

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,351 Member
    Over here offices and banks get Good Friday and Easter Monday off, which is why so many people take a holiday then. Shops are mostly open and the service industry of course, but large supermarkets are compelled by law to shut on Easter Sunday. I have always heard Americans don't get enough holiday! ! ! ! ! !

    Done my rowing to make up my exercise cals. And I've pressed out some more daisies. I've given my DGD model a little daisy to hold. Aaaaahhhhh!:laugh:

    Love to all. Heather in flowery and sunny Hampshire UK

    PS - Gloria - I adore ham and pea soup! MUCH nicer than chocolate! :laugh: :flowerforyou:
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Good Monday morning.

    Just a quick hello, :flowerforyou: I've got to get busy with things around here. Zipping through the housework, need to grocery shop, walk dogs as usual and head to work early this afternoon.

    Yesterday afternoon I took a bunch of photos in my backyard of my herb & perennial gardens. Take a look if you'd like, I posted them on my blog.


    Have a great Monday! Everyone ready to cha-cha? :laugh:

    :smile: jb in cloudy Portland
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Yikes, I forgot to say that I lost 1 lb. Happy for that but focused on doing better.
    I have many years before I can retire and I haven't done the best job of preparing for it either so not looking like I can shave any time off of the 12 yrs, barring a lottery win or prince charming taking me away. The realization of this has hit me lately and I fight sinking into a depression over it. I keep thinking it will get better, maybe menapause is just making it worse, I don't know. One of the hardest part of working here is that there are around 40 of us in this department, ranging from 65 to like 25 yrs in age. The issue is there are many who think this is jr high school, not a business where grown ups work. There is so much pettiness, running to management, this one mad at this other one, it drives me nuts. One of the worst is 65 and she sits by me so I hear all of the negativety and complants. I don't want to fall into this so I thought I'd vent here instead, get it off my chest and take a few good strong breaths. Sorry you all had to hear it but I can't talk to anyone here because I feel like that would jsut add fuel to the fire as most of these women are friends one day and talk behind your back the next day. I personally promised myself that I would never repeat what I've been told in confidence and I don't do it, but others do.
    OK, the load seems to have lifted a bit so I better get back to work.
    Thanks again for the out.
    Patty, Cincinnati Ohio
  • Cyclingbonnie
    Cyclingbonnie Posts: 413 Member
    I'm popping in and saying, sorry I haven't been here. Life is a little overwhelming right now. My MIL is in full blown dementia and the visit with GD and DIL was a little too much. So we've been having to work on keeping her calm. She was in a panic the night before last and it took me most of the night to calm her down. She didn't know who we were or where she was and thought she had run away from "us" and just shown up at this house. She kept trying to call us, but of course the phone wouldn't ring itself. I finally had her call my cell phone and leave a message. Don't know why that worked, but it allowed her to go to sleep.

    The next morning, she wanted to know how we brought her home without waking her. Life is challenging these days.
  • Debjaa
    Debjaa Posts: 10 Member
    Greetings! I've been trying to lose a dreaded 10 pounds on my own and not doing so well.... I'd really like to lose 8-10 pounds before going to visit friends in mid-June. I know this is possible if I could just get get back to healthy habits. This discussion thread seems like it's what I need to be more accountable to myself about eating healthy & exercising on a regular basis....

    My goals for the remainder of April:
    * Exercise every day (started off great today with 45 minute walk. Helps when the weather cooperates!)
    * Track my food on MFP.
    * Finish cleaning out the basement (it's almost done - doesn't need to be perfect. Just good enough so the guy working on our bathroom can actually walk through it. LOL)
    * Lose 1-2 pounds
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Another post on the fly---Took my son for his psychiatrist appointment this morning and they were discussing my son's recent weight gain. The doctor had already asked about sleeping and the boy child indicated that he had been having a hard time getting to sleep. The doctor then told him there was a direct correlation between not getting enough sleep and carb cravings. I had a bit of an "aha!" moment. Maybe it's not just a lack of willpower that keeps driving us to breads and sweets...
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Good morn,all. Did ok yesterday,100 cals under & that included a fresh strawberry triffle.Very yummy & so easy to make.

    2 small slices of ham,2 deviled eggs,asparagus & small serving of baked beans.......dessert later. Nice ppl to visit with,along with the young bunch ,ranging from 3rd grade to a Sr in high school.Weather was the best day in many a moon,not even a sweater needed,so DD & SIL had the back yard set up for our meal.Their friend & a niece both had BDs yesterday. I passed on the decorated cake,big cookie & ice cream.Usually have cookies & ice cream right here.

    Came home just as neighbors were in their yard,so we visited with them for an hr or longer.

    Just before bed time,my tummy acted up.Hardly slept at all.DH was fine & think the other ppl were too.I just have a tummy that
    likes to do it's own thing:ohwell:

    I. Have the ham bone from yesterday. Will make a big pot of bean soup this wk.We love it.DD & Grson do too,so will have them over for dinner.SIL doesn't like any beans. More for us:bigsmile:

    Heather,your decorations look great.

