

  • looseseal
    looseseal Posts: 216 Member
    Greetings! I've been trying to lose a dreaded 10 pounds on my own and not doing so well.... I'd really like to lose 8-10 pounds before going to visit friends in mid-June. I know this is possible if I could just get get back to healthy habits. This discussion thread seems like it's what I need to be more accountable to myself about eating healthy & exercising on a regular basis....

    My goals for the remainder of April:
    * Exercise every day (started off great today with 45 minute walk. Helps when the weather cooperates!)
    * Track my food on MFP.
    * Finish cleaning out the basement (it's almost done - doesn't need to be perfect. Just good enough so the guy working on our bathroom can actually walk through it. LOL)
    * Lose 1-2 pounds

    Hi Gretann, I"m new here too. I have similar goals to yours, except my '8-10 lbs' is 35 and my 'basement' is the whole house. Just taking things day by day.
  • looseseal
    looseseal Posts: 216 Member
    Another post on the fly---Took my son for his psychiatrist appointment this morning and they were discussing my son's recent weight gain. The doctor had already asked about sleeping and the boy child indicated that he had been having a hard time getting to sleep. The doctor then told him there was a direct correlation between not getting enough sleep and carb cravings. I had a bit of an "aha!" moment. Maybe it's not just a lack of willpower that keeps driving us to breads and sweets...

    For the past month I've been trying to get more sleep and find that the more tired I am, the less control I have over eating and that when I'm tired I usually crave carbs (the crappy kind). Also, if I'm hungry I can not sleep ... my brain just won't shut off. If I eat something carby, like pretzels, I actually feel the sleepy seep in.
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Welcome, new folks!!

    I have a cause for celebration and I wanted to share. I finally made the last payment to the doctors for my concussion last August!! And, it was $4 less than I thought the final payment would be. Woohoo!! Now, if the hospital could also be done draining blood from this turnip...

    Speaking of veggies...I went to Aldi today to get some wraps for tuna salad sandwiches this week and got two awesome looking bunches of asparagus. I am quite hooked on roasted asparagus now. Unfortunately, by the time I got home and finally got to eat, I was too tired and hungry to cook any. It is almost 9 p.m. here and I just got finished with dinner! Tomorrow is another day...Also, I plan to take one bunch with me to the beach this weekend. Yum! I am going to try to have two of my hamburger patties (that the boy child grilled for me) leftover to take with me, too. I bought some mixed color fingerling potatoes that will also travel with me. With those, along with a loaf of bread, jar of peanut butter, jar of jam, sharp cheddar, and some eggs, I will be pretty much set for food! I am very low maintenance...Oh, and I have some pears that will need to be eaten.

    I think I am off to bed shortly. Gotta go pre-pack breakfast and lunch for tomorrow.

    Have a good evening!

    Carol in perfect weather NC
  • looseseal
    looseseal Posts: 216 Member
    Hello Beautiful Ladies, Popping in to say hi. I am on the run doing errands and some appts. Wishing everyone a great Monday and the best of luck for a great week. I had a great walk this morning at my favorite walking place. The Rotary Arboretum. A very pretty, quiet and flat sidewalk kind of place. Walked 2 miles today.

    Sylvia - read your joke for the day. Did not get it. I had to Google Antartian. HaHaHa. Then I got it. Thanks for the new word for the day.

    Reba - enjoy those grandkids, calorie burning little tikes. Soon, they will be lumps on the couch, bored to tears to be anywhere. lol

    I go to my first session with the Griefshare support person. She has offered to visit with me until the next group starts in the fall.

    Be healthy & strong women,

    Kathrine from Kansas

    Is Griefshare a support group for those who have lost someone? Did you recently lose someone? I did. I'd be glad to talk to someone else in the same boat ... if you'd like. :)
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Heather – Sad to hear your DH’s nephew is having such a hard time. So amazed at the modeled GD… I can’t even imagine doing such a thing! You are Awesome!!!:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia – The stars for Richard nickname is funny – I thought you were being really really polite…never dawned on me that that was a “naughty” word. :laugh: Actually I have an uncle *ick, and that is his real name not Richard....

    Carol – enjoy the beach; wish I was coming too! :love:

    Vicki – you mention CMA occasionally and I can’t figure out what that is????:smile:

    Alison – WOW - just one thing after another… hang in sending good thoughts!

