

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Hello again!

    Rororosie: Congratulations on the additional 11 pounds! That's fantastic!

    Amanda: Regarding your shower and alcohol...I have hosted and been to quite a few showers for babies...I have a group of good friends whose children I have know since forever and we have hosted a baby shower for each of their first children. So much of the decision to me has to do with the time of day the shower is being held and the people who you are inviting. You certainly do NOT have to offer alcohol regardless, but I have served mimosa's (champagne & orange juice) or something similar... where people can have with or without the champagne and it is just a dash anyway. I just think it is festive and celebratory and everyone can give a toast to the new Mom and the baby(ies) to be! You are very creative, I can tell, so you will have fun coming up with something fun whether you serve alcohol or not. (You can tie little blue and pink ribbons on the flutes...I like a party too, so we could swap ideas forever!) Anyway, it sounds lovely! Have fun

    Wow...I have to go finish my chores...Have a good one! :drinker: Kackie
  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Hello ladies, just a shorty tonight. No exercises today it is a day of rest. Much appreciated too after a very busy day at work. My dog Buttons may have a food allergy, poor babe, she is going to be looking at me at 4am and saying mom the doc is a P I T A. and I don't want to swallow those nasty powdery,sticky pills and that food (if that is really) is ground up cardboard! PLEASE give me my treats and leave me be with my toy! :grumble: But I have to swallow a pill of dilligence to make my babe healthy again.:sad:

    Time for bed, shutting the power down captain's; I'll call again tormorrow, have a great Thursday, don't trip over any "I DON'T KNOW"'s (meaning don't get stressed out on the little things):noway:

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    My first Shih tzu, the late Dreyfus, and Mai Li, my Lhasa, both have food allergies. When I got Mai Li, I already knew this, but in Dreyfus's case, we had to figure it out. I was fortunate that circumstances resulted in a switch of vets and the new one told me. "We could spend a lot of money treating symptoms and testing for allergens, or you can put Dreyfus on a limited ingredient diet, one without corn, wheat, rice or lamb in it. If his itching stops, then we know we are on the right track."

    There are some prescription diets available, which are generally on the expensive side, but there is a perfectly good limited ingredient food, made in the USA, that I have been using for about 7 years. It is made by Natural Balance. I use the duck and potato flavor, but they also have salmon and sweet potato as another flavor for the allergy prone. I purchase this brand at Petco. The ones I mentioned are a kibble, but they also make duck and potato as a canned food. My Lhasa is a picky eater, but she likes this food, in particular the duck and potato.

    Long before you were on this thread, we had a discussion about foods that cause dogs allergy problems. Corn is one of the worst, and guess what is used in many commercial grocery store dog foods? Why CORN, of course!!:noway: :grumble: Wheat, and wheat gluten is not far behind. The vet I mentioned previously told me that since lamb and rice had become common ingredients in dog food, they had triggered a lot of allergy symptoms.

    A diet change resulted in Dreyfus no longer having chronic ear infections, due to yeast, a common sign of allergies. In Mai Li's case, I had the same results, except that recently, she started sampling a food that I was giving Bradley, my Yorkie, who needed to gain some weight. I didn't realize it had CORN in it until Mai Li ended up with a yeast/ear infection, so to simplify my life, I changed him to a different food.

    If this info helps you get your baby off a bunch of meds and helps her look forward to chow time again, then I have done well. Good luck.

    BTW, I baked some fresh coho salmon fillet tonight, and since my dinner was so tasty, here is what I did.

    I put the fillet on my little broiler pan rack, after spraying the pan and rack with cooking spray. I sprayed a little butter spray on the fillet and sprinkled dill weed on it, and then spooned some chopped garlic over everything. This was about an 8 oz fillet, and I baked it in a pre-heated 400 degree oven, checking at 12 minutes, shutting off the heat and leaving it in the oven for about another 10 minutes while I was preparing the rest of my meal.