    Meg,hello....good to see you.

    Alison,you sure have your hands full.Your family is lucky to have you.

    Will catch up later.It's porch time.Going to be sunny & 80* today,lead me to it :yawn:
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,885 Member
    Hello to all: Lovely day here today. I have been to water exercise and am trying to catch up on things here at home. Don't work until Friday this week.

    Rori - I grew up mostly in Chino although we lived for a short time in Baldwin Park and La Puente. That whole area has changed a lot since I lived there.

    Beth - See's still makes those large Easter eggs with different fillings. We had them as kids too and I remember slicing them to make them last longer.

    Allison - It seems like you have one more thing and one more thing!!! You must really be the "steady Eddy" in your family. It seems everyone depends on you. Please remember God gave you two hands, one to take care of others and one to take care of yourself.

    Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in SD
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good afternoon ladies! I'm having trouble getting started today. We have a banquet to attend on campus tonight and it dawned on me that all my dress pants are now so big they would fall down, so I went shopping. I looked at Penneys but didn't like anything they had. I did try on a pair of 16's, but thought they were baggy in the front of the crotch area in an odd way. Considered trying a 14, but didn't have the nerve. So I wound up buying black jeans in the same brand and style as my new blue ones. Size 16. I used to think vanity sizing was stupid, but now I love it. I have a dressy top that has a tie back, so I think that will work for tonight.

    Yesterday I decided to just eat regular food and not fuss with my no salt stuff. So I ate a half slice of ham, a small serving of mashed potatoes and brown gravy (it was 30% less salt than regular and nobody noticed), two deviled eggs, and filled up on cherry tomatoes, strawberries, watermelon and carrots. So I didn't do too bad, but then I decided to have a small piece of chocolate poke cake which had as many calories as the rest of the meal combined. Oh well. I was still under on calories for the day. Since lunch was so late Wikipedia dinner and just snacked. I finished off the rest of the cherry tomatoes.

    Today my weight was back up a little, but I think it was the salt. Extra water today should help that.

    I had a small NSV yesterday. Both cars were in the garage, and hubby's was pulled over a little farther than normal, leaving only about 12 inches of walking space between the mirrors. At first I said, I can't get through that! Then I turned sideways and slipped right through! Hubby was watching and said he knew I could do it.

    Well, I'm off to the Y. Have a great day!

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Here's the joke of the day:


    Once there was an Antartian that was down on his luck. In order to get some money he decided to kidnap a kid and hold him for ransom.

    He went to the playground, grabbed a kid, took him behind a tree and told him "I've kidnapped you."

    The Antartian wrote a note saying "I've kidnapped your kid. Tomorrow morning put $10,000 in a paper bag and put it beneath the pecan tree next to the slide on the north side of the city playground. Signed, An Antartian."

    The Antartian then pinned the note to the kid's shirt and sent him home to show it to his parents.

    The next morning the Antartian checked, and sure enough a paper bag was sitting beneath that pecan tree. The Antartian opened up the bag and found the $10,000 with a note. The note said, "How could one Antartian do this to another Antartian?!"

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    We have a bank holiday over here for Easter Monday. Do you not have one in the USA?

    Heather UK

    I am in Canada, and good Friday is a statutory holiday, but Easter Monday is not. Although government offices and schools have the day off, and I am pretty sure that banks do too. I am lucky to have the day off as well. Getting a few more things done, such as paying bills and cleaning out kitchen drawers and cabinets.

    Still not feeling that well, nauseous. (Too bad it's not keeping me from eating.) Currently drinking some gingerale. That seems to help.

    Have a great day and week, lovely ladies.

    cloudy Vancouver Island, BC.
  • kathrineb57
    kathrineb57 Posts: 44 Member
    Hello Beautiful Ladies, Popping in to say hi. I am on the run doing errands and some appts. Wishing everyone a great Monday and the best of luck for a great week. I had a great walk this morning at my favorite walking place. The Rotary Arboretum. A very pretty, quiet and flat sidewalk kind of place. Walked 2 miles today.

    Sylvia - read your joke for the day. Did not get it. I had to Google Antartian. HaHaHa. Then I got it. Thanks for the new word for the day.

    Reba - enjoy those grandkids, calorie burning little tikes. Soon, they will be lumps on the couch, bored to tears to be anywhere. lol

    I go to my first session with the Griefshare support person. She has offered to visit with me until the next group starts in the fall.

    Be healthy & strong women,

    Kathrine from Kansas
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi to all my lovely friends here. We had a nice Easter at our friends’ house. I made a great asperagus dish with lemon, almonds, and prosciutto (sp?). Dave has a miniature Sicilian donkey as a pet and my dad (he of the nursing home) thinks the funniest thing in the world is to ask if I have petted “Dave’s hairy little *kitten*” recently. So yesterday I did! One of their horses came over to me and laid her head on my shoulder, cheek-to-cheek and made those little huffing noises horses do. It was so sweet.