    Beth – good for your son!!! :flowerforyou: By the time I was about 14 (I’m the oldest) I figured out Mom did not get baskets or stockings or …. So we started doing it. Well a few years ago she had to have a tooth pulled (she was in her 70’s) and I drove down (45min) snuck into the house and put money under her pillow from the tooth fairy… SO funny!!!! :bigsmile:

    Tigress and Patty –Great job on being down 1 lb.

    Cindy – Great job on being down 2 lbs.

    Looseseal – Sorry to hear of last year’s losses… so difficult! As for cleaning; yes one room at a time! And I often start with a room that is the “easiest” as then I feel some accomplishment. :smile:

    Cyclingbonnie - oh my! The cell phone idea was brilliant! :smile:

    Welcome Cara

    Congrats to all who stayed away from the chocolate or controlled the amount they consumed.. that was not me:huh: I had 13 for cocktails on Easter and 10 stayed for dinner and one spent the night. No one ever brings me candy - but this year one of my guests as she was leaving said I put a little goodie on your bed for you. I thanked her and went down to see what it was. Drum roll please........ a 15 pound box of Costco Belgian chocolates... OMG! So nice of her, but!!!! So I got on my phone and found 3 friends that could each bring some into their offices... but the bad part was I got into some of it. I have no idea how much I ate between last night and this morning - but it is embarrassing!!! It is gone now, thank goodness!!! And of course that was in addition to wine, and chips and ham, turkey, rice pilaf, and salad green, salad jello with whipped cream, and pie, and ...... OMG! I didn't log it... I could not even figure out where to start!!!

    So skipped last night logging and this morning; and started up again at lunch today... The only bad thing left is a piece of peach pie, I may invite a friend over to eat it.

    But all that being said, the weather was perfect, we ate out back, everyone had a good time, the ham was excellent - I bought a Boar's Head boneless ham - they are more expensive than some, but so much lower in sodium, and I think a better flavor; The smoked turkey on the bbq was great, and everyone brought nice side dishes.

    Well not real hungry, but it is time to figure out dinner before it gets too late. I need to eat a bit so I am not raiding the fridge at 9pm...

    Smiles Kim in N. California
  • schafmom
    schafmom Posts: 106 Member
    Hi everyone. Looks like I may have found this group a bit late. My name is Debbie. I quit smoking 4 months ago and have gained 30 pounds...and I'm having a difficult time getting rid of it. Midlife, menopause and quit smoking is a tough trio to beat.
    for the last 3 weeks I've been doing the Leslie Sansone walk, 5 miles Monday Wednesday and Friday and 4 miles Tuesday Thursday and Saturday, a lot of work with hardly any results. There are days I'm ready to throw in the towel but I keep plugging.
    Looking forward to getting to know more women my age.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Well, I messed up. Tonight at the banquet there was a piece of cherry pie sitting in front of my seat at the table. They put desserts out in advance. I was really good through the dinner, eating half a chicken breast, some green salad and half a dinner roll. I told myself I would just take a taste. Mmmmm! Well, I guess I will eat half. Mmmmm. Oops, it was gone! 380 calories I did not need. At least I didn't eat the piece in front of my hubby. He doesn't like cherry pie. I wish I didn't.

    Still, I'm under my calories for the day. I was really comfortable in my black jeans. More so than I ever was in dress pants, and hubby said they looked nice. We have another banquet next week, so I took them off and will save them for that so they don't get dog hair on them.

    We walked the dogs before the banquet and again after the banquet, so that made up for a little bit of that pie.


  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    My parents always gave all of us kids a stocking for Christmas, even when we were adults with kids. But one year we figured out that Mom and Dad didn't get one. I was living in a house that had a large fireplace and big mantle. It was also in style to wear those big heavy tights for us women. So My sis and I took a pair of tights and hung them on the mantle, one side for Mom and the other for Dad. Everyone loved it and of course the tradition never stopped. We often have a guest for Christmas. When Mom lived in the retirement home making stockings was a frequent craft or a group of school kids was giving stockings for gifts. I'm talking about the decorative Christmas stockings here not stockings that go on your feet. So Mom always had extra stockings so that if we had a sudden guest for Christmas we would pull hers out and give that person a nice surprise. all three of us women also had several things around the house that we kept for such times as that and we kept wrapping paper in the stocking room and would put a few gifts in the new persons stocking.

    my 'dear' husband decided to act up tonight. Sometimes he is a bit like Allisons. He is quite insistent that supper is at 5 PM. If you remember, we go out to eat for every supper. So Monday is Hacienda night. There is NEVER any wait at 5 PM. So I see no reason to leave the house at 5. That is a new concesion that he has agreed to. We usually leave at 4:50 so we get there at 5 but Dennys and Hacienda is empty enough at 5 we don't need to leave a little early. But I don't even believe we need to leave that early. He also has a bad habit of pulling out in front of people a little to close. When I point it out to him he really gets upset and just says 'shut the f*** up'. That in itself bothers me that he talks like that. I have told him that sometimes I feel like I am invisible in his eyes. He is just opinionated and doesn't see anyone elses opinion at all. He says we have the right to that opinion but we are idiots. So I told him to just take me home. Thatmade him mad.