    I placed a little water in the bottom of a small casserole dish, and placed 1/2 of a butternut squash, cut lengthwise, cut side down in the dish and covered it. I cooked it on high for 4:30 in 1100 watt microwave. Then I removed it, sprayed a little of the butter spray on it, and sprinkled a scant tablespoon of light brown sugar, and placed it back in the microwave, covered for another 4 minutes.

    I had 1/2 my salmon fillet, 1/2 of the cooked squash, and 1/2 a cup of brown rice. It was YUMMY!!!:heart::drinker:

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Morning ladies!

    This is just a fly-by posting as I've got to dash out shortly.

    Thanks for the advice re alcohol at the shower. I think I'm going to get a few bottles of wine and just see if it's needed on the day.

    Well, I'm down another pound, so I'm just that little bit closer to seeing 100 pounds gone on my ticker. Today I'm having a swimming lesson and I'm also going for a walk with my son to catch up on what he got up to in Marrakesh. We have a route planned which is just a little over five miles. As he is well over a foot taller than me, he has very long legs so my little gams will be almost running to keep up with him! Should burn a few calories.

    If I don't drown at my swimming class, I'll try to drop by again later.

    Have a good and health filled day everyone.

    Amanda x
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good Morning ladies,
    Well I have had my breakfast, 1 can of chicken broth -15 cal., 1 cup hot tea,-0 cal, 2 sugar free popsicles- 30 cal. I will never make 1200 caloires today. I am starving. made mistake of taking my vitamins and got so nauseated. Better now. I am doing my cleanse for my colonoscopy tomorrow. I will make it but not much exercise. I already feel weak and if I go to gym I am afraid I will pass out. I have been doing so good all week and plan to do great after test. Hopefully weigh in on Monday will show some results to keep me motivated. I will have to find something to keep me busy after bringing rhea to school. watching tv is not an option since every commercial is about food. I hope you all have a great day. I will be posting later.
    vicki M
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Good morning ladies.:happy:
    My weight has remained the same after the weekend away,:bigsmile: so I guess choosing healthy and walking up and down stairs helped. :laugh:
    Barb that meal sounds delicious!:tongue::tongue:
    Amanda , you're doing so well! :flowerforyou: Almost 100 pounds! Wow!!:flowerforyou: Congratulations. And OBTW as far as Baby showers....and I have been to and planned many. .....the only alcohol we have ever had, is perhaps a punch with some alcohol or like Kacky said ...mimosas (not sure if I spelt that right:blushing: ). But for the most part we (they) usually serve coffee, soda, juice and bottled water! Good luck!
    Vicky, I always have a big breakfast BECAUSE OF all the vitamins etc I take. An if you don't feel you can stay within your calories....you can still choose healthy and at least you'll feel accomplished about that!:wink:
    Also, I sent Mimi a message and haven't heard anything.:ohwell: I pray that she...and everyone else we haven't heard from....are doing okay!!! WE MISS YOU ALL!!!!:smooched:

    Have a great day!!!
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Good Morning ladies,
    Well I have had my breakfast, 1 can of chicken broth -15 cal., 1 cup hot tea,-0 cal, 2 sugar free popsicles- 30 cal. I will never make 1200 caloires today. I am starving. made mistake of taking my vitamins and got so nauseated. Better now. I am doing my cleanse for my colonoscopy tomorrow. I will make it but not much exercise. I already feel weak and if I go to gym I am afraid I will pass out...
    Vicki M

    I'd say this is a good time to skip on going to the gym. IF you feel like you just HAVE to exercise try some hand weights while you sit down or something like that. Maybe you could watch some DVDs. Then you wouldn't have to deal with all those food commercials.