    Well of course DD#1 is mad at me now. I told her how I felt about her ability to raise a child and that adoption would be the best course. But she views adoption as abandonment and a crime. So she’s mad. Oh well. I won’t say anything more.

    Looseseal you are new to me so welcome aboard! Hilarious joke

    Heather sorry your knees are giving you so much trouble but great news on needing new clothes!

    Yanniejannie: It’s too bad organizations like churches force these activities on kids.

    Vicki: we were both lucky that the rain held off!

    Tigress: never knew peeps would harden. I hate the little suckers! LOL. Great news on the weight loss!

    Gail: sounds like a wonderful and interesting book

    Sue: the singing sounded wonderful!

    Alison: you have had quite the year!

    Michele: speaking of cell phones…I heard a study just done on mothers who ignored their babies in order to look at their phones constantly or watch youtube videos instead of paying attention to the kids. All the possible complications of that are disheartening indeed. I think people everywhere are losing the ability to relate to humans…we know people who text each other at the dinner table.

    Beth: glad you got your Easter basket!

    Sylvia: sorry your ham was ruined waiting! DD#1 and her BF were late one time (last Thanksgiving) and I told them then…we won’t wait for you again (turns out the turkey took a bit longer to cook than anticipated so it was ok in the end). I hate it when people are late! Oh dear I don’t’ get the joke!

    Rori: sorry for your frustration! The macaroons sound great. I haven’t had a macaroon in a long time.

    CindY ;congrats on the weight loss!

    Patty I must have missed the story…how did Bailey break her back? Good job on the weight loss!

    Cycling bonnie: so sorry about mil. Many of us have had relatives with dementia, so you are in good company here. Doesn’t make the load any easier though

    Patceoh: sounds like you had a successful Easter.

    Renny: hope you are feeling better soon.

    Well I best appear to be working. I have a meeting at 3 and nothing much to do til then. Just feeling beat up right now and tired. Water aerobics tonight..that will be fun! Take care all Meg from sunny Omaha
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Meg and Kathrine - I don't make them up, I just pass them on. Some days I don't get them either. Googling Antarian didn't help much with this one.

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Good afternoon.
    Rain is suppose to be on it`s way,hope it waits tip Violet and I get back.
    Had a nice Easter.
  • cekennon
    cekennon Posts: 44 Member
    Im not even sure if I am doing this right...I have been on and off MFP not really sticking to anything but I have to. I am so over the weight and I have to be better. My daughter is on here and doing fabulous and she as all these freinds on here and groups...so here I am - need encouragement and want to give in return. My name is Cara - and Im a sugar addict - - and I am a breast cancer survivor and the sugar is terrible for me - I must change my lifestyle
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Well, the clouds cleared late am and we have SUN!!!!! Chilly, but SUN!!!! (can you tell I'm thrilled?????????)

    Welcome Cara........keep posting; let everyone get to know you.

    Meg..........I refuse to text, have no answering machine---you either catch me at home or not, and no call waiting feature----I hate when other people do that to me and won't do it to others. I just tell people that it's still 1950 at my house!

    Carol........What great info about the connection between carbs and sleep---Thanks!!!

    Tigress.........Congrats on the pound lost and the good b.s.

    Cindy............Really loved your dog story. How amazing they are!!!

    Gloria............Yes, I remember those moments when I realized I wasn't ready to leave an activity behind and dd was only too over it............bittersweet...........to bad we can't freeze the good times.......kind of like a "groundhog day" movie........

    jb...........Your herbs look amazingly healthy!!!

    Patty.........Vent away!!!

    Bonnie............Dementia..........that is a tough one, been there and I feel for you.

    Meeting tonight.
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Hi everybody; I had a quiet day today. It was welcome, as was a good night's sleep.

    Allison: thinking of you with your latest problems! :heart:
    Sylvia: I just got anti-baggy pants too. My problem is that pants that fit in the legs show too much belly. Have to wear long tops. :grumble:
    Kathrine: thanks for the idea of Googling Antartian. Got the joke then.
    Meg: sorry your daughter reacted the way she did. Hope she comes around.
    Renny: feel better soon!

    Goodnight everybody,
    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,799 Member
    well dad still at the hospital but they will spring him tomorrow, now you would figure Dr's would know what they are doing right? do you think anyone decided to check my dad's ears for a possible infection that would cause veritgo? nooooo they admit him and keep him 2 days and have PT and everyone come in ,to find out he has an ear infection:huh:
    well they have him on antibiotics and he will go home tomorrow...
    I came straight home from work and didnt go see him tonight.. I am sure he is fine and my DSIL filled me in on everything..
    I am just really tired ,gee I wonder why.. will read for a bit and go to sleep..
    I have been so stressed that I just gorged on Rice Krispie treats,:explode:
    Oh well tomorrow is another day...did drink about 80 ounces of water today though..
    will check in in the morning...
    ta ta for now
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,090 Member