    So I came home and took my 35 calorie bread instead of the 140 calorie bun we had yesterday, took some of the broken up barbeque hamburger of yesterday, broke it up a little more, microwaved it, put some onions on it and had me a sloppy joe! Good eatin except that it was red meat two days in a row. And we will go to Hacienda tomorrow evening and I the only thing I can get there that is low sodium enough and fits in my calories is the wet burrito without the enchilada sauce. So that's red meat 3 days in a row.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,394 Member
    Did 10 minutes of a pilates DVD that I have then held my plank for 2 min 20 sec and took the extreme pump class. After the pilates DVD and holding my plank, I went to WalMart to get the Starburst Jelly Beans that Vince likes. I told him I would get them the day after Easter when all their candy was on sale 50% off. Fortunately, I could only find 2 bags. After the extremepump class I went to Kohl's since Jessica mentioned that I didn't have any Easter tablecloths so I got them 50% off with my 20% off coupon. Then went to Aldi, then to WalMart again. I thought I needed silken tofu, but I really didn't. I may take it back, not sure. Came home and made some more of the chocolate bran muffins and then these keylime cupcakes that I'll freeze for when a friend of Vince's is coming, I'll ice them right before he gets here. Tonight is mahjongg.

    Tomorrow I'm planning to do stepping on the AMT. I really do wish they had a stairstepper.

    Beth - happy anniversary. How nice that your son insisted you get a basket. I know that it was Jessica who suggested to Vince that he get me tickets to see TSO in concert and we've been going every year since.

    Sylvia - I'm sorry your son was late, but glad he made it! Congrats on needing those new pants. Yea for that NSV!

    Heather - down ANOTHER 14 lbs! Better watch out, you'll disappear soon

    Teresa - you go girl signing up for those tap lessons! I took tap and ballet lessons when I was little.

    Heather - we don't have a bank holiday on Easter Monday. Wish we did, tho

    looseseal - what city in PA are you in? We moved from Kennett Square. How horrible that you had all those deaths! My sincerest sympathies

    Tomorrow I'm supposed to volunteer at the Green Room

    Cyclingbonnie So sorry about MIL. Demential is strange, some of the things that'll make the patient happy are totally inexplainable.

    NC Carol - Whenever I don't get enough sleep, I ALWAYS crave carbs. Lots of times I try to just get to sleep, but not always. Congrats on making that last payment! I went to Aldi today, too and got asparagus (among other things). I got two, too! Sounds like you are taking good foods with you. I'm proud of you. How do you roast your asparagus? Do you snap yours before the "woodiness" starts? If I throw away 1/2 of the spear of asparagus, I REFUSE to pay full price (yes, on some things I can be a real cheapskate)
    patcoh - hope you're feeling better now.

    Cara - welcome and congrats on beating the cancer. I know how addicting sugar can be. One thing I've found that seems to curb my sugar cravings (and it was really bad at one point) was that I'd have something sour, like a salad with vinegar, lemon in my ice tea. Hope this helps some. Sugar and fat together is my downfall

    We had nice weather today. Unfortunately, they're calling for rain tomorrow. Wish it would stay this way for a few days in a row so that we can get the pool opened

    Kim - how sweet of you to be your mom's "toothfairy". I didn't control my chocolate on Easter. I'm OK now, but not yesterday. I'd like to have a guest like you had....lol

    Went to mahjongg tonight, I maj'd three times (twice on a closed hand).

    Michele in NC
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,779 Member
    Thanks gals for sharing your memories about the large chocolate eggs. I would love to surprise my parents next year so will check out both See's and Asher's.

    Kim ... laughed out loud that you played tooth fairy with your mom!

    Today was difficult. My 16yo plays baseball for the HS ... pitches ... and had a really bad inning ... first time pulled off the mound for poor performance. And the coach was pretty brutal with him ... no handholding at this level! Felt bad for him ... he's been struggling with health issues this year and suspect they played a part today. We don't usually encourage quitting ... but his dad suggested that he might want to consider it. This was a shock to me since dad is really into his son's success (prior to today obviously) with baseball. He's poured a lot of money into private coaching and travel leagues over the years. But son really needs to focus on his health and school. Baseball not so much.