    I've been really targeting my mid section with exercise and avoiding simple carbs but for some reason I have gained back the 2 pounds I lost even though my belly feels and looks firmer. I'm determined to drop a size by the end of the month! Maybe I need to boost my water intake... :drinker:
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Good Thursday Morning:flowerforyou:

    Not much time again, so just stopping in to say HI:heart:

    Barb- your dinner sounded wonderful:drinker: I'm a big fish eater and salmon is one of my favorites, which is a good thing because most resturants serve it and you can get it grilled:wink:

    VickiM- since you are doing your cleanse for your colonoscopy (sp?) tomorrow you probably won't be getting in enough calories to stick around as they will / should all be flushed out of you for your test tomorrow:wink: As for what to do...watching TV ...you probably will be getting up and running to the restroom most of the time and will be missing a lot of what you are watching..I'd try a DVD that you can pause for all your "breaks" that you will need.

    BirdieM- good for you on maintaining after your weekend...I'm still not sure I have the hang of maintaining...this week I have lost another pound but since my weigh in is on Saturday I won't be counting it just yet...maybe we will eat out Friday night and it won't be an issue:wink:

    SuzyQ-:drinker: here's to drinking more water:drinker: I know that when I'm home I have a harder time getting all my drinking in and if I have a glass of water that I take with me throughout the house I do better.

    Amanda- enjoy your swim and your walk with your son...sounds like you have your exercise for the day well planned:flowerforyou:

    Welcome to those that are returning and for those that are new:flowerforyou:

    Everyone have a good day, drink, drink, drink:drinker: your water, log in that food and throw in some exercise for a well rounded day.

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Good morning ladies,

    I am having a good week. really healthy lots of protein and vegies, a minimum of 16 glasses of water and lots of exercise. I feel really good and the scale is moving back toward my ticker weight. I should be honest by tomorrow. :tongue:

    I am frustrated that my treadmill will set me back about $500 to fix it. I really can't afford that so I guess I will continue to run in 15 minute segments and add some more outside stuff and maybe more cardio videos until I can fix it.

    . Last night we found out the my DH's brother's MIL has lymphoma in her lungs. she probably doesn't have long. any thoughts and prayers you can spare would be greatly appreciated. Since DH is a cancer survivor the news hit him hard. He really gets very emotional when someone else has to go thru it. I am proud of myself tho, even with the emotional evening I didn't go for the drink I wanted. I just toughed it out. That is a big step for me.

    You are all doing so well. I thank you all everyday for being a part of my life. Have an awesome day.
  • Memah
    Memah Posts: 129
    I would like to join. I feel that I might be the oldest person on this whole MFP site at 65. But if I am I don't even care because I don't feel what that number sounds like. I have lost between 10 and 11 pounds since September 7, and am working to make October even more productive in terms of weight lost.

    I am still struggling with, yes, eating enough to get to 1200 calories per day without overeating so my scale wags its finger at me. I go to the gym M-F, ride my recumbent bike at home on the weekends for at least 30 minutes each day, eat veggies and fruit, try to limit portions and do everything right. Finding the right balance is still difficult.

    And although I like drinking water, for some reason I can usually only get six or seven glasses in per day.

    So it will be good to be part of a 50+ group where we can encourage each other.

    Thank you for starting this thread.

