves of sour cream banana nut bread in the oven and will finish off dinner when they come out. Having ham, boiled dill baby red potatoes, steamed asparagus, mixed greens salad, and roast carrots and roast onions. Plan to stay on target today with cals.

    Anyway.........Everyone I knew then went to church and all had new clothes..........usually I had a suit (rarely a dress), white patent leather shoes, socks with ruffles, a little purse that matched the shoes, and always a hat---never a hat any other Sunday, just Easter. We wore flower corsages.........mine would be three of those little pink sweetheart roses with baby's breath and mom's would always be an orchid. All the kids had to get up in front of the entire congregation and recite a bit of memorized religious poetry one at a time---cannot begin to tell you how much I detested being forced to do that!!!! It was absolute torture for a shy kid. So my Easter religious memories are truly a mixed bag; the forced poetry kind of overshadows to this day any real good Easter church memories.

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,815 Member
    Happy Easter:flowerforyou: ! Hope you all are enjoing this special day. We had a good turn out last evening for our CMA event and no rain. Now working today and going to DS's for supper.

    Carol--I agree something is going on as I have been binging alot and having trouble getting back on track.:sad:

    jb--I didn't do eggs, but last evening our DS and his two little ones planted jelly beans and this moring they had suckers. The kids loved it.

    Barbie--I agree the company is most important. But that is easier said then done as I worry myself sick most the time about having people over. Growing up we had people in and out all the time and dad always made them feel welcome. He would stop what he was doing and just visit. I wish I was more like that.

    Heather--I love the flowers and DGD. You have so much talent.:flowerforyou:
    Well I am caught up and need to get somethings done before six. I did not sleep well again and am really fighting to stay awake. Good thing is I am off tomorrow. Can sleep in.:laugh:
    Blessed! Vicki GI NE
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Had a wonderful time with my nephew and family. My daughter is still here with us. It was so nice to have this simple meal on the table when my nephews wife and my daughter gets here. They have done so much for us for our big celebration meals. While my nephews son was on his third hamburger and telling me they were so good I told him that they were basically a meatloaf recipe. He told me that his Dad doesn't like meatloaf. Apparently my sister made it a lot and didn't put much spice to it. So I asked my nephew how he liked them. His wife was on her second. Nephew is on a diabetic diet so like me he was trying to limit himself. He said he liked them a lot. So I told him they were like meatloaf! He did not want to hear that. But he did say that his Mom never fixed anything like that before.

    Speaking of Easter clothes when we were kids, we got two new outfits a year, one for Easter and one for start of school. Well my birthday is in March so I always got a dress to wear for Easter and my sister's birthday is in September so she always got school clothes.

    I always have my reading glasses in my purse, I mean always. But not this morning for church. So there I am in rehearsal for choir before church and no reading glasses. I'm glad the music is big enough and I had practiced it enough that I did OK. But hymnals aren't as big and the Bible really isn't that big so I couldn't read those or take notes on this morning's sermon. As soon as I got home I found them and they are now in my purse.

    As much as I ate for lunch, I have enough calories for my bedtime snack and a very light snack this evening. I did OK with the meal but it was the 2 deserts my nephew brought. But I ate very small pieces and recorded them.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Never got new clothes for Easter, we got a few when school started, and new under clothes at Christmas, but not Easter.

    I'm having trout for dinner and have not eaten any chocolate or sugar free peeps. I used to like opening the peeps and let them get hard and then eat them. The sugar free ones don't get hard for a long time.

    Hope everyone has a great day!

    Tigress in GA
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Laura / Tigress -- I didn't even know they had SF Peeps! We didn't buy any Easter candy, though we looked (and passed) all the delicious-looking pastries and other goodies at the store yesterday. They even had small cakes for sale -- maybe 5" across, enough for 2.

    We ended up going to services today at our friends' church -- we have visited there a number of times in the past, so it wasn't weird to us. Anyway, they did a flower cross out in front of the church that was lovely. They also finally have a permanent pastor and that has made a great difference for them. I really enjoyed it.

    We're doing ham, salad, green beans, and strawberries and cool whip for dessert.

    Yesterday we went to Kohl's and bought a 10 1/2' umbrella and an indoor/outdoor rug for our back patio. The patio is on the west side of the house, full sun, so often too hot. We had a little bit of struggle to get the umbrella together, but got there eventually. Then I sat outside, in the shade, and enjoyed it for a bit... until the yard guy showed up! His FIL lives across the street, so it was a convenient time for him since they were all over there for Easter. (They were hoping to have done it on Friday or Saturday yet it was too wet.) While the yard guy was here I made good use of time and walked 3 miles inside the house, so over 5 miles today so far.

    Just starting to read a book called "The International Bank of Bob". Have you heard of Kiva loans - microloans that are made to individuals all over the world? His book jacket says "After making hundreds of microloans online, Bob wanted to see the results firsthand." It talks about his travels around the world, different cultures, meeting those borrowers and hearing how the loan has impacted their businesses, families, etc.

    Off to do some cooking....

    Gail, metro ATL
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,885 Member
    Happy Easter to all who celebrate. I grew up in southern California and remember my mom making my sister and I Easter dresses every year, sometimes matching or coordinating. She was always up late Saturday night finishing them. We always went to an outdoor sunrise service, then home for breakfast on the patio before we went to church. Today I sang at two services at church. Got through the Hallelujah chorus twice. It is tradition at our church to invite anyone in the congregation who wishes to join us to come up and we sing the Hallelujah chorus at the end of the service. It is great to have lots of people squished into the choir loft and sing with the organ and brass.

    Our new organist played Widor's Toccata as the postlude and got an ovation.

    Jb - Love the optimist cha-cha. :laugh:

    Carol in NC - Our assistant pastor always preaches barefoot. She says she does that because she is standing on holy ground.

    Heather - I am with you on the "earworms". Sometimes those songs just won't leave even if I try to think about another song.

    Healing angels to those who need them and congratulations to all who have avoided chocolate temptation. Sue in SD
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,799 Member
    well the good news is, i got over 15,000 steps
    the afternoon went down hill...
    went to pic up my DFIL, that went fine, got him into the house and into the recliner and my son calls me and says I am taking grandpa(my dad) to the ER.
    so I have a turkey breast in the oven and my DFIL here getting ready for dinner and guess who has to get over there pronto?
    leave instructions with the DH, and go over there for an hr..he has had a couple of bouts of vertigo..over the last month.. so they did bloodwork,gave him IV fluids ,even did an MRI, everything came back ok.. well you can go home they say, well the nurse gets him up, and he almost fell flat on his face, so back into bed he went.. my brother came over, so I scooted home,Tom had gotten most of the stuff done,but he has issues with his choking...if he swallows something wrong,, all hell can break loose, we have been to the ER for it, well he tried a piece of turkey and of course I walk in and he is choking.. he got most of it out,but he couldnt eat, and thank god I had some muscle relaxers here,once he got rid of most of it,he took one of those.. meanwhile I whipped up gravy and got my FIL plate together, he plowed right through that and had a piece of cake, Tom and I cleaned up and because Tom had taken that pill he couldnt drive, so ol Allie got my FIL in the car and back to the nursing home and settled, then raced back over to the ER. well they admitted him, and will probably spring him tomorrow..unless they have a neuroligist come see him...
    give him some anti vertigo meds.... I dont have to work un til 12:30 but I have to go up to his house and get all his natural supplements to bring over there. and if they spring him early enough, take him home..
    I know the Lord doesnt give you more than you can handle,but OY this has been a year..
    I just pray it settles down soon....
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Oh Alison! When will it end?? Sending prayers your way ... may your burdens soon lighten!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,387 Member
    My stomach still feels "bloated". Didn't do any exercise this morning. Tomorrow I'm planning to do a segment of the pilates DVD that I have, hold my plank, then take the extremepump class.

    Kris went to church with me, so did Jessica and Vince. In a sense, I was a bit disappointed, Kris kept checking his phone. But then again, I have to remember that he wasn't raised in a religious home so to him it was probably somewhat boring. But at least he went.

    Weather is a bit on the chilly side, but I think it'll warm up later.

    jb - When the kids were little, we used to go camping. Vince thought it was very restful, but for me it was twice as much work. Having to decide ahead of time what we're going to eat, be sure to take things like can opener, can't take certain foods, yup, cleaning etc. I honestly didn't look forward to it. But oh well.....Vince felt it relaxing (yea, I did most of the work)

    Sylvia - I also hate mice. I honestly don't know which I hate more.

    Carol from NC - you have no idea how relieved I am to hear that your body rejected the food on its own. You know, I'd never even HEARD of shag dancing until I moved to NC

    Made some baked chicken for later in the week. Got the recipe from skinnytaste. Jessica and Kris left and I have a load of laundry in the dryer right now. Whenever Jessica leaves, mom always has to go in the bedroom and clean up. Empty the cat's water dish, clean the bathroom floor where their litter box was, make the bed (yes, she's 30 -- but this is "home"). Should probably also vacuum now that the cats are gone.

    Allison - you have such an adventerous life! Glad things worked out

    Michele in NC
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    My parents live about 4 hours away ... I traveled alone to spend Friday and Saturday with them and then home last night to prepare for husband 's and sons' Easter.

    I really, really intended to keep it light on the chocolate this year, but failed. Baskets were overflowing! We attended sunrise service as well as brunch and second, later service since 16yo was playing the trumpet for several of the choir's traditional hymns. A trumpet fanfare always sends chills down my spine on Easter morning! It was a wonderful morning. Too much chocolate meant sugar crashes and naps for all of us this afternoon!:laugh: Dinner was a simple ham, cheesed potatoes, deviled eggs and broccoli! No dessert!!

    Vicki ... love the buried jelly beans/lollipop idea!!

    When visiting my parents, we were reminiscing about an Easter treat my mom ordered each year. Originally called fruit and nut eggs, they came in different mixtures. Weighing about a pound (although my mom thought the even came larger) ... my favorite was a walnut concoction. Hard chocolate outer shell with a softer chocolate and nut interior. Not as soft as a truffle ... you could slice it. Which I did to make it last. Does anyone remember these?? I've spoken to several candy makers who have no idea what I'm talking about.

    Obviously, today was a bust calorie wise. I'll empty the baskets into Ziploc bags and insist everyone get their candy out of my sight! I don't eat what I can't see!

    One last note ... I'll be married 30 years in August. I've made countless baskets for my husband, sons and family. Never, in all these years since I've been married have I received one .... except for today! My 16yo son insisted to his dad that they prepare one for me. My husband didn't think it would matter, but I guess son persisted. Keeping my weight loss efforts in mind, the treats were nonfood items. I can't really tell you how that touched me today! My husband ... noticing my pleasure .... later apologized for having never considered it before.

    A good day, I'd say!

    Beth in Western New York