    I was worse today with my eating than yesterday. (Said while banging head against wall). Tomorrow to the gym. I agree no sleep encourages carbs eating. See it in myself and my sons.

    Carol ... yay for paying off a large bill! That takes time and effort, I know.

    Have a good night.
    Beth in Western New York
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Just a quick fly-by tonight -- worked over 12 hours at my desk today and I'm worn out! Oatmeal for dinner since it is so late. Scanned through the posts and know there were a couple I was going to comment to, but now don't remember what it was, so I guess I'll just get the oatmeal done. Yikes....

    Gail, metro ATL
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :flowerforyou: I'm doing fine with eating (we don't celebrate Easter, so that helps) and exercise ( walking with the dogs early morning and mid afternoon) but all I could do was read the posts without writing individual responses. I didn't log food or exercise today, either.

    :flowerforyou: This morning I walked for two hours with my friend who comes over from Seattle once a month to walk and talk with me. While we were walking, Jake went out and took a test drive in the truck we looked at on the lot yesterday. He brought the truck home to see if it fit in the garage, so when I got home, the truck was in the garage so I could see that it fit.

    :flowerforyou: We have been talking (haggling, debating) about replacing our current truck for a long time. Our current truck leaks oil and the mechanic said "don't take it out of town, it might break down". I haven't wanted to spend the money but I finally got comfortable with the idea.

    :flowerforyou: The old truck is a 1998 model and the new one is 2001:flowerforyou: and beautiful.......Jake has been looking at trucks on the internet for months and considering all sorts of brands and models and checking with dealers in a 100 mile radius.

    :flowerforyou: This truck is the brand I really wanted and was being sold by a local dealer who offered us a surprisingly high trade in value on the old truck, so we now have a new truck and we're both happy about it.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • Mountainsong129
    I haven't posted on here much, because I'm still relatively new. I just was wondering if you could share the name of that book? I know that I haven't necessarily processed the many losses in my life, so they keep piling up and pulling me down. By the time anyone is in their 50's for sure they have had losses...I'd say 99%, if not all of us.

    Thanks in advance for sharing.

  • Mountainsong129
    I obviously don't have the hang of this yet; need to look for info. about how the posts work. I was referring to the book someone mentioned about grief. I thought I was replying to her post, but instead it seems to have posted to the general list.

    Also, could someone please tell me what "Bump" is? And how do some of you manage to reply to several peoples' issues?

    Questions, questions, questions!

    I'll share a bit about my day and fitness journey. The weather was glorious today, and after a long and somewhat brutal, and 90% grey winter, it brings out the joy and carefree child in all of us Syracusans! We moved into our house last August, and are on a yearlong journey of discovering what the gardens have to bring. (Of course, November to March are pretty barren months,, unless one counts the snow!) So, currently, the front yard is sprinkled liberally with daffodils, which make me feel cheery. (No small feat!) I raked and loaded many leaves off the gardens. Yes, even this counts as exercise on MFP, as well it should be! Then a walk with a friend and our dogs uphill to a water tower with an impressive view of our city and hills beyond. All of this in a sleeveless shirt, woo hoo!

    I still have a very hard time getting to the gym. Now that we finally have some nice weather days, there is no way I want to go inside to work on machines! So DH and I biked 5 miles yesterday, the walk today... Yet, I know this is not the same as lifting weights. Saving that for a rainy day. Literally!

    I have not lost weight for 2 weeks (but have not gained, either). I am not going over my calories on the days that I post. But I do think I need to work towards the goal of posting daily, if I want to figure out why no weight loss. Granted, I don't have a lot to lose, and I need the other benefits more: easing depression and anxiety, preventing osteoporosis, and providing my knees with the strengthening to help ease the discomfort of arthritis.

    I am not horribly discouraged about no weight loss, but don't want to throw the whole fitness thing out the window just because of that. I keep reminding myself of all the above benefits. Will keep reading and benefitting from what y'all share.

    Mountainsong, in sunny central New York State
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,361 Member
    Off to yoga this morning for the first time in 3 weeks! Our teacher is the mother of the young mum I want to treat to a meal so I hope to get that sorted.:love:
    I made some more flowers for the cake yesterday. :bigsmile:

    Michele - I have lost the 14 lbs since LAST summer. Since January, nothing at all, but I am more or less at goal and only want to lose a tiny bit more to give me some leeway for splurges!:happy: :laugh:

    Beth - I feel for your worrries about your son. You don't want to encourage them to quit, but it is also not good in life to keep plugging away when things are not working out. Especially for health reasons. I remember having that debate with myself overmy son's music lessons, which didn't seem to be going anywhere.

    Joyce - I would suggest he goes out to eat on his own. :bigsmile: Then you can have exactly what you want at home. All that eating out must cost a fortune! ! ! ! My DH is far too mean, even if we could be bothered to get in the car every afternoon. :noway:

    Tonight I will do something with the remains of our roast chicken.

    Off to yoga!:bigsmile: Love Heather in gloomy Hampshire UK
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Mountainsong:smile: I have quoted a few times, however I would have to be looking at it to tell you how to do it. I know there are several ladies here that know how, so I hope they will give you an answer! As for "Bump", it means "bring up my post" . Once you post on a topic, it will show up on the Community page under "My Topics" , click on My Topics and you will see all of the posts you`ve commented on, click on whichever one you want to go back to, I sometimes "Bump" on some of the recipes I see on here. When people comment on a lot of the posts, usually they either take notes, or open a word document and read and type the responses, then copy and paste. Hope that helped some:flowerforyou: !

    My dog totally embarrassed me yesterday:embarassed: . My landscaper was here and he brought his beautiful blond English Setter:love: , he is so sweet and loving, so I took Noel out to meet him, oh my, she was a B*tch:embarassed: :frown: , she was okay for a few minutes as they sniffed each other, and then she started growling and snarling and snapping, doing her best to bite him, I had to pick her up, he just looked at her like she was crazy, she is the size of his head:laugh: . I had to put her back inside where she showed her displeasure by peeing in the floor not once but twice:angry: . She will be 9 years old next month, I called her a grouchy old lady:tongue::laugh: .

    Hope everyone has a most wonderful Tuesday!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in still dark NC:yawn:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,810 Member
    well i slept alot last night, didnt get out to exercise, have to get the DH,dinner and lunch together...get my lunch together, which I wont have time to eat because the girls up front ,triple book when they know we only have 2 rooms open..they can eat at there desks but we just have to keep working..
    God knows I could miss a few meals though:wink:
    I didnt get to see my DFIL yesterday so I have to get dressed ,take the dogs for a walk and get over there before work at 9;30....
    working until 6 p.m. then all over again tomorrow...
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning my beauties

    This is a drive by post today as I'm rushing around like a headless chicken.

    Love to all!
    Amanda x
  • Deborah105
    Deborah105 Posts: 183 Member
    Marking my place. Hello everyone!
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Good Morning All,
    At work again, yesterday I really let this place get to me and I'm going to try and block it all out today. I literally have ear plugs in to block out the talikng. I guess one of the biggest problems is that mornings are my best working time, I think clearer and get so much done but everyone else seems to be slower starting and have needs to chitchat first.
    I work tonight at the Y so my exercise today will be walking breaks and lunch. My Fitbit no longer works and I'm bummed by that. I feel weird not wearing it. My sister just won one so I've asked her to sell me her old one, she hasn't said yet if she would. Since she had one she was not going to acept the prize, just have them give it to someone else so I'm hoping. She is funny about things sometimes.
    Bailey (mydd's lab is really having a hard time. She was hit by a car and broke her back. This happened 9 days ago. They were taking her back to the vet yesterday, one of her paws started swelling and looks infected. She can't control her bowels either so they are really worried. She is such a sweet dog. Their other dog, another lab is a nervous wreck over all this. She was hit by a car years ago and seems to know just what is going on.

    Welcome Cara, You can do this, and we can help. Jump right in.

    Bonnie, Dementia has to be hard to deal with, hang in there.

    Meg, tough times with your daughter right now. Maybe stepping back is all you can do until she is ready. She is probably very confused, maybe some type of counseling could help.

    Carol NC, You sound like you are prepared, great planning. I need to work on that.

    Kim N California, Wow 13 for cocktails and 10 for dinner! That’s a crowd. I had 10 for brunch and 5 children for the Easter Egg Hunt.

    Welcome Debbie, It is never too late. Congrats on quitting smoking, it is hard to do. Where are you from?

    I made and packed a really good lunch but forgot anything for breakfast. I am running down to the cafeteria to see what I can find.
    Here is wishing everyone a happy and healthy day,
    Patty, Cincinnati Ohio