    Have a happy, energetic and successful day, everyone.
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Thanks for all of your great comments. I actually felt great after bringing rhea to school and decided to try the gym. I actually had a great workout. I came home and had vegetable broth and some frozen lemonade. Not as hungry or weak as I thought I would be. I havent started to elemination part yet so I am sure I will be weaker after that. I feel my energy is returning. I think maybe I need to find my trigger foods and stay away from those. If any of you have any ideas about how to determine this please let me know. Have a good day ladies.
    Vicki M
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good afternoon ladies, I know I have been AOL for quite awhile.:huh: Things here have been crazy with MIL, husband and grandbaby health issues, work stress and now my health issues. Just a little FYI, I was at work Tuesday morning feeling great. As per my usual routine I started up the stairs to get my keys and felt a sensation of a fist under the left shoulder blade. (I have had this feeling before so I just ignored it) When I reached the 2nd floor and opened the door it felt like one of those horror movies when the demon reaches in through your back and rips out your heart. It only lasted for a few seconds, but it was enough to make me say "something’s wrong" and almost go to the floor. Thank God for the GNA's (who caught me and got a wheel chair), CMA, and nurse on duty who took my blood pressure which they said was high (something over 100, I can't remember) the fist feeling under the shoulder blade was still there but not as painful. My husband took me to the emergency room where they gave me Nitro's, Baby Asprine and Tylenol. They then ran the usual gamut of test and decided to do a Cardiac Catheterization. They found I have a 20% blockage and prescribed Lipitor and Baby Aspirin every day. Sent me home to take it easy for a few days, can't lift anything over 10lbs for five days and no driving or stairs. I follow up with the Cardiologist in November. They still don't know why my blood pressure shot up. I am going stir crazy, can't get comfortable, sitting, laying, watching tv, knowing I got a whole lot of work waiting for me on Monday, but worse of all I haven't seen my grandbabies in 5 days. With this health scare I am hoping to get back on track as soon as the doctor releases me to start exercising again. Going back to bed now. Love hugs and prayers for all of MFP family, Rose
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Robin, I think, you’re doing great!:flowerforyou: You have many challenges that you approach with great strength, endurance and prudence. :wink: I’m sorry for the BIL and how that must affect you both. You have my prayers.:heart:

    Mamah, welcome! :flowerforyou: I’m not far behind you at 62 years old, and, like you, I feel much younger! :laugh: My doctor told me recently that I am healthier NOW than I was 7 years ago....so YOU GO GIRL! :wink:

    Rose, sorry to hear about your episode on the stairs! :noway: Yikes...that’s scary. So glad people were there to assist you! It IS frustrating being home and not being able to do anything.:grumble: Like you....there’s always things piling up at work, that I know will be there waiting for me. :ohwell: This is where the serenity prayer comes in “God, grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can......and the Wisdom to know the difference.” Take care:flowerforyou:

  • vikkij12
    Good morning every one
    Just been out for a swim and really enjoyed it. Had a good week both in my eating and in my exercise and it showed on the scales. When I went to the nutritianlist on Tuesday she was impressed!!! well astounded was probably more the reaction. Last fortnight I had actually gone up 200 grams over a 2 week period which I felt was wrong because my scales all that week had been showing over 1kg loss.
    Anyway this fortnight on her scales it was a 2.6 loss which was much more in line with what it should have been in the first place.

    Rose sorry to hear about your episode, my husband had a stent put in 4 years ago and what a difference it made.

    Bette get to work
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Sorry to hear about your scare. Hope you are feeling better soon.

    I can imagine how upsetting the news about your DH's family member must be. I went through the rapid deterioration of my late FIL in 1997 from lung cancer, and it was an emotional roller coaster for my (then) husband and his whole family. WTG on resisting the impulse to medicate yourself with alcohol.

    I am moving more slowly than usual today. I was off to a good start, sorting through all the under clothing that is too big, and putting only items back in the drawer that actually FIT. Just as I was finishing, I went to take a step back and tripped over something on the floor behind me and lost my balance. Since I couldn't catch hold of anything, I fell on my behind. No real damage done, but I am feeling a little unsettled.

    I hadn't had any trouble lately with the balance issues that had plagued me earlier in the year after my head injury. I keep playing the "what if" game. As in "what if" I had hurt myself and needed help? I am beginning to understand why people get those "help I have fallen and I can't get up" buttons that are advertised on tv.

    At least I didn't hit my head---that is the last thing I need right now!!

    I hope everyone is doing well, and I WISH, Mimi would let us know she is okay!!!

    Have a good day, all. I have decided to make some marinara for dinner, so I am going to the freezer in search of some meat to put in it.

  • mynyddisamrs
    :flowerforyou: Good evening everyone......

    :ohwell: I know I've been a stranger lately but I have been thinking of you all ....honest!. I've quickly dipped in the posts but not kept up with my logging or posting .... :huh: smacked wrists!!
    No real reason either ...loss of momentum maybe?
    My mum has been quite poorly this past month. It's very hard to see her not eat or drink much but....fingers crossed she's rallying round now.Weetabix is the new breakfast with banana ...woofed down this morning!!
    And...I've found something that keeps me occupied and stops me eating in the evenings when DH is working.!!....apart from logging in here and posting that is!!!
    ......playing Scrabble on Facebook!! :grumble: I do have a bone to pick ( a slimming one of course!) ....with their dictionary though as some words are deemed invalid and I know they're not. Quorn being one!!!

    :drinker: So folks ...I'll try and keep up in future.
    Take care
    :heart: Jackie
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good evening ladies,
    I may just survive this day. Very hungry. Already started taking the drink thing. I will make it. I will make it. LOL
    Barb I hope you dont have trouble with your balance again. That is not fun.
    Rose Hope you are feeling better. Take care of yourself even if it is hard to do nothing. Those grandbabies need you.
    Jackie hope your mom is better.
    Vikki good work on the weight loss. Keep it up.
    i need to break down and get a nutrionist and a trainer. That is my dream.
    Sorry but need to make a trip down the hall. Talk to you ladies later.
  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Hello everyone, just marking my spot, busy day nothing planned done.

    :smile: BARB thanks for the information, Buttons is on a strict no allergen diet, filled with protein reduced chicken, with all kinds of vitamins and other chemicals that would take me all night just to type. My sis's dog Sam (big black lab) is on a fish and potato diet because of his trouble digesting protein. Buttons will have some fish and sweet potato once we "clean her system" with this food, and pills. The one set of pills are to help with the allergy from the outdoors, and the other is an antibiotic to help her skin, she has itched and bitten herself to raw patches, so this will help keep any infections at bay. I will be picking up a special shampoo that will help her skin heal. I'm going to be busy this weekend making some "food pill balls" from the tin food she has, she can not have the pill pockets. I have been giving her the dry food on the rug just as we would lay treats down. She will eat them that way. So she has the required amount, without her thinking it is her meal.:happy:

    Hope everyone had a good day, I'll be back tomorrow... luv to all

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,392 Member
    Thank you, everyone, for your good thoughts about my Sadie "situation". I know in my heart (and it WAS in his eyes) that no matter how much it hurt me, it was the right thing. I truly believe from the look in Sadie's eyes it was as if he was saying "it's OK, don't cry."

    vince and I went to the Humane Society today to cat cuddle. there are just so many kittens in need of loving!

    Did 1 hr of speed intervals on the Stairmaster today. Tomorrow I'm thinking of taking the extreme pump class.

    Tomorrow night I'm having some people (about 11) here. We're going to have pizza and I'll make some garlic bread. I've asked people to bring either a dessert or a munchie. It seems that most people are going to be bringing a dessert so I've raided my pantry to come up with some munchies. After the pizza we'll play RummiCube (never played that) and Taboo (another one I've never played). The reason I'm doing it tomorrow is because the gal (the one who wanted the lunch cruise) is away. I know she has problems with the stairs, she can't go down them. Really, her weight has a lot to do with it, but the food she eats! I know I've told you all about it. Now I just gotta make sure I have everything ready.

    Tomorrow a.m. I'll take the pump class, then go to the hairdressers to buy this hairspray that I like. It doesn't make your hair real sticky and hard. I may stop at one food store that has triple coupons again, then come home. The guys go out for lunch and some of the ladies also do. I think I'm going to skip it tomorrow. For one thing, this way I can monitor my food during the day (eat more veggies) to save some calories for the pizza.

    Have a great evening everyone!

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Evenin' All,

    My marinara turned out well, had it with a little ground beef, and a 1 oz serving of whole wheat pasta--just right. I grated a Laughing Cow Babybel light cheese round on the top of it, as I don't have any Parmesan in the house right now.

    Michelle, and anyone else who prefers hairspray that isn't stiff but still holds....I have had good results with the Dove Brand "Flexible
    Hold," does the trick and doesn't have an obnoxious scent either.

    Well, I am being "paged" by Mai Li, who is out on the patio, refusing to come through the doggy door unless I get up and open it.:ohwell:

